3,588 research outputs found

    Avtonomna segmentacija slik z Markovim slučajnim poljem

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    Segmentacija slik je zelo raziskovano področje, za katero so na voljo številni algoritmi. Naš cilj je segmentacija slike s pomočjo superpikslov na več skladnih delov in na nenadzorovan način. Da bi to dosegli, predlagamo iterativni segmentacijski algoritem. Algoritem predstavlja sliko kot slučajno polje Markova (MRF), katerega vozlišča so superpiksli, ki imajo barvne in teksturne atribute. Superpikslom dodelimo oznake na podlagi njihovih atributov s pomočjo metode podpornih vektorjev (SVM) in že omenjenega MRF in iterativno zmanjšujemo število segmentov. Negotovo segmentacijo po vsaki iteraciji se izboljšuje in rezultat je segmentacija slike na več semantično smiselnih delov, brez pomoči uporabnika. Algoritem je bil testiran na segmentacijsko podatkovno bazo in F ocene so podobne najsodobnejšim algoritmom. Glede fragmentacije slike naš pristop bistveno prekosi stanje tehnike z zmanjšanjem števila segmentov, iz katerih je sestavljen predmet zanimanja.Image segmentation is a widely-researched topic with many algorithms available. Our goal is to segment an image, in an unsupervised way, into several coherent parts with the help of superpixels. To achieve that, we propose an iterative segmentation algorithm. The algorithm models the image by a Markov random field, whose nodes are the superpixels, and each node has both color and texture features. The superpixels are assigned labels according to their features with the help of support vector machines and the aforementioned MRF and the number of segments is iteratively reduced. The result is a segmentation of an image into several regions with requiring any user input. The segmentation algorithm was tested on a standard evaluation database, and performs on par with state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms in F-measures. In terms of oversegmentation, our approach significantly outperforms the state of the art by greatly reducing the oversegmentation of the object of interest

    On sampling methods and annealing algorithms

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 12-14).Cover title.Research supported by the National Science Foundation. ECS-8910073 Research supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. 89-0276B Research supported by the Army Research Office. DAAL03-86-K-0171Saul B. Gelfand and Sanjoy K. Mitter

    Image Segmentation by Autoregressive Time Series Model

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    Segmentation algorithm for non-stationary compound Poisson processes

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    We introduce an algorithm for the segmentation of a class of regime switching processes. The segmentation algorithm is a non parametric statistical method able to identify the regimes (patches) of the time series. The process is composed of consecutive patches of variable length, each patch being described by a stationary compound Poisson process, i.e. a Poisson process where each count is associated to a fluctuating signal. The parameters of the process are different in each patch and therefore the time series is non stationary. Our method is a generalization of the algorithm introduced by Bernaola-Galvan, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 168105 (2001). We show that the new algorithm outperforms the original one for regime switching compound Poisson processes. As an application we use the algorithm to segment the time series of the inventory of market members of the London Stock Exchange and we observe that our method finds almost three times more patches than the original one.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Modelling and estimation for random fields

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    Caption title.Includes bibliographical references (p. [21]-[22]).Supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-89-0276-C Supported by the Army Research Office. DAAL03-92-G-0115Sanjoy K. Mitter

    Aprendizado ativo baseado em atributos contextuais de superpixel para classificação de imagem de sensoriamento remoto

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    Orientadores: Alexandre Xavier Falcão, Jefersson Alex dos SantosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente, técnicas de aprendizado de máquina têm sido propostas para criar mapas temáticos a partir de imagens de sensoriamento remoto. Estas técnicas podem ser divididas em métodos de classificação baseados em pixels ou regiões. Este trabalho concentra-se na segunda abordagem, uma vez que estamos interessados em imagens com milhões de pixels e a segmentação da imagem em regiões (superpixels) pode reduzir consideravelmente o número de amostras a serem classificadas. Porém, mesmo utilizando superpixels, o número de amostras ainda é grande para anotá-las manualmente e treinar o classificador. As técnicas de aprendizado ativo propostas resolvem este problema começando pela seleção de um conjunto pequeno de amostras selecionadas aleatoriamente. Tais amostras são anotadas manualmente e utilizadas para treinar a primeira instância do classificador. Em cada iteração do ciclo de aprendizagem, o classificador atribui rótulos e seleciona as amostras mais informativas para a correção/confirmação pelo usuário, aumentando o tamanho do conjunto de treinamento. A instância do classificador é melhorada no final de cada iteração pelo seu treinamento e utilizada na iteração seguinte até que o usuário esteja satisfeito com o classificador. Observamos que a maior parte dos métodos reclassificam o conjunto inteiro de dados em cada iteração do ciclo de aprendizagem, tornando este processo inviável para interação com o usuário. Portanto, enderaçamos dois problemas importantes em classificação baseada em regiões de imagens de sensoriamento remoto: (a) a descrição efetiva de superpixels e (b) a redução do tempo requerido para seleção de amostras em aprendizado ativo. Primeiro, propusemos um descritor contextual de superpixels baseado na técnica de sacola de palavras, que melhora o resultado de descritores de cor e textura amplamente utilizados. Posteriormente, propusemos um método supervisionado de redução do conjunto de dados que é baseado em um método do estado da arte em aprendizado ativo chamado Multi-Class Level Uncertainty (MCLU). Nosso método mostrou-se tão eficaz quanto o MCLU e ao mesmo tempo consideravelmente mais eficiente. Adicionalmente, melhoramos seu desempenho por meio da aplicação de um processo de relaxação no mapa de classificação, utilizando Campos Aleatórios de MarkovAbstract: In recent years, machine learning techniques have been proposed to create classification maps from remote sensing images. These techniques can be divided into pixel- and region-based image classification methods. This work concentrates on the second approach, since we are interested in images with millions of pixels and the segmentation of the image into regions (superpixels) can considerably reduce the number of samples for classification. However, even using superpixels the number of samples is still large for manual annotation of samples to train the classifier. Active learning techniques have been proposed to address the problem by starting from a small set of randomly selected samples, which are manually labeled and used to train a first instance of the classifier. At each learning iteration, the classifier assigns labels and selects the most informative samples for user correction/confirmation, increasing the size of the training set. An improved instance of the classifier is created by training, after each iteration, and used in the next iteration until the user is satisfied with the classifier. We observed that most methods reclassify the entire pool of unlabeled samples at every learning iteration, making the process unfeasible for user interaction. Therefore, we address two important problems in region-based classification of remote sensing images: (a) the effective superpixel description and (b) the reduction of the time required for sample selection in active learning. First, we propose a contextual superpixel descriptor, based on bag of visual words, that outperforms widely used color and texture descriptors. Second, we propose a supervised method for dataset reduction that is based on a state-of-art active learning technique, called Multi-Class Level Uncertainty (MCLU). Our method has shown to be as effective as MCLU, while being considerably more efficient. Additionally, we further improve its performance by applying a relaxation process on the classification map by using Markov Random FieldsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã