10 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Schoology Pada Guru SMA Negeri 9 Samarinda

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    Kegiatan ini berupaya untuk memberikan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efisien ditengah pembelajaran secara daring yang terjadi saat ini dikarenakan pandemi COVID-2019. Schoology merupakan salah satu Learning Management System (LMS) yang membantu peserta didik dan pendidik dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar secara daring. Schoology adalah layanan jejaring sosial dan lingkungan pembelajaran virtual untuk institusi sekolah dan pendidikan tinggi yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat, mengelola, dan berbagi konten akademik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 9 Samarinda yang dihadiri sebanyak 10 orang guru. Dipilihnya SMA Negeri 9 Samarinda merupakan sekolah Adiwiyata Nasional tahun 2019 serta sekolah sudah dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam empat tahap yakni metde ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, simulasi/praktik, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan ini yakni bahwa para peserta pelatihan telah mempunyai kemmpuan dan pengetahuan untuk menggunakan dan mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LMS schoology, para peserta (guru) telah memiliki kelas pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LMS schoology, serta para peserta pelatihan yang merupakan guru telah membuat dan mampu mengembangan konten pembelajaran dengan menggunakan LMS schoology

    The Reflective Thinking Skills of Prospective Teacher on Invertebrate Zoology Course

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the reflective thinking skills of students as prospective teachers in the invertebrate zoology course through an analysis of the learning process of the literature provided during lectures. The research method used was the case study of the invertebrate zoology lecturing process. The instruments in this study were observation sheets, task analysis used in lectures, and a questionnaire about students' perceptions of lecture activities. The results showed that the Invertebrate Zoology lectures only focused on concepts or theories and did not provide reflective thinking skills. Therefore, Zoology lectures have not shown a balanced mastery of concepts and reflective thinking skills.ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali kemampuan berpikir reflektif mahasiswa calon guru pada mata kuliah zoologi invertebrata melalui analisis proses pembelajaran hingga analisis literatur yang diberikan selama perkuliahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus terhadap proses perkuliahan zoologi invertebrata. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, analisis tugas yang digunakan dalam perkuliahan, angket tentang respon mahasiswa terhadap kegiatan perkuliahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perkuliahan zoologi Invertebrata yang di berikan hanya fokus pada konsep atau teori dan tidak memberikan keterampilan berpikir reflektif. Artinya, perkuliahan zoologi belum menunjukkan bekal penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan berpikir reflektif yang seimbang

    Flipped Classroom in the Educational System: Trend or Effective Pedagogical Model Compared to Other Methodologies?.

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    Flipped Classroom methodology is gaining relative importance as time goes by, in part due to the spreading and accessibility of technological resources in the educational field. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of this methodology is still being discussed. In this sense, the aim of this study is to analyse whether flipped classroom methodology is a more effective methodology than other methodologies. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out, considering as valid studies those that had a pre-post and a control group. Based on a total of 61 studies (n = 5541 students) from 18 databases, results revealed that Flipped Classroom methodology is more effective than other methodologies in terms of learning achievement, in secondary and higher education, and it could be more beneficial than other methodologies in other constructs as motivation, self-efficacy, cooperativeness and engagement, among others. In primary education, findings revealed that Flipped Classroom could be as effective as other methodologies with regard to learning achievement, and other construct, such as self-concept and social climate. Depending on the educational stage, the effect size of differences was between 1.36 to 1.80 times larger in the case of Flipped Classroom group in comparison with control group. Based on these results, the Flipped Classroom could be more beneficial in comparison with traditional methodologies that are mainly used in higher education. However, it would not more beneficial in other educational stages where traditional approaches are not commonly used, such as in primary education.post-print649 K

    Metacognitive Inquiry via Reflective Tasking Methodology

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    Combining inquiry and metacognition helps strengthen mathematical learning. This study examines how metacognitive mathematical inquiry can be modeled using reflective tasking approach. Quasi-experimental design was employed in two comparable groups of Grade 9 students of Ibarra National High School, Maasin City, Philippines during the academic year 2021-2022. Lesson guides on reflective task assessments anchored on metacognitive and inquiry-based learning theories, inquiry rubric scales and modified state metacognitive inventory served as data collection instruments. Results of t-test analysis revealed significant difference in performance between groups implying high efficacy of the methodology in stimulating students’ metacognitive inquiry skill. Correlation values projected significant relationship between reflective learning performances with metacognition. Quantitative evidences, thus, lead to conclusion that reflective tasking methodology exemplifies potential in metacognitive mathematical inquiry as it optimizes their thinking processes, task involvement, and regulation through self-reflection principles worthy of practice throughout lifelong learning

    The Impact of High-Fidelity Simulation on Nursing Students’ Flexible and Reflective Thinking in Higher Education

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    This study evaluated the effect of high-fidelity simulation with both mannequins and live actors on flexible and reflective thinking of nursing students. Students enrolled in an undergraduate nursing program were recruited to participate in this study. Ninety students, all female, completed both pre- and post-surveys. The researchers conducted a paired samples t-test to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in students’ level of flexible thinking before and after they experienced the high-fidelity simulation. Moreover, we conducted multivariate correlational analysis to examine the relationships between flexible thinking and reflective thinking. In general, statistical results in this study provide empirical support for the values of clinical simulation and debriefing on nursing students’ flexible and reflective thinking. High-fidelity simulation can expose students to controlled and dynamic clinical environments, allowing them to attempt the transfer of theory to practice, learn from collaborative and active learning tasks, and be open-minded to multiple perspectives and in diverse situations. We conclude that critical reflection is an important piece of development in flexible thinking and reflective learning. During the time of post-simulation interactions, students are encouraged to reflect objectively on their performance in each scenario. The input from peers and instructors provides students with the opportunity to assess their personal ability to transfer theory to practice and evaluate if the theory design of the course is providing them with the needed information to care for the clients presented in the clinical simulation scenarios

    Regulation of Flipped Learning Activities in Programming: A Systematic Review

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    Flipped Learning can contribute significantly to learning, however there is an under-utilization of conceptual structures of design in the flipped classroom, with regard to the incorporation of pedagogical methods to promote the activities to be performed by students. The pedagogical design of flipped classrooms needs to provide a model that details how to facilitate activities before, during and after classes. It is important to analyze the moment before the classroom, which involves self-regulation, during the classroom which involves processes related to interaction and collaboration and after the classroom, related to reflective processes.  Developing and conducting a systematic review can contribute to an analysis of the current state of research on teacher facilitation in relation to student regulation in flipped learning related to teaching programming. The systematic review was carried out to identify all the research available on self-regulation and co-regulation by students during flipped learning in programming courses. The objective of this research is to identify and analyze relevant research related to the regulation and co-regulation of flipped learning activities in the teaching of programming, and to understand how the self-regulation and co-regulation of students has been approached to engage in activities before the classroom. class, collaboration and problem solving during classes and reflections after class. After a analysis of the articles listed by the systematic review, important gaps in the literature can be observed, such as the lack of approach to the three phases of flipped learning, regulation and co-regulation and all dimensions of regulation. Nor is there a theoretical framework based on processes and strategies of self and co-regulation for teaching computer programming. Thus, the present systematic review has significant relevance and highlights the need for studies that involve all elements of flipped learning in the teaching of programming

    Construction of reflective thinking: A field independent student in numerical problems

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    In educational settings, reflective thinking is often overlooked, with an excessive emphasis on final answers, resulting in students needing more ability to evaluate and reconstruct their problem-solving processes. The ability for reflective thinking is required by students in solving problems, including numerical problems. This study uses a qualitative approach to focus on field-independent students' numerical problem-solving processes. The data collection technique begins by administering the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), a valid and reliable numeracy problem instrument, and conducting in-depth interviews. Two students with similar initial mathematical abilities and field-independent cognitive styles were selected as research subjects. Findings reveal that these students face challenges such as lengthy problem descriptions and a lack of confidence but gradually develop strategies, emphasizing repeated problem analysis, concept interconnections, and error awareness. Researcher-provided scaffolding facilitates critical reflection, enabling the construction of new ideas. These results have practical implications for teachers, suggesting the need to design lessons that cater to diverse cognitive styles, providing more complex problems to field-independent students to enhance their problem-solving skills

    مُسْتَوى مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي والاتجاهُ نحو استخدامِها في تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها لدى الطالب المُعلِّم بكليَّةِ التربية جامعة الملك خالد. The Level of Digital Learning Skills and the Attitude towards their Use in Teaching and learning Mathematics among the Student-Teacher at the College of Education at King Khalid University

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    هدفَ البحثُ إلى تقييمِ مستوى الطالب المُعلِّم تخصُّص رياضيات بكليَّةِ التربية جامعة الملك خالد في مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي والاتجاهات نحو استخدامِها في البرامجِ والأنشطةِ الخاصَّة بتعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمها. اعتمدَ البحثُ على المنهجِ الوصفي التحليلي، وتكوَّنت عيِّنةُ الدِّراسةِ من (32) من الطُلَّاب المُعلِّمين بُكليَّة التربية بجامعةِ الملك خالد. وأعدت استبانة لقياس مُستوى مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي لدى عينة الدراسة تكوَّنت من (32) مفردةً في مهارات (مُتطلَّبات التعلُّم الرَّقمي، وإدارةُ أنظمةِ التعلُّم الرَّقمي، ومعالجةُ المحتوى الرَّقمي، واستخدامُ تطبيقات وسائط التَّواصل الاجتماعي لتحسين التفاعلات في بيئات التعلُّم بصورةٍ متزامنة وغير متزامنة، واستخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي لتحسين عمليات التعلُّم وحل المشكلات)، كما أعدّ مقياس اتجاهات نحو استخدامِ التعلُّم الرَّقمي في برامج تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها تكون من (22) مفردةً في أبعاد (الرؤية الواضحة لدى الطُلَّاب، ومستوى الدافعية والانتباه في التعلُّم الرَّقمي، وتوظيف التعلُّم الرَّقمي في جامعته). بيَّنتْ نتائجُ البحثِ أنَّ مستوى مهارات الطَّالبِ المُعلِّم في التعلُّم الرَّقمي جاء بدرجةٍ متوسِّطةٍ إجمالًا، وبدرجةٍ كبيرةٍ في مهارةِ إتقانِ المهارات الأساسية لمُتطلَّبات التعلُّم الرَّقمي ، وبدرجات مُتوسِّطة في مهارات إدارة أنظمة التعلُّم الرَّقمي ومعالجة المحتوى الرَّقمي، ومهارات استخدام تطبيقات وسائط التَّواصُلِ الاجتماعي لتحسينِ التفاعلات في بيئات التعلم بصورةٍ متزامنة وغير متزامنة، ومهارات استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي لتحسينِ عمليات التعلُّم وحلِّ المشكلات. كما بيَّنت أنَّ مستوى اتجاهات الطالب المُعلِّم نحو استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي في تعليمِ الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها بالمرحلة الجامعية جاء بدرجةٍ متوسطة إجمالًا، وجاء بدرجةٍ كبيرة في البعد الأول: الرؤية الواضحة لدى الطلاب، وبدرجةٍ متوسِّطة في البعد الثاني: مستوى الدافعية والانتباه في التعلُّم الرَّقمي، والبعد الثالث: استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي في جامعته. واتَّضح أنَّه لا توجد علاقة ارتباطية موجبة بين مستويات الطلاب في التعلُّم الرَّقمي ودرجة اتجاههم نحو توظيفه في تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمها. This study aimed at assessing the level of student-teacher majoring in mathematics at the College of Education at King Khalid University in digital learning skills and attitudes towards their use in the programs and activities of teaching and learning mathematics. The descriptive analytical method was utilized. The study sample consisted of (32) student - teachers at the College of Education at King Khalid University. A 32 _item questionnaire to measure the level of digital learning skills for the study sample was devised. The questionnaire items covered: the requirements for digital learning, managing digital learning systems, manipulating digital content, using social media applications to improve interactions in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, and using digital learning to improve learning and problem-solving processes. A 22_ item scale of attitudes towards the use of digital learning in mathematics education and learning programs was also devised. The scale items covered: the students\u27 clear vision, the level of motivation and attention in the digital learning, and the use of digital learning in their university. The results of the study showed that the level of skills of the student-teacher in the digital learning reached an overall medium degree, and a large degree in the skill of mastering the basic skills of digital learning requirements ; and to medium degrees in the skills of managing digital learning systems, manipulating digital content, using social media applications to improve interactions in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, and using digital learning to improve learning and problem-solving processes. Results also showed that the level of student-teacher attitudes towards the use of digital learning in the teaching and learning of mathematics at the university level came to an overall medium degree , and to a large degree in the first scale dimension: the students\u27 clear vision ; and to a medium degree in the second scale dimension: the level of motivation and attention in the digital learning , and the third dimension: the use of digital learning in his university . Results revealed that there was no positive correlation between students\u27 levels of digital learning and the degree of their attitudes towards employing them in teaching and learning mathematics. In light of these results, some recommendations and suggestions for further research were presented

    Factors That Influenced Post-Secondary Faculty Members\u27 use of a D2L Learning Management System

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    In 2019, the college administrators at a large 2-year college located in Canada implemented a Learning Management System (LMS) policy for all instructors. The goal of the LMS policy was for faculty members to demonstrate committed professionalism and high degree of competence in teaching. The problem was that instructors underutilized the LMS to provide feedback to students, make course content available in a variety of accessible formats to students, and promote student engagement in learning. In this study, the factors that influenced instructors’ use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS usage policy were explored. The expanded technology acceptance model grounded this study. The research questions were designed to explore how faculty members from the School of Business perceived that the system quality, their self-efficacy and facilitating conditions influenced their use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS policy. A basic qualitative study was conducted, and 11 faculty members employed by the School of Business were interviewed. Data were analyzed using open coding followed by axial coding. The results revealed that participants perceived system quality, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions influenced their use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS policy. The study findings led to the development of a policy paper for administrators at the School of Business that made recommendations regarding interventions to improve faculty member professional practices and the overall student experience. Positive social change could result from the administrators using these recommendations to provide interventions that will improve instructor use of the LMS to provide learning opportunities so that students will become successful learners

    Factors That Influenced Post-Secondary Faculty Members\u27 use of a D2L Learning Management System

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    In 2019, the college administrators at a large 2-year college located in Canada implemented a Learning Management System (LMS) policy for all instructors. The goal of the LMS policy was for faculty members to demonstrate committed professionalism and high degree of competence in teaching. The problem was that instructors underutilized the LMS to provide feedback to students, make course content available in a variety of accessible formats to students, and promote student engagement in learning. In this study, the factors that influenced instructors’ use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS usage policy were explored. The expanded technology acceptance model grounded this study. The research questions were designed to explore how faculty members from the School of Business perceived that the system quality, their self-efficacy and facilitating conditions influenced their use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS policy. A basic qualitative study was conducted, and 11 faculty members employed by the School of Business were interviewed. Data were analyzed using open coding followed by axial coding. The results revealed that participants perceived system quality, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions influenced their use of the LMS in accordance with the LMS policy. The study findings led to the development of a policy paper for administrators at the School of Business that made recommendations regarding interventions to improve faculty member professional practices and the overall student experience. Positive social change could result from the administrators using these recommendations to provide interventions that will improve instructor use of the LMS to provide learning opportunities so that students will become successful learners