21 research outputs found

    Quality of Service (QoS) security in mobile ad hoc networks

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    With the rapid proliferation of wireless networks and mobile computing applications, Quality of Service (QoS) for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) has received increased attention. Security is a critical aspect of QoS provisioning in the MANET environment. Without protection from a security mechanism, attacks on QoS signaling system could result in QoS routing malfunction, interference of resource reservation, or even failure of QoS provision. Due to the characteristics of the MANETs, such as rapid topology change and limited communication and computation capacity, the conventional security measures cannot be applied and new security techniques are necessary. However, little research has been done on this topic. In this dissertation, the security issues will be addressed for MANET QoS systems. The major contributions of this research are: (a) design of an authentication mechanism for ad hoc networks; (b) design of a security mechanism to prevent and detect attacks on the QoS signaling system; (c) design of an intrusion detection mechanism for bandwidth reservation to detect QoS attacks and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. These three mechanisms are evaluated through simulation

    Synoptic analysis techniques for intrusion detection in wireless networks

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    Current system administrators are missing intrusion alerts hidden by large numbers of false positives. Rather than accumulation more data to identify true alerts, we propose an intrusion detection tool that e?ectively uses select data to provide a picture of ?network health?. Our hypothesis is that by utilizing the data available at both the node and cooperative network levels we can create a synoptic picture of the network providing indications of many intrusions or other network issues. Our major contribution is to provide a revolutionary way to analyze node and network data for patterns, dependence, and e?ects that indicate network issues. We collect node and network data, combine and manipulate it, and tease out information about the state of the network. We present a method based on utilizing the number of packets sent, number of packets received, node reliability, route reliability, and entropy to develop a synoptic picture of the network health in the presence of a sinkhole and a HELLO Flood attacker. This method conserves network throughput and node energy by requiring no additional control messages to be sent between the nodes unless an attacker is suspected. We intend to show that, although the concept of an intrusion detection system is not revolutionary, the method in which we analyze the data for clues about network intrusion and performance is highly innovative

    When Whereabouts is No Longer Thereabouts:Location Privacy in Wireless Networks

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    Modern mobile devices are fast, programmable and feature localization and wireless capabilities. These technological advances notably facilitate mobile access to Internet, development of mobile applications and sharing of personal information, such as location information. Cell phone users can for example share their whereabouts with friends on online social networks. Following this trend, the field of ubiquitous computing foresees communication networks composed of increasingly inter-connected wireless devices offering new ways to collect and share information in the future. It also becomes harder to control the spread of personal information. Privacy is a critical challenge of ubiquitous computing as sharing personal information exposes users' private lives. Traditional techniques to protect privacy in wired networks may be inadequate in mobile networks because users are mobile, have short-lived encounters and their communications can be easily eavesdropped upon. These characteristics introduce new privacy threats related to location information: a malicious entity can track users' whereabouts and learn aspects of users' private lives that may not be apparent at first. In this dissertation, we focus on three important aspects of location privacy: location privacy threats, location-privacy preserving mechanisms, and privacy-preservation in pervasive social networks. Considering the recent surge of mobile applications, we begin by investigating location privacy threats of location-based services. We push further the understanding of the privacy risk by identifying the type and quantity of location information that statistically reveals users' identities and points of interest to third parties. Our results indicate that users are at risk even if they access location-based services episodically. This highlights the need to design privacy into location-based services. In the second part of this thesis, we delve into the subject of privacy-preserving mechanisms for mobile ad hoc networks. First, we evaluate a privacy architecture that relies on the concept of mix zones to engineer anonymity sets. Second, we identify the need for protocols to coordinate the establishment of mix zones and design centralized and distributed approaches. Because individuals may have different privacy requirements, we craft a game-theoretic model of location privacy to analyze distributed protocols. This model predicts strategic behavior of rational devices that protects their privacy at a minimum cost. This prediction leads to the design of efficient privacy-preserving protocols. Finally, we develop a dynamic model of interactions between mobile devices in order to analytically evaluate the level of privacy provided by mix zones. Our results indicate the feasibility and limitations of privacy protection based on mix zones. In the third part, we extend the communication model of mobile ad hoc networks to explore social aspects: users form groups called "communities" based on interests, proximity, or social relations and rely on these communities to communicate and discover their context. We analyze using challenge-response methodology the privacy implications of this new communication primitive. Our results indicate that, although repeated interactions between members of the same community leak community memberships, it is possible to design efficient schemes to preserve privacy in this setting. This work is part of the recent trend of designing privacy protocols to protect individuals. In this context, the author hopes that the results obtained, with both their limitations and their promises, will inspire future work on the preservation of privacy

    Low-latency mix networks for anonymous communication

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    Every modern online application relies on the network layer to transfer information, which exposes the metadata associated with digital communication. These distinctive characteristics encapsulate equally meaningful information as the content of the communication itself and allow eavesdroppers to uniquely identify users and their activities. Hence, by exposing the IP addresses and by analyzing patterns of the network traffic, a malicious entity can deanonymize most online communications. While content confidentiality has made significant progress over the years, existing solutions for anonymous communication which protect the network metadata still have severe limitations, including centralization, limited security, poor scalability, and high-latency. As the importance of online privacy increases, the need to build low-latency communication systems with strong security guarantees becomes necessary. Therefore, in this thesis, we address the problem of building multi-purpose anonymous networks that protect communication privacy. To this end, we design a novel mix network Loopix, which guarantees communication unlinkability and supports applications with various latency and bandwidth constraints. Loopix offers better security properties than any existing solution for anonymous communications while at the same time being scalable and low-latency. Furthermore, we also explore the problem of active attacks and malicious infrastructure nodes, and propose a Miranda mechanism which allows to efficiently mitigate them. In the second part of this thesis, we show that mix networks may be used as a building block in the design of a private notification system, which enables fast and low-cost online notifications. Moreover, its privacy properties benefit from an increasing number of users, meaning that the system can scale to millions of clients at a lower cost than any alternative solution

    Auditable and performant Byzantine consensus for permissioned ledgers

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    Permissioned ledgers allow users to execute transactions against a data store, and retain proof of their execution in a replicated ledger. Each replica verifies the transactions’ execution and ensures that, in perpetuity, a committed transaction cannot be removed from the ledger. Unfortunately, this is not guaranteed by today’s permissioned ledgers, which can be re-written if an arbitrary number of replicas collude. In addition, the transaction throughput of permissioned ledgers is low, hampering real-world deployments, by not taking advantage of multi-core CPUs and hardware accelerators. This thesis explores how permissioned ledgers and their consensus protocols can be made auditable in perpetuity; even when all replicas collude and re-write the ledger. It also addresses how Byzantine consensus protocols can be changed to increase the execution throughput of complex transactions. This thesis makes the following contributions: 1. Always auditable Byzantine consensus protocols. We present a permissioned ledger system that can assign blame to individual replicas regardless of how many of them misbehave. This is achieved by signing and storing consensus protocol messages in the ledger and providing clients with signed, universally-verifiable receipts. 2. Performant transaction execution with hardware accelerators. Next, we describe a cloud-based ML inference service that provides strong integrity guarantees, while staying compatible with current inference APIs. We change the Byzantine consensus protocol to execute machine learning (ML) inference computation on GPUs to optimize throughput and latency of ML inference computation. 3. Parallel transactions execution on multi-core CPUs. Finally, we introduce a permissioned ledger that executes transactions, in parallel, on multi-core CPUs. We separate the execution of transactions between the primary and secondary replicas. The primary replica executes transactions on multiple CPU cores and creates a dependency graph of the transactions that the backup replicas utilize to execute transactions in parallel.Open Acces

    The Source and Impact of Student Engagement for Black Students in an Urban High School

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    The achievement of Black students has repeatedly met only the lowest standards of performance on standardized assessments, which begs the question; do American schools have the capacity to educate Black children? The purpose of this action research manuscript dissertation was to explore the teacher behaviors and instructional strategies that developed a culture of high achievement among Black students as measured by student engagement and discourse, immediately before and after desegregation, and in classrooms today. The examination of popular theories concerning the education of Black people in the early 1900\u27s and narratives of individuals who attended segregated schools, provided a historical description of the state of Black education. In addition, the connection between student engagement and teacher dispositions was recognized. A review of relevant literature informed this study by providing a conceptual understanding and operational definition of student engagement, teacher dispositions, and discourse. Last, a case study was conducted to bring a local, practical focus to the research. The purpose of this case study was to examine the impact of student engagement on student learning in an urban school with a majority Black student population, as evidenced by student actions and discourse. Data were collected through meetings and classroom observations using the Student Action Coding Sheet. This research found student engagement to be highest in classrooms that balanced certain teacher dispositions and discourse