191 research outputs found

    New Ideas for Brain Modelling

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    This paper describes some biologically-inspired processes that could be used to build the sort of networks that we associate with the human brain. New to this paper, a 'refined' neuron will be proposed. This is a group of neurons that by joining together can produce a more analogue system, but with the same level of control and reliability that a binary neuron would have. With this new structure, it will be possible to think of an essentially binary system in terms of a more variable set of values. The paper also shows how recent research associated with the new model, can be combined with established theories, to produce a more complete picture. The propositions are largely in line with conventional thinking, but possibly with one or two more radical suggestions. An earlier cognitive model can be filled in with more specific details, based on the new research results, where the components appear to fit together almost seamlessly. The intention of the research has been to describe plausible 'mechanical' processes that can produce the appropriate brain structures and mechanisms, but that could be used without the magical 'intelligence' part that is still not fully understood. There are also some important updates from an earlier version of this paper

    Framework of hierarchy for neural theory

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    On microelectronic self-learning cognitive chip systems

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    After a brief review of machine learning techniques and applications, this Ph.D. thesis examines several approaches for implementing machine learning architectures and algorithms into hardware within our laboratory. From this interdisciplinary background support, we have motivations for novel approaches that we intend to follow as an objective of innovative hardware implementations of dynamically self-reconfigurable logic for enhanced self-adaptive, self-(re)organizing and eventually self-assembling machine learning systems, while developing this new particular area of research. And after reviewing some relevant background of robotic control methods followed by most recent advanced cognitive controllers, this Ph.D. thesis suggests that amongst many well-known ways of designing operational technologies, the design methodologies of those leading-edge high-tech devices such as cognitive chips that may well lead to intelligent machines exhibiting conscious phenomena should crucially be restricted to extremely well defined constraints. Roboticists also need those as specifications to help decide upfront on otherwise infinitely free hardware/software design details. In addition and most importantly, we propose these specifications as methodological guidelines tightly related to ethics and the nowadays well-identified workings of the human body and of its psyche

    Exploration of biological neural wiring using self-organizing agents

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    Cette thèse présente un nouveau modèle computationnel capable de détecter les configurations temporelles d'une voie neuronale donnée afin d'en construire sa copie artificielle. Cette construction représente un véritable défi puisqu'il est impossible de faire des mesures directes sur des neurones individuels dans le système nerveux central humain et que la voie neuronale sous-jacente doit être considérée comme une boîte noire. La théorie des Systèmes Multi-Agents Adaptatifs (AMAS) est utilisée pour relever ce défi. Dans ces systèmes auto-organisateurs, un grand nombre d'agents logiciels coopératifs interagissent localement pour donner naissance à un comportement collectif ascendant. Le résultat est un modèle émergent dans lequel chaque entité logicielle représente un neurone " intègre-et-tire ". Ce modèle est appliqué aux réponses réflexes d'unités motrices isolées obtenues sur des sujets humains conscients. Les résultats expérimentaux, comparés à des données obtenues expérimentalement, montrent que le modèle découvre la fonctionnalité de voies neuronales humaines. Ce qui rend le modèle prometteur est le fait que c'est, à notre connaissance, le premier modèle réaliste capable d'auto-construire un réseau neuronal artificiel en combinant efficacement les neurosciences et des systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs. Bien qu'aucune preuve n'existe encore sur la correspondance exacte entre connectivité du modèle et connectivité du système humain, tout laisse à penser que ce modèle peut aider les neuroscientifiques à améliorer leur compréhension des réseaux neuronaux humains et qu'il peut être utilisé pour établir des hypothèses afin de conduire de futures expérimentations.In this thesis, a novel computational model that detects temporal configurations of a given human neuronal pathway and constructs its artificial replication is presented. This poses a great challenge since direct recordings from individual neurons are impossible in the human central nervous system and therefore the underlying neuronal pathway has to be considered as a black box. For tackling this challenge, the Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems (AMAS) theory in which large sets of cooperative software agents interacting locally give rise to collective behavior bottom-up is used. The result is an emergent model where each software entity represents an integrate-and-fire neuron. We then applied the model to the reflex responses of single motor units obtained from conscious human subjects. Experimental results show that the model uncovers functionality of real human neuronal pathways by comparing it to appropriate surrogate data. What makes the model promising is the fact that, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first realistic model to self-wire an artificial neuronal network by efficiently combining neuroscience with self-adaptive multi-agent systems. Although there is no evidence yet of the model's connectivity mapping onto the human connectivity, we anticipate this model will help neuroscientists to learn much more about human neuronal networks, and could also be used for predicting hypotheses to lead future experiments

    Application of spiking neural networks and the bees algorithm to control chart pattern recognition

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    Statistical process control (SPC) is a method for improving the quality of products. Control charting plays a most important role in SPC. SPC control charts arc used for monitoring and detecting unnatural process behaviour. Unnatural patterns in control charts indicate unnatural causes for variations. Control chart pattern recognition is therefore important in SPC. Past research shows that although certain types of charts, such as the CUSUM chart, might have powerful detection ability, they lack robustness and do not function automatically. In recent years, neural network techniques have been applied to automatic pattern recognition. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) belong to the third generation of artificial neural networks, with spiking neurons as processing elements. In SNNs, time is an important feature for information representation and processing. This thesis proposes the application of SNN techniques to control chart pattern recognition. It is designed to present an analysis of the existing learning algorithms of SNN for pattern recognition and to explain how and why spiking neurons have more computational power in comparison to the previous generation of neural networks. This thesis focuses on the architecture and the learning procedure of the network. Four new learning algorithms arc presented with their specific architecture: Spiking Learning Vector Quantisation (S-LVQ), Enhanced-Spiking Learning Vector Quantisation (NS-LVQ), S-LVQ with Bees and NS-LVQ with Bees. The latter two algorithms employ a new intelligent swarm-based optimisation called the Bees Algorithm to optimise the LVQ pattern recognition networks. Overall, the aim of the research is to develop a simple architecture for the proposed network as well as to develop a network that is efficient for application to control chart pattern recognition. Experiments show that the proposed architecture and the learning procedure give high pattern recognition accuracies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Artificial ontogenesis: a connectionist model of development

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    This thesis suggests that ontogenetic adaptive processes are important for generating intelligent beha- viour. It is thus proposed that such processes, as they occur in nature, need to be modelled and that such a model could be used for generating artificial intelligence, and specifically robotic intelligence. Hence, this thesis focuses on how mechanisms of intelligence are specified.A major problem in robotics is the need to predefine the behaviour to be followed by the robot. This makes design intractable for all but the simplest tasks and results in controllers that are specific to that particular task and are brittle when faced with unforeseen circumstances. These problems can be resolved by providing the robot with the ability to adapt the rules it follows and to autonomously create new rules for controlling behaviour. This solution thus depends on the predefinition of how rules to control behaviour are to be learnt rather than the predefinition of rules for behaviour themselves.Learning new rules for behaviour occurs during the developmental process in biology. Changes in the structure of the cerebral 'cortex underly behavioural and cognitive development throughout infancy and beyond. The uniformity of the neocortex suggests that there is significant computational uniformity across the cortex resulting from uniform mechanisms of development, and holds out the possibility of a general model of development. Development is an interactive process between genetic predefinition and environmental influences. This interactive process is constructive: qualitatively new behaviours are learnt by using simple abilities as a basis for learning more complex ones. The progressive increase in competence, provided by development, may be essential to make tractable the process of acquiring higher -level abilities.While simple behaviours can be triggered by direct sensory cues, more complex behaviours require the use of more abstract representations. There is thus a need to find representations at the correct level of abstraction appropriate to controlling each ability. In addition, finding the correct level of abstrac- tion makes tractable the task of associating sensory representations with motor actions. Hence, finding appropriate representations is important both for learning behaviours and for controlling behaviours. Representations can be found by recording regularities in the world or by discovering re- occurring pat- terns through repeated sensory -motor interactions. By recording regularities within the representations thus formed, more abstract representations can be found. Simple, non -abstract, representations thus provide the basis for learning more complex, abstract, representations.A modular neural network architecture is presented as a basis for a model of development. The pat- tern of activity of the neurons in an individual network constitutes a representation of the input to that network. This representation is formed through a novel, unsupervised, learning algorithm which adjusts the synaptic weights to improve the representation of the input data. Representations are formed by neurons learning to respond to correlated sets of inputs. Neurons thus became feature detectors or pat- tern recognisers. Because the nodes respond to patterns of inputs they encode more abstract features of the input than are explicitly encoded in the input data itself. In this way simple representations provide the basis for learning more complex representations. The algorithm allows both more abstract represent- ations to be formed by associating correlated, coincident, features together, and invariant representations to be formed by associating correlated, sequential, features together.The algorithm robustly learns accurate and stable representations, in a format most appropriate to the structure of the input data received: it can represent both single and multiple input features in both the discrete and continuous domains, using either topologically or non -topologically organised nodes. The output of one neural network is used to provide inputs for other networks. The robustness of the algorithm enables each neural network to be implemented using an identical algorithm. This allows a modular `assembly' of neural networks to be used for learning more complex abilities: the output activations of a network can be used as the input to other networks which can then find representations of more abstract information within the same input data; and, by defining the output activations of neurons in certain networks to have behavioural consequences it is possible to learn sensory -motor associations, to enable sensory representations to be used to control behaviour

    Bio-mimetic Spiking Neural Networks for unsupervised clustering of spatio-temporal data

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    Spiking neural networks aspire to mimic the brain more closely than traditional artificial neural networks. They are characterised by a spike-like activation function inspired by the shape of an action potential in biological neurons. Spiking networks remain a niche area of research, perform worse than the traditional artificial networks, and their real-world applications are limited. We hypothesised that neuroscience-inspired spiking neural networks with spike-timing-dependent plasticity demonstrate useful learning capabilities. Our objective was to identify features which play a vital role in information processing in the brain but are not commonly used in artificial networks, implement them in spiking networks without copying constraints that apply to living organisms, and to characterise their effect on data processing. The networks we created are not brain models; our approach can be labelled as artificial life. We performed a literature review and selected features such as local weight updates, neuronal sub-types, modularity, homeostasis and structural plasticity. We used the review as a guide for developing the consecutive iterations of the network, and eventually a whole evolutionary developmental system. We analysed the model’s performance on clustering of spatio-temporal data. Our results show that combining evolution and unsupervised learning leads to a faster convergence on the optimal solutions, better stability of fit solutions than each approach separately. The choice of fitness definition affects the network’s performance on fitness-related and unrelated tasks. We found that neuron type-specific weight homeostasis can be used to stabilise the networks, thus enabling longer training. We also demonstrated that networks with a rudimentary architecture can evolve developmental rules which improve their fitness. This interdisciplinary work provides contributions to three fields: it proposes novel artificial intelligence approaches, tests the possible role of the selected biological phenomena in information processing in the brain, and explores the evolution of learning in an artificial life system

    Application of spiking neural networks and the bees algorithm to control chart pattern recognition

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    Statistical process control (SPC) is a method for improving the quality of products. Control charting plays a most important role in SPC. SPC control charts arc used for monitoring and detecting unnatural process behaviour. Unnatural patterns in control charts indicate unnatural causes for variations. Control chart pattern recognition is therefore important in SPC. Past research shows that although certain types of charts, such as the CUSUM chart, might have powerful detection ability, they lack robustness and do not function automatically. In recent years, neural network techniques have been applied to automatic pattern recognition. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) belong to the third generation of artificial neural networks, with spiking neurons as processing elements. In SNNs, time is an important feature for information representation and processing. This thesis proposes the application of SNN techniques to control chart pattern recognition. It is designed to present an analysis of the existing learning algorithms of SNN for pattern recognition and to explain how and why spiking neurons have more computational power in comparison to the previous generation of neural networks. This thesis focuses on the architecture and the learning procedure of the network. Four new learning algorithms arc presented with their specific architecture: Spiking Learning Vector Quantisation (S-LVQ), Enhanced-Spiking Learning Vector Quantisation (NS-LVQ), S-LVQ with Bees and NS-LVQ with Bees. The latter two algorithms employ a new intelligent swarm-based optimisation called the Bees Algorithm to optimise the LVQ pattern recognition networks. Overall, the aim of the research is to develop a simple architecture for the proposed network as well as to develop a network that is efficient for application to control chart pattern recognition. Experiments show that the proposed architecture and the learning procedure give high pattern recognition accuracies
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