38 research outputs found

    Scientific Publications of Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018): a Scientometric Study

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    The study is relies uponthe scientific publications published by theShivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018). The data collected from the Web of Science. The analysis includes yearly output of research productivity. The study focuses on Author Productivitypattern, types of documents/records, individual author’s research productivity and their TLCS (Total Local Citation Score), TGCS (Total Global Citation Score) TLCR (Total Local Citation References) and TLCSb (Total Local Citation Score in the beginning), H-index and citation count of core contributors, Journal Publications, geographical collaboration of authors (countries of contributing authors) and distribution of research output by language

    Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Output of Kuvempu University’s Publication in ISI Web of Science during 1990 – 2019

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    The present study is a bibliometric assessment of scientific research output of the Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shivamogga, Karnataka (1990 – 2019). The data collected from the Web of Science. The analysis includes yearly output of research productivity. The study focuses on Author Productivity pattern, types of documents/records, individual author’s research productivity, geographical collaboration of authors (countries of contributing authors) and distribution of research output by language

    In Praise of Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics

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    International audienceThe BIR workshop series foster the revitalisation of dormant links between two fields in information science: information retrieval and bibliometrics/scientometrics. Hopefully, tightening up these links will cross-fertilise both fields. I believe compelling research questions lie at the crossroads of scientometrics and other fields: not only information retrieval but also, for instance, psychology and sociology. This overview paper traces my endeavours to explore these field boundaries. I wish to communicate my enthusiasm about interdisciplinary research mediated by scientometrics and stress the opportunities offered to researchers in information science

    Experimenting with the partnership ability φ-index on a million computer scientists

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    International audienceSchubert introduced the partnership ability φ-index relying on a researcher's number of co-authors and collaboration rate. As a Hirsch-type index, φ was expected to be consistent with Schubert-GlĂ€nzel's model of h-index. Schubert demonstrated this relationship with the 34 awardees of the Hevesy medal in the field of nuclear and radiochemistry (rÂČ = 0.8484). In this paper, we upscale this study by testing the φ-index on a million researchers in computer science. We found that the Schubert-GlĂ€nzel's model correlates with the million empirical φ values (rÂČ = 0.8695). In addition, machine learning through symbolic regression produces models whose accuracy does not exceed a 6.1% gain (rÂČ = 0.9227). These results suggest that the Schubert-GlĂ€nzel's model of φ-index is accurate and robust on the domain-wide bibliographic dataset of computer science

    From scientific experiments to innovation : impact pathways of a Synchrotron Light Facility

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    Research infrastructures are commonly used by scientific and industrial communities to conduct research and experiments which translate in the creation of new knowledge. This knowledge may generate different outcomes (e.g. publications, patents, etc.) and find applications in different sectors and domains, ultimately triggering innovation developments. However, the pathway from knowledge creation to innovation is complex: it is split among different players, from the scientific community to industrial actors (even those not directly involved in the experiments) and may take time and significant investments. The objective of this paper is to assess innovation impacts arising from a Research Infrastructure and specifically tracing and describing the pathways according to which these impacts may materialize. The example used is the ALBA Synchrotron Light source facility located in Barcelona and in operation since 2012. The paper builds on the evidence collected through two surveys to direct and indirect users of ALBA (overall 384 questionnaires collected), in-depth interviews as well as an analysis of patents' citations. It draws from a pilot exercise carried out in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Ri-Paths project. It contributes to the broader discussion on the socio-economic impact assessment of Research Infrastructures and relevant methodologies and metrics

    Menggali Hubungan antara Media Sosial dan Kebijakan Pemerintah: Pendekatan Bibliometrik dan Tinjauan Pustaka

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    Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali hubungan media sosial dan kebijakan pemerintah dengan pendekatan studi literatur dan bibliometrik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode bibliometrik dan data atau jurnal yang diambil pada publish or perish sebanyak 97 jurnal dari tahun 2012-2022 dan diambil 50 jurnal sebagai sampel yang sesuai dengan penelitian ini. Selain itu, VOSviewer yang berfungsi untuk menentukan gap antara penelitian dari jurnal atau artikel terdahulu baik dari tahun 2012-2022. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah dari 50 jurnal yang digunakan didapatkan 605 cites dan 137,41 cites per year. Kemudian, dari analisis menggunakan VOSviewer ditemukan 1) adanya Network Visualization  yang terlihat antar co-word baik dari government, public policy, social media dan lain sebagainya, 2) adanya Overlay Visualization untuk melihat jurnal dari yang lama sampai yang terbaru ditandai dengan warna biru gelap sampai dengan warna kuning terang (2012-2022), 3) adanya Density Visualization bahwa warna kuning pada diameter lingkaran terbesar berarti kata kunci lebih padat dan lebih sering muncul, dan semakin terang warnanya, semakin jarang menyatu dengan latar belakang hijau. Sehingga jika dieksplorasi lebih mendalam secara keseluruhan maka co-word media sosial memiliki hubungan yang kuat dalam perumusan kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah

    Bibliometric analysis on the use of natural fibers in construction materials

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    Received: February 2nd, 2021 ; Accepted: August 3rd, 2021 ; Published: August 30th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] to the increasing interest of the population in the sustainability theme, there was a consequent growth in publications related to the theme in the area of civil construction. Agroindustrial waste has become an environmental problem, and with that natural fibers have found space in the reuse of waste due to its characteristics and possibilities of improving the mechanical properties of its products. In order to achieve sustainable construction demand, along with the need to reuse waste, studies have begun to analyze the application of natural fibers in construction materials. The documents provided by the Web of Science (WOS) database through research carried out with the search for the terms ‘Natural Fibers’ and ‘Building materials’ restricted to the period 2010–2020 in the main WOS collection. The institutions involved with the publications, the countries of origin of the documents, the year of publication, the keywords used by the authors and the number of citations for each document were analyzed using bibliometrics in the VOSVIEWER (VOS) software. The result of the analysis shows an increase in documents related to the theme over the years, and that the countries with the most studies in the area are China (16), USA (14) and Brazil (11), respectively. The results presented after analysis of the keywords show that natural fiber (61 occurrences), mechanical properties (44 occurrences) and composites (31 occurrences) are the words with the highest occurrence among the analyzed documents. The present study shows the growth of research related to the theme, in addition to discriminating countries, institutions and authors, which allows monitoring the scientific expansion of the theme and guiding future studies

    Scientific Publications of Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018): a Scientometric Study

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    The study is relies uponthe scientific publications published by theShivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018). The data collected from the Web of Science. The analysis includes yearly output of research productivity. The study focuses on Author Productivitypattern, types of documents/records, individual author’s research productivity and their TLCS (Total Local Citation Score), TGCS (Total Global Citation Score) TLCR (Total Local Citation References) and TLCSb (Total Local Citation Score in the beginning), H-index and citation count of core contributors, Journal Publications, geographical collaboration of authors (countries of contributing authors) and distribution of research output by language

    Visualisasi Bibliometrik Penelitian Kearifan Lokal dan Sumber Daya Laut

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    Pengembangan teknologi berdasarkan kearifan lokal lebih dapat diterima oleh masyarakat daripada teknologi yang didatangkan dari luar. Kekurangan dalam mengintegrasikan kekayaan lokal menyebabkan kegagalan dalam upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir. Beberapa daerah di Indonesia mempunyai adat istiadat yang selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam menjaga keberlangsungan kehidupan sumberdaya alam pesisir. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dilakukan kajian peta penelitian kearifan lokal dan sumberdaya laut dengan pendekatan bibliometrik.  Kajian bertujuan untuk (1)  Mengetahui jumah artikel hasil penelitian kearifan lokal kaiatannya dengan sumber daya laut dan  penghasilan tambahan, (2)  Membangun peta ilmu pengetahuan untuk melihat sejauh mana penelitian tentang kearifan  lokal  sudah dilakukan, dan (3)  Mengetahui peta kolaborasi antar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat tahapan, yaitu: (1)Penentuan kata kunci awal dan metode penelusuran, (2) Seleksi literatur yang ditemukan untuk memastikan literatur tersebut sesuai dengan topik yang sudah ditetapkan, (3) Validasi kata kunci, dan (4) Analisis kata kunci yang digunakan, nama pengarang dan instansi pengarang menggunakan Bibexcel dan memvisualisasikan hasilnya menggunakan software VOSviewer. Hasil penelitian sumberdaya laut yang terkait dengan kearifan lokal dan penghasilan tambahan banyak dipublikasi pada database ISJD, Scopus dan ASFA Proquest. Dari peta bibliometrik menujukkan bahwa trend penelitian terbanyak  adalah masalah  cosatal management, marine resources, coastal communities, Lake singkarak, trade globalization dan fishery economic. Hasil kolaborasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  Rapi S. merupakan  peneliti sentral yang berkolaborasi dengan banyak peneliti.ABSTRACTTechnology development based on local wisdom was more  socially acceptable than the technology brought from outside. Deficiencies in integrating local wisdom lead to failure in coastal resources management. Some areas in Indonesia have customs that  always upholds the values of local wisdom in maintaining the sustainability of coastal life resources. To solve these problems, a study had been conducted to mapping local wisdom and marine resources researchs using bibliometric analysis. This study aims to (1) Knowing the number of research articles on local wisdom related to marine resources and additional income, (2) Building a knowledge map to see how far the research on local wisdom had been done, and (3) Knowing collaboration map on these research. This research was conducted in four stages, they were (1) Determination of initial keyword and searching methods, (2) Literature selection to ensure that the literature was suit to to the topics that had been defined, (3) Keywords validation, and (4)  Analysis of used  keywords, the author name and the author institution using Bibexcel and visualizing the results using VOSviewer  software. Most of the research about marine resources related to local wisdom and additional income were published on ISJD, Scopus and Proquest ASFA database. Bibliometric mapping showed that most of the research trend were cosatal problem management, marine resources, coastal communities, Lake Singkarak, trade globalization and economic fishery. The mapping results of collaborative research showed that Rapi S. was main researcher collaborate with many researchers