21 research outputs found


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    Gas turbines are in operation around the world, used by many industries such as petrochemical, power generation, and oil and gas industries. Thus the safety of operating gas turbine is very crucial and is heavily concerned. Failure of gas turbine especially in those industries can result to risk related issues. An effective risk assessment model is required to assess failures associated with gas turbine and to achieve plant availability and efficiency. This study presents the development of a risk assessment model for gas turbine. The project is developed to assist and to help operators of gas turbine in determining the risk level of failures associated with the gas turbine. Several studies related to the project topic are carried out from journals and books availabl


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    Gas turbines are in operation around the world, used by many industries such as petrochemical, power generation, and oil and gas industries. Thus the safety of operating gas turbine is very crucial and is heavily concerned. Failure of gas turbine especially in those industries can result to risk related issues. An effective risk assessment model is required to assess failures associated with gas turbine and to achieve plant availability and efficiency. This study presents the development of a risk assessment model for gas turbine. The project is developed to assist and to help operators of gas turbine in determining the risk level of failures associated with the gas turbine. Several studies related to the project topic are carried out from journals and books availabl

    Aplicabilidade da gratificação de risco aos profissionais de saúde que operam em ambiente hiperbárico

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    O presente estudo visa esclarecer a aplicabilidade de uma gratificação de risco aos profissionais de saúde que operam em ambiente hiperbárico na Marinha Portuguesa, sendo o objeto de estudo o risco inerente ao ambiente hiperbárico. Para tal, adotou-se uma estrutura de estudo caso. Numa posição interpretativista e através de uma abordagem ontológica construtivista, com recurso ao método de raciocínio indutivo, procurou-se obter dados relevantes, através de observação, análise documental e de entrevistas. A investigação apurou o grau de exposição dos profissionais de saúde a operar em ambiente hiperbárico, através da análise, avaliação e controlo de risco, tendo-se classificado o risco como muito elevado, exigindo medidas de controlo. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a compensação de risco nas classes de Mergulhadores e Submarinistas da Marinha Portuguesa contempla o risco da exposição a ambiente hiperbárico. A análise da compensação de risco nas Marinhas Espanhola e Holandesa evidenciou que existe unanimidade quanto à presença de risco na exposição a ambiente hiperbárico. O presente estudo conclui que o nível de risco associado à exposição dos profissionais de saúde a ambiente hiperbárico justifica a atribuição de gratificação de risco, recomendando-se estudos futuros, nomeadamente explorativos de fatores de valoração. Abstract: The present study aims to clarify the applicability of a risk gratification to health professionals operating in hyperbaric environment at the Portuguese Navy, focusing the object of study on the inherent risk related to that exposure. Starting from a constructivist ontological approach with an interpretative position, and inductive reasoning, a case study structure was adopted, which sought to obtain relevant data for analysis and synthesis, through observation, documentary analysis and interviews. The research determined the degree of exposure of health professionals operating in a hyperbaric environment and concluded that there is a risk classified as very high, demanding measures of control. Additionally, it was found that the risk compensation bonus of Divers and Submariners contemplates the risk of exposure to hyperbaric environment. The analysis of risk compensation in the Spanish and Dutch Navies showed that there is unanimity as to the presence of risk with exposure to hyperbaric environment. The present study concludes that the level of risk associated with exposure of health professionals to hyperbaric environment justifies the attribution of risk gratification, recommending future studies, namely exploratory of valuation factors.N/

    Desarrollo portuario sostenible : modelización del riesgo en inversiones portuarias

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    This research, that is part of a thesis, has been drafted within the investi-gation of TEI group “Transport Engineering and Infrastructure” (“Ingeniería e Infraestructura de los Transportes”) of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain). So one of the purposes of the thesis is to consolidate lines of research relating to port infrastructures risk assessment and mitigation, and economic and financial analysis. The primary objective of this research is to better understand and to im-prove risk identification and assessment through a better understanding of the variables involved, those that are found more relevant will become the overall objective of the thesis that will develop and adjust statistical distributions to re-produce the behavior of those selected variables, in order to produce a reliable analysis of face model to select investment port projects. Achieving the previously described primary objective, implies to achieve the following specific objectives: 1. Selection of the most relevant variables in the economic and financial analysis of port investment, through review of the literature. 2. Obtaining the statistical distributions of the selected variables, firstly through literature review, to tackle the problems of the implementation of the economic and financial assessments that include an analysis of risk, through the development of a base case, and try to offer some criteria in the resolution of these problems 3. Develop of a model for economic and financial analysis, including a risk analysis to take into account the statistical distributions of the previously selected variables. 4. Application of the model developed to a real-world example to validate the proposed model. 5. Assess the relevance of each one of the selected variables to the final result of the analysis, by performing a regression analysis. This document outlines the findings of the tasks performed and highlights the issues of focus for the TEI group of research. These findings also suggest future research by TEI group to address port industry and port authorities risk evaluation issues, methods and procedures to improve the performance of in-ternational port projects.Escuela Técnica superior de Ingeniería AgronómicaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Risk management of new product development process

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    Dissertation submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa for the achievement of Integrated Master´s degree in Industrial Management EngineeringWinners in today´s global changing environment, are those who continuously pursuit innovations in order to guarantee their sustainability. If in the presence of a certain environment many enterprises makes enormous mistakes, in an uncertain environment as the development of innovations, these mistakes will be multiplied. Moreover, since little effort has been made in developing empirical models, metrics and tools to manage risks in product development, this work aspires to satisfy the necessity of high-tech enterprises with a useful and pragmatic approach to manage the risks of their new product development (NPD) process. Besides it provides for enterprise´s innovation life cycle, a NPD risk management methodology with efficient techniques to manage risks in advance and during the development of new products, it will provide a new conceptualization of enterprises’ innovation and NPD process, for supporting future research in the innovation field. This master thesis will explore the innovation field, revealing that radical and incremental innovations are complementary during the innovation life cycle and accomplished through distinct process of developing new products. Through this new perspective, this work succeed in providing a NPD risk management model for both type of innovations aiming a universal best practice to identify, analyze, and manage risks in the NPD process

    Operational risk assessment for shipping in Arctic waters

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    Arctic navigation has many complexities due to its particular features such as ice, severe weather conditions, remoteness, low temperatures, lack of crew experience, and extended period of darkness or daylight. For these reasons, vessels, such as oil tankers, dry cargo ships, offshore supply vessels, research vessels, and passenger ships operating in the Arctic waters may pose a high risk of collision with ice and other ships causing human casualties, environmental pollution and the loss of assets. This thesis presents a conceptual framework that is focused on collision modelling. In order to understand the process of risk escalation and to attempt a proactive approach in constituting the collision models for Arctic navigation, the present thesis identifies various risk factors that are involved in a collision. Furthermore, the thesis proposes the probabilistic framework tools that are based on the identified risk factors to estimate the risks of collision in the Arctic. The proposed frameworks are used to model the collision based risk scenarios in the region. They are developed with the use of Bayesian Networks, the Nagel-Schreckenberg (NaSch), and Human Factor Analysis and Classification (HFACS) models. In the present thesis, the proposed models are theoretical in nature, but they can be useful in developing a collision monitoring system that provides a real time-estimate of collision probability that could help avoid collisions in the Arctic. Further, the estimated probabilities are also useful in decision making concerning safe independent and convoy operations in the region. The proposed frameworks simplifies maritime accident modeling by developing a practical understanding of the role of physical environment, navigational and operational related aspects of ships, and human errors, such as individual lapses, management failures, organizational failures, and economic factors in the collision related accidents in the Arctic. This research also identifies the macroscopic properties of maritime traffic flow and demonstrates how these properties influence collision properties. The thesis also presents an innovative accident model for ice-covered waters that estimates the collision probability and establishes the relationship between the macroscopic properties of the traffic flow with the contributory accidental risk factors in the region. The main focus of the present thesis is, to better understand, communicate, and incorporate specific risk factors into the maritime risk assessment processes, involve shipping organizations to agree on best practice methodologies and make the data sources easily available, and modify the Arctic risk management processes by implementing effective risk assessment techniques and appropriate risk treatment

    Risk analysis in supply vessel operations in Ghana

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    Environmental Risk Minimization of Offshore Transport Systems in Ghana

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