723 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art in aerodynamic shape optimisation methods

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    Aerodynamic optimisation has become an indispensable component for any aerodynamic design over the past 60 years, with applications to aircraft, cars, trains, bridges, wind turbines, internal pipe flows, and cavities, among others, and is thus relevant in many facets of technology. With advancements in computational power, automated design optimisation procedures have become more competent, however, there is an ambiguity and bias throughout the literature with regards to relative performance of optimisation architectures and employed algorithms. This paper provides a well-balanced critical review of the dominant optimisation approaches that have been integrated with aerodynamic theory for the purpose of shape optimisation. A total of 229 papers, published in more than 120 journals and conference proceedings, have been classified into 6 different optimisation algorithm approaches. The material cited includes some of the most well-established authors and publications in the field of aerodynamic optimisation. This paper aims to eliminate bias toward certain algorithms by analysing the limitations, drawbacks, and the benefits of the most utilised optimisation approaches. This review provides comprehensive but straightforward insight for non-specialists and reference detailing the current state for specialist practitioners

    Hybrid Intelligent Optimization Methods for Engineering Problems

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    The purpose of optimization is to obtain the best solution under certain conditions. There are numerous optimization methods because different problems need different solution methodologies; therefore, it is difficult to construct patterns. Also mathematical modeling of a natural phenomenon is almost based on differentials. Differential equations are constructed with relative increments among the factors related to yield. Therefore, the gradients of these increments are essential to search the yield space. However, the landscape of yield is not a simple one and mostly multi-modal. Another issue is differentiability. Engineering design problems are usually nonlinear and they sometimes exhibit discontinuous derivatives for the objective and constraint functions. Due to these difficulties, non-gradient-based algorithms have become more popular in recent decades. Genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are popular, non-gradient based algorithms. Both are population-based search algorithms and have multiple points for initiation. A significant difference from a gradient-based method is the nature of the search methodologies. For example, randomness is essential for the search in GA or PSO. Hence, they are also called stochastic optimization methods. These algorithms are simple, robust, and have high fidelity. However, they suffer from similar defects, such as, premature convergence, less accuracy, or large computational time. The premature convergence is sometimes inevitable due to the lack of diversity. As the generations of particles or individuals in the population evolve, they may lose their diversity and become similar to each other. To overcome this issue, we studied the diversity concept in GA and PSO algorithms. Diversity is essential for a healthy search, and mutations are the basic operators to provide the necessary variety within a population. After having a close scrutiny of the diversity concept based on qualification and quantification studies, we improved new mutation strategies and operators to provide beneficial diversity within the population. We called this new approach as multi-frequency vibrational GA or PSO. They were applied to different aeronautical engineering problems in order to study the efficiency of these new approaches. These implementations were: applications to selected benchmark test functions, inverse design of two-dimensional (2D) airfoil in subsonic flow, optimization of 2D airfoil in transonic flow, path planning problems of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over a 3D terrain environment, 3D radar cross section minimization problem for a 3D air vehicle, and active flow control over a 2D airfoil. As demonstrated by these test cases, we observed that new algorithms outperform the current popular algorithms. The principal role of this multi-frequency approach was to determine which individuals or particles should be mutated, when they should be mutated, and which ones should be merged into the population. The new mutation operators, when combined with a mutation strategy and an artificial intelligent method, such as, neural networks or fuzzy logic process, they provided local and global diversities during the reproduction phases of the generations. Additionally, the new approach also introduced random and controlled diversity. Due to still being population-based techniques, these methods were as robust as the plain GA or PSO algorithms. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the variants of the present multi-frequency vibrational GA and PSO were efficient algorithms, since they successfully avoided all local optima within relatively short optimization cycles

    An Effective Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm for Flexible Ligand Docking

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    Optimal control problems solved via swarm intelligence

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    Questa tesi descrive come risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm in telligence. Grande enfasi viene posta circa la formulazione del problema di controllo ottimo, in particolare riguardo a punti fondamentali come l’identificazione delle incognite, la trascrizione numerica e la scelta del risolutore per la programmazione non lineare. L’algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization viene preso in considerazione e la maggior parte dei problemi proposti sono risolti utilizzando una formulazione differential flatness. Quando viene usato l’approccio di dinamica inversa, il problema di ottimo relativo ai parametri di trascrizione è risolto assumendo che le traiettorie da identificare siano approssimate con curve B-splines. La tecnica Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization, che viene impiegata nella maggior parte delle applicazioni numeriche di questa tesi, è una combinazione del Particle Swarm e della formulazione differential flatness. La tesi investiga anche altre opportunità di risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm intelligence, per esempio usando un approccio di dinamica diretta e imponendo a priori le condizioni necessarie di ottimalitá alla legge di controllo. Per tutti i problemi proposti, i risultati sono analizzati e confrontati con altri lavori in letteratura. Questa tesi mostra quindi the algoritmi metaeuristici possono essere usati per risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo, ma soluzioni ottime o quasi-ottime possono essere ottenute al variare della formulazione del problema.This thesis deals with solving optimal control problems via swarm intelligence. Great emphasis is given to the formulation of the optimal control problem regarding fundamental issues such as unknowns identification, numerical transcription and choice of the nonlinear programming solver. The Particle Swarm Optimization is taken into account, and most of the proposed problems are solved using a differential flatness formulation. When the inverse-dynamics approach is used, the transcribed parameter optimization problem is solved assuming that the unknown trajectories are approximated with B-spline curves. The Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization technique, which is employed in the majority of the numerical applications in this work, is a combination of Particle Swarm and differential flatness formulation. This thesis also investigates other opportunities to solve optimal control problems with swarm intelligence, for instance using a direct dynamics approach and imposing a-priori the necessary optimality conditions to the control policy. For all the proposed problems, results are analyzed and compared with other works in the literature. This thesis shows that metaheuristic algorithms can be used to solve optimal control problems, but near-optimal or optimal solutions can be attained depending on the problem formulation

    A brief study on rice diseases recognition and image classification: fusion deep belief network and S-particle swarm optimization algorithm

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    In the regions of southern Andhra Pradesh, rice brown spot, rice blast, and rice sheath blight have emerged as the most prevalent diseases. The goal of this research is to increase the precision and effectiveness of disease diagnosis by proposing a framework for the automated recognition and classification of rice diseases. Therefore, this work proposes a hybrid approach with multiple stages. Initially, the region of interest (ROI) is extracted from the dataset and test images. Then, the multiple features are extracted, such as color-moment-based features, grey-level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture, and shape features. Then, the S-particle swarm optimization (SPSO) model selects the best features from the extracted features. Moreover, the deep belief network (DBN) model trained by SPSO is based on optimal features, which classify the different types of rice diseases. The SPSO algorithm also optimized the losses generated in the DBN model. The suggested model achieves a hit rate of 94.85% and an accuracy of 97.48% with the 10-fold cross-validation approach. The traditional machine learning (ML) model is significantly less accurate than the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), which has an accuracy of 97.48%

    Hybrid optimizer for expeditious modeling of virtual urban environments

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Evolutionary Computation, Optimization and Learning Algorithms for Data Science

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    A large number of engineering, science and computational problems have yet to be solved in a computationally efficient way. One of the emerging challenges is how evolving technologies grow towards autonomy and intelligent decision making. This leads to collection of large amounts of data from various sensing and measurement technologies, e.g., cameras, smart phones, health sensors, smart electricity meters, and environment sensors. Hence, it is imperative to develop efficient algorithms for generation, analysis, classification, and illustration of data. Meanwhile, data is structured purposefully through different representations, such as large-scale networks and graphs. We focus on data science as a crucial area, specifically focusing on a curse of dimensionality (CoD) which is due to the large amount of generated/sensed/collected data. This motivates researchers to think about optimization and to apply nature-inspired algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to solve optimization problems. Although these algorithms look un-deterministic, they are robust enough to reach an optimal solution. Researchers do not adopt evolutionary algorithms unless they face a problem which is suffering from placement in local optimal solution, rather than global optimal solution. In this chapter, we first develop a clear and formal definition of the CoD problem, next we focus on feature extraction techniques and categories, then we provide a general overview of meta-heuristic algorithms, its terminology, and desirable properties of evolutionary algorithms

    Adaptive and learning-based formation control of swarm robots

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    Autonomous aerial and wheeled mobile robots play a major role in tasks such as search and rescue, transportation, monitoring, and inspection. However, these operations are faced with a few open challenges including robust autonomy, and adaptive coordination based on the environment and operating conditions, particularly in swarm robots with limited communication and perception capabilities. Furthermore, the computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of robots in the swarm. This thesis examines two different aspects of the formation control problem. On the one hand, we investigate how formation could be performed by swarm robots with limited communication and perception (e.g., Crazyflie nano quadrotor). On the other hand, we explore human-swarm interaction (HSI) and different shared-control mechanisms between human and swarm robots (e.g., BristleBot) for artistic creation. In particular, we combine bio-inspired (i.e., flocking, foraging) techniques with learning-based control strategies (using artificial neural networks) for adaptive control of multi- robots. We first review how learning-based control and networked dynamical systems can be used to assign distributed and decentralized policies to individual robots such that the desired formation emerges from their collective behavior. We proceed by presenting a novel flocking control for UAV swarm using deep reinforcement learning. We formulate the flocking formation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), and consider a leader-follower configuration, where consensus among all UAVs is used to train a shared control policy, and each UAV performs actions based on the local information it collects. In addition, to avoid collision among UAVs and guarantee flocking and navigation, a reward function is added with the global flocking maintenance, mutual reward, and a collision penalty. We adapt deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) with centralized training and decentralized execution to obtain the flocking control policy using actor-critic networks and a global state space matrix. In the context of swarm robotics in arts, we investigate how the formation paradigm can serve as an interaction modality for artists to aesthetically utilize swarms. In particular, we explore particle swarm optimization (PSO) and random walk to control the communication between a team of robots with swarming behavior for musical creation