17 research outputs found


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    The business world is changing at a fast pace. The multinationals, the relocation of the production centers, the virtual integration trend of companies, the ubiquitous text, audio and video communication channels and devices, the overwhelming amounts of information, the power of the new consumer, are all signs of these changes. The economy is switching from a physical resources oriented, to an information and knowledge oriented one. The most important resource a company has becomes the human resource, the people of the organization, with the information and knowledge they possess and use to deal with the everyday challenges. Beginning with getting an insight into the concepts of information and knowledge, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the benefits of a Wiki as a collaborative knowledge sharing platform, able to harness the collective knowledge of a company in the highly competitive today’s knowledge economy.wiki; social networks; collaborative knowledge network; collective knowledge; web 2.0 technologies

    Supporting Healthcare Knowledge Transfer through a Web 2.0 Portal - Insights from Austria

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    The internet has become a source of huge amounts of information related to healthcare; some is useful while other information can be misleading and even dangerous. Since it is not easy to distinguish the quality of web contents, a portal hosted and maintained by medical experts can lead to more credibility. This article presents the results of a study conducted in Austria that investigates the patients’ need for a web 2.0 knowledge transfer portal hosted and maintained by hospital doctors to provide high-quality information to its patients. The doctors’ appraisals concerning their patients’ demands as well as their willingness to participate in a web 2.0 health online portal by publishing information, by answering questions and supervising user generated contents are investigated. The survey was conducted online using two questionnaires, one for potential patients and one for hospital doctors of an Austrian central hospital. The results show that there is definitely great potential for a hospital to successfully establish a web 2.0 knowledge portal since the current quality of existing online health portals is not sufficient to meet the demands of at least one third of the polled patients


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    Web 2.0 is a set of Internet-based applications that harness network effects by facilitating collaborative andparticipative computing. Despite widespread popularity of Web 2.0 tools at the consumer level, it is still not well isunderstood how Web 2.0 is used by enterprises for Knowledge Management (KM). Using multiple case studies, ourresearch addresses this critical gap in the literature and provides examples of uses of Web 2.0 for KM at theindividual, project and group level in three leading IT organizations. Findings of our research will help otherorganizations to adopt Web 2,0 for KM

    A Contribution-based Framework for the Creation of Semantically-enabled Web Applications

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    We present Fortunata, a wiki-based framework designed to simplify the creation of semantically-enabled web applications. This framework facilitates the management and publicationof semantic data in web-based applications, to the extent that application developers do not need to be skilled in client-side technologies, and promotes application reuse by fostering collaboration among developers by means of wiki plugins.Weillustrate the use of this framework with two Fortunata-based applications named OMEMO and VPOET, and we evaluate it with two experiments performed with usability evaluators and application developers respectively. These experiments show a good balance between the usability of the applications created with this framework and the effort and skills required by developers


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    The current generation of Web applications (Web 2.0) have made them an outright phenomenon in today’s society helping to redefine the way organisations and individuals communicate and collaborate with each other. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise the evolution of Web technologies from a user perspective. Based on inference from existing studies, this paper attempts to identify the architectural direction that the next generation (Web 3.0) of Web applications would meld itself into. The paper emphasizes limitations of current Web technologies and how future trends may address these limitations by focusing on migration that has been witnessed in the scope of the applications presented and features delivered on the Web from a users’ perspective

    The archive and the processor: the internal logic of web 2.0

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    Journal ArticleIn Web 2.0, there is a social dichotomy at work based upon and reflecting the underlying Von Neumann architecture of computers. In the hegemonic Web 2.0 business model, users are encouraged to process digital ephemera by sharing content, making connections, ranking cultural artifacts, and producing digital content, a mode of computing I call "affective processing." The Web 2.0 business model imagines users to be a potential superprocessor. In contrast, the memory possibilities of computers are typically commanded by Web 2.0 site owners. They seek to surveil every user action, store the resulting data, protect that data via intellectual property, and mine it for profit. Users are less likely to wield control over these archives. These archives are comprised of the products of affective processing; they are archives of affect, sites of decontextualized data which can be rearranged by the site owners to construct knowledge about Web 2.0 users


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    Redes sociais corporativas compreendem interações imersas em um ambiente de ferramentas de mídias sociais. As empresas precisam entender a globalização impulsionada pela tecnologia da informação, sua influência na Gestão do Conhecimento e como usar Mídias Sociais para sobreviver e ganhar vantagem competitiva. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar como a Gestão do Conhecimento e as Mídias Sociais estão relacionadas na literatura científica para encorajar futuras pesquisas. O método de mapeamento de conhecimento científico denominado Processo Construtivista de Desenvolvimento de Conhecimento (ProKnow-C) apoiou uma análise bibliométrica e sistêmica de literatura. O ProKnow-C é uma opção para selecionar publicações científicas confiáveis segundo sua relevância. A análise dos dados exibe 42 artigos na base Science Direct entre janeiro de 2005 e fevereiro de 2017. Mostra as principais revistas, descreve conceitos e identifica metodologias utilizadas em artigos sobre Gestão do Conhecimento e Mídias Sociais. O ProKnow-C viabilizou buscar, organizar e analisar dados bibliográficos em conformidade com uma base de dados confiáveis. Na análise dos resultados identificaram-se lacunas e oportunidades de pesquisas futuras. Estudos em profundidade serão úteis para a perspectiva estratégica das corporações nas seguintes direções: influência nos ambientes interno e externo, identificação de ferramentas simples e úteis, razões da desistência de uso e influência de aspectos comportamentais e psicológicos sobre usuários.Corporate social networks comprise interactions immersed in an environment of social media tools. Companies need to understand globalization driven by information technology, its influence on Knowledge Management, and how to use Social Media to survive and gain competitive advantage. The objective of this study is to identify how Knowledge Management and Social Media are related in the scientific literature, to encourage future research. The method of mapping scientific knowledge called the Constructivist Process of Knowledge Development (ProKnow-C) supported a bibliometric and systemic literature analysis. ProKnow-C is an option to select reliable scientific publications according to their relevance. The data analysis shows 42 articles in the Science Direct database from January 2005 to February 2017. It shows the main journals, describes the main concepts and identifies the methodologies used in publications about Knowledge Management and Social Media. The ProKnow-C enabled search, organize and analyze bibliographic data in accordance with a reliable database. In the analysis of the results, gaps were identified, as well as opportunities for further research. In-depth studies will be useful for the strategic perspective of corporations, in the following directions: influence in the internal and external environments, identification of simple and useful tools, reasons for the withdrawal of use, and the influence of behavioral and psychological aspects on users.Las redes sociales corporativas comprenden interacciones inmersas en un ambiente de herramientas de medios sociales. Las empresas necesitan entender la globalización impulsada por la tecnología de la información, su influencia en la Gestión del Conocimiento y cómo usar los Medios Sociales para sobrevivir y ganar ventaja competitiva. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar cómo la Gestión del Conocimiento y los Medios Sociales son mencionados en la literatura científica para estimular futuras investigaciones. El método de mapeo de conocimiento científico denominado Proceso de Desarrollo del Conocimiento Constructivista (ProKnow-C) apoyó un análisis bibliométrico y sistémico de la literatura. El ProKNow-C es una alternativa para seleccionar publicaciones científicas confiables según su relevancia. El análisis de los datos exhibe 42 artículos en la base Science Direct entre enero de 2005 y febrero de 2017. Muestra las principales revistas, describe conceptos e identifica metodologías utilizadas en artículos sobre la Gestión del Conocimiento y los Medios Sociales. El ProKnow-C hizo posible buscar, organizar y analizar datos bibliográficos en conformidad con una base de datos confiables. En el análisis de los resultados se identificaron vacíos y oportunidades de investigaciones futuras. Será útil realizar estudios en profundidad para la perspectiva estratégica de las corporaciones en las siguientes direcciones: influencia en los ambientes interno y externo, identificación de herramientas sencillas y útiles, razones del desistimiento de uso e influencia de aspectos comportamentales y psicológicos sobre los usuarios

    Use of wikis in organizational knowledge management

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    This article presents the mapping of wiki tool functions in the organizational processes of knowledge management. Mapping these functions and their individual weights in the overall process will identify opportunities for decision-making and the optimization of knowledge sharing, a recognized asset in differentiation and organizational competitiveness. This is an exploratorydescriptive case study based on data collected from a questionnaire applied to 80 IT workers employed at a multinational company in Brazil. The use of mixed methods in data analysis was complemented by content analysis of the research corpus created. A theoretical model is graphically developed following Nonaka and Takeuchi’s knowledge spiral model (1997), a conventional model in knowledge management. In addition, an indicator of the individual contribution of each step in the conversion process of tacit into explicit knowledge is introduced. This case study alone does not enable a generalization of the findings. Therefore, a replication of the process and especially multiple testing of the constructed indicator are indispensable to its validation. Validation of the use of the wiki tool functions will allow the future development of measurements that can be directly employed in the organizational decision-making process. Statistically, a theoretical model is qualitatively discussed, which enables the construction of an initial indicator of the weight of individual contribution of steps in the knowledge generation process using the knowledge spiral model

    Cadeia de suprimentos social: modelo para formação de cadeias de suprimentos baseadas em redes virtuais de colaboração

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, 2016.Reconhecendo o aspecto social como principal fator na cadeia de suprimentos, esta tese tem como objetivo propor um modelo para formação de cadeias de suprimento baseadas em redes virtuais de colaboração. Este estudo apresenta uma visão geral do background teórico que suporta a colaboração entre indivíduos que participam da cadeia de suprimentos. Foi proposto um modelo que considera a dimensão colaborativa dos indivíduos que formam a cadeia de suprimentos, materializando o conceito de social supply chain. Um caso de estudo longitudinal foi utilizado para explorar o conceito na cadeia de suprimentos de uma grande indústria brasileira. A intensificação do uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação empoderou os indivíduos e tornou as cadeias de suprimentos mais complexas. O modelo conceitual proposto nesta tese permite utilizar o poder da colaboração das pessoas para otimizar o desempenho das organizações. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, portanto os resultados não podem ser generalizados para outras indústrias de transformação. Esta tese pode contribuir com a adaptação de indústrias à influência dos participantes da cadeia de suprimentos, habilitando a colaboração como forma de engajar e ampliar a geração de negócios. Esta pesquisa reposiciona os indivíduos participantes da cadeia de suprimentos, indo além daqueles que estão vinculados formalmente às empresas. A proposição de um modelo conceitual pode orientar a aplicação desta proposta em outras indústrias e cadeias de suprimentos.Abstract : Recognising the social aspect as a principal factor in the supply chain this thesis has the objective of proposing a model for the formation of supply chains based on virtual collaboration networks. This study presents a general overview of the theoretical background that supports collaboration between individuals that participate in the supply chain. A model was proposed that considered the collaborative dimension for individuals that form the supply chain, resulting in the concept of the social supply chain. A longitudinal study case was used in order to explore the concept within the supply chain of a large Brazilian industry. Increased use of communication and information technologies has empowered individuals and has resulted in the most complex supply chains. The conceptual model proposed in this study utilises the power of collaboration among people in order to optimise the performance of organisations. As this is a single case study the results cannot be generalised in respect to other processing industries. This thesis may contribute toward the adaptation of industry as to the influence of participants in the supply chain, enabling collaboration in such a manner as to engage and expand on the generation of business. This research repositions individual participants of the supply chain beyond those whom are formally linked to companies. The proposition of a conceptual model may guide the application of this proposal in other industries and supply chains

    Using a Knowledge Management Approach to Support Effective Succession Planning in the Civil Service

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    The modern workforce is highly mobile. The challenge facing organisations is how to safeguard key expertise and knowledge in the face of staff mobility and turnover. The Irish Civil Service is still recovering from the impacts of significant loss of staff, and their knowledge and expertise, as a result of cutbacks over recent years. This project will establish the potential of using a Knowledge Management approach to support effective succession planning in the Civil Service. The literature review charts the evolution of Knowledge Management from when the phrase was first coined in 1986 through to what is considered to be the latest generation of Knowledge Management enabled by Social Software. The journey has not been an easy one with challenges along the way including confusing terminology, failing initiatives, and an over-emphasis on technology not entirely suited to the human endeavour that is knowing. However, the arrival of Social Software, or Web 2.0, so heavily used by the millennial generation, has revitalised the KM field with it’s the enhanced user experience. This project was initially informed by interviews with recent appointees to their roles and a case study on the experience of one organisation in using a wiki to support knowledge management. A OneNote wiki hosted on Microsoft SharePoint was implemented and a group of 16 middle managers participated in the experiment to assess its potential as a repository to capture and share key knowledge about the organisation. The conclusions of the experiment include that succession planning is important for organisations to protect key knowledge and expertise; it is important to strike the right balance between people, process, and technology; use of overly academic or technical language should be avoided; the technology is no longer a major inhibitor; structures and rules should be in place so that only appropriate content is posted to a corporate wiki; for a wiki to be successful it needs to be relevant, have a purpose, and the content updated on an on-going basis; people are the most important dimension to succession planning and any knowledge-based endeavour