1,054 research outputs found

    Survey on Image Reconstruction Techniques Using Multi-Focus Images

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    ABSTRACT: Image reconstruction using multi-focus images is very novel approach used in many applications. The different methods of image reconstruction by using multiple differently focused images on FPGA are described in detail in this paper. The effective method for FPGA implementation can be determined from this survey. From the comparison of survey papers the method of spatial frequency analysis based on three dimensional FFT is expensive. So the efficient method of image reconstruction can be designed with the help of dimension reduction and two dimensional FFT which is better in cost and quality. The Block-RAMs on FPGA limits the image size. So the problem of sizing of images is overcome by FPGA-based image reconstruction system by using an onboard DDR SDRAM. So the image reconstruction system based on Xilinx FPGA can be efficiently designed

    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection

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    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection book reflects a selection of recent developments within the area of vision sensors and edge detection. There are two sections in this book. The first section presents vision sensors with applications to panoramic vision sensors, wireless vision sensors, and automated vision sensor inspection, and the second one shows image processing techniques, such as, image measurements, image transformations, filtering, and parallel computing

    A high speed Tri-Vision system for automotive applications

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    Purpose: Cameras are excellent ways of non-invasively monitoring the interior and exterior of vehicles. In particular, high speed stereovision and multivision systems are important for transport applications such as driver eye tracking or collision avoidance. This paper addresses the synchronisation problem which arises when multivision camera systems are used to capture the high speed motion common in such applications. Methods: An experimental, high-speed tri-vision camera system intended for real-time driver eye-blink and saccade measurement was designed, developed, implemented and tested using prototype, ultra-high dynamic range, automotive-grade image sensors specifically developed by E2V (formerly Atmel) Grenoble SA as part of the European FP6 project – sensation (advanced sensor development for attention stress, vigilance and sleep/wakefulness monitoring). Results : The developed system can sustain frame rates of 59.8 Hz at the full stereovision resolution of 1280 × 480 but this can reach 750 Hz when a 10 k pixel Region of Interest (ROI) is used, with a maximum global shutter speed of 1/48000 s and a shutter efficiency of 99.7%. The data can be reliably transmitted uncompressed over standard copper Camera-Link® cables over 5 metres. The synchronisation error between the left and right stereo images is less than 100 ps and this has been verified both electrically and optically. Synchronisation is automatically established at boot-up and maintained during resolution changes. A third camera in the set can be configured independently. The dynamic range of the 10bit sensors exceeds 123 dB with a spectral sensitivity extending well into the infra-red range. Conclusion: The system was subjected to a comprehensive testing protocol, which confirms that the salient requirements for the driver monitoring application are adequately met and in some respects, exceeded. The synchronisation technique presented may also benefit several other automotive stereovision applications including near and far-field obstacle detection and collision avoidance, road condition monitoring and others.Partially funded by the EU FP6 through the IST-507231 SENSATION project.peer-reviewe

    Real-Time High-Resolution Multiple-Camera Depth Map Estimation Hardware and Its Applications

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    Depth information is used in a variety of 3D based signal processing applications such as autonomous navigation of robots and driving systems, object detection and tracking, computer games, 3D television, and free view-point synthesis. These applications require high accuracy and speed performances for depth estimation. Depth maps can be generated using disparity estimation methods, which are obtained from stereo matching between multiple images. The computational complexity of disparity estimation algorithms and the need of large size and bandwidth for the external and internal memory make the real-time processing of disparity estimation challenging, especially for high resolution images. This thesis proposes a high-resolution high-quality multiple-camera depth map estimation hardware. The proposed hardware is verified in real-time with a complete system from the initial image capture to the display and applications. The details of the complete system are presented. The proposed binocular and trinocular adaptive window size disparity estimation algorithms are carefully designed to be suitable to real-time hardware implementation by allowing efficient parallel and local processing while providing high-quality results. The proposed binocular and trinocular disparity estimation hardware implementations can process 55 frames per second on a Virtex-7 FPGA at a 1024 x 768 XGA video resolution for a 128 pixel disparity range. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware provides best quality compared to existing real-time high-resolution disparity estimation hardware implementations. A novel compressed-look up table based rectification algorithm and its real-time hardware implementation are presented. The low-complexity decompression process of the rectification hardware utilizes a negligible amount of LUT and DFF resources of the FPGA while it does not require the existence of external memory. The first real-time high-resolution free viewpoint synthesis hardware utilizing three-camera disparity estimation is presented. The proposed hardware generates high-quality free viewpoint video in real-time for any horizontally aligned arbitrary camera positioned between the leftmost and rightmost physical cameras. The full embedded system of the depth estimation is explained. The presented embedded system transfers disparity results together with synchronized RGB pixels to the PC for application development. Several real-time applications are developed on a PC using the obtained RGB+D results. The implemented depth estimation based real-time software applications are: depth based image thresholding, speed and distance measurement, head-hands-shoulders tracking, virtual mouse using hand tracking and face tracking integrated with free viewpoint synthesis. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware is implemented in an ASIC. The ASIC implementation of disparity estimation imposes additional constraints with respect to the FPGA implementation. These restrictions, their implemented efficient solutions and the ASIC implementation results are presented. In addition, a very high-resolution (82.3 MP) 360°x90° omnidirectional multiple camera system is proposed. The hemispherical camera system is able to view the target locations close to horizontal plane with more than two cameras. Therefore, it can be used in high-resolution 360° depth map estimation and its applications in the future

    Towards High-Frequency Tracking and Fast Edge-Aware Optimization

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    This dissertation advances the state of the art for AR/VR tracking systems by increasing the tracking frequency by orders of magnitude and proposes an efficient algorithm for the problem of edge-aware optimization. AR/VR is a natural way of interacting with computers, where the physical and digital worlds coexist. We are on the cusp of a radical change in how humans perform and interact with computing. Humans are sensitive to small misalignments between the real and the virtual world, and tracking at kilo-Hertz frequencies becomes essential. Current vision-based systems fall short, as their tracking frequency is implicitly limited by the frame-rate of the camera. This thesis presents a prototype system which can track at orders of magnitude higher than the state-of-the-art methods using multiple commodity cameras. The proposed system exploits characteristics of the camera traditionally considered as flaws, namely rolling shutter and radial distortion. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the method for various degrees of motion. Furthermore, edge-aware optimization is an indispensable tool in the computer vision arsenal for accurate filtering of depth-data and image-based rendering, which is increasingly being used for content creation and geometry processing for AR/VR. As applications increasingly demand higher resolution and speed, there exists a need to develop methods that scale accordingly. This dissertation proposes such an edge-aware optimization framework which is efficient, accurate, and algorithmically scales well, all of which are much desirable traits not found jointly in the state of the art. The experiments show the effectiveness of the framework in a multitude of computer vision tasks such as computational photography and stereo.Comment: PhD thesi

    Omnidirectional Light Field Analysis and Reconstruction

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    Digital photography exists since 1975, when Steven Sasson attempted to build the first digital camera. Since then the concept of digital camera did not evolve much: an optical lens concentrates light rays onto a focal plane where a planar photosensitive array transforms the light intensity into an electric signal. During the last decade a new way of conceiving digital photography emerged: a photography is the acquisition of the entire light ray field in a confined region of space. The main implication of this new concept is that a digital camera does not acquire a 2-D signal anymore, but a 5-D signal in general. Acquiring an image becomes more demanding in terms of memory and processing power; at the same time, it offers the users a new set of possibilities, like choosing dynamically the focal plane and the depth of field of the final digital photo. In this thesis we develop a complete mathematical framework to acquire and then reconstruct the omnidirectional light field around an observer. We also propose the design of a digital light field camera system, which is composed by several pinhole cameras distributed around a sphere. The choice is not casual, as we take inspiration from something already seen in nature: the compound eyes of common terrestrial and flying insects like the house fly. In the first part of the thesis we analyze the optimal sampling conditions that permit an efficient discrete representation of the continuous light field. In other words, we will give an answer to the question: how many cameras and what resolution are needed to have a good representation of the 4-D light field? Since we are dealing with an omnidirectional light field we use a spherical parametrization. The results of our analysis is that we need an irregular (i.e., not rectangular) sampling scheme to represent efficiently the light field. Then, to store the samples we use a graph structure, where each node represents a light ray and the edges encode the topology of the light field. When compared to other existing approaches our scheme has the favorable property of having a number of samples that scales smoothly for a given output resolution. The next step after the acquisition of the light field is to reconstruct a digital picture, which can be seen as a 2-D slice of the 4-D acquired light field. We interpret the reconstruction as a regularized inverse problem defined on the light field graph and obtain a solution based on a diffusion process. The proposed scheme has three main advantages when compared to the classic linear interpolation: it is robust to noise, it is computationally efficient and can be implemented in a distributed fashion. In the second part of the thesis we investigate the problem of extracting geometric information about the scene in the form of a depth map. We show that the depth information is encoded inside the light field derivatives and set up a TV-regularized inverse problem, which efficiently calculates a dense depth map of the scene while respecting the discontinuities at the boundaries of objects. The extracted depth map is used to remove visual and geometrical artifacts from the reconstruction when the light field is under-sampled. In other words, it can be used to help the reconstruction process in challenging situations. Furthermore, when the light field camera is moving temporally, we show how the depth map can be used to estimate the motion parameters between two consecutive acquisitions with a simple and effective algorithm, which does not require the computation nor the matching of features and performs only simple arithmetic operations directly in the pixel space. In the last part of the thesis, we introduce a novel omnidirectional light field camera that we call Panoptic. We obtain it by layering miniature CMOS imagers onto an hemispherical surface, which are then connected to a network of FPGAs. We show that the proposed mathematical framework is well suited to be embedded in hardware by demonstrating a real time reconstruction of an omnidirectional video stream at 25 frames per second

    Bio-Inspired Multi-Spectral Imaging Sensors and Algorithms for Image Guided Surgery

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    Image guided surgery (IGS) utilizes emerging imaging technologies to provide additional structural and functional information to the physician in clinical settings. This additional visual information can help physicians delineate cancerous tissue during resection as well as avoid damage to near-by healthy tissue. Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging (700 nm to 900 nm wavelengths) is a promising imaging modality for IGS, namely for the following reasons: First, tissue absorption and scattering in the NIR window is very low, which allows for deeper imaging and localization of tumor tissue in the range of several millimeters to a centimeter depending on the tissue surrounding the tumor. Second, spontaneous tissue fluorescence emission is minimal in the NIR region, allowing for high signal-to-background ratio imaging compared to visible spectrum fluorescence imaging. Third, decoupling the fluorescence signal from the visible spectrum allows for optimization of NIR fluorescence while attaining high quality color images. Fourth, there are two FDA approved fluorescent dyes in the NIR region—namely methylene blue (MB) and indocyanine green—which can help to identify tumor tissue due to passive accumulation in human subjects. The aforementioned advantages have led to the development of NIR fluorescence imaging systems for a variety of clinical applications, such as sentinel lymph node imaging, angiography, and tumor margin assessment. With these technological advances, secondary surgeries due to positive tumor margins or damage to healthy organs can be largely mitigated, reducing the emotional and financial toll on the patient. Currently, several NIR fluorescence imaging systems (NFIS) are available commercially or are undergoing clinical trials, such as FLARE, SPY, PDE, Fluobeam, and others. These systems capture multi-spectral images using complex optical equipment and are combined with real-time image processing to present an augmented view to the surgeon. The information is presented on a standard monitor above the operating bed, which requires the physician to stop the surgical procedure and look up at the monitor. The break in the surgical flow sometimes outweighs the benefits of fluorescence based IGS, especially in time-critical surgical situations. Furthermore, these instruments tend to be very bulky and have a large foot print, which significantly complicates their adoption in an already crowded operating room. In this document, I present the development of a compact and wearable goggle system capable of real-time sensing of both NIR fluorescence and color information. The imaging system is inspired by the ommatidia of the monarch butterfly, in which pixelated spectral filters are integrated with light sensitive elements. The pixelated spectral filters are fabricated via a carefully optimized nanofabrication procedure and integrated with a CMOS imaging array. The entire imaging system has been optimized for high signal-to-background fluorescence imaging using an analytical approach, and the efficacy of the system has been experimentally verified. The bio-inspired spectral imaging sensor is integrated with an FPGA for compact and real-time signal processing and a wearable goggle for easy integration in the operating room. The complete imaging system is undergoing clinical trials at Washington University in the St. Louis Medical School for imaging sentinel lymph nodes in both breast cancer patients and melanoma patients
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