43 research outputs found

    A stereo display prototype with multiple focal distances

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    Creating effective focus cues in multi-plane 3D displays.

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    Focus cues are incorrect in conventional stereoscopic displays. This causes a dissociation of vergence and accommodation, which leads to visual fatigue and perceptual distortions. Multi-plane displays can minimize these problems by creating nearly correct focus cues. But to create the appearance of continuous depth in a multi-plane display, one needs to use depth-weighted blending: i.e., distribute light intensity between adjacent planes. Akeley et al. [ACM Trans. Graph. 23, 804 (2004)] and Liu and Hua [Opt. Express 18, 11562 (2009)] described rather different rules for depth-weighted blending. We examined the effectiveness of those and other rules using a model of a typical human eye and biologically plausible metrics for image quality. We find that the linear blending rule proposed by Akeley and colleagues [ACM Trans. Graph. 23, 804 (2004)] is the best solution for natural stimuli

    Vergence tracking: a tool to assess oculomotor performance in stereoscopic displays

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    Oculomotor conflict induced between the accommodative and vergence components in stereoscopic displays represents an unnatural viewing condition. There is now some evidence that stereoscopic viewing may induce discomfort and changes in oculomotor parameters. The present study sought to measure oculomotor performance during stereoscopic viewing. Using a 3D stereo setup and an eye-tracker, vergence responses were measured during 20-min exposure to a virtual visual target oscillating in depth, which participants had to track. The results showed a significant decline in the amplitude of the in-depth oscillatory vergence response over time. We propose that eye-tracking provides a useful tool to objectively assess the timevarying alterations of the vergence system when using stereoscopic displays

    Joint view expansion and filtering for automultiscopic 3D displays

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    Multi-view autostereoscopic displays provide an immersive, glasses-free 3D viewing experience, but they require correctly filtered content from multiple viewpoints. This, however, cannot be easily obtained with current stereoscopic production pipelines. We provide a practical solution that takes a stereoscopic video as an input and converts it to multi-view and filtered video streams that can be used to drive multi-view autostereoscopic displays. The method combines a phase-based video magnification and an interperspective antialiasing into a single filtering process. The whole algorithm is simple and can be efficiently implemented on current GPUs to yield a near real-time performance. Furthermore, the ability to retarget disparity is naturally supported. Our method is robust and works well for challenging video scenes with defocus blur, motion blur, transparent materials, and specularities. We show that our results are superior when compared to the state-of-the-art depth-based rendering methods. Finally, we showcase the method in the context of a real-time 3D videoconferencing system that requires only two cameras.Quanta Computer (Firm)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS-1111415)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS-1116296

    Optimizing Virtual Reality for All Users through Gaze-Contingent and Adaptive Focus Displays

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    From the desktop to the laptop to the mobile device, personal computing platforms evolve over time. Moving forward, wearable computing is widely expected to be integral to consumer electronics and beyond. The primary interface between a wearable computer and a user is often a near-eye display. However, current generation near-eye displays suffer from multiple limitations: they are unable to provide fully natural visual cues and comfortable viewing experiences for all users. At their core, many of the issues with near-eye displays are caused by limitations in conventional optics. Current displays cannot reproduce the changes in focus that accompany natural vision, and they cannot support users with uncorrected refractive errors. With two prototype near-eye displays, we show how these issues can be overcome using display modes that adapt to the user via computational optics. By using focus-tunable lenses, mechanically actuated displays, and mobile gaze-tracking technology, these displays can be tailored to correct common refractive errors and provide natural focus cues by dynamically updating the system based on where a user looks in a virtual scene. Indeed, the opportunities afforded by recent advances in computational optics open up the possibility of creating a computing platform in which some users may experience better quality vision in the virtual world than in the real one


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    The effect of anaglyphic stereographic stimuli on ocular vergence response is examined. An experiment is performed comparing ocular vergence response induced by anaglyphic stereographic display versus standard monoscopic display. Two visualization tools, synchronized three-dimensional scanpath playback and real-time dynamic heatmap generation, are developed and used to subjectively support the quantitative analysis of ocular disparity. The results of a one-way ANOVA indicate that there is a highly significant effect of anaglyphic stereoscopic display on ocular vergence for a majority of subjects although consistency of vergence response is difficult to predict

    Polarization fields: dynamic light field display using multi-layer LCDs

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    We introduce polarization field displays as an optically-efficient design for dynamic light field display using multi-layered LCDs. Such displays consist of a stacked set of liquid crystal panels with a single pair of crossed linear polarizers. Each layer is modeled as a spatially-controllable polarization rotator, as opposed to a conventional spatial light modulator that directly attenuates light. Color display is achieved using field sequential color illumination with monochromatic LCDs, mitigating severe attenuation and moiré occurring with layered color filter arrays. We demonstrate such displays can be controlled, at interactive refresh rates, by adopting the SART algorithm to tomographically solve for the optimal spatially-varying polarization state rotations applied by each layer. We validate our design by constructing a prototype using modified off-the-shelf panels. We demonstrate interactive display using a GPU-based SART implementation supporting both polarization-based and attenuation-based architectures. Experiments characterize the accuracy of our image formation model, verifying polarization field displays achieve increased brightness, higher resolution, and extended depth of field, as compared to existing automultiscopic display methods for dual-layer and multi-layer LCDs.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-1116452)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant HR0011-10-C-0073)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Research Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Young Faculty Award