4 research outputs found


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    O gĂȘnero musical death metal, subdivisĂŁo do heavy metal, tem como caracterĂ­stica o emprego de uma voz urrada, distorcida e pouco compreensĂ­vel. No Ăąmbito da mĂșsica, essa qualidade de voz Ă© denominada “gutural”, nomenclatura que faz referĂȘncia, de maneira ampla, a perceptĂ­veis tensĂ”es na regiĂŁo da garganta (por isso, “gutural”) observadas por falantes que empregam essa tĂ©cnica. Tendo em vista que, em estudos sobre qualidade de voz, nĂŁo existem muitas descriçÔes que abordam tal produção, objetivamos realizar alguns apontamentos que contribuam para a caracterização acĂșstica e articulatĂłria da voz gutural. Para isso, apresentaremos alguns aspectos introdutĂłrios do conceito de qualidade de voz (LAVER, 1980) e, adicionalmente, referĂȘncias a estudos que possam contribuir para a nossa proposta, como os de Sakakibara et al. (2004) e de Smialek et al. (2012). AlĂ©m disso, analisaremos espectrogramas da voz empregada nas cançÔes Crucifier Avenged e Hammer Smashed Face, ambas da banda Cannibal Corpse, com o objetivo de descrever as peculiaridades acĂșsticas da voz gutural.Palavras-chave: Qualidade de voz. Gutural. Death metal.

    La dramaturgie vocale : approche herméneutique des qualités expressives de la voix chantée. Le cas du metal symphonique

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    La voix possĂšde des qualitĂ©s expressives qui lui permettent d’ajouter du contenu sĂ©mantique au message qu’elle exprime. Ces qualitĂ©s expressives, appelĂ©es phonostyles, sont liĂ©es Ă  des connotations et reprĂ©sentations – un imaginaire vocal – qui permettent de comprendre qui parle, et quel est son Ă©tat Ă©motif, sans mĂȘme avoir Ă  regarder l’émetteur en question. Le mĂȘme phĂ©nomĂšne apparaĂźt au moyen de la voix chantĂ©e, dont l’analyse phonostylistique permet de dĂ©gager l’émergence de personnages vocaux et de leur Ă©tat Ă©motif au cours de la chanson. L’imaginaire vocal attachĂ© aux voix fait en sorte que chaque style vocal est liĂ© Ă  un imaginaire qui lui est propre. En cela, le metal symphonique s’avĂšre un milieu propice Ă  l’analyse des qualitĂ©s expressives des voix chantĂ©es, puisqu’il fait entendre des styles vocaux Ă©clectiques : lyrique, pop, heavy et guttural. Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente ainsi comme objectif d’étudier comment la voix est utilisĂ©e dans un corpus tirĂ© du rĂ©pertoire du metal symphonique, afin de dĂ©gager comment se crĂ©e ce que j’appelle la dramaturgie vocale au cours des chansons : c’est-Ă -dire la crĂ©ation d’un imaginaire propre Ă  la chanson, au moyen des voix et des significations qu’elles ajoutent au texte chantĂ©, telles que l’incarnation de personnages vocaux, la transmission des Ă©motions vĂ©cues par ces personnages, mais aussi la crĂ©ation d’interactions entre eux.The voice has expressive abilities that add semantic content to the vocalized message. These abilities, called phonostyles, are connected to connotations and representations – a vocal imaginary – that enable us to understand who is speaking and his/her emotional state, without needing to see the speaker. The same phenomenon occurs in the singing voice: phonostylistic analysis reveals the appearance of vocal personae and their emotional state during the song. The vocal imaginary ensures that each vocal style has its own imaginary. Symphonic metal is a favorable field for the analysis of expressive vocal qualities, because it contains eclectic vocal styles: operatic, pop, heavy, and growl. This thesis aims to study how the voice is used in a corpus chosen within the symphonic metal repertoire in order to understand how what I call the vocal dramaturgy is created during a song. Vocal dramaturgy is the creation of a song’s own imaginary through the means of the voice and the semantic contents it adds to the sung text, such as the invention of vocal personae and the transmission of emotions experienced by these personae, as well as the interactions between them

    'The Barghest o' Whitby': (A Genealogical Study of) Death/Doom Metal Music(al) Network in Northern England

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    Metal music has existed in one form or another for about half a century. While the musical style and the culture started out in a relatively unified way, with the 'extreme turn’ of late 80s and 90s, metal culture stratified. Doom metal, being one of the oldest styles in this newly formed structure, became even more fragmented. Death/doom is such a style. These smaller styles in metal culture have so far been investigated hierarchically. However, the implication that a hierarchy has is problematic in this context. Metal music studies is a budding field, so, we need to think more critically about the way we conceptualise the history of metal academically in these early years. Yet, so far, this stratification, with its hierarchy, has not been challenged or even discussed in detail. Scholarship often mentions these so-called ‘sub-genres’ uncritically. In order to challenge this idea, there needs to be a new model. However, because of the size and breadth of metal culture, one single work cannot come even close to covering the styles existing today. In this thesis, I attempt to draw boundaries around only death/doom to propose a way of modelling a new metal history. To achieve this, I define these newer and smaller styles as marginal styles using marginality idea of Park. Following this idea, sociology of music comes to rescue with Crossley’s music worlds. Music worlds, because of its emphasis put on the musical style -it is central-, is an intriguing perspective to look at the fragmented nature of metal music. A metal music world is a social construction performed by the participants, including musicians, fans, engineers, managers, label executives, and the press, around a metal musical style. These smaller styles, then, become ideal candidates for the application of this theory. This thesis treats death/doom in such a way using ethnographic, historical, and musicological methods