22 research outputs found

    Vehicle Communication using Secrecy Capacity

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    We address secure vehicle communication using secrecy capacity. In particular, we research the relationship between secrecy capacity and various types of parameters that determine secrecy capacity in the vehicular wireless network. For example, we examine the relationship between vehicle speed and secrecy capacity, the relationship between the response time and secrecy capacity of an autonomous vehicle, and the relationship between transmission power and secrecy capacity. In particular, the autonomous vehicle has set the system modeling on the assumption that the speed of the vehicle is related to the safety distance. We propose new vehicle communication to maintain a certain level of secrecy capacity according to various parameters. As a result, we can expect safer communication security of autonomous vehicles in 5G communications.Comment: 17 Pages, 12 Figure

    Evaluating On-demand Pseudonym Acquisition Policies in Vehicular Communication Systems

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    Standardization and harmonization efforts have reached a consensus towards using a special-purpose Vehicular Public-Key Infrastructure (VPKI) in upcoming Vehicular Communication (VC) systems. However, there are still several technical challenges with no conclusive answers; one such an important yet open challenge is the acquisition of shortterm credentials, pseudonym: how should each vehicle interact with the VPKI, e.g., how frequently and for how long? Should each vehicle itself determine the pseudonym lifetime? Answering these questions is far from trivial. Each choice can affect both the user privacy and the system performance and possibly, as a result, its security. In this paper, we make a novel systematic effort to address this multifaceted question. We craft three generally applicable policies and experimentally evaluate the VPKI system performance, leveraging two large-scale mobility datasets. We consider the most promising, in terms of efficiency, pseudonym acquisition policies; we find that within this class of policies, the most promising policy in terms of privacy protection can be supported with moderate overhead. Moreover, in all cases, this work is the first to provide tangible evidence that the state-of-the-art VPKI can serve sizable areas or domain with modest computing resources.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, IoV-VoI'1

    Analyzing Attacks on Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)

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    Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is one of the driving applications of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) and promises to bring more efficient and faster transportation through cooperative behavior between vehicles. In CACC, vehicles exchange information, which is relied on to partially automate driving; however, this reliance on cooperation requires resilience against attacks and other forms of misbehavior. In this paper, we propose a rigorous attacker model and an evaluation framework for this resilience by quantifying the attack impact, providing the necessary tools to compare controller resilience and attack effectiveness simultaneously. Although there are significant differences between the resilience of the three analyzed controllers, we show that each can be attacked effectively and easily through either jamming or data injection. Our results suggest a combination of misbehavior detection and resilient control algorithms with graceful degradation are necessary ingredients for secure and safe platoons.Comment: 8 pages (author version), 5 Figures, Accepted at 2017 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC

    Etude de Faisabilité des Mécanismes de Détection de Mauvais Comportement dans les systèmes de transport intelligents coopératifs (C-ITS)

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    International audience—Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C–ITS) is an emerging technology that aims at improving road safety, traffic efficiency and drivers experience. To this end, vehicles cooperate with each others and the infrastructure by exchanging Vehicle–to–X communication (V2X) messages. In such communicating systems message authentication and privacy are of paramount importance. The commonly adopted solution to cope with these issues relies on the use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that provides digital certificates to entities of the system. Even if the use of pseudonym certificates mitigate the privacy issues, the PKI cannot address all cyber threats. That is why we need a mechanism that enable each entity of the system to detect and report misbehaving neighbors. In this paper, we provide a state-of-the-art of misbehavior detection methods. We then discuss their feasibility with respect to current standards and law compliance as well as hardware/software requirements

    Generation of realistic signal strength measurements for a 5G Rogue Base Station attack scenario

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    The detection and prevention of cyber-attacks is one of the main challenges in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) autonomous platooning scenarios. A key tool in this activity is the measurement report that is generated by User Equipment (UE), containing received signal strength and location information. Such data is effective in techniques to detect Rogue Base Stations (RBS) or Subscription Permanent Identifier SUPI/5G-GUTI catchers. An undetected RBS could result in unwanted consequences such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and subscriber privacy attacks on the network and UE. Motivated by this, this paper presents the novel simulation of a 5G cellular system to generate a realistic dataset of signal strength measurements that can later be used in the development of techniques to identify and prevent RBS interventions. The results show that the tool can create a large dataset of realistic measurement reports which can be used to develop and validate RBS detection techniques

    SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Management Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication Systems

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    Several years of academic and industrial research efforts have converged to a common understanding on fundamental security building blocks for the upcoming Vehicular Communication (VC) systems. There is a growing consensus towards deploying a special-purpose identity and credential management infrastructure, i.e., a Vehicular Public-Key Infrastructure (VPKI), enabling pseudonymous authentication, with standardization efforts towards that direction. In spite of the progress made by standardization bodies (IEEE 1609.2 and ETSI) and harmonization efforts (Car2Car Communication Consortium (C2C-CC)), significant questions remain unanswered towards deploying a VPKI. Deep understanding of the VPKI, a central building block of secure and privacy-preserving VC systems, is still lacking. This paper contributes to the closing of this gap. We present SECMACE, a VPKI system, which is compatible with the IEEE 1609.2 and ETSI standards specifications. We provide a detailed description of our state-of-the-art VPKI that improves upon existing proposals in terms of security and privacy protection, and efficiency. SECMACE facilitates multi-domain operations in the VC systems and enhances user privacy, notably preventing linking pseudonyms based on timing information and offering increased protection even against honest-but-curious VPKI entities. We propose multiple policies for the vehicle-VPKI interactions, based on which and two large-scale mobility trace datasets, we evaluate the full-blown implementation of SECMACE. With very little attention on the VPKI performance thus far, our results reveal that modest computing resources can support a large area of vehicles with very low delays and the most promising policy in terms of privacy protection can be supported with moderate overhead.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 10 tables, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System