6 research outputs found

    Toward a Human-Centered Uml for Risk Analysis

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    Safety is now a major concern in many complex systems such as medical robots. A way to control the complexity of such systems is to manage risk. The first and important step of this activity is risk analysis. During risk analysis, two main studies concerning human factors must be integrated: task analysis and human error analysis. This multidisciplinary analysis often leads to a work sharing between several stakeholders who use their own languages and techniques. This often produces consistency errors and understanding difficulties between them. Hence, this paper proposes to treat the risk analysis on the common expression language UML (Unified Modeling Language) and to handle human factors concepts for task analysis and human error analysis based on the features of this language. The approach is applied to the development of a medical robot for teleechography

    Vers une approche de spécification et de génération d'interfaces sensibles au contexte : Application au domaine médical

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    Pervasive systems aim to make information available anytime and anywhere. These systems must be operated in different contexts according to the user's environment, his profile and the terminal being used. The mobile interface adaptation needs a dynamic approach instead of a fixed model that isn't able to manage the dynamic aspect of an ubiquitous environment. The model has to modify its structure according to the context information. This leads to a specification of user’s requirement and thus a generation of the suitable interface.This latter have to be valid and reliable, especially if we are working in a critical area as the medical field. Our research focuses on this issue by proposing a specification and a context-aware interface generation's approach in a critical domain. We started by establishing a state of arts about architectures dealing with context-awareness. Then, we applied the proposed architecture on a medical case study. We also proposed an application for diabetic patients' monitoring. Finally, an experimental platform for interfaces' evaluation was proposed.Les systĂšmes pervasifs ont pour objectif de rendre l’information disponible partout et Ă  tout moment. Ces systĂšmes doivent pouvoir ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s dans diffĂ©rents contextes selon l’environnement de l’utilisateur, son profil et le terminal qu’il utilise. L’adaptation des interfaces mobiles au contexte nĂ©cessite une approche de modĂ©lisation dynamique puisqu’un modĂšle fixe ne peut pas gĂ©rer l’aspect fortement dynamique d’un environnement ubiquitaire. Le modĂšle doit donc ĂȘtre souple et modifier ainsi sa structure en fonction du contexte et ce, pour dĂ©duire les besoins de l’utilisateur et gĂ©nĂ©rer ainsi l’interface mobile adĂ©quate. L’interface gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e doit ĂȘtre valide et fiable surtout si nous travaillons dans un domaine critique comme le domaine mĂ©dical. C’est dans ce cadre, que s’insĂšrent nos travaux de recherche. Nous avons proposĂ© une approche de spĂ©cification et de gĂ©nĂ©ration d’interfaces sensibles au contexte dans un domaine critique. Nous avons commencĂ© par Ă©tablir un Ă©tat de l’art relatif aux architectures des systĂšmes sensibles au contexte, puis, nous avons proposĂ© et appliquĂ© notre architecture sur un Ă©tude de cas mĂ©dical. Nous avons proposĂ© une application nommĂ© DiaMon pour le suivi des patients diabĂ©tiques. Finalement, nous avons proposĂ© une plateforme expĂ©rimentale d’évaluation des interfaces sensibles au contexte

    Tartu Ülikooli loengud ja praktilised tööd 2004/2005 Ă”ppeaastal. BakalaureuseĂ”pe

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    Tartu Ülikooli loengud ja praktilised tööd 2003/2004 Ă”ppeaastal. BakalaureuseĂ”pe

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