993 research outputs found

    Nonrigid Registration of Brain Tumor Resection MR Images Based on Joint Saliency Map and Keypoint Clustering

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    This paper proposes a novel global-to-local nonrigid brain MR image registration to compensate for the brain shift and the unmatchable outliers caused by the tumor resection. The mutual information between the corresponding salient structures, which are enhanced by the joint saliency map (JSM), is maximized to achieve a global rigid registration of the two images. Being detected and clustered at the paired contiguous matching areas in the globally registered images, the paired pools of DoG keypoints in combination with the JSM provide a useful cluster-to-cluster correspondence to guide the local control-point correspondence detection and the outlier keypoint rejection. Lastly, a quasi-inverse consistent deformation is smoothly approximated to locally register brain images through the mapping the clustered control points by compact support radial basis functions. The 2D implementation of the method can model the brain shift in brain tumor resection MR images, though the theory holds for the 3D case

    Robust Non-Rigid Registration with Reweighted Position and Transformation Sparsity

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    Non-rigid registration is challenging because it is ill-posed with high degrees of freedom and is thus sensitive to noise and outliers. We propose a robust non-rigid registration method using reweighted sparsities on position and transformation to estimate the deformations between 3-D shapes. We formulate the energy function with position and transformation sparsity on both the data term and the smoothness term, and define the smoothness constraint using local rigidity. The double sparsity based non-rigid registration model is enhanced with a reweighting scheme, and solved by transferring the model into four alternately-optimized subproblems which have exact solutions and guaranteed convergence. Experimental results on both public datasets and real scanned datasets show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and is more robust to noise and outliers than conventional non-rigid registration methods.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    3D nonrigid medical image registration using a new information theoretic measure.

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    International audienceThis work presents a novel method for the nonrigid registration of medical images based on the Arimoto entropy, a generalization of the Shannon entropy. The proposed method employed the Jensen-Arimoto divergence measure as a similarity metric to measure the statistical dependence between medical images. Free-form deformations were adopted as the transformation model and the Parzen window estimation was applied to compute the probability distributions. A penalty term is incorporated into the objective function to smooth the nonrigid transformation. The goal of registration is to optimize an objective function consisting of a dissimilarity term and a penalty term, which would be minimal when two deformed images are perfectly aligned using the limited memory BFGS optimization method, and thus to get the optimal geometric transformation. To validate the performance of the proposed method, experiments on both simulated 3D brain MR images and real 3D thoracic CT data sets were designed and performed on the open source elastix package. For the simulated experiments, the registration errors of 3D brain MR images with various magnitudes of known deformations and different levels of noise were measured. For the real data tests, four data sets of 4D thoracic CT from four patients were selected to assess the registration performance of the method, including ten 3D CT images for each 4D CT data covering an entire respiration cycle. These results were compared with the normalized cross correlation and the mutual information methods and show a slight but true improvement in registration accuracy

    Iterative PnP and its application in 3D-2D vascular image registration for robot navigation

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    This paper reports on a new real-time robot-centered 3D-2D vascular image alignment algorithm, which is robust to outliers and can align nonrigid shapes. Few works have managed to achieve both real-time and accurate performance for vascular intervention robots. This work bridges high-accuracy 3D-2D registration techniques and computational efficiency requirements in intervention robot applications. We categorize centerline-based vascular 3D-2D image registration problems as an iterative Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem and propose to use the Levenberg-Marquardt solver on the Lie manifold. Then, the recently developed Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) algorithm is introduced to overcome the ``big-to-small'' problem in typical robotic scenarios. Finally, an iterative reweighted least squares is applied to solve RKHS-based formulation efficiently. Experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm processes registration over 50 Hz (rigid) and 20 Hz (nonrigid) and obtains competing registration accuracy similar to other works. Results indicate that our Iterative PnP is suitable for future vascular intervention robot applications.Comment: Submitted to ICRA 202

    A robust similarity measure for volumetric image registration with outliers

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    Image registration under challenging realistic conditions is a very important area of research. In this paper, we focus on algorithms that seek to densely align two volumetric images according to a global similarity measure. Despite intensive research in this area, there is still a need for similarity measures that are robust to outliers common to many different types of images. For example, medical image data is often corrupted by intensity inhomogeneities and may contain outliers in the form of pathologies. In this paper we propose a global similarity measure that is robust to both intensity inhomogeneities and outliers without requiring prior knowledge of the type of outliers. We combine the normalised gradients of images with the cosine function and show that it is theoretically robust against a very general class of outliers. Experimentally, we verify the robustness of our measures within two distinct algorithms. Firstly, we embed our similarity measures within a proof-of-concept extension of the Lucas–Kanade algorithm for volumetric data. Finally, we embed our measures within a popular non-rigid alignment framework based on free-form deformations and show it to be robust against both simulated tumours and intensity inhomogeneities

    Optimized imaging using non-rigid registration

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    The extraordinary improvements of modern imaging devices offer access to data with unprecedented information content. However, widely used image processing methodologies fall far short of exploiting the full breadth of information offered by numerous types of scanning probe, optical, and electron microscopies. In many applications, it is necessary to keep measurement intensities below a desired threshold. We propose a methodology for extracting an increased level of information by processing a series of data sets suffering, in particular, from high degree of spatial uncertainty caused by complex multiscale motion during the acquisition process. An important role is played by a nonrigid pixel-wise registration method that can cope with low signal-to-noise ratios. This is accompanied by formulating objective quality measures which replace human intervention and visual inspection in the processing chain. Scanning transmission electron microscopy of siliceous zeolite material exhibits the above-mentioned obstructions and therefore serves as orientation and a test of our procedures

    A Nonrigid Registration Method for Correcting Brain Deformation Induced by Tumor Resection

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    Purpose: This paper presents a nonrigid registration method to align preoperative MRI with intraoperative MRI to compensate for brain deformation during tumor resection. This method extends traditional point-based nonrigid registration in two aspects: (1) allow the input data to be incomplete and (2) simulate the underlying deformation with a heterogeneous biomechanical model. Methods: The method formulates the registration as a three-variable (point correspondence, deformation field, and resection region) functional minimization problem, in which point correspondence is represented by a fuzzy assign matrix; Deformation field is represented by a piecewise linear function regularized by the strain energy of a heterogeneous biomechanical model; and resection region is represented by a maximal simply connected tetrahedral mesh. A nested expectation and maximization framework is developed to simultaneously resolve these three variables. Results: To evaluate this method, the authors conducted experiments on both synthetic data and clinical MRI data. The synthetic experiment confirmed their hypothesis that the removal of additional elements from the biomechanical model can improve the accuracy of the registration. The clinical MRI experiments on 25 patients showed that the proposed method outperforms the ITK implementation of a physics-based nonrigid registration method. The proposed method improves the accuracy by 2.88 mm on average when the error is measured by a robust Hausdorff distance metric on Canny edge points, and improves the accuracy by 1.56 mm on average when the error is measured by six anatomical points. Conclusions: The proposed method can effectively correct brain deformation induced by tumor resection. (C) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine

    Automated Segmentation of the Pericardium Using a Feature Based Multi-atlas Approach

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    Multi-atlas segmentation is a widely used method that has proved to work well for the problem of segmenting organs in medical images. But standard methods are time consuming and the amount of data quickly grows to a point making use of these methods intractable. In this work we present a fully automatic method for segmentation of the pericardium in 3D CTA-images. We use a multi-atlas approach based on feature based registration (SURF) and use RANSAC to handle the large amount of outliers. The multi-atlas votes are fused by incorporating them into an MRF together with the intensity information of the target image and the optimal segmentation is found efficiently using graph cuts. We evaluate our method on a set of 10 CTA-volumes with manual expert delineation of the pericardium and we show that our method provides comparable results to a standard multi-atlas algorithm but at a large gain in computational efficiency