73,482 research outputs found

    Argument filterings and usable rules in higher-order rewrite systems

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    The static dependency pair method is a method for proving the termination of higher-order rewrite systems a la Nipkow. It combines the dependency pair method introduced for first-order rewrite systems with the notion of strong computability introduced for typed lambda-calculi. Argument filterings and usable rules are two important methods of the dependency pair framework used by current state-of-the-art first-order automated termination provers. In this paper, we extend the class of higher-order systems on which the static dependency pair method can be applied. Then, we extend argument filterings and usable rules to higher-order rewriting, hence providing the basis for a powerful automated termination prover for higher-order rewrite systems

    A static higher-order dependency pair framework

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    We revisit the static dependency pair method for proving termination of higher-order term rewriting and extend it in a number of ways: (1) We introduce a new rewrite formalism designed for general applicability in termination proving of higher-order rewriting, Algebraic Functional Systems with Meta-variables. (2) We provide a syntactically checkable soundness criterion to make the method applicable to a large class of rewrite systems. (3) We propose a modular dependency pair framework for this higher-order setting. (4) We introduce a fine-grained notion of formative and computable chains to render the framework more powerful. (5) We formulate several existing and new termination proving techniques in the form of processors within our framework. The framework has been implemented in the (fully automatic) higher-order termination tool WANDA

    Dynamic Dependency Pairs for Algebraic Functional Systems

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    We extend the higher-order termination method of dynamic dependency pairs to Algebraic Functional Systems (AFSs). In this setting, simply typed lambda-terms with algebraic reduction and separate {\beta}-steps are considered. For left-linear AFSs, the method is shown to be complete. For so-called local AFSs we define a variation of usable rules and an extension of argument filterings. All these techniques have been implemented in the higher-order termination tool WANDA

    Polynomial Interpretations for Higher-Order Rewriting

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    The termination method of weakly monotonic algebras, which has been defined for higher-order rewriting in the HRS formalism, offers a lot of power, but has seen little use in recent years. We adapt and extend this method to the alternative formalism of algebraic functional systems, where the simply-typed lambda-calculus is combined with algebraic reduction. Using this theory, we define higher-order polynomial interpretations, and show how the implementation challenges of this technique can be tackled. A full implementation is provided in the termination tool WANDA

    goSLP: Globally Optimized Superword Level Parallelism Framework

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    Modern microprocessors are equipped with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) or vector instruction sets which allow compilers to exploit superword level parallelism (SLP), a type of fine-grained parallelism. Current SLP auto-vectorization techniques use heuristics to discover vectorization opportunities in high-level language code. These heuristics are fragile, local and typically only present one vectorization strategy that is either accepted or rejected by a cost model. We present goSLP, a novel SLP auto-vectorization framework which solves the statement packing problem in a pairwise optimal manner. Using an integer linear programming (ILP) solver, goSLP searches the entire space of statement packing opportunities for a whole function at a time, while limiting total compilation time to a few minutes. Furthermore, goSLP optimally solves the vector permutation selection problem using dynamic programming. We implemented goSLP in the LLVM compiler infrastructure, achieving a geometric mean speedup of 7.58% on SPEC2017fp, 2.42% on SPEC2006fp and 4.07% on NAS benchmarks compared to LLVM's existing SLP auto-vectorizer.Comment: Published at OOPSLA 201

    Size-Change Termination as a Contract

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    Termination is an important but undecidable program property, which has led to a large body of work on static methods for conservatively predicting or enforcing termination. One such method is the size-change termination approach of Lee, Jones, and Ben-Amram, which operates in two phases: (1) abstract programs into "size-change graphs," and (2) check these graphs for the size-change property: the existence of paths that lead to infinite decreasing sequences. We transpose these two phases with an operational semantics that accounts for the run-time enforcement of the size-change property, postponing (or entirely avoiding) program abstraction. This choice has two key consequences: (1) size-change termination can be checked at run-time and (2) termination can be rephrased as a safety property analyzed using existing methods for systematic abstraction. We formulate run-time size-change checks as contracts in the style of Findler and Felleisen. The result compliments existing contracts that enforce partial correctness specifications to obtain contracts for total correctness. Our approach combines the robustness of the size-change principle for termination with the precise information available at run-time. It has tunable overhead and can check for nontermination without the conservativeness necessary in static checking. To obtain a sound and computable termination analysis, we apply existing abstract interpretation techniques directly to the operational semantics, avoiding the need for custom abstractions for termination. The resulting analyzer is competitive with with existing, purpose-built analyzers

    Refinement Types as Higher Order Dependency Pairs

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    Refinement types are a well-studied manner of performing in-depth analysis on functional programs. The dependency pair method is a very powerful method used to prove termination of rewrite systems; however its extension to higher order rewrite systems is still the object of active research. We observe that a variant of refinement types allow us to express a form of higher-order dependency pair criterion that only uses information at the type level, and we prove the correctness of this criterion
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