11 research outputs found

    Infrastructure services platform for mobility architectures

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    Orientador: Eleri CardozoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Arquiteturas de micromobilidade vêm sendo propostas para atender ao crescente interesse por tecnologias de mobilidade IP. MPA (Mobility Plane Architecture), desenvolvida na FEEC/Unicamp, é uma solução de micromobilidade baseada em tunelamento de pacotes que emprega apenas protocolos bem estabelecidos. Quando estudou-se aplicações para melhoria de desempenho em handover e engenharia de tráfego na arquitetura MPA, verificou-se que estas aplicações necessitavam serviços comuns. Este trabalho descreve a plataforma MIS (Mobility Infrastructure Services) que fornece um conjunto de serviços para suporte ás funcionalidades básicas comuns de aplicações de gerência de rede, engenharia de tráfego e gerência de mobilidade. A plataforma proposta facilita o desenvolvimento de tais aplicações compartilhando soluções às necessidades encontradas na arquitetura de micromobilidade MPA e outras arquiteturas similares. São apresentados o projeto, implementação e testes da plataforma, juntamente com dois estudos de casos em gerência de mobilidade e engenharia de tráfego. Palavras-chave: redes IP móveis, micromobilidade, gerência de rede, engenharia de tráfegoAbstract: Micro-mobility architectures have been proposed to meet the growing interest in technologies supporting mobility in IP networks. MPA (Mobility Plane Architecture), developed at the FEEC/Unicamp, is a micro-mobility solution based on tunneling of packets that employs only well standardized protocols. When applications for supporting seamless handover and traffic engineering in MPA started to be designed, it was noticed that these applications demand a set of common services. This dissertation presents the MIS (Mobility Infrastructure Services) platform which provides a set of services that meet the common basic features demanded by applications of network management, traffic engineering and mobility management. The proposed platform facilitates the development of these applications when they are targeted to MPA and other micro-mobility architectures. This dissertation reports the design, implementation, ant test of the MIS platform, along with two case studies in mobility management and traffic engineering. Keywords: IP mobile networks, micro-mobility, network management, traffic engineeringMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    A mobility architecture for IP networks and its realization over MPLS protocol

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    Orientador: Eleri CardozoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A próxima geração da telefonia celular, 4G, será totalmente baseada no protocolo IP. Para o usuário final, a expectativa é estar constantemente conectado à esta rede, no qual a característica fundamental será a mobilidade transparente do dispositivo móvel, entre as várias subredes que compõem um domínio administrativo. Esta tese tem por objetivo propor uma solução para o problema da mobilidade transparente do dispositivo móvel em redes IP. Como consequência, duas contribuições são alcançadas. A primeira é a especificação de uma arquitetura que permita localizar e rastrear o dispositivo móvel em um domínio administrativo, que seja independente da tecnologia de túneis utilizada na camada de rede. A segunda é a proposição de um método de rastreamento do dispositivo móvel em redes MPLS, preservando as especificações do protocolo MPLS. É mostrado também como este método foi integrado com a arquitetura previamente definida. Por fim, é descrita como essa proposta de rastreamento em redes MPLS foi implementada sobre o sistema operacional Linux e os testes realizados para avaliar, tanto a implementação desta proposta, quanto a sua integração com essa arquiteturaAbstract: The next generation of cellular telephony, 4G, is going to be totally based on the IP protocol. The end user expects to be constantly connected to this network, in which the key feature Will be the seamless mobility of the mobile device among the various subnets within an administrative domain. This thesis has as objective to propose a solution to the problem of seamless mobility of the mobile device in IP networks. As such, two contributions are achieved. The first one is the specification of an architecture able to locate and track the mobile device inside an administrative domain, being independent of the tunnel technology used in the network layer. The second one is the proposition of a method to track the mobile device inside a MPLS networks, keeping intact the specifications of the MPLS protocol. It is also shown how this method was integrated with the previously defined architecture. Finally, it is described how the proposed method to track mobile devices inside a MPLS network was implemented on the Linux operating system, and the tests performed in order to assess both the implementation of this proposal and its integration with this architectureDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    A Reference Architecture For Micro-mobility Support In Ip Networks

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    This paper presents an architecture for supporting micro-mobility in IP networks. The architecture is presented in terms of its functional blocks and interaction protocols. The architecture, named Mobility Plane Architecture (MPA), offers a network-centric solution for micro-mobility. This means that all the functions necessary for supporting Layer-3 mobility are placed on the network, not on the mobile node. The architecture does not interfere with services already deployed in the transport network, even services supporting macro mobility such as Mobile IP. Another key point is the total independence of the architecture from IPv6, meaning that it can be deployed on existing IPv4 networks. © 2008 IEEE.624630Johnson, D., Perkins, C., Arkko, J., Mobility Support in IPv6 (2004), The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF, RFC 3775, JunKoodli, R., Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 (2005), The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF, RFC 4068, JulySoliman, H., Castelluccia, C., Malki, K.E., Bellier, L., (2005) Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management (HMIPv6), , The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF, RFC 4140, August(2007) Network-based Localized Mobility Management (netlmm), , http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netlmmcharter.html, NETLMM Working Group(2007) Mobility for IP: Performance, Signaling and Handoff Optimization (mipshop), , http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/mipshop-charter.html, Mipshop Working GroupValko, A.G., Cellular IP: A New Approach to Internet Host Mobility (1999) ACM Comp. Commun. Rev, , JanuaryRamjee, R., Porta, T.L., Thuel, S., Varadhan, K., Wang, S., HAWAII: A Domain-based Approach for Supporting Mobility in Wide-area Wireless Network (1999) Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Network ProtocolsChiussi, F., Khotimsky, D., Krishnan, S., A Network Architecture for MPLS-based Micro-mobility (2002) Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2002. WCNC2002. 2002 IEEE, 2, pp. 549-555. , 2, MarR. Langar, S. Tohme, and G. L. Grand, Micro Mobile MPLS: A New Scheme for Micro-mobility Management in 3G All-IP Networks, iscc, 00, pp. 301-306, 2005Xie, K., Wong, V., Leung, V., Support of Micro-mobility in MPLS-based Wireless Access Networks (2003) Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 2003 IEEE, 2, pp. 1242-1247. , 2, 16-20 MarchFowler, S., Zeadally, S., Fast Handover over Micro-MPLS-based Wireless Networks (2006) Computers and Communications, 2006. ISCC'06. Proceedings. 11th IEEE Symposium on, pp. 181-186. , 26-29 JuneSamprakou, I., Bouras, C., Karoubalis, T., Fast and Efficient IP Handover in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (2004) International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN04), , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June802.11F, IEEE Recommended Practice for Multi-Vendor Access Point Interoperability via Inter-Access Point Protocol Across Distribution System Supporting IEEE 802.11 OperationZagari, E., Prado, R., Cardozo, E., Magalhães, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Westberg, L., MPA: A Network-Centric Architecture for Micro-Mobility Support in IP and MPLS Networks (2008) Sixth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2008), , MayManner, J., Kojo, M., (2004) Mobility Related Terminology, , IETF, RFC 3753, JuneAwduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., Srinivasan, V., Swallow, G., (2001) RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, , The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF, RFC 3209, DecemberYasukawa, S., Signaling Requirements for Point-to-Multipoint Traffic-Engineered MPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs) (2006), The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF, RFC 4461, AprilFeliciano, G., Berenguel, A., Zagari, E., Cardozo, E., Onix: Overlay Network Integrated Configuration System (2007) Proceedings of XII Workshop on Services and Networks Operation and Management (WGRS) (in Portuguese), , Belém, PA, BrazilBadan, T., Prado, R., Zagari, E., Cardozo, E., Magalhães, M., An MPLS Implementation for Linux Networks (2001) Proceedings of XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC) (in Portuguese), , Florianópolis, SC, Brasi

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    A reference architecture for micro-mobility support in IP networks

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    Performance Analysis Of A New Architecture For Mobility Support In Ip Networks

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    In this paper, we describe a queueing network model representing the Mobility Plane Architecture, which allows mobile users to register in the system and move around while stay connected. This paper presents a system overview, including node attachment, node updating and handover procedures. Two queueing network models and their evaluation on a simulation tool are presented, resulting in some important conclusions for our architecture and other micro-mobility proposals. Results show the importance of considering L2 and L3 association times because they can affect all procedures involving new registration and handover. © 2008 IEEE.706711Soliman, H., (2005) Hierarchical mobile ipv6 mobility management (hmipv6)Zagari, E., Prado, R., Cardozo, E., Magalhaes, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Johnson, T., Mobility plane architecture: A network-centric proposal for micro-mobility support in ip networks (2008) 6th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), , Halifax, CanadaLeon, A., Pla, V., Performance evaluation of handover schemes in ip micro-mobility systems (2004) Proceedings of Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks Conference, , Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.KBlondia, C., Casals, O., Cleyn, P.D., Willems, G., Performance analysis of ip micro-mobility handoff protocols (2002) ser. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2334, pp. 211-226. , Proceedings of the 7th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Protocols for High Speed NetworksPrado, R., Zagari, E., Cardozo, E., Magalhaes, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Johnson, T., A reference architecture for micro-mobility support in ip networks (2008) The Thirteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), , Marrakech, MoroccoBalsamo, S., Approximate performance analysis of queueing networks with blocking (1998) Proc. Tutorials TOOLS'98Kant, K., (1992) Introduction to Computer System Performance Evaluation, , McGraw-HillBalsamo, S., Mamprin, R., Marzolla, M., Performance evaluation of software architectures using queueing network models (2004) Proceedings of European Simulation and Modeling ConferenceLazowska, E., (1984) Quantitative System Performance: Computer System Analysis using Queueing Network Models, , Prentice HallBertoli, M., Casale, G., Serazzi, G., The jmt simulator for performance evaluation of non-product-form queueing networks (2007) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Simulation Symposiu

    Performance Evaluation Of Reactive And Proactive Handover Schemes For Ip Micromobility Networks

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    Micromobility protocols aim to improve localized mobility by reducing the handover overhead. The Mobility Plane Architecture (MPA) was designed to support micromobility in standard IP or MPLS/GMPLS networks in a network-centric way, that is, the burden demanded by micromobility is placed on the network, not on the mobile nodes. The aim of this paper is to present the reactive and proactive handover procedures supported by MPA, its modeling and performance evaluation. Results show that the proactive handover loses much less packets than reactive handover, being more suited for multimedia traffic.Manner, J., Kojo, M., Mobility related terminology Request For Comment, p. 3753. , RFCJohnson, D., Perkins, C., Arkko, J., Mobility support in IPv6 Request For Comment, p. 3775. , RFCValko, A.G., Cellular IP: A New Approach to Internet Host Mobility (1999) ACM Comp. Commun. Rev, , JanS. K. V. S. W. R. Ramjee, T. L. Porta, HAWAII: A Domain-based Approach for Supporting Mobility in Wide-area Wireless Network, in IEEE Intl. Conf. Network Protocols, 1999Soliman, H., Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management (HMIPv6) (2005) Request For Comment, p. 4140. , RFCKoodli, R., Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 (2005) Request For Comment, p. 4068. , RFC, JulyKong, K.-S., Lee, W., Han, Y.-H., Shin, M.-K., You, H., Mobility management for all-ip mobile networks: Mobile ipv6 vs. proxy mobile ipv6 (2008) IEEE Wireless Communications, 15 (2), pp. 36-45Prado, R., Zagari, E., Cardozo, E., Magalhaes, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Johnson, T., A Reference Architecture for Micro-Mobility Support in IP Networks (2008) The Thirteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), , Marrakech, MoroccoJohnson, T., Prado, R., Zagari, E., Badan, T., Cardozo, E., Westberg, L., Considerations on Performance Evaluation of Micro-Mobility Architectures for IP Networks (2008) IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), , Cannes, FranceJohnson, T., Zagari, E., Prado, R., Badan, T., Cardozo, E., Westberg, L., Performance Analysis of a New Architecture for Mobility Support IP Networks (2008) International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), , Crete Island, GreeceBlondia, C., Casals, O., Cleyn, P.D., Willems, G., Performance Analysis of IP Micro-mobility Handoff Protocols (2002) ser. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2334, pp. 211-226. , Proceedings of the 7th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Protocols for High Speed NetworksLeon, A., Pla, V., Performance Evaluation of Handover Schemes in IP Micro-Mobility Systems (2004) Proceedings of Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks Conference, , Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.

    Design And Implementation Of A Network-centric Micro-mobility Architecture

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of the Mobility Plane Architecture (MPA). MPA is a network architecture that provides micro-mobility in a network-centric way, that is, the burden of supporting micro-mobility is placed on the network and not on the mobile nodes. The implementation employs RSVP-TE to establish IP/IP and MPLS pointto- multipoint tunnels in order to direct traffic to the mobile nodes. DHCP is used for tracking the mobile node locations and RSVP-TE opaque data carries the location information to install routes to them. Results obtained in a lab-sized network and some quantitative comparisons between MPA and other related work are presented as well. © 2009 IEEE.Johnson, D., Perkins, C., Arkko, J., (2004) Mobility Support in IPv6, , IETF, RFC 3775, JuneZagari, E., MPA: A Network-Centric Architecture for Micro- Mobility Support in IP and MPLS Networks (2008) Sixth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2008), , MayPrado, R., A Reference Architecture for Micro-Mobility Support in IP Networks (2008) The Thirteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC2008), , JulySoliman, H., (2005) Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management (HMIPv6), , IETF, RFC 4140, AugustKoodli, R., (2005) Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6, , IETF, RFC 4068, JulyGundavelli, S., Leung, K., Devarapalli, V., Chowdhury, K., Patil, B., (2008) Proxy Mobile IPv6, , IETF, RFC 5213, AugustChiussi, D.K.F.A., Krishnan, S., A Network Architecture for MPLSbased Micro-Mobility (2002) IEEE WCNC 2002, 2, pp. 549-555. , 2, MarRami Langar, Samir Tohme and Gwendal Le Grand, Micro Mobile MPLS: A New Scheme for Micro-mobility Management in 3G All-IP Networks, ISCC, 00, pp. 301-306, 2005Kaiduan Xie, V.W., Leung, V., Support of Micro-Mobility in MPLSbased Wireless Access Networks (2003) IEEE WCNC 2003, 2, pp. 1242-1247. , 2, 16-20 MarchFowler, S., Zeadally, S., Fast Handover over Micro-MPLS-Based Wireless Networks (2006) Computers and Communications, 2006. ISCC '06. Proceedings. 11th IEEE Symposium on, pp. 181-186. , 26-29 JuneAwduche, D., (2001) RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, , IETF, RFC 3209, DecemberYasukawa, S., (2006) Signaling Requirements for Point-to-Multipoint Traffic- Engineered MPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs), , IETF, RFC 4461, AprilBadan, T., A Network Architecture for Providing Micro-Mobility in MPLS/GMPLS Networks (2009) IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC2009), , MayRosen, A.V.E., Callon, R., (2001) Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture, , IETF, RFC 3031, JanuaryNarten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., Soliman, H., (2007) Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6), , IETF, RFC 4861, Septembe

    Considerations On Performance Evaluation Of Micro-mobility Architectures For Ip Networks

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    Micro-mobility protocols aim to improve localized mobility by reducing the handover overhead. The Mobility Plane Architecture (MPA) was designed to support micro-mobility in standard IP or MPLS/GMPLS networks in a network-centric way: that is, the burden demanded by micro-mobility is placed on the network, not on the mobile nodes. The aim of this paper is to present some insights on performance evaluation for micromobility architectures, using the MPA network implementation as a testbed. Experimental results show it is necessary to consider the type of mobile node when evaluating a micro-mobility scenario. Hardware and software aspects may affect the node's interaction with the micro-mobility protocols/architectures. The results show the importance of considering (not neglecting) L2 and L3 association times because they can affect all procedures involving new associations (such as registration and handover). Proposed models for evaluating mobile architectures consider as irrelevant the times for L2 attachment to a new base station and acquisition of a new IP address for the Mobile Node, which results in an overestimate of the performance for the mobile architecture. © 2008 IEEE.Soliman, H., Hierarchical mobile ipv6 mobility management (hmipv6) (2005) Request For Comment, p. 4140. , RFCZagari, E., Prado, R., Cardozo, E., Magalhaes, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Johnson, T., Mobility plane architecture: A network-centric proposal for micro-mobility support in ip networks (2008) 6th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), , Halifax, CanadaBlondia, C., Casals, O., Cleyn, P.D., Willems, G., Performance analysis of ip micro-mobility handoff protocols (2002) ser. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2334, pp. 211-226. , Proceedings of the 7th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Protocols for High Speed NetworksLeon, A., Pla, V., Performance evaluation of handover schemes in ip micro-mobility systems (2004) Proceedings of Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks Conference, , Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.KValko, A.G., Cellular ip: A new approach to internet host mobility (1999) ACM Comp. Commun. Rev, , JanS. K. V. S. W. R. Ramjee, T. L. Porta, Hawaii: A domain-based approach for supporting mobility in wide-area wireless network, in IEEE Intl. Conf Network Protocols, 1999Koodli, R., Fast handovers for mobile ipv6 (2005) Request For Comment, p. 4068. , RFC, JulyPrado, R., Zagari, E., Cardozo, E., Magalhaes, M., Badan, T., Carrilho, J., Pinto, R., Johnson, T., A reference architecture for micro-mobility support in ip networks (2008) The Thirteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), , Marrakech, MoroccoCortelezza, V., Mirandola, R., Deriving a queueing network based performance model from uml diagrams (2000) Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Software and PerformanceBertoli, M., Casale, G., Serazzi, G., The jmt simulator for performance evaluation of non-product-form queueing networks (2007) Proceedings of the 40th Annual Simulation SymposiumLouvros, S.K.S., Pylarinos, J., Handoff multiple queue model in microcelullar networks (2007) Computer Communications, (30), pp. 396-40