74,476 research outputs found

    Validation of Proposed Metrics for Two-Body Abrasion Scratch Test Analysis Standards

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate a set of standardized metrics proposed for characterizing a surface that has been scratched from a two-body abrasion test. This is achieved by defining a new abrasion region termed Zone of Interaction (ZOI). The ZOI describes the full surface profile of all peaks and valleys, rather than just measuring a scratch width as currently defined by the ASTM G 171 Standard. The ZOI has been found to be at least twice the size of a standard width measurement, in some cases considerably greater, indicating that at least half of the disturbed surface area would be neglected without this insight. The ZOI is used to calculate a more robust data set of volume measurements that can be used to computationally reconstruct a resultant profile for detailed analysis. Documenting additional changes to various surface roughness parameters also allows key material attributes of importance to ultimate design applications to be quantified, such as depth of penetration and final abraded surface roughness. Data are presented to show that different combinations of scratch tips and abraded materials can actually yield the same scratch width, but result in different volume displacement or removal measurements and therefore, the ZOI method is more discriminating than the ASTM method scratch width. Furthermore, by investigating the use of custom scratch tips for our specific needs, the usefulness of having an abrasion metric that can measure the displaced volume in this standardized manner, and not just by scratch width alone, is reinforced. This benefit is made apparent when a tip creates an intricate contour having multiple peaks and valleys within a single scratch. This work lays the foundation for updating scratch measurement standards to improve modeling and characterization of three-body abrasion test results

    Scratches Removal in Digitised Aerial Photos Concerning Sicilian Territory

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    In this paper we propose a fast and effective method to detect and restore scratches in aerial photos from a photographic archive concerning Sicilian territory. Scratch removal is a typical problem for old movie films but similar defects can be seen in still images. Our solution is based on a semiautomatic detection process and an unsupervised restoration algorithm. Results are comparable with those obtained with commercial restoration tools

    Particle motion and stain removal during simulated abrasive tooth cleaning

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    Stain removal from teeth is important both to prevent decay and for appearance. This is usually achieved using a filament-based toothbrush with a toothpaste consisting of abrasive particles in a carrier fluid. This work has been carried out to examine how these abrasive particles interact with the filaments and cause material removal from a stain layer on the surface of a tooth. It is important to understand this mechanism as while maximum cleaning efficiency is required, this must not be accompanied by damage to the enamel or dentine substrate. In this work simple abrasive scratch tests were used to investigate stain removal mechanism of two abrasive particles commonly used in tooth cleaning, silica and perlite. Silica particles are granular in shape and very different to perlite particles, which are flat and have thicknesses many times smaller than their width. Initially visualisation studies were carried out with perlite particles to study how they are entrained into a filament/counterface contact. Results were compared with previous studies using silica. Reciprocating scratch tests were then run to study how many filaments have a particle trapped at one moment and are involved in the cleaning process. Stain removal tests were then carried out in a similar manner to establish cleaning rates with the two particle types. Perlite particles were found to be less abrasive than silica. This was because of their shape and how they were entrained into the filament contacts and loaded against a counterface. With both particles subsurface damage during stain removal was found to be minimal. A simple model was built to predict stain removal rates with silica particles, which gave results that correlated well with the experimental data

    Forgettable Federated Linear Learning with Certified Data Removal

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    Federated learning (FL) is a trending distributed learning framework that enables collaborative model training without data sharing. Machine learning models trained on datasets can potentially expose the private information of the training data, revealing details about individual data records. In this study, we focus on the FL paradigm that grants clients the ``right to be forgotten''. The forgettable FL framework should bleach its global model weights as it has never seen that client and hence does not reveal any information about the client. To this end, we propose the Forgettable Federated Linear Learning (2F2L) framework featured with novel training and data removal strategies. The training pipeline, named Federated linear training, employs linear approximation on the model parameter space to enable our 2F2L framework work for deep neural networks while achieving comparable results with canonical neural network training. We also introduce FedRemoval, an efficient and effective removal strategy that tackles the computational challenges in FL by approximating the Hessian matrix using public server data from the pretrained model. Unlike the previous uncertified and heuristic machine unlearning methods in FL, we provide theoretical guarantees by bounding the differences of model weights by our FedRemoval and that from retraining from scratch. Experimental results on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in achieving a balance between model accuracy and information removal, outperforming baseline strategies and approaching retraining from scratch

    Experimental and numerical study on scratching test

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    This paper presents recent investigation of the material removal mechanism in single grit grinding test. Single grit scratches were generated experimentally by using CBN grit on En24T steel and compared with numerical simulation by using finite element modelling (FEM). The material removal mechanism was observed along the scratch length to understand the effectiveness of ploughing and cutting mechanism throughout the scratch. Experiments showed that cutting is efficient at first half of the scratch while ploughing is significantly higher at the second half of the scratch. At the exit side of the scratch almost no material removal takes place. It has demonstrated that FEM simulations match well with experimental results

    Size Dependence of Nanoscale Wear of Silicon Carbide

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    Nanoscale, single-asperity wear of single-crystal silicon carbide (sc-SiC) and nanocrystalline silicon carbide (nc-SiC) is investigated using single-crystal diamond nanoindenter tips and nanocrystalline diamond atomic force microscopy (AFM) tips under dry conditions, and the wear behavior is compared to that of single-crystal silicon with both thin and thick native oxide layers. We discovered a transition in the relative wear resistance of the SiC samples compared to that of Si as a function of contact size. With larger nanoindenter tips (tip radius around 370 nm), the wear resistances of both sc-SiC and nc-SiC are higher than that of Si. This result is expected from the Archard's equation because SiC is harder than Si. However, with the smaller AFM tips (tip radius around 20 nm), the wear resistances of sc-SiC and nc-SiC are lower than that of Si, despite the fact that the contact pressures are comparable to those applied with the nanoindenter tips, and the plastic zones are well-developed in both sets of wear experiments. We attribute the decrease in the relative wear resistance of SiC compared to that of Si to a transition from a wear regime dominated by the materials' resistance to plastic deformation (i.e., hardness) to a regime dominated by the materials' resistance to interfacial shear. This conclusion is supported by our AFM studies of wearless friction, which reveal that the interfacial shear strength of SiC is higher than that of Si. The contributions of surface roughness and surface chemistry to differences in interfacial shear strength are also discussed

    Small-scale assessment of corrosion-induced damage in hardmetals

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    In this work, the effect of corrosion-induced damage on the mechanical response of hardmetals was evaluated at small-scale level by means of nanoindentation and nanoscratch. Damage was introduced in a controlled way through immersion in acidic solution. It is found that surface degradation associated with corrosion leads to a strong reduction of hardness and elastic modulus, as compared to non-corroded samples. Similarly, significant differences are observed in nanoscratch response, regarding not only width and depth of tracks but also deformation mechanisms developed as contact load is progressively increased. Damage was already evidenced in corroded surfaces at scratching loads one order of magnitude lower than for virgin specimens. Cracking and fragmentation of individual WC grains, together with chipping of at the track edges were the main deformation and fracture micromechanisms identified. Changes in nanoindentation and nanoscratch response and damage scenario are discussed on the basis of the corrosion-induced changes within the intrinsic microstructural assemblage of hardmetals.Postprint (published version

    Interactions between toothbrush and toothpaste particles during simulated abrasive cleaning

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    Most people clean their teeth using toothpaste, consisting of abrasive particles in a carrier fluid, and a filament based toothbrush to remove plaque and stain. In order to optimise cleaning efficiency it is important to understand how toothbrush filaments, abrasive particles and fluid interact in a tooth cleaning contact. Work has been carried out to visualise, simulate, and model the processes in teeth cleaning. Laboratory cleaning contacts were created between a toothbrush and a transparent surface. Video and short duration flash photography were used to study the processes by which a toothbrush traps abrasive particles, loads them against the counterface, and removes material. Small abrasive particles tend to be trapped at the contact between the filament tip and the counterface, whilst larger particles are trapped by clumps of filaments or at the contact with the side of a bent filament. Measurements of brush friction force were recorded during cleaning for a range of operating conditions. The presence of abrasive particles in the cleaning mixture increased the coefficient of friction, but the absolute particle concentration showed a lesser effect. It is surmised that only a few particles carry any load and cause any abrasion; increasing the particle concentration does not directly increase the number of load bearing particles. Abrasive scratch tests were also carried out, using PMMA as a wearing substrate. The scratches produced during these tests were studied. The microscopy images were used to deduce how the filaments deflect and drag, and how particles are trapped by filaments and scratch the surface. Again, it was observed that few of the brush filaments loaded particles to produce scratches, and that when a filament changes direction of travel the trapped particle is lost. Results of these studies were used to develop both qualitative and quantitative models of the process by which material is removed in teeth cleaning. The quantitative model contains, by necessity, several empirical factors, but nonetheless predictions compare well with in vitro wear results from the literature. The results were also used to draw some broad conclusions on appropriate brushing techniques for optimum tooth cleaning
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