803 research outputs found

    Efficient Acquisition and Denoising of Full-Range Event-Related Potentials Following Transient Stimulation of the Auditory Pathway

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    This body of work relates to recent advances in the field of human auditory event-related potentials (ERP), specifically the fast, deconvolution-based ERP acquisition as well as single-response based preprocessing, denoising and subsequent analysis methods. Its goal is the contribution of a cohesive set of methods facilitating the fast, reliable acquisition of the whole electrophysiological response generated by the auditory pathway from the brainstem to the cortex following transient acoustical stimulation. The present manuscript is divided into three sequential areas of investigation : First, the general feasibility of simultaneously acquiring auditory brainstem, middle-latency and late ERP single responses is demonstrated using recordings from 15 normal hearing subjects. Favourable acquisition parameters (i.e., sampling rate, bandpass filter settings and interstimulus intervals) are established, followed by signal analysis of the resulting ERP in terms of their dominant intrinsic scales to determine the properties of an optimal signal representation with maximally reduced sample count by means of nonlinear resampling on a logarithmic timebase. This way, a compression ratio of 16.59 is achieved. Time-scale analysis of the linear-time and logarithmic-time ERP single responses is employed to demonstrate that no important information is lost during compressive resampling, which is additionally supported by a comparative evaluation of the resulting average waveforms - here, all prominent waves remain visible, with their characteristic latencies and amplitudes remaining essentially unaffected by the resampling process. The linear-time and resampled logarithmic-time signal representations are comparatively investigated regarding their susceptibility to the types of physiological and technical noise frequently contaminating ERP recordings. While in principle there already exists a plethora of well-investigated approaches towards the denoising of ERP single-response representations to improve signal quality and/or reduce necessary aquisition times, the substantially altered noise characteristics of the obtained, resampled logarithmic-time single response representations as opposed to their linear-time equivalent necessitates a reevaluation of the available methods on this type of data. Additionally, two novel, efficient denoising algorithms based on transform coefficient manipulation in the sinogram domain and on an analytic, discrete wavelet filterbank are proposed and subjected to a comparative performance evaluation together with two established denoising methods. To facilitate a thorough comparison, the real-world ERP dataset obtained in the first part of this work is employed alongside synthetic data generated using a phenomenological ERP model evaluated at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), with individual gains in multiple outcome metrics being used to objectively assess algorithm performances. Results suggest the proposed denoising algorithms to substantially outperform the state-of-the-art methods in terms of the employed outcome metrics as well as their respective processing times. Furthermore, an efficient stimulus sequence optimization method for use with deconvolution-based ERP acquisition methods is introduced, which achieves consistent noise attenuation within a broad designated frequency range. A novel stimulus presentation paradigm for the fast, interleaved acquisition of auditory brainstem, middle-latency and late responses featuring alternating periods of optimized, high-rate deconvolution sequences and subsequent low-rate stimulation is proposed and investigated in 20 normal hearing subjects. Deconvolved sequence responses containing early and middle-latency ERP components are fused with subsequent late responses using a time-frequency resolved weighted averaging method based on cross-trial regularity, yielding a uniform SNR of the full-range auditory ERP across investigated timescales. Obtained average ERP waveforms exhibit morphologies consistent with both literature values and the reference recordings obtained in the first part of this manuscript, with all prominent waves being visible in the grand average waveforms. The novel stimulation approach cuts acquisition time by a factor of 3.4 while at the same time yielding a substantial gain in the SNR of obtained ERP data. Results suggest the proposed interleaved stimulus presentation and associated postprocessing methodology to be suitable for the fast, reliable extraction of full-range neural correlates of auditory processing in future studies.Diese Arbeit steht im Zusammenhang mit aktuellen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale (EKP) des humanen auditorischen Systems, insbesondere der schnellen, entfaltungsbasierten EKP-Aufzeichnung sowie einzelantwortbasierten Vorverarbeitungs-, Entrauschungs- und nachgelagerten Analysemethoden. Ziel ist die Bereitstellung eines vollstĂ€ndigen Methodensatzes, der eine schnelle, zuverlĂ€ssige Erfassung der gesamten elektrophysiologischen AktivitĂ€t entlang der Hörbahn vom Hirnstamm bis zum Cortex ermöglicht, die als Folge transienter akustischer Stimulation auftritt. Das vorliegende Manuskript gliedert sich in drei aufeinander aufbauende Untersuchungsbereiche : ZunĂ€chst wird die generelle Machbarkeit der gleichzeitigen Aufzeichnung von Einzelantworten der auditorischen Hirnstammpotentiale zusammen mit mittelspĂ€ten und spĂ€ten EKP anhand von Referenzmessungen an 15 normalhörenden Probanden demonstriert. Es werden hierzu geeignete Erfassungsparameter (Abtastrate, Bandpassfiltereinstellungen und Interstimulusintervalle) ermittelt, gefolgt von einer Signalanalyse der resultierenden EKP im Hinblick auf deren dominante intrinsische Skalen, um auf dieser Grundlage die Eigenschaften einer optimalen Signaldarstellung mit maximal reduzierter Anzahl an Abtastpunkten zu bestimmen, die durch nichtlineare Neuabtastung auf eine logarithmische Zeitbasis realisiert wird. Hierbei wird ein KompressionsverhĂ€ltnis von 16.59 erzielt. Zeit-Skalen-Analysen der uniform und logarithmisch abgetasteten EKP-Einzelantworten zeigen, dass bei der kompressiven Neuabtastung keine relevante Information verloren geht, was durch eine vergleichende Auswertung der resultierenden, gemittelten Wellenformen zusĂ€tzlich gestĂŒtzt wird - alle prominenten Wellen bleiben sichtbar und sind hinsichtlich ihrer charakteristischen Latenzen und Amplituden von der Neuabtastung weitgehend unbeeinflusst. Die uniforme und logarithmische SignalreprĂ€sentation werden hinsichtlich ihrer AnfĂ€lligkeit fĂŒr die ĂŒblicherweise bei der EKP-Aufzeichnung auftretenden physiologischen und technischen Störquellen vergleichend untersucht. Obwohl bereits eine FĂŒlle von gut etablierten AnsĂ€tzen fĂŒr die Entrauschung von EKP-Einzelantwortdarstellungen zur Verbesserung der SignalqualitĂ€t und/oder zur Reduktion der benötigten Erfassungszeiten existiert, erfordern die wesentlich verĂ€nderten Störeigenschaften der vorliegenden, logarithmisch abgetasteten Einzelantwortdarstellungen im Gegensatz zu ihrem uniformen Äquivalent eine Neubewertung der verfĂŒgbaren Methoden fĂŒr diese Art von Daten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden zwei neuartige, effiziente Entrauschungsalgorithmen geboten, die auf der Koeffizientenmanipulation einer Sinogramm-ReprĂ€sentation bzw. einer analytischen, diskreten Wavelet-Zerlegung der Einzelantworten basieren und gemeinsam mit zwei etablierten Entrauschungsmethoden einer vergleichenden Leistungsbewertung unterzogen werden. Um einen umfassenden Vergleich zu ermöglichen, werden der im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit erhaltene EKP-Messdatensatz sowie synthetischen Daten eingesetzt, die mithilfe eines phĂ€nomenologischen EKP-Modells bei verschiedenen Signal-Rausch-AbstĂ€nden (SRA) erzeugt wurden, wobei die individuellen Anstiege in mehreren Zielmetriken zur objektiven Bewertung der Performanz herangezogen werden. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die vorgeschlagenen Entrauschungsalgorithmen die etablierten Methoden sowohl in den eingesetzten Zielmetriken als auch mit Blick auf die Laufzeiten deutlich ĂŒbertreffen. Weiterhin wird ein effizientes Reizsequenzoptimierungsverfahren fĂŒr den Einsatz mit entfaltungsbasierten EKP-Aufzeichnungsmethoden vorgestellt, das eine konsistente RauschunterdrĂŒckung innerhalb eines breiten Frequenzbands erreicht. Ein neuartiges Stimulus-PrĂ€sentationsparadigma fĂŒr die schnelle, verschachtelte Erfassung auditorischer Hirnstammpotentiale, mittlelspĂ€ter und spĂ€ter Antworten durch alternierende Darbietung von optimierten, dichter Stimulussequenzen und nachgelagerter, langsamer Einzelstimulation wird eingefĂŒhrt und in 20 normalhörenden Probanden evaluiert. Entfaltete Sequenzantworten, die frĂŒhe und mittlere EKP enthalten, werden mit den nachfolgenden spĂ€ten Antworten fusioniert, wobei eine Zeit-Frequenz-aufgelöste, gewichtete Mittelung unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von RegularitĂ€t ĂŒber Einzelantworten hinweg zum Einsatz kommt. Diese erreicht einheitliche SRA der resultierenden EKP-Signale ĂŒber alle untersuchten Zeitskalen hinweg. Die erhaltenen, gemittelten EKP-Wellenformen weisen Morphologien auf, die sowohl mit einschlĂ€gigen Literaturwerten als auch mit den im ersten Teil dieses Manuskripts erhaltenen Referenzaufnahmen konsistent sind, wobei alle markanten Wellen deutlich in den Gesamtmittelwerten sichtbar sind. Das neuartige Stimulationsparadigma verkĂŒrzt die Erfassungszeit um den Faktor 3.4 und vergrĂ¶ĂŸert gleichzeitig den erreichten SRA erheblich. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die vorgeschlagene verschachtelte StimulusprĂ€sentation und die nachgelagerte EKP-Verarbeitungsmethodik zur schnellen, zuverlĂ€ssigen Extraktion neuronaler Korrelate der gesamten auditorischen Verarbeitung im Rahmen zukĂŒnftiger Studien geeignet sind.Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung | Bimodal Fusion - Eine neurotechnologische Optimierungsarchitektur fĂŒr integrierte bimodale Hörsysteme | 2016-201

    Detecting single-trial EEG evoked potential using a wavelet domain linear mixed model: application to error potentials classification

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    Objective. The main goal of this work is to develop a model for multi-sensor signals such as MEG or EEG signals, that accounts for the inter-trial variability, suitable for corresponding binary classification problems. An important constraint is that the model be simple enough to handle small size and unbalanced datasets, as often encountered in BCI type experiments. Approach. The method involves linear mixed effects statistical model, wavelet transform and spatial filtering, and aims at the characterization of localized discriminant features in multi-sensor signals. After discrete wavelet transform and spatial filtering, a projection onto the relevant wavelet and spatial channels subspaces is used for dimension reduction. The projected signals are then decomposed as the sum of a signal of interest (i.e. discriminant) and background noise, using a very simple Gaussian linear mixed model. Main results. Thanks to the simplicity of the model, the corresponding parameter estimation problem is simplified. Robust estimates of class-covariance matrices are obtained from small sample sizes and an effective Bayes plug-in classifier is derived. The approach is applied to the detection of error potentials in multichannel EEG data, in a very unbalanced situation (detection of rare events). Classification results prove the relevance of the proposed approach in such a context. Significance. The combination of linear mixed model, wavelet transform and spatial filtering for EEG classification is, to the best of our knowledge, an original approach, which is proven to be effective. This paper improves on earlier results on similar problems, and the three main ingredients all play an important role

    Spatial Filtering Pipeline Evaluation of Cortically Coupled Computer Vision System for Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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    Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a paradigm that supports the application of cortically coupled computer vision to rapid image search. In RSVP, images are presented to participants in a rapid serial sequence which can evoke Event-related Potentials (ERPs) detectable in their Electroencephalogram (EEG). The contemporary approach to this problem involves supervised spatial filtering techniques which are applied for the purposes of enhancing the discriminative information in the EEG data. In this paper we make two primary contributions to that field: 1) We propose a novel spatial filtering method which we call the Multiple Time Window LDA Beamformer (MTWLB) method; 2) we provide a comprehensive comparison of nine spatial filtering pipelines using three spatial filtering schemes namely, MTWLB, xDAWN, Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and three linear classification methods Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) and Logistic Regression (LR). Three pipelines without spatial filtering are used as baseline comparison. The Area Under Curve (AUC) is used as an evaluation metric in this paper. The results reveal that MTWLB and xDAWN spatial filtering techniques enhance the classification performance of the pipeline but CSP does not. The results also support the conclusion that LR can be effective for RSVP based BCI if discriminative features are available


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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a technique for recording asynchronous activation of neuronal firing inside the brain with non-invasive scalp electrodes. EEG signal is well studied to evaluate the cognitive state, detect brain diseases such as epilepsy, dementia, coma, autism spectral disorder (ASD), etc. In this dissertation, the EEG signal is studied for the early detection of the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). MCI is the preliminary stage of Dementia that may ultimately lead to Alzheimers disease (AD) in the elderly people. Our goal is to develop a minimalistic MCI detection system that could be integrated to the wearable sensors. This contribution has three major aspects: 1) cleaning the EEG signal, 2) detecting MCI, and 3) predicting the severity of the MCI using the data obtained from a single-channel EEG electrode. Artifacts such as eye blink activities can corrupt the EEG signals. We investigate unsupervised and effective removal of ocular artifact (OA) from single-channel streaming raw EEG data. Wavelet transform (WT) decomposition technique was systematically evaluated for effectiveness of OA removal for a single-channel EEG system. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), is studied with four WT basis functions: haar, coif3, sym3, and bior4.4. The performance of the artifact removal algorithm was evaluated by the correlation coefficients (CC), mutual information (MI), signal to artifact ratio (SAR), normalized mean square error (NMSE), and time-frequency analysis. It is demonstrated that WT can be an effective tool for unsupervised OA removal from single channel EEG data for real-time applications.For the MCI detection from the clean EEG data, we collected the scalp EEG data, while the subjects were stimulated with five auditory speech signals. We extracted 590 features from the Event-Related Potential (ERP) of the collected EEG signals, which included time and spectral domain characteristics of the response. The top 25 features, ranked by the random forest method, were used for classification models to identify subjects with MCI. Robustness of our model was tested using leave-one-out cross-validation while training the classifiers. Best results (leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy 87.9%, sensitivity 84.8%, specificity 95%, and F score 85%) were obtained using support vector machine (SVM) method with Radial Basis Kernel (RBF) (sigma = 10, cost = 102). Similar performances were also observed with logistic regression (LR), further validating the results. Our results suggest that single-channel EEG could provide a robust biomarker for early detection of MCI. We also developed a single channel Electro-encephalography (EEG) based MCI severity monitoring algorithm by generating the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores from the features extracted from EEG. We performed multi-trial and single-trail analysis for the algorithm development of the MCI severity monitoring. We studied Multivariate Regression (MR), Ensemble Regression (ER), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Ridge Regression (RR) for multi-trial and deep neural regression for the single-trial analysis. In the case of multi-trial, the best result was obtained from the ER. In our single-trial analysis, we constructed the time-frequency image from each trial and feed it to the convolutional deep neural network (CNN). Performance of the regression models was evaluated by the RMSE and the residual analysis. We obtained the best accuracy with the deep neural regression method

    Bayesian Modeling of the Dynamics of Phase Modulations and their Application to Auditory Event Related Potentials at Different Loudness Scales

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    We study the effect of long-term habituation signatures of auditory selective attention reflected in the instantaneous phase information of the auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) at four distinct stimuli levels of 60, 70, 80, and 90 dB SPL. The analysis is based on the single-trial level. The effect of habituation can be observed in terms of the changes (jitter) in the instantaneous phase information of ERPs. In particular, the absence of habituation is correlated with a consistently high phase synchronization over ERP trials. We estimate the changes in phase concentration over trials using a Bayesian approach, in which the phase is modeled as being drawn from a von Mises distribution with a concentration parameter which varies smoothly over trials. The smoothness assumption reflects the fact that habituation is a gradual process. We differentiate between different stimuli based on the relative changes and absolute values of the estimated concentration parameter using the proposed Bayesian model

    Bayesian Modeling of the Dynamics of Phase Modulations and their Application to Auditory Event Related Potentials at Different Loudness Scales

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    We study the effect of long-term habituation signatures of auditory selective attention reflected in the instantaneous phase information of the auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) at four distinct stimuli levels of 60, 70, 80, and 90 dB SPL. The analysis is based on the single-trial level. The effect of habituation can be observed in terms of the changes (jitter) in the instantaneous phase information of ERPs. In particular, the absence of habituation is correlated with a consistently high phase synchronization over ERP trials. We estimate the changes in phase concentration over trials using a Bayesian approach, in which the phase is modeled as being drawn from a von Mises distribution with a concentration parameter which varies smoothly over trials. The smoothness assumption reflects the fact that habituation is a gradual process. We differentiate between different stimuli based on the relative changes and absolute values of the estimated concentration parameter using the proposed Bayesian model

    Noise Reduction in EEG Signals using Convolutional Autoencoding Techniques

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    The presence of noise in electroencephalography (EEG) signals can significantly reduce the accuracy of the analysis of the signal. This study assesses to what extent stacked autoencoders designed using one-dimensional convolutional neural network layers can reduce noise in EEG signals. The EEG signals, obtained from 81 people, were processed by a two-layer one-dimensional convolutional autoencoder (CAE), whom performed 3 independent button pressing tasks. The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the signals before and after processing were calculated and the distributions of the SNRs were compared. The performance of the model was compared to noise reduction performance of Principal Component Analysis, with 95% explained variance, by comparing the Harrell-Davis decile differences between the SNR distributions of both methods and the raw signal SNR distribution for each task. It was found that the CAE outperformed PCA for the full dataset across all three tasks, however the CAE did not outperform PCA for the person specific datasets in any of the three tasks. The results indicate that CAEs can perform better than PCA for noise reduction in EEG signals, but performance of the model may be training size dependent
