881 research outputs found

    Secure Authentication Scheme for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on an extensive and wide range of interconnected heterogeneous units’ general applications, including healthcare systems, environmental monitoring, household automation, and business automation. This work presents an approach variant of the elliptic curve; The cryptography approach is implemented to provide more security with fewer key sizes and with protocol enhancements to perform an efficient authentication process. In the process of authenticating the device, we use the Electronic Product Code (EPC) as a key to authentication, where the overhead of giving input is removed. Mention the methods followed to meet all your performance metrics (minimum execution time; low energy consumption, and qualitative comparison). This proposed scheme (i.e., the energy consumption of 0.27 mJ, the reduction in end delay of 0.058 sec., the reduction in the computation cost, and being more resistant to attack) is compared with other recent authentication protocols. The proposed system creates a secure network to lessen the damage if there is an attack in the IoT environment. The performance evaluation results indicate that the proposed scheme has a lower energy consumption and a more resistant authentication scheme, and we observe a trade-off between security and the lightweight factor

    Multiprotocol Authentication Device for HPC and Cloud Environments Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Multifactor authentication is a relevant tool in securing IT infrastructures combining two or more credentials. We can find smartcards and hardware tokens to leverage the authentication process, but they have some limitations. Users connect these devices in the client node to log in or request access to services. Alternatively, if an application wants to use these resources, the code has to be amended with bespoke solutions to provide access. Thanks to advances in system-on-chip devices, we can integrate cryptographically robust, low-cost solutions. In this work, we present an autonomous device that allows multifactor authentication in client–server systems in a transparent way, which facilitates its integration in High-Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud systems, through a generic gateway. The proposed electronic token (eToken), based on the system-on-chip ESP32, provides an extra layer of security based on elliptic curve cryptography. Secure communications between elements use Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) to facilitate their interconnection. We have evaluated different types of possible attacks and the impact on communications. The proposed system offers an efficient solution to increase security in access to services and systems.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN) PGC2018-096663-B-C44European Union (EU

    Security architecture for Fog-To-Cloud continuum system

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    Nowadays, by increasing the number of connected devices to Internet rapidly, cloud computing cannot handle the real-time processing. Therefore, fog computing was emerged for providing data processing, filtering, aggregating, storing, network, and computing closer to the users. Fog computing provides real-time processing with lower latency than cloud. However, fog computing did not come to compete with cloud, it comes to complete the cloud. Therefore, a hierarchical Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) continuum system was introduced. The F2C system brings the collaboration between distributed fogs and centralized cloud. In F2C systems, one of the main challenges is security. Traditional cloud as security provider is not suitable for the F2C system due to be a single-point-of-failure; and even the increasing number of devices at the edge of the network brings scalability issues. Furthermore, traditional cloud security cannot be applied to the fog devices due to their lower computational power than cloud. On the other hand, considering fog nodes as security providers for the edge of the network brings Quality of Service (QoS) issues due to huge fog device’s computational power consumption by security algorithms. There are some security solutions for fog computing but they are not considering the hierarchical fog to cloud characteristics that can cause a no-secure collaboration between fog and cloud. In this thesis, the security considerations, attacks, challenges, requirements, and existing solutions are deeply analyzed and reviewed. And finally, a decoupled security architecture is proposed to provide the demanded security in hierarchical and distributed fashion with less impact on the QoS.Hoy en día, al aumentar rápidamente el número de dispositivos conectados a Internet, el cloud computing no puede gestionar el procesamiento en tiempo real. Por lo tanto, la informática de niebla surgió para proporcionar procesamiento de datos, filtrado, agregación, almacenamiento, red y computación más cercana a los usuarios. La computación nebulizada proporciona procesamiento en tiempo real con menor latencia que la nube. Sin embargo, la informática de niebla no llegó a competir con la nube, sino que viene a completar la nube. Por lo tanto, se introdujo un sistema continuo jerárquico de niebla a nube (F2C). El sistema F2C aporta la colaboración entre las nieblas distribuidas y la nube centralizada. En los sistemas F2C, uno de los principales retos es la seguridad. La nube tradicional como proveedor de seguridad no es adecuada para el sistema F2C debido a que se trata de un único punto de fallo; e incluso el creciente número de dispositivos en el borde de la red trae consigo problemas de escalabilidad. Además, la seguridad tradicional de la nube no se puede aplicar a los dispositivos de niebla debido a su menor poder computacional que la nube. Por otro lado, considerar los nodos de niebla como proveedores de seguridad para el borde de la red trae problemas de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) debido al enorme consumo de energía computacional del dispositivo de niebla por parte de los algoritmos de seguridad. Existen algunas soluciones de seguridad para la informática de niebla, pero no están considerando las características de niebla a nube jerárquica que pueden causar una colaboración insegura entre niebla y nube. En esta tesis, las consideraciones de seguridad, los ataques, los desafíos, los requisitos y las soluciones existentes se analizan y revisan en profundidad. Y finalmente, se propone una arquitectura de seguridad desacoplada para proporcionar la seguridad exigida de forma jerárquica y distribuida con menor impacto en la QoS.Postprint (published version

    Design of Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Fog enabled Internet of Things- A Centralized Authentication Framework

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    Internet is a large network of networks that spans the entire globe. Internet is playing indispensable role in our daily lives. The physical things are connected to internet with the help of digital identity. With recent advancement of information and communication technologies IoT became vital part of human life. However, IoT is not having standardized architecture. Nowadays IoT is integrated with fog computing which extends platform of cloud computing by providing computing resources on edges of computer network. Fog computing is motivated by IOT and It is decentralized solution for IoT. In addition, Fog computing has supported features like geographic distribution, low latency, location awareness, operate on premise, installed on heterogeneous hardware. IoT with cloud computing does not have such features. Therefore, in this paper, at first we discuss about the distributed fog computing architecture. Subsequently, we address the problem of authentication and design a new authentication framework for fog enabled IOT environment. It is stated that the proposed authentication framework will be useful in many IoT applications such as healthcare system, transportation system, smart cities, home energy management etc

    Security of IoT in 5G Cellular Networks: A Review of Current Status, Challenges and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a global network that integrates real life physical objects with the virtual world through the Internet for making intelligent decisions. In a pervasive computing environment, thousands of smart devices, that are constrained in storage, battery backup and computational capability, are connected with each other. In such an environment, cellular networks that are evolving from 4G to 5G, are set to play a crucial role. Distinctive features like high bandwidth, wider coverage, easy connectivity, in-built billing mechanism, interface for M2M communication, etc., makes 5G cellular network a perfect candidate to be adopted as a backbone network for the future IoT. However, due to resource constrained nature of the IoT devices, researchers have anticipated several security and privacy issues in IoT deployments over 5G cellular network. Off late, several schemes and protocols have been proposed to handle these issues. This paper performs a comprehensive review of such schemes and protocols proposed in recent times. Different open security issues, challenges and future research direction are also summarized in this review paper

    Resource Efficient Authentication and Session Key Establishment Procedure for Low-Resource IoT Devices

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    open access journalThe Internet of Things (IoT) can includes many resource-constrained devices, with most usually needing to securely communicate with their network managers, which are more resource-rich devices in the IoT network. We propose a resource-efficient security scheme that includes authentication of devices with their network managers, authentication between devices on different networks, and an attack-resilient key establishment procedure. Using automated validation with internet security protocols and applications tool-set, we analyse several attack scenarios to determine the security soundness of the proposed solution, and then we evaluate its performance analytically and experimentally. The performance analysis shows that the proposed solution occupies little memory and consumes low energy during the authentication and key generation processes respectively. Moreover, it protects the network from well-known attacks (man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, impersonation attacks, key compromission attacks and denial of service attacks)

    A Fast and Scalable Authentication Scheme in IoT for Smart Living

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    Numerous resource-limited smart objects (SOs) such as sensors and actuators have been widely deployed in smart environments, opening new attack surfaces to intruders. The severe security flaw discourages the adoption of the Internet of things in smart living. In this paper, we leverage fog computing and microservice to push certificate authority (CA) functions to the proximity of data sources. Through which, we can minimize attack surfaces and authentication latency, and result in a fast and scalable scheme in authenticating a large volume of resource-limited devices. Then, we design lightweight protocols to implement the scheme, where both a high level of security and low computation workloads on SO (no bilinear pairing requirement on the client-side) is accomplished. Evaluations demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our scheme in handling authentication and registration for a large number of nodes, meanwhile protecting them against various threats to smart living. Finally, we showcase the success of computing intelligence movement towards data sources in handling complicated services.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, to appear in FGC
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