1,361,697 research outputs found

    Research on integration of visual and motion cues for flight simulation and ride quality investigation

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    Vestibular perception and integration of several sensory inputs in simulation were studied. The relationship between tilt sensation induced by moving fields and those produced by actual body tilt is discussed. Linearvection studies were included and the application of the vestibular model for perception of orientation based on motion cues is presented. Other areas of examination includes visual cues in approach to landing, and a comparison of linear and nonlinear wash out filters using a model of the human vestibular system is given

    The role of interpersonal relationships in supply chain integration : a thesis by publications presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Chapter 2 was published as: Wang, B., Childerhouse, P., Kang, Y., Huo, B., & Mathrani, S. (2016). Enablers of supply chain integration: Interpersonal and interorganizational relationship perspectives, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(4), 838-855. https://doi-org.ezproxy.massey.ac.nz/10.1108/IMDS-09-2015-0403 Chapter 3 was published as: Wang, B., Kang, Y., Childerhouse, P., & Huo, B. (2018). Service supply chain integration: the role of interpersonal relationships, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(4), 828-849. https://doi-org.ezproxy.massey.ac.nz/10.1108/IMDS-02-2017-0062 Chapter 4 was published as: Wang, B., Kang, Y., Childerhouse, P., & Huo, B. (2018). Interpersonal and inter-organizational relationship drivers of supply chain integration, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(6), 1170-1191. https://doi-org.ezproxy.massey.ac.nz/10.1108/IMDS-05-2017-0216Purpose –This research aims to explore the role of inter-personal relationships within a supply chain integration context. Firstly, it proposes a conceptual model addressing the interrelationships between interpersonal relationships, inter-organizational relationships, and supply chain integration. Secondly, it investigates the influence of interpersonal relationships on supply chain integration. Lastly, it examines how interpersonal relationships influence interorganizational relationships to enable supply chain integration. Methodology/approach – Based on a comprehensive literature review, the study first proposes a series of propositions and establishes a conceptual framework to illustrate the relationship between interpersonal relationships, inter-organizational relationships, and supply chain integration. Then, the study applies an exploratory/investigational approach of multiple case studies and empirically examines how interpersonal relationships affect inter-organizational relationships and supply chain integration. Findings – The study proposes that interpersonal relationships can indirectly and positively influence supply chain integration, mediated by inter-organizational relationships. Personal affection acts as a relationship initiator, and personal credibility serves as a gatekeeper while personal communication works as a facilitator and plays more important roles than personal affection and credibility. Also, interpersonal relationships can initiate and enhance interorganizational relationships to enable supply chain integration. In the formative stage of supply chain integration, personal affection and credibility play key roles, whereas personal communication becomes more significant during the operational stage. Originality/value – The study advances supply chain integration literature by extending the focus from that of firm level to the level of individuals, and introduces interpersonal relationship dimensions to explore inner mechanisms of supply chain integration. It demonstrates that interpersonal relationships are able to initiate and motivate firm level integration, which modifies the presumption that firm level relationships are predominantly established first in Western cultural contexts. It also sheds light on applying theoretical lenses in supply chain integration. It extends social exchange theory from relationships between parties that are on the same level to different levels of interpersonal and inter-organizational relationships. Meanwhile, it applies resource dependency theory by addressing how interpersonal relationships influence dependence levels on supply chain partners to form firm level relationships. Furthermore, it extends resource orchestration theory by suggesting that inter-organizational relationships and interpersonal relationships can be orchestrated to achieve supply chain integration capabilities. Implications –The study provides insights for practitioners who have limited “hard” firm level resources. Managers should be aware of the significance and characteristics of interpersonal relationships, and decide when and how to deploy both interpersonal and interorganizational relationships as resources during the integration process. In the formative stage, managers should utilise boundary spanners with good personal credibility. More physical contact with counter-partners should be encouraged to foster personal affection, thus initiating the formation of inter-organizational relationships. In the operational stage, personal communication should be strengthened to facilitate the supply chain integration process. On the other hand, managers should mitigate the conflict between primary business interests and subordinate interpersonal friendships

    The impact of the relationship commitment and customer integration on supply chain performance

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    Purpose This study aims to show how to improve supply chain performance through the relationship between firms and their customers. In doing so, this study examines the impact of a firm’s relationship commitment and customer integration on supply chain performance. The aim is to detail a way to increase supply chain performance through the relationship between companies and their customers. Design/methodology/approach The empirical analysis was based on a survey on 205 corporate-Egypt multi-industry businesses including manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling and shipping services firms. Data collection was through a questionnaire survey distributed to 1,264 senior managers with responsibilities in the field of supply chain, logistics, purchasing, marketing and operations and with a 16% response rate. A conceptual model was designed, and hypotheses were analysed with covariance-based structural equation modelling. Findings This study makes a significant contribution to the supply chain management (SCM) literature by examining the influence of firms’ relationship commitment on supply chain performance in the supply chain management context by means of the disaggregation of customer integration into two dimensions: integration with customer (IWC) and integration by customer (IBC). The findings indicate that firms’ relationship commitment does not relate directly to supply chain performance, but rather indirectly through integration both with and by customers. Research limitations/implications This paper outlines a conceptual model in which firms’ relationship commitment relates indirectly to supply chain performance. The model also sheds light on the fact that IWCs precedes IBCs in supply chains. This finding suggests that firms should focus on customer integration to improve supply chain performance. Practical implications This study offers a particularly refined understanding of the reasons behind and situations in which supply chain integration (SCI) enables firms to gain superior supply chain performance. In fact, firms focusing on customer integration may improve their supply chain performance, thus enhancing the value of the supply chain. Originality/value This study contributes to the literature by considering a relational view of the SCI-Performance path. In particular, by disaggregating customer integration into IWCs and IBCs, this paper verifies customer integration acting as a mediator between relationship commitment and supply chain performance in supply chains


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    In the middle of the 19th Century, the creation of an artifact was divided between Industrial Design (ID), which a Designer performed based on Art, and Engineering Design (ED), which a Designer performed based on Engineering. After this, specialization on both forms followed. In the 21st Century, the possibility of a new Design approach, which integrates both Art and Engineering, is suggested. Such integration is a possibility due to a relative complementary relationship and the expansion of the domain between ID and ED. In this research, a new research task was created for the integration of the Design of both ID and ED. This was obtained by extracting common features by Comparative Analysis of the Research using the Multi-space Design model, which can describe various designs.In the middle of the 19th Century, the creation of an artifact was divided between Industrial Design (ID), which a Designer performed based on Art, and Engineering Design (ED), which a Designer performed based on Engineering. After this, specialization on both forms followed. In the 21st Century, the possibility of a new Design approach, which integrates both Art and Engineering, is suggested. Such integration is a possibility due to a relative complementary relationship and the expansion of the domain between ID and ED. In this research, a new research task was created for the integration of the Design of both ID and ED. This was obtained by extracting common features by Comparative Analysis of the Research using the Multi-space Design model, which can describe various designs

    Electricity Consumption, Institutions and Economic Growth in Nigeria: What Does Evidence Say So Far?

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    This study applies bound test approach to VAR to investigate the long-run and short run relationship between institutional quality, electricity consumption and economic growth in Nigeria based on annual data for the period 1980-2011. In the first step, we examine the degree of integration between all the variables and find that the variables are mixture of order of integration. In the second step, we investigate the long-run relationship between institutions, electricity consumption and economic growth; the results based on the bounds testing procedure reveal that there exists co integration among the variables used in the model. In the third step, we estimate the long run and short run relationship and test for causality using ARDL and Wald test approach and find a positive direct relationship between institutions, electricity consumption and economic growth. The result of granger non causality test support the existence of both short run and long-run bidirectional relationship between GDP and electricity consumption and a unidirectional causality running from institutions to economic growth. Further, our analyses reveal that causation runs from institutions to electricity consumption and vice versa in both period. Implying policy makers should adopt policies that can ensure total overhauling of our institutions capable of  driving  investment in infrastructures as well as  reorientation of the individuals in term of altitudes, trust, respect for rule of law and accountability, thereby encourage long-term contract, lower risk of doing business and improve human capital that is necessary for growth. Key words: Institutions, Electricity consumption, Co integration, Growth, Granger causalit

    Saving-Economic Growth Nexus in Myanmar: Co-integration and Causality analysis

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    Savings are important at both Micro and Macro level of a country. Increased Saving of people raises the economic growth and encourages investment source for the development of economy. This paper aimed at investigating causal relationship between gross domestic saving and economic growth (measuring with GDP in general sense) and identifying this relationship is unidirectional or bidirectional in Myanmar. And it is to test fitting of Solow's model and Keynes's theory for Myanmar. The study covers the period (1961- 2018). Methodology is based on the econometrics analytical approach to evaluate two -variable relationship by employing Augmented Dickey-fuller test, co-integration, Vector Error correction model and causality techniques. The study found that saving has a positive impact on economic growth in the long-term and Solow's model is consistent with Myanmar

    The contribution of digitalisation, channel integration and sustainability to the international performance of industrial SMEs

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to understand the contribution of digitalisation, channel integration and sustainability to the improvement of industrial small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)' international performance. Design/methodology/approach - Based on a reviewof the literature, the authors developed a researchmodel that included six hypotheses about the relationships between the constructs studied: digitalisation, channel integration, sustainability and international performance. The structural equation model was tested with data from a survey answered by 200 exporting industrial SMEs, by means of partial least squares regression. Findings - The digitalisation of SMEs contributes positively to channel integration and sustainability, while channel integration is positively related to their international performance. Although a direct relationship between digitalisation and international performance was not observed, a mediated relationship through channel integration was confirmed. Additionally, the multi-group analysis according to the level of internationalisation revealed that sustainability positively influences the international performance of companies with a high degree of internationalisation. Originality/value - This study is original insofar as it examined the role of digitalisation in the international performance of industrial SMEs, considering the mediating role of sustainability and channel integration

    Predicting inflation, and the relationship between financial integration, financial *development and economic *growth

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    Three essays are presented. The first essay re-visits the P* model (developed by Hallman, Porter and Small, 1991) with an application to US data. The central idea behind the P* model is that the price level is determined by the money stock, output and velocity. This study brings together criticisms of the P* model together in an attempt to address the major concerns with an improvement upon the existing model. A horse race is then run between the original P* model, two variant P* models, and three other models---an atheoretic naive AR process and an ARMA process as well as a standard output gap type model (the Phillips curve approach). The results show that the P* approach modeled using a Hodrick Prescott filter marginally out-performs all the other models of inflation in terms of forecast accuracy, suggesting that it may be more useful for inflation-targeting purposes. The results indicate that models based on past information cannot outperform the more sophisticated P*-type models. The second essay looks at the relationship between financial development and growth from a developing country perspective, while controlling for financial repression. The proxy of choice is the ratio of currency outside the banking system (CB) to real output. The empirical results show that CB relates negatively to growth in countries that are less financially liberalized and positively with growth in countries that are more financially liberalized. An innovative measure of financial repression is then proposed that combines the use of currency inside banks and currency outside banks, and is tested concurrently with a broad money depth measure. The study concludes that there is overwhelming evidence that financial repression, which is indicative of financial under-development is negatively related to growth. The final essay implements an innovative approach that examines the impact of financial integration on financial development, and subsequently on economic growth within a sample of EU countries. The study looks at bank-based measures of financial development in an effort to establish whether a relationship exists between financial development and growth in the European Union countries, and if so, whether this relationship has been affected by financial integration. The results support the hypothesis that the benefits of economic and financial integration are not uniform