5 research outputs found

    Learning Analytics per il monitoraggio e l’analisi delle carriere degli studenti universitari.

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    After a preliminary analysis on the concept of Leaning Analytics and its necessary interconnectionswith Big Data and Business Intelligence in the academic field, the paperpresents the first steps of a pilot project at the University of Parma. The pilot project,being tested, is aimed at using Learning Analytics in order to lead to informed and strategicchoices regarding: 1) an enhancement of guidance actions in itinere more calibratedon the type of problematic and not distributed "in the rain" ; 2) the possible redesign ofthe study plans of the CdS subject to analysis and the planning of possible preparatorycourses between courses; 3) the early identification of “complex / problematic” courses)the design of specific teacher training seminars on teaching and docimological skills,starting from real data on student careers and contextualised by disciplinary sectors.The contribution is given as an example the “screens” of a DEMO that is under constructionand experimentation at the CdS of Informatica UNIPR and which is considered asan example for the impact in terms of usability of the information for different types ofstakeholders. The work ends by emphasizing the possible effects of pedagogical researchon LA, in the view of consolidation of the self-assessment and improvementprocesses of Italian universities.Dopo un’analisi preliminare sul concetto di Learning Analytics e delle sue necessarie interconnessionicon i temi dei Big Data e Business Intelligence in ambito accademico, ilcontributo presenta le prime tappe di un progetto pilota presso l’Università di Parma. Ilprogetto, in sperimentazione, è volto ad utilizzare i Learning Analytics al fine di condurrea scelte consapevoli e strategiche in merito a: 1) un potenziamento delle azioni di orientamentoin itinere maggiormente calibrate sul tipo di problematica e non distribuite “apioggia”; 2) l’eventuale riprogettazione dei piani di studi dei CdS oggetto di analisi e lapianificazione delle eventuali propedeuticità tra insegnamenti; 3) l’individuazione precocedi insegnamenti “complessi/problematici” 4) la progettazione di seminari di formazionedocenti specifici in merito a competenze didattiche e docimologiche, a partire da dati realisulle carriere studenti e contestualizzati per settori disciplinari. Il contributo riporta a titoloesemplificativo gli estratti di una DEMO che è in costruzione e sperimentazione presso ilCdS di Informatica UNIPR e che si considera esemplificativa per l’impatto nei termini difruibilità delle informazioni per diverse tipologie di stakeholders. Il lavoro termina sottolineandole possibili ricadute della ricerca pedagogica sui LA nei termini di consolidamentodei processi di autovalutazione e miglioramento delle università italiane

    A research initiative on the construction of innovative environments for teaching and learning. Montessori and Munari based psycho-pedagogical insights in computers and human behavior for the “new school”

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    Italians children-students live a strong technological gap among different education instances: on the one hand, they are attending schools technologically still to the ‘80 years, on the other hand, they can rely on hyper-technological domestic-family environments where videogames, smartphones, internet are always available. In the school, all learnings take place under the supervision of the teacher that stimulates, directs and corrects these important steps in the basic training. On the contrary, in the domestic environment the presence of technology is increasingly pervasive. These new technologies cognitively stimulate the children, but they entertain the little ones often alone and without the participation and supervision of an adult audience. Thus, the technology gap results in a pedagogical clash among different educational instances and this is the “space” addressed by our research initiative whose objective is the construction of innovative teaching and learning environments for children between 3 and 6 years of age. The specific quantitative outcomes can be defined with respect to three main families of indicators: measures to detect the use of learning environments; indicators of the level of satisfaction and involvement of the various involved actors; real impact on the socio-cognitive development of children produced by the introduction of methodologies and technologies

    Aplicación de juegos como estrategia didáctica y su influencia en el aprendizaje de probabilidades del Curso de Estadística Aplicada en los estudiantes del V ciclo de la E.A.P. de Educación de la UNMSM, Lima 2022

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    La educación superior en el Perú ha padecido diversos cambios a causa de la pandemia, convirtiéndose en uno de los principales retos identificar estrategias didácticas que fortalezcan la enseñanza, principalmente, de la ciencia matemática. De este modo, se planteó como objetivo establecer de qué manera la aplicación de juegos como estrategia didáctica mejora el aprendizaje de probabilidades del curso de estadística aplicada en los educandos del V ciclo de E.A.P. de Educación de la UNMSM, 2022. Para ello, se siguió una ruta cuasiexperimental, aplicada y cuantitativa, donde colaboraron 59 universitarios (equipo experimental=30; equipo control=29), a quienes se les aplicó una prueba de conocimiento sobre probabilidades en dos momentos diferentes, donde en medio de estas evaluaciones solo el equipo experimental se benefició del programa basado en juegos. De este modo, se encontraron disparidades significativas entre el grupo control y experimental, así como, entre las dimensiones de la variable dependiente (p < .01). Se concluye que la aplicación de juegos como estrategia didáctica mejora significativamente el aprendizaje de probabilidades, así como, sus dimensiones

    The Causal-Comparative Analysis of Academic Performance of High School Students With and Without Disabilities in the Face-To-Face and Online Educational Settings

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    The purpose of this non-experimental causal-comparative study was to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the academic performance of high school students with and without disabilities who received math instructions in face-to-face and online educational settings during the 2020-2021 school year. During that year, educational establishments worldwide transitioned from traditional face-to-face to online delivery mode, complying with the social distancing requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemics. The current study employed a convenience sample that consisted of 588 high school students from Georgia. Participants took the Georgia Milestones End-of-Course Test in Algebra I in the spring of 2021 after receiving math instructions in the online or face-to-face settings. The researcher used this test as the instrument and compared the participants’ scores. A two-way analysis of variance was used to examine the differences among six groups of students based on their disability status and the number of semesters taken online. The findings revealed that students with disabilities exhibited lower academic performance in math compared to their general education peers. Additionally, the study suggested that the transition to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on learning outcomes for all participants. However, the study did not find a significant interaction between students’ disability status and the number of online semesters in relation to their academic performance. The limitations of the study included the specific population and quasi-experimental design. Recommendations for future research addressed the factors that may affect students’ learning outcomes in online and face-to-face settings