41 research outputs found

    Modular soft pneumatic actuator system design for compliance matching

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    The future of robotics is personal. Never before has technology been as pervasive as it is today, with advanced mobile electronics hardware and multi-level network connectivity pushing âsmartâ devices deeper into our daily lives through home automation systems, virtual assistants, and wearable activity monitoring. As the suite of personal technology around us continues to grow in this way, augmenting and offloading the burden of routine activities of daily living, the notion that this trend will extend to robotics seems inevitable. Transitioning robots from their current principal domain of industrial factory settings to domestic, workplace, or public environments is not simply a matter of relocation or reprogramming, however. The key differences between âtraditionalâ types of robots and those which would best serve personal, proximal, human interactive applications demand a new approach to their design. Chief among these are requirements for safety, adaptability, reliability, reconfigurability, and to a more practical extent, usability. These properties frame the context and objectives of my thesis work, which seeks to provide solutions and answers to not only how these features might be achieved in personal robotic systems, but as well what benefits they can afford. I approach the investigation of these questions from a perspective of compliance matching of hardware systems to their applications, by providing methods to achieve mechanical attributes complimentary to their environment and end-use. These features are fundamental to the burgeoning field of Soft Robotics, wherein flexible, compliant materials are used as the basis for the structure, actuation, sensing, and control of complete robotic systems. Combined with pressurized air as a power source, soft pneumatic actuator (SPA) based systems offers new and novel methods of exploiting the intrinsic compliance of soft material components in robotic systems. While this strategy seems to answer many of the needs for human-safe robotic applications, it also brings new questions and challenges: What are the needs and applications personal robots may best serve? Are soft pneumatic actuators capable of these tasks, or âusefulâ work output and performance? How can SPA based systems be applied to provide complex functionality needed for operation in diverse, real-world environments? What are the theoretical and practical challenges in implementing scalable, multiple degrees of freedom systems, and how can they be overcome? I present solutions to these problems in my thesis work, elucidated through scientific design, testing and evaluation of robotic prototypes which leverage and demonstrate three key features: 1) Intrinsic compliance: provided by passive elastic and flexible component material properties, 2) Extrinsic compliance: rendered through high number of independent, controllable degrees of freedom, and 3) Complementary design: exhibited by modular, plug and play architectures which combine both attributes to achieve compliant systems. Through these core projects and others listed below I have been engaged in soft robotic technology, its application, and solutions to the challenges which are critical to providing a path forward within the soft robotics field, as well as for the future of personal robotics as a whole toward creating a better society

    Beyond jamming grippers: granular material in robotics

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    Robot grippers based on the jamming of granular material have been studied widely in previous years. Recently, also other benefits and challenges of granular material have emerged for robotics. We discuss various functions of granular matter in robotic actuation, sensory processing, locomotion, and manipulation. We also provide a review of the design and methods of robots for moving in or on challenging granular environments. Drawing on the properties of granular material and their potential applications, we propose our unique perspectives and innovative ideas for future research and development in this field

    A Bioinspired Bidirectional Stiffening Soft Actuator for Multimodal, Compliant, and Robust Grasping

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    The stiffness modulation mechanism for soft robotics has gained considerable attention to improve deformability, controllability, and stability. However, for the existing stiffness soft actuator, high lateral stiffness and a wide range of bending stiffness are hard to be provided at the same time. This paper presents a bioinspired bidirectional stiffening soft actuator (BISA) combining the air-tendon hybrid actuation (ATA) and a bone-like structure (BLS). The ATA is the main actuation of the BISA, and the bending stiffness can be modulated with a maximum stiffness of about 0.7 N/mm and a maximum magnification of 3 times when the bending angle is 45 deg. Inspired by the morphological structure of the phalanx, the lateral stiffness can be modulated by changing the pulling force of the BLS. The lateral stiffness can be modulated by changing the pulling force to it. The actuator with BLSs can improve the lateral stiffness about 3.9 times compared to the one without BLSs. The maximum lateral stiffness can reach 0.46 N/mm. And the lateral stiffness can be modulated decoupling about 1.3 times (e.g., from 0.35 N/mm to 0.46 when the bending angle is 45 deg). The test results show the influence of the rigid structures on bending is small with about 1.5 mm maximum position errors of the distal point of actuator bending in different pulling forces. The advantages brought by the proposed method enable a soft four-finger gripper to operate in three modes: normal grasping, inverse grasping, and horizontal lifting. The performance of this gripper is further characterized and versatile grasping on various objects is conducted, proving the robust performance and potential application of the proposed design method

    Controllable and reversible tuning of material rigidity for robot applications

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    Tunable rigidity materials have potentially widespread implications in robotic technologies. They enable morphological shape change while maintaining structural strength, and can reversibly alternate between rigid, load bearing and compliant, flexible states capable of deformation within unstructured environments. In this review, we cover a range of materials with mechanical rigidity that can be reversibly tuned using one of several stimuli (e.g. heat, electrical current, electric field, magnetism, etc.). We explain the mechanisms by which these materials change rigidity and how they have been used for robot tasks. We quantitatively assess the performance in terms of the magnitude of rigidity, variation ratio, response time, and energy consumption, and explore the correlations between these desired characteristics as principles for material design and usage

    Design, fabrication and stiffening of soft pneumatic robots

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    Although compliance allows the soft robot to be under-actuated and generalise its control, it also impacts the ability of the robot to exert forces on the environment. There is a trade-off between robots being compliant or precise and strong. Many mechanisms that change robots' stiffness on demand have been proposed, but none are perfect, usually compromising the device's compliance and restricting its motion capabilities. Keeping the above issues in mind, this thesis focuses on creating robust and reliable pneumatic actuators, that are designed to be easily manufactured with simple tools. They are optimised towards linear behaviour, which simplifies modelling and improve control strategies. The principle idea in relation to linearisation is a reinforcement strategy designed to amplify the desired, and limit the unwanted, deformation of the device. Such reinforcement can be achieved using fibres or 3D printed structures. I have shown that the linearity of the actuation is, among others, a function of the reinforcement density and shape, in that the response of dense fibre-reinforced actuators with a circular cross-section is significantly more linear than that of non-reinforced or non-circular actuators. I have explored moulding manufacturing techniques and a mixture of 3D printing and moulding. Many aspects of these techniques have been optimised for reliability, repeatability, and process simplification. I have proposed and implemented a novel moulding technique that uses disposable moulds and can easily be used by an inexperienced operator. I also tried to address the compliance-stiffness trade-off issue. As a result, I have proposed an intelligent structure that behaves differently depending on the conditions. Thanks to its properties, such a structure could be used in applications that require flexibility, but also the ability to resist external disturbances when necessary. Due to its nature, individual cells of the proposed system could be used to implement physical logic elements, resulting in embodied intelligent behaviours. As a proof-of-concept, I have demonstrated use of my actuators in several applications including prosthetic hands, octopus, and fish robots. Each of those devices benefits from a slightly different actuation system but each is based on the same core idea - fibre reinforced actuators. I have shown that the proposed design and manufacturing techniques have several advantages over the methods used so far. The manufacturing methods I developed are more reliable, repeatable, and require less manual work than the various other methods described in the literature. I have also shown that the proposed actuators can be successfully used in real-life applications. Finally, one of the most important outcomes of my research is a contribution to an orthotic device based on soft pneumatic actuators. The device has been successfully deployed, and, at the time of submission of this thesis, has been used for several months, with good results reported, by a patient

    Hand exo-muscular system for assisting astronauts during extravehicular activities

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    Human exploration of the Solar System is one of the most challenging objectives included in the space programs of the most important space agencies in the world. Since the Apollo program, and especially with the construction and operation of the International Space Station, extravehicular activities (EVA) have become an important part of space exploration. This article presents a soft hand exoskeleton designed to address one of the problems that astronauts face during spacewalks: hand fatigue caused by the pressurized EVA gloves. This device will reduce the stiffness of the spacesuit glove by counteracting the force exerted by the pressurized glove. To this end, the system makes use of a set of six flexible actuators, which use a shape memory alloy (SMA) wire as the actuating element. SMAs have been chosen because some of their features, such as low volume and high force-to-weight ratio, make them a suitable choice taking into account the constraints imposed by the use of the device in a spacesuit. Besides describing the different mechanical and electronic subsystems that compose the exoskeleton, this article presents a preliminary assessment of the device; several tests to characterize its nominal operation have been carried out, as well as position and force control tests to study its controllability and evaluate its suitability as a force assistive device.The research leading to these results has received funding from the STAMAS (Smart Technology for Artificial Muscle Applications in Space) project,** funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for Research (FP7) (Grant No. 312815)

    Attention Enhancement for Exoskeleton-assisted Hand Rehabilitation using Fingertip Haptic Stimulation

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    Active enrollment in rehabilitation training yields better treatment outcomes. This paper introduces an exoskeleton-assisted hand rehabilitation system. It is the first attempt to combine fingertip cutaneous haptic stimulation with exoskeleton-assisted hand rehabilitation for training participation enhancement. For the first time, soft material 3D printing techniques are adopted to make soft pneumatic fingertip haptic feedback actuators to achieve cheaper and faster iterations of prototype designs with consistent quality. The fingertip haptic stimulation is synchronized with the motion of our hand exoskeleton. The contact force of the fingertips resulted from a virtual interaction with a glass of water was based on data collected from normal hand motions to grasp a glass of water. System characterization experiments were conducted and exoskeleton-assisted hand motion with and without the fingertip cutaneous haptic stimulation were compared in an experiment involving healthy human subjects. Users’ attention levels were monitored in the motion control process using a Brainlink EEG-recording device and software. The results of characterization experiments show that our created haptic actuators are lightweight (6.8±0.23 g each with a PLA fixture and Velcro) and their performance is consistent and stable with small hysteresis. The user study experimental results show that participants had significantly higher attention levels with additional haptic stimulations compared to when only the exoskeleton was deployed; heavier stimulated grasping weight (a 300 g glass) was associated with significantly higher attention levels of the participants compared to when lighter stimulated grasping weight (a 150 g glass) was applied. We conclude that haptic stimulations increase the involvement level of human subjects during exoskeleton-assisted hand exercises. Potentially, the proposed exoskeleton-assisted hand rehabilitation with fingertip stimulation may better attract user’s attention during treatment

    LineFORM: Actuated Curve Interfaces for Display, Interaction, and Constraint

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    In this paper we explore the design space of actuated curve interfaces, a novel class of shape changing-interfaces. Physical curves have several interesting characteristics from the perspective of interaction design: they have a variety of inherent affordances; they can easily represent abstract data; and they can act as constraints, boundaries, or borderlines. By utilizing such aspects of lines and curves, together with the added capability of shape-change, new possibilities for display, interaction and body constraint are possible. In order to investigate these possibilities we have implemented two actuated curve interfaces at different scales. LineFORM, our implementation, inspired by serpentine robotics, is comprised of a series chain of 1DOF servo motors with integrated sensors for direct manipulation. To motivate this work we present various applications such as shape changing cords, mobiles, body constraints, and data manipulation tools