529 research outputs found

    Use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Enhance Traffic Safety Analysis

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    Despite significant advances in vehicle technologies, safety data collection and analysis, and engineering advancements, tens of thousands of Americans die every year in motor vehicle crashes. Alarmingly, the trend of fatal and serious injury crashes appears to be heading in the wrong direction. In 2021, the actual rate of fatalities exceeded the predicted rate. This worrisome trend prompts and necessitates the development of advanced and holistic approaches to determining the causes of a crash (particularly fatal and major injuries). These approaches range from analyzing problems from multiple perspectives, utilizing available data sources, and employing the most suitable tools and technologies within and outside traffic safety domain.The primary source for traffic safety analysis is the structure (also called tabular) data collected from crash reports. However, structure data may be insufficient because of missing information, incomplete sequence of events, misclassified crash types, among many issues. Crash narratives, a form of free text recorded by police officers to describe the unique aspects and circumstances of a crash, are commonly used by safety professionals to supplement structure data fields. Due to its unstructured nature, engineers have to manually review every crash narrative. Thanks to the rapid development in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, text mining and analytics has become a popular tool to accelerate information extraction and analysis for unstructured text data. The primary objective of this dissertation is to discover and develop necessary tools, techniques, and algorithms to facilitate traffic safety analysis using crash narratives. The objectives are accomplished in three areas: enhancing data quality by recovering missed crashes through text classification, uncovering complex characteristics of collision generation through information extraction and pattern recognition, and facilitating crash narrative analysis by developing a web-based tool. At first, a variety of NoisyOR classifiers were developed to identify and investigate work zone (WZ), distracted (DD), and inattentive (ID) crashes. In addition, various machine learning (ML) models, including multinomial naive bayes (MNB), logistic regression (LGR), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (K-NN), random forest (RF), and gated recurrent unit (GRU), were developed and compared with NoisyOR. The comparison shows that NoisyOR is simple, computationally efficient, theoretically sound, and has one of the best model performances. Furthermore, a novel neural network architecture named Sentence-based Hierarchical Attention Network (SHAN) was developed to classify crashes and its performance exceeds that of NoisyOR, GRU, Hierarchical Attention Network (HAN), and other ML models. SHAN handled noisy or irrelevant parts of narratives effectively and the model results can be visualized by attention weight. Because a crash often comprises a series of actions and events, breaking the chain of events could prevent a crash from reaching its most dangerous stage. With the objectives of creating crash sequences, discovering pattern of crash events, and finding missing events, the Part-of-Speech tagging (PT), Pattern Matching with POS Tagging (PMPT), Dependency Parser (DP), and Hybrid Generalized (HGEN) algorithms were developed and thoroughly tested using crash narratives. The top performer, HGEN, uses predefined events and event-related action words from crash narratives to find new events not captured in the data fields. Besides, the association analysis unravels the complex interrelations between events within a crash. Finally, the crash information extraction, analysis, and classification tool (CIEACT), a simple and flexible online web tool, was developed to analyze crash narratives using text mining techniques. The tool uses a Python-based Django Web Framework, HTML, and a relational database (PostgreSQL) that enables concurrent model development and analysis. The tool has built-in classifiers by default or can train a model in real time given the data. The interface is user friendly and the results can be displayed in a tabular format or on an interactive map. The tool also provides an option for users to download the word with their probability scores and the results in csv files. The advantages and limitations of each proposed methodology were discussed, and several future research directions were outlined. In summary, the methodologies and tools developed as part of the dissertation can assist transportation engineers and safety professionals in extracting valuable information from narratives, recovering missed crashes, classifying a new crash, and expediting their review process on a large scale. Thus, this research can be used by transportation agencies to analyze crash records, identify appropriate safety solutions, and inform policy making to improve highway safety of our transportation system

    Identification of Factors Contributing to Traffic Crashes by Analysis of Text Narratives

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    The fatalities, injuries, and property damage that result from traffic crashes impose a significant burden on society. Current research and practice in traffic safety rely on analysis of quantitative data from crash reports to understand crash severity contributors and develop countermeasures. Despite advances from this effort, quantitative crash data suffers from drawbacks, such as the limited ability to capture all the information relevant to the crashes and the potential errors introduced during data collection. Crash narratives can help address these limitations, as they contain detailed descriptions of the context and sequence of events of the crash. However, the unstructured nature of text data within narratives has challenged exploration of crash narratives. In response, this dissertation aims to develop an analysis framework and methods to enable the extraction of insights from crash narratives and thus improve our level of understanding of traffic crashes to a new level. The methodological development of this dissertation is split into three objectives. The first objective is to devise an approach for extraction of severity contributing insights from crash narratives by investigating interpretable machine learning and text mining techniques. The second objective is to enable an enhanced identification of crash severity contributors in the form of meaningful phrases by integrating recent advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP). The third objective is to develop an approach for semantic search of information of interest in crash narratives. The obtained results indicate that the developed approaches enable the extraction of valuable insights from crash narratives to 1) uncover factors that quantitative may not reveal, 2) confirm results from classic statistical analysis on crash data, and 3) fix inconsistencies in quantitative data. The outcomes of this dissertation add substantial value to traffic safety, as the developed approaches allow analysts to exploit the rich information in crash narratives for a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of traffic crashes

    Temporospatial Context-Aware Vehicular Crash Risk Prediction

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    With the demand for more vehicles increasing, road safety is becoming a growing concern. Traffic collisions take many lives and cost billions of dollars in losses. This explains the growing interest of governments, academic institutions and companies in road safety. The vastness and availability of road accident data has provided new opportunities for gaining a better understanding of accident risk factors and for developing more effective accident prediction and prevention regimes. Much of the empirical research on road safety and accident analysis utilizes statistical models which capture limited aspects of crashes. On the other hand, data mining has recently gained interest as a reliable approach for investigating road-accident data and for providing predictive insights. While some risk factors contribute more frequently in the occurrence of a road accident, the importance of driver behavior, temporospatial factors, and real-time traffic dynamics have been underestimated. This study proposes a framework for predicting crash risk based on historical accident data. The proposed framework incorporates machine learning and data analytics techniques to identify driving patterns and other risk factors associated with potential vehicle crashes. These techniques include clustering, association rule mining, information fusion, and Bayesian networks. Swarm intelligence based association rule mining is employed to uncover the underlying relationships and dependencies in collision databases. Data segmentation methods are employed to eliminate the effect of dependent variables. Extracted rules can be used along with real-time mobility to predict crashes and their severity in real-time. The national collision database of Canada (NCDB) is used in this research to generate association rules with crash risk oriented subsequents, and to compare the performance of the swarm intelligence based approach with that of other association rule miners. Many industry-demanding datasets, including road-accident datasets, are deficient in descriptive factors. This is a significant barrier for uncovering meaningful risk factor relationships. To resolve this issue, this study proposes a knwoledgebase approximation framework to enhance the crash risk analysis by integrating pieces of evidence discovered from disparate datasets capturing different aspects of mobility. Dempster-Shafer theory is utilized as a key element of this knowledgebase approximation. This method can integrate association rules with acceptable accuracy under certain circumstances that are discussed in this thesis. The proposed framework is tested on the lymphography dataset and the road-accident database of the Great Britain. The derived insights are then used as the basis for constructing a Bayesian network that can estimate crash likelihood and risk levels so as to warn drivers and prevent accidents in real-time. This Bayesian network approach offers a way to implement a naturalistic driving analysis process for predicting traffic collision risk based on the findings from the data-driven model. A traffic incident detection and localization method is also proposed as a component of the risk analysis model. Detecting and localizing traffic incidents enables timely response to accidents and facilitates effective and efficient traffic flow management. The results obtained from the experimental work conducted on this component is indicative of the capability of our Dempster-Shafer data-fusion-based incident detection method in overcoming the challenges arising from erroneous and noisy sensor readings


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    Continuous advances in modern data collection techniques help spatial scientists gain access to massive and high-resolution spatial and spatio-temporal data. Thus there is an urgent need to develop effective and efficient methods seeking to find unknown and useful information embedded in big-data datasets of unprecedentedly large size (e.g., millions of observations), high dimensionality (e.g., hundreds of variables), and complexity (e.g., heterogeneous data sources, space–time dynamics, multivariate connections, explicit and implicit spatial relations and interactions). Responding to this line of development, this research focuses on the utilization of the association rule (AR) mining technique for a geospatial knowledge discovery process. Prior attempts have sidestepped the complexity of the spatial dependence structure embedded in the studied phenomenon. Thus, adopting association rule mining in spatial analysis is rather problematic. Interestingly, a very similar predicament afflicts spatial regression analysis with a spatial weight matrix that would be assigned a priori, without validation on the specific domain of application. Besides, a dependable geospatial knowledge discovery process necessitates algorithms supporting automatic and robust but accurate procedures for the evaluation of mined results. Surprisingly, this has received little attention in the context of spatial association rule mining. To remedy the existing deficiencies mentioned above, the foremost goal for this research is to construct a comprehensive geospatial knowledge discovery framework using spatial association rule mining for the detection of spatial patterns embedded in geospatial databases and to demonstrate its application within the domain of crime analysis. It is the first attempt at delivering a complete geo-spatial knowledge discovery framework using spatial association rule mining

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data

    An Overview about Emerging Technologies of Autonomous Driving

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    Since DARPA started Grand Challenges in 2004 and Urban Challenges in 2007, autonomous driving has been the most active field of AI applications. This paper gives an overview about technical aspects of autonomous driving technologies and open problems. We investigate the major fields of self-driving systems, such as perception, mapping and localization, prediction, planning and control, simulation, V2X and safety etc. Especially we elaborate on all these issues in a framework of data closed loop, a popular platform to solve the long tailed autonomous driving problems

    Mind the Gap: Developments in Autonomous Driving Research and the Sustainability Challenge

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    Scientific knowledge on autonomous-driving technology is expanding at a faster-than-ever pace. As a result, the likelihood of incurring information overload is particularly notable for researchers, who can struggle to overcome the gap between information processing requirements and information processing capacity. We address this issue by adopting a multi-granulation approach to latent knowledge discovery and synthesis in large-scale research domains. The proposed methodology combines citation-based community detection methods and topic modeling techniques to give a concise but comprehensive overview of how the autonomous vehicle (AV) research field is conceptually structured. Thirteen core thematic areas are extracted and presented by mining the large data-rich environments resulting from 50 years of AV research. The analysis demonstrates that this research field is strongly oriented towards examining the technological developments needed to enable the widespread rollout of AVs, whereas it largely overlooks the wide-ranging sustainability implications of this sociotechnical transition. On account of these findings, we call for a broader engagement of AV researchers with the sustainability concept and we invite them to increase their commitment to conducting systematic investigations into the sustainability of AV deployment. Sustainability research is urgently required to produce an evidence-based understanding of what new sociotechnical arrangements are needed to ensure that the systemic technological change introduced by AV-based transport systems can fulfill societal functions while meeting the urgent need for more sustainable transport solutions
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