199 research outputs found

    Energy-oriented Modeling And Control of Robotic Systems

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    This research focuses on the energy-oriented control of robotic systems using an ultracapacitor as the energy source. The primary objective is to simultaneously achieve the motion task objective and to increase energy efficiency through energy regeneration. To achieve this objective, three aims have been introduced and studied: brushless DC motors (BLDC) control by achieving optimum current in the motor, such that the motion task is achieved, and the energy consumption is minimized. A proof-ofconcept study to design a BLDC motor driver which has superiority compare to an off-the-shelf driver in terms of energy regeneration, and finally, the third aim is to develop a framework to study energy-oriented control in cooperative robots. The first aim is achieved by introducing an analytical solution which finds the optimal currents based on the desired torque generated by a virtual. Furthermore, it is shown that the well-known choice of a zero direct current component in the direct-quadrature frame is sub-optimal relative to our energy optimization objective. The second aim is achieved by introducing a novel BLDC motor driver, composed of three independent regenerative drives. To run the motor, the control law is obtained by specifying an outer-loop torque controller followed by minimization of power consumption via online constrained quadratic optimization. An experiment is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed concept against an off-the-shelf driver. It is shown that, in terms of energy regeneration and consumption, the developed driver has better performance, and a reduction of 15% energy consumption is achieved. v For the third aim, an impedance-based control scheme is introduced for cooperative manipulators grasping a rigid object. The position and orientation of the payload are to be maintained close to a desired trajectory, trading off tracking accuracy by low energy consumption and maintaining stability. To this end, an optimization problem is formulated using energy balance equations. The optimization finds the damping and stiffness gains of the impedance relation such that the energy consumption is minimized. Furthermore, L2 stability techniques are used to allow for time-varying damping and stiffness in the desired impedance. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the results

    Velocity control of a dc motor using pid and cdm method based on matlab/simulink and arduino

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com Hassiba Benbouali University ChletThe control of the speed of a (direct current) DC motor is very important as any change can lead to instability of the closed loop system. The aim of this project is to show how a DC motor can be controlled using a PID controller and the CDM Coefficient Diagram method in MATLAB/Simulink. The DC motor will be interfaced to MATLAB using an Arduino Mega 2560. The speed of the motor will be set by creating a Simulink model for the PID controller and CDM Coefficient Diagram Method in MATLAB. This last will send a serial command to the DC motor using the PWM pins on the Arduino board. The DC motor will run at the speed defined by the user. The velocity of the DC motor will be measured using the encoder. From the encoder, the output is sent to the controller (PID/CDM) in Simulink via Arduino. The controller compares the actual velocity of the motor with the setpoint velocity.O controlo da velocidade de um motor CC (corrente contínua) é muito importante, uma vez que uma estratégia de control errada pode levar à instabilidade do sistema em malha fechada. O objectivo deste projecto é mostrar como um motor de corrente contínua pode ser controlado utilizando um controlador PID e o método CDM em MATLAB/Simulink. O motor CC será interligado ao MATLAB usando um Arduino Mega 2560. A velocidade do motor será controlada através da criação de um modelo Simulink para o controlador PID e para o CDM. O software enviará um comando série ao motor DC usando os pinos PWM na placa Arduino fazendo com que o motor de corrente contínua opere à velocidade definida pelo utilizador. A velocidade do motor de corrente contínua será medida utilizando um codificador incremental. A partir dos pulsos gerados pelo codificador, a velocidade do motor é derminada sendo usada pelo controlador (PID/CDM) em Simulink via Arduino.

    Aerial Manipulators for Contact-based Interaction

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    Design, Modeling and Control of a Two-wheel Balancing Robot Driven by BLDC Motors

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    The focus of this document is on the design, modeling, and control of a self-balancing two wheel robot, hereafter referred to as the balance bot, driven by independent brushless DC (BLDC) motors. The balance bot frame is composed of stacked layers allowing a lightweight, modular, and rigid mechanical design. The robot is actuated by a pair of brushless DC motors equipped with Hall effect sensors and encoders allowing determination of the angle and angular velocity of each wheel. Absolute orientation measurement is accomplished using a full 9-axis IMU consisting of a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, and a 3-axis magnetometer. The control algorithm is designed to minimize deviations from a set point specified by an external radio remote control, which allows the remote operator to steer and drive the bot wirelessly while it remains balanced. Multiple dynamic models are proposed in this analysis, and the selected model is used to develop a linear-quadratic regulator based state-feedback controller to perform reference tracking. Controller tracking performance is improved by incorporating a prefilter stage between the setpoint command from the remote control and the state-feedback controller. Modeling of the actuator dynamics is considered brie y and is discussed in relation to the control algorithm used to balance the robot. Electrical and software design implementations are also presented with a focus on effective implementation of the proposed control algorithms. Simulated and physical testing results show that the proposed balance bot and controller design are not only feasible but effective as a means of achieving robust performance under dynamic tracking profiles provided by the remote control

    Development of Dual Power Multirotor System

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    Vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft has good flight characteristics and system performance without runway. The multirotor system has been tried to expand into larger size for longer endurance or higher payload. But the motor power to endurance ratio has been limited. Due to the specific energy of gasoline being much higher than battery, introducing gasoline engine into multirotor system can be considered. This paper proposes a dual power multirotor system to combine a quadrotor using gasoline engines to provide major lift in shorter arm with another quadrotor using brushless DC motors to offer most controllable force with longer arm. System design, fabrication, and verification of the proposed dual power multirotor system development are presented. Preliminary flights have achieved 16 kg payload for long endurance flight. This is useful for various applications with advanced improvements


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    Flying animals with flapping wings may best exemplify the astonishing ability of natural selection on design optimization. They evince extraordinary prowess to control their flight, while demonstrating rich repertoire of agile maneuvers. They remain surprisingly stable during hover and can make sharp turns in a split second. Characterized by high-frequency flapping wing motion, unsteady aerodynamics, and the ability to hover and perform fast maneuvers, insect-like flapping flight presents an extraordinary aerial locomotion strategy perfected at small size scales. Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles (FWMAVs) hold great promise in bridging the performance gap between engineered flying vehicles and their natural counterparts. They are perfect candidates for potential applications such as fast response robots in search and rescue, environmental friendly agents in precision agriculture, surveillance and intelligence gathering MAVs, and miniature nodes in sensor networks

    Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy

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    Children with cerebral palsy (CP) experience reduced quality of life due to limited mobility and independence. Recent studies have shown that lower-limb exoskeletons (LLEs) have significant potential to improve the walking ability of children with CP. However, the number of prototyped LLEs for children with CP is very limited, while no single-leg exoskeleton (SLE) has been developed specifically for children with CP. This study aims to fill this gap by designing the first size-adjustable SLE for children with CP aged 8 to 12, covering Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I to IV. The exoskeleton incorporates three active joints at the hip, knee, and ankle, actuated by brushless DC motors and harmonic drive gears. Individuals with CP have higher metabolic consumption than their typically developed (TD) peers, with gravity being a significant contributing factor. To address this, the study designed a model-based gravity-compensator impedance controller for the SLE. A dynamic model of user and exoskeleton interaction based on the Euler–Lagrange formulation and following Denavit–Hartenberg rules was derived and validated in Simscape™ and Simulink® with remarkable precision. Additionally, a novel systematic simplification method was developed to facilitate dynamic modelling. The simulation results demonstrate that the controlled SLE can improve the walking functionality of children with CP, enabling them to follow predefined target trajectories with high accuracy
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