1,261 research outputs found

    An Extensive reading of A Study in Scarlet

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    This thesis presents a mixed-method based on two lesson plans that introduces reading strategies for students to experience mastery through reading English fictional literature. One class in middle school participated in the study, and they completed the lessons where they had the opportunity to read A Study in Scarlet through different text expressions. During the reading, the students were given different tasks to accompany the reading, as well as opening up for peer and class discussions. After completing the lessons, the students were asked two write a reflection note where they reflected upon their feelings towards the lessons and improvements that could be made. The goal was to examine whether the students experienced mastery through facilitation when reading in English, as well as giving them reading strategies that would inspire their desire to read outside the classroom. The research aims to find strategies that teachers can use when facilitating reading for everyone in the class, as this element is essential within teaching in Norway. The findings are measured against previous research on extensive reading, motivation, facilitation, and reading in the L2 classroom. The study and its findings can hopefully contribute to a wider understanding of the factors that motivate middle school students to read in L2 English

    Detecting the Art of A Study in Scarlet

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    A Translation Analysis Of Unit Shift In A Study In Scarlet Sherlock Holmes Novel And Its Translation

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    This research focused on the translation analysis of unit shift in A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes. The objective of this research are (1) to classify the types of unit shifts found in novel A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes and (2) to describe the equivalent of unit shift in the novel A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes and its translation. The limitation of this research is on word, phrase, clause, sentences and their translation consisting of Unit shift. This research describes about unit shifts based on Catford’s theory shifts in translation. The method of this research is qualitative-descriptive method. The data are sentences containing unit shift and the data source is a novel entitled A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes and its translation. The writer uses the documentation technique to collect the data. Afterward, to evidence the validity of data, the writer uses the triangulation where the data sources are from the novel and informant. The result of this research shows that there are 8 types of unit shift which occurs from (1) word translated into phrase occurs in 230 data or 67,45%, (2) phrase translated into word occurs in 79 data or 23,17% , (3) phrase translated into sentence occurs in 2 data or 0,59%, (4) clause translated into word occurs in 2 data or 0,59%, (5) clause translated into phrase occurs in 6 data or 1,76%, (6) sentence translated into word occurs in 2 data or 0,59%, (7) sentence translated into phrase occurs in 18 data or 5,28%, (8) sentence translated into clause occurs in 2 data or 0,59%. The equivalent of unit shift translation is divided into two, namely; equivalent translation and non equivalent translation. The equivalent translation occurs in 341 data or 100% of data and none of them included non equivalent translation. Keywords: translation, unit shift, equivalenc

    Speech Act of Directive Utterances in Sherlock Holmes “Scarlet”

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    SUMMARY Anthien Bhinthamie, A320110036. "Speech Act of Directive Utterances in Sherlock Holmes “Scarlet”". Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Research Paper. 2015. The objective of the research is to describe forms and intention of directive utterance. The data source is Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet novel. The object to be analyzed are speech act of directive utterances in Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet novel. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The writer uses documentation as the method of collecting the data in this research. The method of documentation are reading the novel, signing the directive utterance, and gathering the data. The result of the research shows that: First, the writer finds three kinds of directive form, they are: declarative sentence, imperative sentence, and interrogative sentence. The imperative sentences are divided into two categories: imperative sentence ended by exclamatory mark and ended by full stop. Second, the roles of directive utterance are classified into four types: command, requesting, suggestion, and invitation. Keywords: directive utterance, pragmatic, speech ac

    Dirty London: How Victorian Filth Formed the Urban Detective

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    This capstone focuses on the prevalence of physical dirt and moral corruption in Victorian London. By examining the methods of the Victorian detective, this work illuminates the connection between moral and physical filth. Works examined Include A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

    An Analysis of Sociopathic Attributes of Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet

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    Sherlock Holmes is a prominent fictional character in detective fiction that has inspired many literary works. However, there are debates nowadays concerning whether or not Holmes is categorized as a sociopath, and the present study was done to find the answer. The present study aims to investigate the extent to which sociopathic characteristics are attributed to Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet (2013). The data used in the study comes mainly from the narration of Dr. Watson concerning the behaviors of Sherlock Holmes. The theories applied in the data analysis are Genette’s Focalization (1980), Minderop’s Characterization (2005), Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) (1998), and Scarlet’s (2011) categorization of Hare’s PCL-R items. The study reveals that the sociopathic attributes are constructed through the assumption of Dr. Watson and Stamford. The findings also show that the score of Hare’s (1998) PCL-R of Holmes is eleven, which is lower than the minimum score of a sociopath (22-29) and higher than a normal person (0-6), thus he cannot be classified as both. For this reason, further studies concerning the topic are needed to identify the suitable category of Sherlock Holmes

    Friendship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson

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    Sherlock Holmes ja John Watson ovat kirjallisia hahmoja, joiden ystÀvyys on yhtÀ tunnettu kuin heidÀn seikkailunsa. YstÀvykset loi 1800-luvulla kirjailija Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ja sen jÀlkeen he ovat esiintyneet useissa eri kirjoissa, sekÀ elokuvissa ettÀ nÀytelmissÀ. TÀmÀ pro gradu -tutkielma selvittÀÀ Holmesin ja Watsonin ystÀvyyttÀ. TÀmÀ tehdÀÀn vertailemalla Sir Conan Doylen alkuperÀistÀ ensimmÀistÀ Sherlock Holmes -romaania A Study in Scarlet, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1887, kahden eri tv-sarjan jakson kanssa. NÀmÀ jaksot ovat nimeltÀÀn A Study in Scarlet (1968) ja A Study in Pink (2010). Tutkielmassa lopputuloksiin kÀytettiin muun muassa René Girardin (1961) kehittÀmÀÀ teoriaa halun kolmiosta, sekÀ teoriaa homososiaalisuudesta, huumorista ja maskuliinisuudesta. Maskuliinisuusteoria sisÀltÀÀ ajatuksia esimerkiksi miesten vÀlisen ystÀvyyden stereotypioista ja ennakkoluuloista. Huumori puolestaan on yksi ystÀvyyden kantavista voimista, sillÀ se yhdistÀÀ samanlaiset persoonat ja lieventÀÀ stressiÀ. Homososiaalisuus, kahden samaa sukupuolta olevan vÀlinen suhde, tarjoaa nÀkökulman miesten ystÀvyyteen. Halun kolmio on tÀrkeÀ, koska erityisesti John Watson haluaa tutkia rikoksia Sherlock Holmesin esimerkin kautta, mikÀ vahvistaa heidÀn ystÀvyyttÀÀn. Sherlock Holmesin ja John Watsonin ystÀvyys koostuu molemminpuolisesta luottamuksesta, lojaaliuudesta, hyvÀksynnÀstÀ ja kunnioituksesta. Miehet ovat erilaisia, mutta samalla hyvin samankaltaisia, mikÀ tekee heidÀn suhteestaan vahvan ja tasa-arvoisen. YstÀvykset enemmÀn kuin tÀydentÀvÀt toisiaan: he ovat sielunsukulaisia.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Twisting Facts to Suit Theories: In Defense of Sherlock

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    [First paragraph] In August 2011, the Albemarle County school board unanimously voted to remove Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet from the sixth-grade curricula. Over twenty students beseeched the board for the book to remain, and they were ignored. Teachers were afraid to voice their opinions on the matter. The novel has not been taught since in Albemarle, on any grade level, nor any other Sherlock Holmes texts


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    THE MULTI-WORD VERBS IN THE NOVEL A STUDY IN SCARLET BY ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE (Fina Ayu Khoirunisyah, 25 pages, 2016) The main purpose of this final report is to analyze the categories of multi-word verbs in the novel A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. The title of this study is “The Multi-word Verbs in the Novel A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle”. The writer wants to know more about multi-word verbs categories that are used in the novel and percentage of each categories of multi-word verbs. The writer used documentation as the way to collect the data. Then, the data were analyzed by doing some steps, namely 1) Reading the novel, 2) Jotting down all multi-word verbs found in the novel, 3) Classifying each multi-word verbs into three types based on the theory mentioned by Quirk (1895:1161). They are Phrasal verbs, Prepotisional verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs and put them on a table, 4) Finding the meaning each multi-word verbs found in the novel, 5) Next, the writer makes a percentage for each classification of multi-word verbs using the formula on Thomas (2002:5) and put them into table. The result shows that phrasal verb is the common used in the novel a study in scarlet
