4 research outputs found

    A risk-driven security analysis and metrics development for WSN-MCN router

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    A risk-driven security analysis and metrics development for WSN-MCN router

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    Asioiden Internetin tietoturva: ratkaisuja, standardeja ja avoimia ongelmia

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    Internet of Things (IoT) extends the Internet to our everyday objects, which enables new kind of applications and services. These IoT applications face demanding technical challenges: the number of ‘things’ or objects can be very large, they can be very con-strained devices, and may need to operate on challenging and dynamic environments. However, the architecture of today’s Internet is based on many legacy protocols and technology that were not originally designed to support features like mobility or the huge and growing number of objects the Internet consists of today. Similarly, many security features of today’s Internet are additional layers built to fill up flaws in the un-derlying design. Fulfilling new technical requirements set by IoT applications requires efficient solutions designed for the IoT use from the ground up. Moreover, the imple-mentation of this new IoT technology requires interoperability and integration with tra-ditional Internet. Due to considerable technical challenges, the security is an often over-looked aspect in the emerging new IoT technology. This thesis surveys general security requirements for the entire field of IoT applica-tions. Out of the large amount of potential applications, this thesis focuses on two major IoT application fields: wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The thesis introduces example scenarios and presents major security challenges related to these areas. The common standards related to the areas are examined in the security perspective. The thesis also examines research work beyond the area of standardization in an attempt to find solutions to unanswered security challenges. The thesis aims to give an introduction to the security challenges in the IoT world and review the state of the security research through these two major IoT areas

    ICSrank: A Security Assessment Framework for Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

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    This thesis joins a lively dialogue in the technological arena on the issue of cybersecurity and specifically, the issue of infrastructure cybersecurity as related to Industrial Control Systems. Infrastructure cybersecurity is concerned with issues on the security of the critical infrastructure that have significant value to the physical infrastructure of a country, and infrastructure that is heavily reliant on IT and the security of such technology. It is an undeniable fact that key infrastructure such as the electricity grid, gas, air and rail transport control, and even water and sewerage services rely heavily on technology. Threats to such infrastructure have never been as serious as they are today. The most sensitive of them is the reliance on infrastructure that requires cybersecurity in the energy sector. The call to smart technology and automation is happening nowadays. The Internet is witnessing an increase number of connected industrial control system (ICS). Many of which don’t follow security guidelines. Privacy and sensitive data are also an issue. Sensitive leaked information is being manipulated by adversaries to accomplish certain agendas. Open Source intelligence (OSINT) is adopted by defenders to improve protection and safeguard data. This research presented in thesis, proposes “ICSrank” a novel security risk assessment for ICS devices based on OSINT. ICSrank ranks the risk level of online and offline ICS devices. This framework categorizes, assesses and ranks OSINT data using ICSrank framework. ICSrank provides an additional layer of defence and mitigation in ICS security, by identification of risky OSINT and devices. Security best practices always begin with identification of risk as a first step prior to security implementation. Risk is evaluated using mathematical algorithms to assess the OSINT data. The subsequent results achieved during the assessment and ranking process were informative and realistic. ICSrank framework proved that security and risk levels were more accurate and informative than traditional existing methods