299 research outputs found

    Visual Speech Recognition

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    In recent years, Visual speech recognition has a more concentration, by researchers, than the past. Because of the leakage of the visual processing of the Arabic vocabularies recognition, we start to search in this field. Audio speech recognition concerned with the acoustic characteristic of the signal, but there are many situations that the audio signal is weak of not exist, and this will be a point in Chapter 2. The visual recognition process focuses on the features extracted from video of the speaker. These features are to be classified using several techniques. The most important feature to be extracted is motion. By segmenting motion of the lips of the speaker, an algorithm has manipulate it in such away to recognize the word which is said. But motion segmentation is not the only problem facing the speech recognition process, segmenting the lips itself is an early step in the speech recognition process, so, to segment lips motion we have to segment lips first, a new approach for lip segmentation is proposed in this thesis. Sometimes, motion feature needs another feature to support in recognition the spoken word. So in our thesis another new algorithm is proposed to use motion segmentation by using the Abstract Difference Image from an image series, supported by correlation for registering images in the image series, to recognize ten words in the Arabic language, the words are from “one” to “ten” in Arabic language. The algorithm also uses the HU-Invariant set of features to describe the Abstract Difference Image, and uses a three different recognition methods to recognize the words. The CLAHE method as a filtering technique is used by our algorithm to manipulate lighting problems. Our algorithm based on extracting the differences details from a series of images to recognize the word, achieved an overall results 55.8%, it is an adequate result for our algorithm when integrated in an audio-visual system

    The application of manifold based visual speech units for visual speech recognition

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    This dissertation presents a new learning-based representation that is referred to as a Visual Speech Unit for visual speech recognition (VSR). The automated recognition of human speech using only features from the visual domain has become a significant research topic that plays an essential role in the development of many multimedia systems such as audio visual speech recognition(AVSR), mobile phone applications, human-computer interaction (HCI) and sign language recognition. The inclusion of the lip visual information is opportune since it can improve the overall accuracy of audio or hand recognition algorithms especially when such systems are operated in environments characterized by a high level of acoustic noise. The main contribution of the work presented in this thesis is located in the development of a new learning-based representation that is referred to as Visual Speech Unit for Visual Speech Recognition (VSR). The main components of the developed Visual Speech Recognition system are applied to: (a) segment the mouth region of interest, (b) extract the visual features from the real time input video image and (c) to identify the visual speech units. The major difficulty associated with the VSR systems resides in the identification of the smallest elements contained in the image sequences that represent the lip movements in the visual domain. The Visual Speech Unit concept as proposed represents an extension of the standard viseme model that is currently applied for VSR. The VSU model augments the standard viseme approach by including in this new representation not only the data associated with the articulation of the visemes but also the transitory information between consecutive visemes. A large section of this thesis has been dedicated to analysis the performance of the new visual speech unit model when compared with that attained for standard (MPEG- 4) viseme models. Two experimental results indicate that: 1. The developed VSR system achieved 80-90% correct recognition when the system has been applied to the identification of 60 classes of VSUs, while the recognition rate for the standard set of MPEG-4 visemes was only 62-72%. 2. 15 words are identified when VSU and viseme are employed as the visual speech element. The accuracy rate for word recognition based on VSUs is 7%-12% higher than the accuracy rate based on visemes

    High-quality face capture, animation and editing from monocular video

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    Digitization of virtual faces in movies requires complex capture setups and extensive manual work to produce superb animations and video-realistic editing. This thesis pushes the boundaries of the digitization pipeline by proposing automatic algorithms for high-quality 3D face capture and animation, as well as photo-realistic face editing. These algorithms reconstruct and modify faces in 2D videos recorded in uncontrolled scenarios and illumination. In particular, advances in three main areas offer solutions for the lack of depth and overall uncertainty in video recordings. First, contributions in capture include model-based reconstruction of detailed, dynamic 3D geometry that exploits optical and shading cues, multilayer parametric reconstruction of accurate 3D models in unconstrained setups based on inverse rendering, and regression-based 3D lip shape enhancement from high-quality data. Second, advances in animation are video-based face reenactment based on robust appearance metrics and temporal clustering, performance-driven retargeting of detailed facial models in sync with audio, and the automatic creation of personalized controllable 3D rigs. Finally, advances in plausible photo-realistic editing are dense face albedo capture and mouth interior synthesis using image warping and 3D teeth proxies. High-quality results attained on challenging application scenarios confirm the contributions and show great potential for the automatic creation of photo-realistic 3D faces.Die Digitalisierung von Gesichtern zum Einsatz in der Filmindustrie erfordert komplizierte Aufnahmevorrichtungen und die manuelle Nachbearbeitung von Rekonstruktionen, um perfekte Animationen und realistische Videobearbeitung zu erzielen. Diese Dissertation erweitert vorhandene Digitalisierungsverfahren durch die Erforschung von automatischen Verfahren zur qualitativ hochwertigen 3D Rekonstruktion, Animation und Modifikation von Gesichtern. Diese Algorithmen erlauben es, Gesichter in 2D Videos, die unter allgemeinen Bedingungen und unbekannten Beleuchtungsverhältnissen aufgenommen wurden, zu rekonstruieren und zu modifizieren. Vor allem Fortschritte in den folgenden drei Hauptbereichen tragen zur Kompensation von fehlender Tiefeninformation und der allgemeinen Mehrdeutigkeit von 2D Videoaufnahmen bei. Erstens, Beiträge zur modellbasierten Rekonstruktion von detaillierter und dynamischer 3D Geometrie durch optische Merkmale und die Shading-Eigenschaften des Gesichts, mehrschichtige parametrische Rekonstruktion von exakten 3D Modellen mittels inversen Renderings in allgemeinen Szenen und regressionsbasierter 3D Lippenformverfeinerung mittels qualitativ hochwertigen Daten. Zweitens, Fortschritte im Bereich der Computeranimation durch videobasierte Gesichtsausdrucksübertragung und temporaler Clusterbildung, Übertragung von detaillierten Gesichtsmodellen, deren Mundbewegung mit Ton synchronisiert ist, und die automatische Erstellung von personalisierten "3D Face Rigs". Schließlich werden Fortschritte im Bereich der realistischen Videobearbeitung vorgestellt, welche auf der dichten Rekonstruktion von Hautreflektionseigenschaften und der Mundinnenraumsynthese mittels bildbasierten und geometriebasierten Verfahren aufbauen. Qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse in anspruchsvollen Anwendungen untermauern die Wichtigkeit der geleisteten Beiträgen und zeigen das große Potential der automatischen Erstellung von realistischen digitalen 3D Gesichtern auf

    Automated Facial Anthropometry Over 3D Face Surface Textured Meshes

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    The automation of human face measurement means facing mayor technical and technological challenges. The use of 3D scanning technology is widely accepted in the scientific community and it offers the possibility of developing non-invasive measurement techniques. However, the selection of the points that form the basis of the measurements is a task that still requires human intervention. This work introduces digital image processing methods for automatic localization of facial features. The first goal was to examine different ways to represent 3D shapes and to evaluate whether these could be used as representative features of facial attributes, in order to locate them automatically. Based on the above, a non-rigid registration procedure was developed to estimate dense point-to-point correspondence between two surfaces. The method is able to register 3D models of faces in the presence of facial expressions. Finally, a method that uses both shape and appearance information of the surface, was designed for automatic localization of a set of facial features that are the basis for determining anthropometric ratios, which are widely used in fields such as ergonomics, forensics, surgical planning, among othersResumen : La automatización de la medición del rostro humano implica afrontar grandes desafíos técnicos y tecnológicos. Una alternativa de solución que ha encontrado gran aceptación dentro de la comunidad científica, corresponde a la utilización de tecnología de digitalización 3D con lo cual ha sido posible el desarrollo de técnicas de medición no invasivas. Sin embargo, la selección de los puntos que son la base de las mediciones es una tarea que aún requiere de la intervención humana. En este trabajo se presentan métodos de procesamiento digital de imágenes para la localización automática de características faciales. Lo primero que se hizo fue estudiar diversas formas de representar la forma en 3D y cómo estas podían contribuir como características representativas de los atributos faciales con el fin de poder ubicarlos automáticamente. Con base en lo anterior, se desarrolló un método para la estimación de correspondencia densa entre dos superficies a partir de un procedimiento de registro no rígido, el cual se enfocó a modelos de rostros 3D en presencia de expresiones faciales. Por último, se plantea un método, que utiliza tanto información de la forma como de la apariencia de las superficies, para la localización automática de un conjunto de características faciales que son la base para determinar índices antropométricos ampliamente utilizados en campos tales como la ergonomía, ciencias forenses, planeación quirúrgica, entre otrosDoctorad