6 research outputs found

    A (k+3)/2(k + 3)/2-approximation algorithm for monotone submodular maximization over a kk-exchange system

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    We consider the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function in a kk-exchange system. These systems, introduced by Feldman et al., generalize the matroid k-parity problem in a wide class of matroids and capture many other combinatorial optimization problems. Feldman et al. show that a simple non-oblivious local search algorithm attains a (k+1)/2(k + 1)/2 approximation ratio for the problem of linear maximization in a kk-exchange system. Here, we extend this approach to the case of monotone submodular objective functions. We give a deterministic, non-oblivious local search algorithm that attains an approximation ratio of (k+3)/2(k + 3)/2 for the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function in a kk-exchange system

    Robust randomized matchings

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    The following game is played on a weighted graph: Alice selects a matching MM and Bob selects a number kk. Alice's payoff is the ratio of the weight of the kk heaviest edges of MM to the maximum weight of a matching of size at most kk. If MM guarantees a payoff of at least α\alpha then it is called α\alpha-robust. In 2002, Hassin and Rubinstein gave an algorithm that returns a 1/21/\sqrt{2}-robust matching, which is best possible. We show that Alice can improve her payoff to 1/ln(4)1/\ln(4) by playing a randomized strategy. This result extends to a very general class of independence systems that includes matroid intersection, b-matchings, and strong 2-exchange systems. It also implies an improved approximation factor for a stochastic optimization variant known as the maximum priority matching problem and translates to an asymptotic robustness guarantee for deterministic matchings, in which Bob can only select numbers larger than a given constant. Moreover, we give a new LP-based proof of Hassin and Rubinstein's bound

    Matroids, Complexity and Computation

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    The node deletion problem on graphs is: given a graph and integer k, can we delete no more than k vertices to obtain a graph that satisfies some property π. Yannakakis showed that this problem is NP-complete for an infinite family of well- defined properties. The edge deletion problem and matroid deletion problem are similar problems where given a graph or matroid respectively, we are asked if we can delete no more than k edges/elements to obtain a graph/matroid that satisfies a property π. We show that these problems are NP-hard for similar well-defined infinite families of properties. In 1991 Vertigan showed that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of a representable matroid over any fixed field. However no publication has been produced. We consider this problem and show that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of matroids representable over any infinite fixed field or finite fields of a fixed characteristic. There are many different ways of describing a matroid. Not all of these are polynomially equivalent. That is, given one description of a matroid, we cannot create another description for the same matroid in time polynomial in the size of the first description. Due to this, the complexity of matroid problems can vary greatly depending on the method of description used. Given one description a problem might be in P while another description gives an NP-complete problem. Based on these interactions between descriptions, we create and study the hierarchy of all matroid descriptions and generalize this to all descriptions of countable objects