688 research outputs found

    Benchmarking airborne laser scanning tree segmentation algorithms in broadleaf forests shows high accuracy only for canopy trees

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    Individual tree segmentation from airborne laser scanning data is a longstanding and important challenge in forest remote sensing. Tree segmentation algorithms are widely available, but robust intercomparison studies are rare due to the difficulty of obtaining reliable reference data. Here we provide a benchmark data set for temperate and tropical broadleaf forests generated from labelled terrestrial laser scanning data. We compared the performance of four widely used tree segmentation algorithms against this benchmark data set. All algorithms performed reasonably well on the canopy trees. The point cloud-based algorithm AMS3D (Adaptive Mean Shift 3D) had the highest overall accuracy, closely followed by the 2D raster based region growing algorithm Dalponte2016 +. However, all algorithms failed to accurately segment the understory trees. This result was consistent across both forest types. This study emphasises the need to assess tree segmentation algorithms directly using benchmark data, rather than comparing with forest indices such as biomass or the number and size distribution of trees. We provide the first openly available benchmark data set for tropical forests and we hope future studies will extend this work to other regions

    A Review on Deep Learning in UAV Remote Sensing

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) learn representation from data with an impressive capability, and brought important breakthroughs for processing images, time-series, natural language, audio, video, and many others. In the remote sensing field, surveys and literature revisions specifically involving DNNs algorithms' applications have been conducted in an attempt to summarize the amount of information produced in its subfields. Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) based applications have dominated aerial sensing research. However, a literature revision that combines both "deep learning" and "UAV remote sensing" thematics has not yet been conducted. The motivation for our work was to present a comprehensive review of the fundamentals of Deep Learning (DL) applied in UAV-based imagery. We focused mainly on describing classification and regression techniques used in recent applications with UAV-acquired data. For that, a total of 232 papers published in international scientific journal databases was examined. We gathered the published material and evaluated their characteristics regarding application, sensor, and technique used. We relate how DL presents promising results and has the potential for processing tasks associated with UAV-based image data. Lastly, we project future perspectives, commentating on prominent DL paths to be explored in the UAV remote sensing field. Our revision consists of a friendly-approach to introduce, commentate, and summarize the state-of-the-art in UAV-based image applications with DNNs algorithms in diverse subfields of remote sensing, grouping it in the environmental, urban, and agricultural contexts.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Landscape scale mapping of tundra vegetation structure at ultra-high resolution using UAVs and computer vision

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    Ilmastomuutoksella on voimakkain vaikutus suurten leveysasteiden ekosysteemeissä, jotka ovat sopeutuneet viileään ilmastoon. Jotta suurella mittakaavalla havaittuja muutoksia tundrakasvillisuudessa ja niiden takaisinkytkentävaikutuksia ilmastoon voidaan ymmärtää ja ennustaa luotettavammin, on syytä tarkastella mitä tapahtuu pienellä mittakaavalla; jopa yksittäisissä kasveissa. Lähivuosikymmenten aikana tapahtunut teknologinen kehitys on mahdollistanut kustannustehokkaiden, kevyiden ja pienikokoisten miehittämättömien ilma-alusten (UAV) yleistymisen. Erittäin korkearesoluutioisten aineistojen (pikselikoko <10cm) lisääntyessä ja tullessa yhä helpommin saataville, ympäristön tarkastelussa käytetyt kaukokartoitusmenetelmät altistuvat paradigmanmuutokselle, kun konenäköön ja -oppimiseen perustuvat algoritmit ja analyysit yleistyvät. Menetelmien käyttöönotto on houkuttelevaa, koska ne mahdollistavat joustavan ja pitkälle automatisoidun aineistonkeruun ja erittäin tarkkojen kaukokartoitustuotteiden tuottamisen vaikeasti tavoitettavilta alueilta, kuten tundralla. Luotettavien tulosten saaminen vaatii kuitenkin huolellista suunnittelua sekä prosessointialgoritmien ja -parametrien pitkäjänteistä testaamista. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka tarkasti tavallisella digitaalikameralla kerätyistä ilmakuvista johdetuilla muuttujilla voidaan kartoittaa kasvillisuuden rakennetta maisemamittakaavalla. Kilpisjärvellä Pohjois-Fennoskandiassa kerättiin dronella kolmensadan hehtaarin kokoiselta alueelta yhteensä noin 10 000 ilmakuvasta koostuva aineisto. Lisäksi alueella määritettiin 1183 pisteestä dominantti putkilokasvillisuus, sekä kasvillisuuden korkeus. Ilmakuvat prosessoitiin tiheiksi kolmiulotteisiksi pistepilviksi konenäköön ja fotogrammetriaan perustuvalla SfM (Structure from Motion) menetelmällä. Pistepilvien pohjalta interpoloitiin maastomalli sekä kasvillisuuden korkeusmalli. Lisäksi tuotettiin koko alueen kattava ilmakuvamosaiikki. Näiden aineistojen pohjalta laskettiin muuttujia, joita käytettiin yhdessä maastoreferenssiaineiston kanssa kasvillisuuden objektipohjaisessa analyysissä (GEOBIA, Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis). Suodatetut maanpintapisteet vastasivat luotettavasti todellista maanpinnan korkeutta koko alueella ja tuotetut korkeusmallit korreloivat voimakkaasti maastoreferenssiaineiston kanssa. Maastomallin virhe oli suurin alueilla, joilla oli korkeaa kasvillisuutta. Valaistusolosuhteissa ja kasvillisuudessa tapahtuneet muutokset ilmakuvien keruun aikana aiheuttivat haasteita objektipohjaisen analyysin molemmissa vaiheissa: segmentoinnissa ja luokittelussa. mutta kokonaistarkkuus parani 0,27:stä 0,,54:n kun luokitteluun lisättiin topografiaa, kasvillisuuden korkeutta ja tekstuuria kuvaavia muuttujia ja kohdeluokkien lukumäärää vähennettiin. Konenäköön ja –oppimiseen perustuvat menetelmät pystyvät tuottamaan tärkeää tietoa tundran kasvillisuuden rakenteesta, erityisesti kasvillisuuden korkeudesta, maisemassa. Lisää tutkimusta kuitenkin tarvitaan parhaiden algoritmien ja parametrien määrittämiseksi tundraympäristössä, jossa ympäristöolosuhteet muuttuvat nopeasti ja kasvillisuus on heterogeenistä ja sekoittunutta, mikä aiheuttaa eroja ilmakuvien välillä ja lisää vaikeuksia analyyseissä.Climate change has the strongest impact on high-latitude ecosystems that are adapted to cool climates. In order to better understand and predict the changes in tundra vegetation observed on large scales as well as their feedbacks onto climate, it is necessary to look at what is happening at finer scales; even in individual plants. Technological developments over the past few decades have enabled the spread of cost-effective, light and small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). As very high-resolution data (pixel size <10cm) becomes more and more available, the remote sensing methods used in environmental analysis become subject to a paradigm shift as algorithms and analyzes based on machine vision and learning turn out to be more common. Harnessing new methods is attractive because they allow flexible and highly automated data collection and the production of highly accurate remote sensing products from hard-to-reach areas such as the tundra. However, obtaining reliable results requires careful planning and testing of processing algorithms and parameters. This study looked at how accurately variables derived from aerial images collected with an off-the-shelf digital camera can map the vegetation structure on a landscape scale. In Kilpisjärvi, northern Fennoscandia, a total of ~ 10,000 aerial photographs were collected by drone covering an area of three hundred hectares. In addition, dominant vascular plants were identified from 1183 points in the area, as well as vegetation height. Aerial images were processed into dense three-dimensional point clouds by using SfM (Structure from Motion) method, which is based on computer vision and digital photogrammetry. From the point clouds terrain models and vegetation height models were interpolated. In addition, image mosaic covering the entire area was produced. Based on these data, predictive variables were calculated, which were used together with the terrain reference data in Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA). The filtered ground points corresponded to observations throughout the region, and the produced elevation models strongly correlated with the ground reference data. The terrain model error was greatest in areas with tall vegetation. Changes in lighting conditions and vegetation during aerial image surveys posed challenges in both phases of object-based analysis: segmentation and classification. but overall accuracy improved from 0.27 to 0.54 when topography, vegetation height and texture variables were added to the classifier and the number of target classes was reduced. Methods based on machine vision and learning can produce important information about vegetation structure, vegetation height, in a landscape. However, more research is needed to determine the best algorithms and parameters in a tundra environment where environmental conditions change rapidly and vegetation is heterogeneous and mixed, causing differences between aerial images and difficulties in analyses

    Assessing Structural Complexity of Individual Scots Pine Trees by Comparing Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds

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    Structural complexity of trees is related to various ecological processes and ecosystem services. To support management for complexity, there is a need to assess the level of structural complexity objectively. The fractal-based box dimension (Db) provides a holistic measure of the structural complexity of individual trees. This study aimed to compare the structural complexity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees assessed with Db that was generated with point cloud data from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial imagery acquired with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). UAV imagery was converted into point clouds with structure from motion (SfM) and dense matching techniques. TLS and UAV measured Db-values were found to differ from each other significantly (TLS: 1.51 ± 0.11, UAV: 1.59 ± 0.15). UAV measured Db-values were 5% higher, and the range was wider (TLS: 0.81–1.81, UAV: 0.23–1.88). The divergence between TLS and UAV measurements was found to be explained by the differences in the number and distribution of the points and the differences in the estimated tree heights and number of boxes in the Db-method. The average point density was 15 times higher with TLS than with UAV (TLS: 494,000, UAV 32,000 points/tree), and TLS received more points below the midpoint of tree heights (65% below, 35% above), while UAV did the opposite (22% below, 78% above). Compared to the field measurements, UAV underestimated tree heights more than TLS (TLS: 34 cm, UAV: 54 cm), resulting in more boxes of Db-method being needed (4–64%, depending on the box size). Forest structure (two thinning intensities, three thinning types, and a control group) significantly affected the variation of both TLS and UAV measured Db-values. Still, the divergence between the two approaches remained in all treatments. However, TLS and UAV measured Db-values were consistent, and the correlation between them was 75%


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    In the last two decades, Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) has been widely employed in forestry applications. Individual tree segmentation is essential to forest management because it is a prerequisite to tree reconstruction and biomass estimation. This paper introduces a general framework to extract individual trees from the LiDAR point cloud based on a graph link prediction problem. First, an undirected graph is generated from the point cloud based on K-nearest neighbors (KNN). Then, this graph is used to train a convolutional autoencoder that extracts the node embeddings to reconstruct the graph. Finally, the individual trees are defined by the separate sets of connected nodes of the reconstructed graph. A key advantage of the proposed method is that no further knowledge about tree or forest structure is required. Seven sample plots from a plantation forest with poplar and dawn redwood species have been employed in the experiments. Though the precision of the experimental results is up to 95 % for poplar species and 92 % for dawn redwood trees, the method still requires more investigations on natural forest types with mixed tree species

    Carbon stock estimation in a Mediterranean riparian forest: a case study combining field data and UAV imagery

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    This study aims to estimate the total biomass aboveground and soil carbon stocks in a Mediterranean riparian forest and identify the contribution of the different species and ecosystem compartments to the overall riparian carbon reservoir. We used a combined field and object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach, based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral imagery, to assess C stock of three dominant riparian species. A linear discriminator was designed, based on a set of spectral variables previously selected in an optimal way, permitting the classification of the species corresponding to every object in the study area. This made it possible to estimate the area occupied by each species and its contribution to the tree aboveground biomass (AGB). Three uncertainty levels were considered, related to the trade-o between the number of unclassified and misclassified objects, leading to an error control associated with the estimated tree AGB.We found that riparian woodlands dominated by Acacia dealbata Link showed the highest average carbon stock per unit area (251 90 tC ha1) followed by Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner (162 12 tC ha1) and by Salix salviifolia Brot. (73 17 tC ha1), which are mainly related to the stem density, vegetation development and successional stage of the different stands. The woody tree compartment showed the highest inputs (79%), followed by the understory vegetation (12%) and lastly by the soil mineral layer (9%). Spectral vegetation indices developed to suppress saturation effects were consistently selected as important variables for species classification. The total tree AGB in the study area varies from 734 to 1053 tC according to the distinct levels of uncertainty. This study provided the foundations for the assessment of the riparian carbon sequestration and the economic value of the carbon stocks provided by similar Mediterranean riparian forests, a highly relevant ecosystem service for the regulation of climate change effectsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction

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    Digital maps of road networks are a vital part of digital cities and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on road extraction based on various remote sensing data sources, including high-resolution images, hyperspectral images, synthetic aperture radar images, and light detection and ranging. This review is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the existing data acquisition techniques for road extraction, including data acquisition methods, typical sensors, application status, and prospects. Part 2 underlines the main road extraction methods based on four data sources. In this section, road extraction methods based on different data sources are described and analysed in detail. Part 3 presents the combined application of multisource data for road extraction. Evidently, different data acquisition techniques have unique advantages, and the combination of multiple sources can improve the accuracy of road extraction. The main aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive reference for research on existing road extraction technologies.Peer reviewe

    Forestry Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 2019

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are new platforms that have been increasingly used in the last few years for forestry applications that benefit from the added value of flexibility, low cost, reliability, autonomy, and capability of timely provision of high-resolution data. The main adopted image-based technologies are RGB, multispectral, and thermal infrared. LiDAR sensors are becoming commonly used to improve the estimation of relevant plant traits. In comparison with other permanent ecosystems, forests are particularly affected by climatic changes due to the longevity of the trees, and the primary objective is the conservation and protection of forests. Nevertheless, forestry and agriculture involve the cultivation of renewable raw materials, with the difference that forestry is less tied to economic aspects and this is reflected by the delay in using new monitoring technologies. The main forestry applications are aimed toward inventory of resources, map diseases, species classification, fire monitoring, and spatial gap estimation. This Special Issue focuses on new technologies (UAV and sensors) and innovative data elaboration methodologies (object recognition and machine vision) for applications in forestry