23 research outputs found

    ID scanners and überveillance in the night-time economy: crime prevention or invasion of privacy?

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    ID scanners are promoted as an effective solution to the problems of anti-social behavior and violence in many urban nighttime economies. However, the acceptance of this and other forms of computerized surveillance to prevent crime and anti-social behavior is based on several unproven assumptions. After outlining what ID scanners are and how they are becoming a normalized precondition of entry into one Australian nighttime economy, this chapter demonstrates how technology is commonly viewed as the key to preventing crime despite recognition of various problems associated with its adoption. The implications of technological determinism amongst policy makers, police, and crime prevention theories are then critically assessed in light of several issues that key informants talking about the value of ID scanners fail to mention when applauding their success. Notably, the broad, ill-defined, and confused notion of "privacy" is analyzed as a questionable legal remedy for the growing problems of überveillance

    Positionsbaserade Tjänster: En Etisk Utmaning

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    Positionsbaserade tjänster är tjänster som blivit möjliga tack vare modern positioneringsteknik. Ny teknik har ofta haft en vidare påverkan på samhället än vad man initialt kunnat överskåda. I denna studie undersöks vilka återverkningar användandet av positionsbaserade tjänster kan få på ett etiskt och mänskligt plan med syftet att besvara frågan; Hur ser de socioetiska relationerna i samhället i samband med positionering ut? En undersökningsmodell utformades och testades i en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där respondenterna var studenter vid Institutionen för Informatik vid Lunds Universitet. Analysen visade bland annat hur stor inverkan syftet med positioneringen hade på respondenternas åsikter kring positionsbaserade tjänster

    Too much information: visual research ethics in the age of wearable cameras

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    When everything you see is data, what ethical principles apply? This paper argues that first-person digital recording technologies challenge traditional institutional approaches to research ethics, but that this makes ethics governance more important, not less so. We review evolving ethical concerns across four fields: Visual ethics; ubiquitous computing; mobile health; and grey literature from applied or market research. Collectively, these bodies of literature identify new challenges to traditional notions of informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, privacy, beneficence and maleficence. Challenges come from the ever-increasing power, breadth and multi-functional integration of recording technologies, and the ubiquity and normalization of their use by participants. Some authors argue that these evolving relationships mean that institutional ethics governance procedures are irrelevant or no longer apply. By contrast, we argue that the fundamental principles of research ethics frameworks have become even more important for the protection of research participants, and that institutional frameworks need to adapt to keep pace with the ever-increasing power of recording technologies and the consequent risks to privacy. We conclude with four recommendations for efforts to ensure that contemporary visual recording research is held appropriately accountable to ethical standards: (i) minimizing the detail, scope, integration and retention of captured data, and limiting its accessibility; (ii) formulating an approach to ethics that takes in both the ‘common rule’ approaches privileging anonymity and confidentiality together with principles of contextual judgement and consent as an ongoing process; (iii) developing stronger ethical regulation of research outside academia; (iv) engaging the public and research participants in the development of ethical guidelines

    Applied ethics and eHealth: principles, identity, and RFID.

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    The social and ethical implications of contemporary technologies are becoming an issue of steadily growing importance. This paper offers an overview in terms of identity and the field of ethics, and explores how these apply to eHealth in both theory and practice. The paper selects a specific circumstance in which these ethical issues can be explored. It focuses particularly on radio-frequency identifiers (RFID). It ends by discussing ethical issues more generally, and the practice of ethical consideration

    Power and privacy:The use of LBS in Dutch public administration

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    Reflexiones sobre la percepción de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes españoles por parte de los actores turísticos

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    The aim of this paper is to debate the IT concept from the perception different agents of the tourism sector have about it and to see to what extent there is agreement or disagreement in the definition of the concept itself, its influence on the competitive improvement of destinations and future trends. In short, it intends to analyze the potential, but also to understand the risks and main challenges that the incorporation of IT can cause over current destinations. The work procedure involves asking experts in the tourism sector and in the academic world about the different thematic areas on IT and ITD: the definition of the concept and the welfare of its evolution in the immediate future, the characteristics and components of an ITD system, the role of the technological components in an ITD, the linking of IT with sustainability, the limits and risks of IT display, and the determinants and conditionings that destinations have for the development of IT strategies. The collected information has been obtained from the opinion of around thirty experts, with the purpose of gathering different points of view through the Delphi method: the academic specialists (belonging to national and international universities), those affected (from the case of study of the tourist municipalities of the province of Barcelona) and the facilitators (companies and organizations involved in the use of technologies to promote IT).El objetivo de este trabajo es debatir el concepto de TI a partir de la percepción que diferentes agentes del sector turístico tienen de él y ver hasta qué punto hay acuerdo o desacuerdo en la definición del propio concepto, su influencia sobre la mejora competitiva de los destinos y las tendencias de futuro. En definitiva, se trata de analizar el potencial, pero también de entender los riesgos y los retos principales que la incorporación del TI puede producir sobre los destinos actuales. El procedimiento de trabajo pasa por preguntar a diferentes expertos del sector turístico y del mundo académico en torno a diferentes ámbitos temáticos sobre el TI y las DTI: la definición del concepto y la previsión de su evolución en un futuro inmediato, las características y componentes de un sistema de DTI, el papel de los componentes tecnológicos en una DTI, la vinculación del TI con la sostenibilidad, los límites y riesgos al despliegue del TI y los determinantes y condicionamientos que tienen los destinos para el desarrollo de estrategias de TI. La información recogida se lha obtenido a partir de la opinión de una treintena de expertos, con el fin de recoger diferentes puntos de vista a través del método Delphi: los especialistas académicos (pertenecientes a universidades nacionales e internacionales), los afectados ( a partir del caso de estudio de los municipios turísticos de la provincia de Barcelona) y los facilitadores (empresas y organismos implicados en el uso de las tecnologías para fomentar el TI)

    Reflexiones sobre la percepción de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes españoles por parte de los actores turísticos

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    The aim of this paper is to debate the IT concept from the perception different agents of the tourism sector have about it and to see to what extent there is agreement or disagreement in the definition of the concept itself, its influence on the competitive improvement of destinations and future trends. In short, it intends to analyze the potential, but also to understand the risks and main challenges that the incorporation of IT can cause over current destinations. The work procedure involves asking experts in the tourism sector and in the academic world about the different thematic areas on IT and ITD: the definition of the concept and the welfare of its evolution in the immediate future, the characteristics and components of an ITD system, the role of the technological components in an ITD, the linking of IT with sustainability, the limits and risks of IT display, and the determinants and conditionings that destinations have for the development of IT strategies. The collected information has been obtained from the opinion of around thirty experts, with the purpose of gathering different points of view through the Delphi method: the academic specialists (belonging to national and international universities), those affected (from the case of study of the tourist municipalities of the province of Barcelona) and the facilitators (companies and organizations involved in the use of technologies to promote IT)

    O combate à desinformação: qual o papel das bibliotecas?

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    A sociedade atual digitalizada e hiperconetada expõe fragilidades nunca antes conhecidas. Nos últimos anos, assistiu-se a uma expansão súbita do fenómeno da desinformação, que se repercutiu negativamente em todo o mundo. A União Europeia, em parceria com diferentes instituições, tomou medidas de combate à desinformação no pleno reconhecimento de que esta é uma ameaça ao paradigma de sociedade livre e democratizada. A desinformação é transformada em info weaponization e põe em risco os valores éticos e de liberdade em que assenta a democracia. As bibliotecas têm um papel a desempenhar para a consciencialização e mitigação da desinformação. O presente estudo tem como objetivo responder às seguintes perguntas sobre as bibliotecas e profissionais de informação em relação à desinformação: (Q1) Qual o seu compromisso ético?, (Q2) Quais as suas práticas? e (Q3) Qual o seu papel no combate à desinformação? A partir de uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura entre 2017 e junho de 2021, foi recolhida uma amostra final de 42 documentos, cujo processo está documentado utilizando o fluxo PRISMA. Os resultados demonstram que as bibliotecas, sendo instituições de conhecimento, devem continuar a promover a prática de cidadania e aderir ao novo conceito de «construção de comunidades», bem como alinhar-se com as recentes políticas de combate à desinformação, como o Plano de Ação Contra a Desinformação (PACD). Propomos que o perfil dos PI encontra-se em transformação e em plena expansão e que o código ético de conduta dos PI poderá vir a sofrer alterações que se adequem ao PACD, e, em Portugal, à Carta Portuguesa de Direitos Humanos na Era Digital (CPDHED) (2021). Da nossa RSL, concluímos que a maioria dos autores reconhece a desinformação como um problema sistémico, apontando fatores como information bias, filter bubbles, pensamento crítico, entre outros, como obstáculos para a deteção da informação falsa. A maioria dos autores centra-se na implementação de programas de Literacia Informacional para mitigar o problema, sendo que estas práticas foram categorizadas usando o quadro de Revez & Corujo (2021).In the recent years there has been a sudden expansion of the phenomenon of disinformation, which had negative repercussions throughout the world, and the current digitalized and hyper-connected society exposes fragilities never seen before. The European Union, recognizing disinformation as a threat to the paradigm of a free and democratized society, partnered with different institutions to take measures to fight it. Disinformation is transformed into info-weaponization and jeopardizes the ethical values and freedom on which a democracy is based. Libraries play a role in spreading awareness and mitigating disinformation. This study aims to answer the following questions about libraries and Information Professionals concerning disinformation: (Q1) What is their ethical commitment?, (Q2) what are their practices to fight it?, and (Q3) what is their role in fighting disinformation? From a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) from 2017 to June 2021 a final sample of 42 documents was collected, whose process was documented with the PRISMA flow chart. The results show that libraries, as knowledge institutions, should continue to promote citizenship and adhere to the new concept of «community building» as well as aligning themselves with recent policies to combat disinformation, such as the Action Plan Against Disinformation (APAD). We propose that the profile of the IP is changing and expanding, and that the ethical code of conduct of these professionals may undergo changes that fit the APAD, and in Portugal, the Portuguese Letter of Human Rights in the Digital Age (PLHRDA) (2021). From our SLR, we conclude that most authors recognize disinformation as a systemic problem and point out confirmation bias, filter bubbles, critical thinking, among others, as obstructors to the process of distinguishing false information. Most authors focus on implementing Information Literacy programs to mitigate the problem; these practices were categorized using the Revez & Corujo framework (2021)

    Reflexiones sobre la percepción de los destinos turísticos inteligentes españoles por parte de los actores turísticos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es debatir el concepto de TI a partir de la percepción que diferentes agentes del sector turístico tienen de él y ver hasta qué punto hay acuerdo o desacuerdo en la definición del propio concepto, su influencia sobre la mejora competitiva de los destinos y las tendencias de futuro. En definitiva, se trata de analizar el potencial, pero también de entender los riesgos y los retos principales que la incorporación del TI puede producir sobre los destinos actuales. El procedimiento de trabajo pasa por preguntar a diferentes expertos del sector turístico y del mundo académico en torno a diferentes ámbitos temáticos sobre el TI y las DTI: la definición del concepto y la previsión de su evolución en un futuro inmediato, las características y componentes de un sistema de DTI, el papel de los componentes tecnológicos en una DTI, la vinculación del TI con la sostenibilidad, los límites y riesgos al despliegue del TI y los determinantes y condicionamientos que tienen los destinos para el desarrollo de estrategias de TI. La información recogida se ha obtenido a partir de la opinión de una treintena de expertos, con el fin de recoger diferentes puntos de vista a través del método Delphi: los especialistas académicos (pertenecientes a universidades nacionales e internacionales), los afectados ( a partir del caso de estudio de los municipios turísticos de la provincia de Barcelona) y los facilitadores (empresas y organismos implicados en el uso de las tecnologías para fomentar el TI).The aim of this paper is to debate the IT concept from the perception different agents of the tourism sector have about it and to see to what extent there is agreement or disagreement in the definition of the concept itself, its influence on the competitive improvement of destinations and future trends. In short, it intends to analyze the potential, but also to understand the risks and main challenges that the incorporation of IT can cause over current destinations. The work procedure involves asking experts in the tourism sector and in the academic world about the different thematic areas on IT and ITD: the definition of the concept and the welfare of its evolution in the immediate future, the characteristics and components of an ITD system, the role of the technological components in an ITD, the linking of IT with sustainability, the limits and risks of IT display, and the determinants and conditionings that destinations have for the development of IT strategies. The collected information has been obtained from the opinion of around thirty experts, with the purpose of gathering different points of view through the Delphi method: the academic specialists (belonging to national and international universities), those affected (from the case of study of the tourist municipalities of the province of Barcelona) and the facilitators (companies and organizations involved in the use of technologies to promote IT)