5 research outputs found

    Stochastic surgery selection and sequencing under dynamic emergency break-ins

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    Anticipating the impact of urgent emergency arrivals on operating room schedules remains methodologically and computationally challenging. This paper investigates a model for surgery scheduling, in which both surgery durations and emergency patient arrivals are stochastic. When an emergency patient arrives he enters the first available room. Given the sets of surgeries available to each operating room for that day, as well as the distributions of the main stochastic variables, we aim to find the per-room surgery sequences that minimise a joint objective, which includes over- and under-utilisation, the amount of cancelled patients, as well as the risk that emergencies suffer an excessively long waiting time. We show that a detailed analysis of emergency break-ins and their disruption of the schedule leads to a lower total cost compared to less sophisticated models. We also map the trade-off between the threshold for excessive waiting time, and the set of other objectives. Finally, an efficient heuristic is proposed to accurately estimate the value of a solution with significantly less computational effort.Anticipating the impact of urgent emergency arrivals on operating room schedules remains methodologically and computationally challenging. This paper investigates a model for surgery scheduling, in which both surgery durations and emergency patient arrivals are stochastic. When an emergency patient arrives he enters the first available room. Given the sets of surgeries available to each operating room for that day, as well as the distributions of the main stochastic variables, we aim to find the per-room surgery sequences that minimise a joint objective, which includes over- and under-utilisation, the amount of cancelled patients, as well as the risk that emergencies suffer an excessively long waiting time. We show that a detailed analysis of emergency break-ins and their disruption of the schedule leads to a lower total cost compared to less sophisticated models. We also map the trade-off between the threshold for excessive waiting time, and the set of other objectives. Finally, an efficient heuristic is proposed to accurately estimate the value of a solution with significantly less computational effort.A

    Planning and scheduling of operating theater under resources constraints: State of the art and future trends and impact on energy consumption

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    The management of operating theaters is currently the subject of considerable discussion, particularly with regard to the use of human and material resources, which are available in limited quantities. The first part of this paper deals with the management of hospital systems and operating theaters. In the second part, we review the main studies on planning surgical procedures under resources constraints, as well as the different methods for solving planning and scheduling problems in operating theaters. A comparative analysis is carried out in order to identify the fundamental ideas leading to the adoption of a new model capable of meeting the needs and satisfying the different constraints of this management. This article shows that planning and scheduling play a major role in the management of an operating theater, which remains difficult given the multiplicity of determinants involved. In this work, we describe the problem of planning and scheduling operating theaters according to several authors, aiming to evaluate and improve existing operating programs to make them feasible and of good quality. The depletion of the world’s available energy resources requires the construction of hospital buildings that respect the environment and take into account energy efficiency while meeting different needs

    Heuristiken im Service Operations Management

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    This doctoral thesis deals with the application of operation research methods in practice. With two cooperation companies from the service sector (retailing and healthcare), three practice-relevant decision problems are jointly elicited and defined. Subsequently, the planning problems are transferred into mathematical problems and solved with the help of optimal and/or heuristic methods. The status quo of the companies could be significantly improved for all the problems dealt with.Diese Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Anwendung von Operation Research Methoden in der Praxis. Mit zwei Kooperationsunternehmen aus dem Dienstleistungssektor (Einzelhandel und Gesundheitswesen) werden drei praxisrelevante Planungsprobleme gemeinsam eruiert und definiert. In weiterer Folge werden die Entscheidungsmodelle in mathematische Probleme transferiert und mit Hilfe von optimalen und/oder heuristischen Verfahren gelöst. Bei allen behandelten Problemstellungen konnte der bei den Unternehmen angetroffene Status Quo signifikant verbessert werden

    Robust Optimization Framework to Operating Room Planning and Scheduling in Stochastic Environment

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    Arrangement of surgical activities can be classified as a three-level process that directly impacts the overall performance of a healthcare system. The goal of this dissertation is to study hierarchical planning and scheduling problems of operating room (OR) departments that arise in a publicly funded hospital. Uncertainty in surgery durations and patient arrivals, the existence of multiple resources and competing performance measures are among the important aspect of OR problems in practice. While planning can be viewed as the compromise of supply and demand within the strategic and tactical stages, scheduling is referred to the development of a detailed timetable that determines operational daily assignment of individual cases. Therefore, it is worthwhile to put effort in optimization of OR planning and surgical scheduling. We have considered several extensions of previous models and described several real-world applications. Firstly, we have developed a novel transformation framework for the robust optimization (RO) method to be used as a generalized approach to overcome the drawback of conventional RO approach owing to its difficulty in obtaining information regarding numerous control variable terms as well as added extra variables and constraints into the model in transforming deterministic models into the robust form. We have determined an optimal case mix planning for a given set of specialties for a single operating room department using the proposed standard RO framework. In this case-mix planning problem, demands for elective and emergency surgery are considered to be random variables realized over a set of probabilistic scenarios. A deterministic and a two-stage stochastic recourse programming model is also developed for the uncertain surgery case mix planning to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed RO models. The objective is to minimize the expected total loss incurred due to postponed and unmet demand as well as the underutilization costs. We have shown that the optimum solution can be found in polynomial time. Secondly, the tactical and operational level decision of OR block scheduling and advance scheduling problems are considered simultaneously to overcome the drawback of current literature in addressing these problems in isolation. We have focused on a hybrid master surgery scheduling (MSS) and surgical case assignment (SCA) problem under the assumption that both surgery durations and emergency arrivals follow probability distributions defined over a discrete set of scenarios. We have developed an integrated robust MSS and SCA model using the proposed standard transformation framework and determined the allocation of surgical specialties to the ORs as well as the assignment of surgeries within each specialty to the corresponding ORs in a coordinated way to minimize the costs associated with patients waiting time and hospital resource utilization. To demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the two proposed models, a simulation study is carried utilizing data provided by Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH). The simulation results demonstrate that the two proposed models can mitigate the existing variability in parameter uncertainty. This provides a more reliable decision tool for the OR managers while limiting the negative impact of waiting time to the patients as well as welfare loss to the hospital