7 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm Combined with Gradient Information for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Different Varieties and Small Batches

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    To solve the Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem (FJSP) with different varieties and small batches, a modified meta-heuristic algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) is proposed in which gene encoding is divided into process encoding and machine encoding, and according to the encoding mode, the machine gene fragment is connected with the process gene fragment and can be changed with the alteration of process genes. In order to get the global optimal solutions, the crossover and mutation operation of the process gene fragment and machine gene fragment are carried out respectively. In the initialization operation, the machines with shorter manufacturing time are more likely to be chosen to accelerate the convergence speed and then the tournament selection strategy is applied due to the minimum optimization objective. Meanwhile, a judgment condition of the crossover point quantity is introduced to speed up the population evolution and as an important interaction bridge between the current machine and alternative machines in the incidence matrix, a novel mutation operation of machine genes is proposed to achieve the replacement of manufacturing machines. The benchmark test shows the correctness of proposed algorithm and the case simulation proves the proposed algorithm has better performance compared with existing algorithms

    A simulated annealing algorithm for the job shop cell scheduling problem with intercellular moves and reentrant parts

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    This paper addresses the problem of scheduling parts in job shop cellular manufacturing systems by considering exceptional parts that need to visit machines in different cells and reentrant parts which need to visit some machines more than once in non-consecutive manner. Initially, an integer linear programming (ILP) model is presented for the problem to minimize the makespan, which considers intercellular moves and non-consecutive multiple processing of parts on a machine. Due to the complexity of the model, a simulated annealing (SA) based solution approach is developed to solve the problem. To increase the efficiency of the search algorithm, a neighborhood structure based on the concept of blocks is applied. Subsequently, the efficiency of the ILP model and the performance of the proposed SA are assessed over a set of problem instances taken from the literature. The proposed ILP model was coded in Lingo 8.0 and the solution obtained by the proposed SA was compared to the optimal values. The computational results demonstrate that the proposed ILP model and SA algorithm are effective and efficient for this problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Aproximações heurísticas para um problema de escalonamento do tipo flexible job-shop

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialEste trabalho aborda um novo tipo de problema de escalonamento que pode ser encontrado em várias aplicações do mundo-real, principalmente na indústria transformadora. Em relação à configuração do shop floor, o problema pode ser classificado como flexible job-shop, onde os trabalhos podem ter diferentes rotas ao longo dos recursos e as suas operações têm um conjunto de recursos onde podem ser realizadas. Outras características de processamento abordadas são: datas possíveis de início, restrições de precedência (entre operações de um mesmo trabalho ou entre diferentes trabalhos), capacidade dos recursos (incluindo paragens, alterações na capacidade e capacidade infinita) e tempos de setup (que podem ser dependentes ou independentes da sequência). O objetivo é minimizar o número total de trabalhos atrasados. Para resolver o novo problema de escalonamento proposto um modelo de programação linear inteira mista é apresentado e novas abordagens heurísticas são propostas. Duas heurísticas construtivas, cinco heurísticas de melhoramento e duas metaheurísticas são propostas. As heurísticas construtivas são baseadas em regras de ordenação simples, onde as principais diferenças entre elas dizem respeito às regras de ordenação utilizadas e à forma de atribuir os recursos às operações. Os métodos são designados de job-by-job (JBJ), operation-by-operation (OBO) e resource-by-resource (RBR). Dentro das heurísticas de melhoramento, a reassign e a external exchange visam alterar a atribuição dos recursos, a internal exchange e a swap pretendem alterar a sequência de operações e a reinsert-reassign é focada em mudar, simultaneamente, ambas as partes. Algumas das heurísticas propostas são usadas em metaheurísticas, nomeadamente a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) e a iterated local search (ILS). Para avaliar estas abordagens, é proposto um novo conjunto de instâncias adaptadas de problemas de escalonamento gerais do tipo flexible job-shop. De todos os métodos, o que apresenta os melhores resultados é o ILS-OBO obtendo melhores valores médios de gaps em tempos médios inferiores a 3 minutos.This work addresses a new type of scheduling problem which can be found in several real-world applications, mostly in manufacturing. Regarding shop floor configuration, the problem can be classified as flexible job-shop, where jobs can have different routes passing through resources and their operations have a set of eligible resources in which they can be performed. The processing characteristics addressed are release dates, precedence constraints (either between operations of the same job or between different jobs), resources capacity (including downtimes, changes in capacity, and infinite capacity), and setup times, which can be sequence-dependent or sequence-independent. The objective is to minimise the total number of tardy jobs. To tackle the newly proposed flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP), a mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) is presented and new heuristic approaches are put forward. Three constructive heuristics, five improvement heuristics, and two metaheuristics are proposed. The constructive heuristics are based on simple dispatching rules, where the main differences among them concern the used dispatching rules and the way resources are assigned. The methods are named job-by-job (JBJ), operation-by-operation (OBO) and resource-by-resource (RBR). Within improvement heuristics, reassign and external exchange aim to change the resources assignment, internal exchange and swap intend changing the operations sequence, and reinsert-reassign is focused in simultaneously changing both parts. Some of the proposed heuristics are used within metaheuristic frameworks, namely greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) and iterative local search (ILS). In order to evaluate these approaches, a new set of benchmark instances adapted from the general FJSP is proposed. Out of all methods, the one which shows the best average results is ILS-OBO obtaining the best average gap values in average times lower than 3 minutes

    Intelligent algorithm for the optimization of assembly and handling systems and processes for in-line production

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    Povečanje konkurenčnosti podjetij je v veliki meri odvisno od učinkovitosti montažnih in strežnih sistemov ter procesov (MiSSP). Njihovo učinkovitost lahko povečamo z različnimi metodami optimizacije, predvsem z vidika zmanjševanja stroškov, skrajševanja pretočnih časov, dobavnih terminov, povečanja izkoriščenosti opreme itd. Ena najbolj učinkovitih metod optimiranja takšnih sistemov je optimiranje s sprotno simulacijo. Takšen pristop zahteva podrobne raziskave, študije in analizo vseh gradnikov ter parametrov, ki so potrebni, da se postavi ekspertni sistem sprotne oziroma "On-line" simulacije MiSSP linijske proizvodnje. V doktorski disertaciji je zato podrobno obravnavan razvoj inteligentnih algoritmov in uporaba le-teh za razvoj digitalnih agentov ter ekspertnih sistemov MiSSP linijske proizvodnje. Ekspertni sistem, razvit v okviru doktorske naloge, v povezavi z digitalnim dvojčkom in digitalnimi agenti nenehno nadzoruje in sproti optimira MiSSP linijske proizvodnje. Prav tako je v doktorskem delu razvit inteligentni algoritem, imenovan "premešaj in vstavi", ki npr. samodejno predlaga najboljše rešitve razporejanja naročil, strojev itd. v krajšem času kot uveljavljeni primerljivi algoritmi. Za potrebe validacije ekspertnega sistema z inteligentnim algoritmom je bil v laboratorijskem okolju zgrajen realni montažni in strežni sistem linijske proizvodnje. Digitalni MiSSP smo združili z realnim sistemom preko oblaka in s tem postavili vse potrebne okvire sprotne ali "On-line" simulacije in tako razvili ekspertni sistem, ki je v nenehni povezavi z realnim sistemom in ga sproti nadzoruje ter optimira. Postavljena metodologija zasnove inteligentnega algoritma, digitalnih agentov in digitalnih dvojčkov omogoča okvir za njihovo praktično uporabo v realnem proizvodnem okolju.Successful improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises depends to a large extent on the efficiency of assembly and handling systems and processes (AHSP). Their efficiency can be enhanced through various optimization methods, in particular in terms of the cost reduction, reduction of the throughput times, delivery times, increased utilization of equipment, etc. One of the most effective methods for optimizing such systems is optimization with on-line simulation. Such approach requires detailed research, study and analysis of all the building blocks and parameters needed to set up an expert system of on-line simulation of AHSP of the production line. Therefore, in the doctoral thesis, the development of intelligent algorithms and the use of them for the development of digital agents and expert systems of AHSP production line is discussed in detail. The expert system, developed in the doctoral thesis, in connection with the digital twin and digital agents, constantly monitors and continuously optimizes AHSP of the production line. In the doctoral thesis, an intelligent algorithm, called "flip and insert" is developed that can automatically suggest a very competitive schedule of orders, machines, etc. in a shorter time than well-established comparable algorithms. For the needs of validating the expert system with an intelligent algorithm, a real system of production line has been built in the laboratory environment. We combined the digital AHSP with the real system over the cloud, and thus set up all the necessary frameworks of the on-line simulation and thus develop an expert system that is in constant connection with the real system and is constantly monitoring and optimizing it. The methodology for intelligent algorithm, digital agents and digital twins provides a framework for their practical application in a real production environment

    Esnek atölye tipi hücre çizelgeleme problemleri için çok amaçlı matematiksel model ve genetik algoritma ile çözüm önerisi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Günümüz rekabetçi iş ortamında, müşteriler daha düşük maliyetle daha yüksek kalitede çeşitli ürünleri satın almak istemektedir. İmalat firmaları, talep çeşitliliğini karşılamak için yüksek derecede ürün çeşitliliğine ve küçük imalat parti büyüklüğüne ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Üretimdeki ürün çeşitlilikleri uzun hazırlık ve taşıma süreleri, karmaşık çizelgeleme problemleri gibi birçok probleme neden olmaktadır. Geleneksel imalat sistemleri, bu tip değişikliklere cevap vermede yeterince esnek değilken Hücresel Üretim Sistemleri üreticilerin bu ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilecek özelliklere sahiptir. Ayrıca gerçek hayat problemlerinin çoğunda, bir parçanın bazı ya da bütün operasyonları birden fazla makinede işlem görebilmekte ve bazen de bu operasyonlar bir makineyi ya da iş merkezini birden fazla kez ziyaret etmektedir. Bu seçenek sisteme esneklik kazandırırken bu kadar karmaşık bir üretim sisteminin başarılı ve doğru bir şekilde işletilebilmesi kaynakların etkin kullanılmasını da gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışma, istisnai parçaları, hücrelerarası hareketleri, hücrelerarası taşıma sürelerini, sıra bağımlı parça ailesi hazırlık sürelerini ve yeniden işlem gören parçaları dikkate alarak hücresel imalat ortamında esnek atölye tipi çizelgeleme probleminin çözümüne dair bir matematiksel model ve çözüm yöntemi sunmaktadır. Mevcut bilgilerimiz ışığında yapılan bu çalışma Esnek Atölye Tipi Hücre Çizelgeleme Probleminde (EATHÇP) çok amaçlı matematiksel model ve meta-sezgiselinin kullanımı için ilk girişimdir. Bununla birlikte gerçek hayat uygulamaları için EATHÇP süreci, birçok çelişen amacı dikkate almayı gerektirdiği için ele alınan skalerleştirme metodu pratik uygulama ve teorik araştırma açısından oldukça önemlidir. Önerilen karma tamsayılı doğrusal olmayan matematiksel modelle küçük ve orta boyutlu problemler çözülebilmektedir. Büyük boyutlu problemlerin çözümü, doğrusal olmayan modellerle makul zamanlarda olamayacağı ya da çok uzun süreceği için konik skalerleştirmeli çok amaçlı matematiksel modeli kullanan bir Genetik Algoritma (GA) meta-sezgisel çözüm yöntemi önerilmiştir. GA yaklaşımının en iyi veya en iyiye yakın çözüme ulaşmasına etki eden parametrelerin en iyi kombinasyonu belirlemek amacı ile bir deney tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu tez çalışması için Eskişehir Tülomsaş Motor Fabrikası'nda bir uygulama çalışması yürütülmüştür. Yürütülen bu çalışma, altı farklı amaç ağırlık değerleri kullanılarak hem konik skalerleştirmeli GA yaklaşımı ile hem de ağırlıklı toplam skalerleştirmeli GA yaklaşımı ile çözülmüştür. Amaç ağırlıklarının beşinde çok amaçlı konik skalerleştirme GA yaklaşımının daha baskın sonuçlara ulaşabildiği vurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca, önerilen çok amaçlı modelin gerçek hayat problemleri için de makul zamanda uygun çözümler üretebildiği gösterilmiştir.In today's highly competitive business environment, customers desire to buy various products with higher quality at lower costs. Manufacturing firms require a high degree of product variety and small manufacturing lot sizes to meet the demand variability. The product variations in manufacturing cause many problems such as lengthy setup and transportation times, complex scheduling. Cellular Manufacturing Systems contain the characteristics, which will respond to the needs of manufacturers, even though Conventional Manufacturing Systems are not flexible enough to respond to changes. In addition, in most real life manufacturing problems, some or all operations of a part can be processed on more than one machine, and sometimes operations may visit a machine or work center more than once. It is necessary to use resources effectively in order to run such a complex production system successfully. In this study, a mathematical model and a solution approach that deals with a flexible job shop scheduling problem in cellular manufacturing environment is proposed by taking into consideration exceptional parts, intercellular moves, intercellular transportation times, sequence-dependent family setup times, and recirculation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use multi-objective mathematical model and meta-heuristic approach for a Flexible Job Shop Cell Scheduling Problem (FJCSP). However, in the real-life applications, the scalarization method considered is highly important in terms of theoretical research and practical application because the FJCSP process is not easy because of many conflicting objectives. The proposed mixed integer non-linear model can be used for solving small and middle scaled problems. Solution of large scaled problems is not possible in reasonable time or takes too long time, so a Genetic Algorithm (GA) meta-heuristic approach that uses a multi-objective mathematical model with conic scalarization has been presented. An experimental design was used to determine the best combination of parameters which are affected performance of genetic algorithm to achieve optimum or sub-optimum solution. In this thesis study, a case study was conducted in Tülomsaş Locomotive and Engine Factory in Eskişehir. This study was solved by using both conic scalarization GA approach and weighted sum scalarization GA approach with six different weights of objective. It is emphasized that the multi-objective conic scalarization GA approach has better quality than other approach for five different weights of objective. In addition, it has been shown that the multi-objective model could also obtain optimum results in reasonable time for the real-world problems

    Makespan Minimization in Re-entrant Permutation Flow Shops

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    Re-entrant permutation flow shop problems occur in practical applications such as wafer manufacturing, paint shops, mold and die processes and textile industry. A re-entrant material flow means that the production jobs need to visit at least one working station multiple times. A comprehensive review gives an overview of the literature on re-entrant scheduling. The influence of missing operations received just little attention so far and splitting the jobs into sublots was not examined in re-entrant permutation flow shops before. The computational complexity of makespan minimization in re-entrant permutation flow shop problems requires heuristic solution approaches for large problem sizes. The problem provides promising structural properties for the application of a variable neighborhood search because of the repeated processing of jobs on several machines. Furthermore the different characteristics of lot streaming and their impact on the makespan of a schedule are examined in this thesis and the heuristic solution methods are adjusted to manage the problem’s extension