2,099 research outputs found

    Bin Packing and Related Problems: General Arc-flow Formulation with Graph Compression

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    We present an exact method, based on an arc-flow formulation with side constraints, for solving bin packing and cutting stock problems --- including multi-constraint variants --- by simply representing all the patterns in a very compact graph. Our method includes a graph compression algorithm that usually reduces the size of the underlying graph substantially without weakening the model. As opposed to our method, which provides strong models, conventional models are usually highly symmetric and provide very weak lower bounds. Our formulation is equivalent to Gilmore and Gomory's, thus providing a very strong linear relaxation. However, instead of using column-generation in an iterative process, the method constructs a graph, where paths from the source to the target node represent every valid packing pattern. The same method, without any problem-specific parameterization, was used to solve a large variety of instances from several different cutting and packing problems. In this paper, we deal with vector packing, graph coloring, bin packing, cutting stock, cardinality constrained bin packing, cutting stock with cutting knife limitation, cutting stock with binary patterns, bin packing with conflicts, and cutting stock with binary patterns and forbidden pairs. We report computational results obtained with many benchmark test data sets, all of them showing a large advantage of this formulation with respect to the traditional ones

    Multiwinner Elections with Diversity Constraints

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    We develop a model of multiwinner elections that combines performance-based measures of the quality of the committee (such as, e.g., Borda scores of the committee members) with diversity constraints. Specifically, we assume that the candidates have certain attributes (such as being a male or a female, being junior or senior, etc.) and the goal is to elect a committee that, on the one hand, has as high a score regarding a given performance measure, but that, on the other hand, meets certain requirements (e.g., of the form "at least 30%30\% of the committee members are junior candidates and at least 40%40\% are females"). We analyze the computational complexity of computing winning committees in this model, obtaining polynomial-time algorithms (exact and approximate) and NP-hardness results. We focus on several natural classes of voting rules and diversity constraints.Comment: A short version of this paper appears in the proceedings of AAAI-1

    Stochastic Budget Optimization in Internet Advertising

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    Internet advertising is a sophisticated game in which the many advertisers "play" to optimize their return on investment. There are many "targets" for the advertisements, and each "target" has a collection of games with a potentially different set of players involved. In this paper, we study the problem of how advertisers allocate their budget across these "targets". In particular, we focus on formulating their best response strategy as an optimization problem. Advertisers have a set of keywords ("targets") and some stochastic information about the future, namely a probability distribution over scenarios of cost vs click combinations. This summarizes the potential states of the world assuming that the strategies of other players are fixed. Then, the best response can be abstracted as stochastic budget optimization problems to figure out how to spread a given budget across these keywords to maximize the expected number of clicks. We present the first known non-trivial poly-logarithmic approximation for these problems as well as the first known hardness results of getting better than logarithmic approximation ratios in the various parameters involved. We also identify several special cases of these problems of practical interest, such as with fixed number of scenarios or with polynomial-sized parameters related to cost, which are solvable either in polynomial time or with improved approximation ratios. Stochastic budget optimization with scenarios has sophisticated technical structure. Our approximation and hardness results come from relating these problems to a special type of (0/1, bipartite) quadratic programs inherent in them. Our research answers some open problems raised by the authors in (Stochastic Models for Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising, Algorithmica, 58 (4), 1022-1044, 2010).Comment: FINAL versio

    Throughput Maximization in the Speed-Scaling Setting

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    We are given a set of nn jobs and a single processor that can vary its speed dynamically. Each job JjJ_j is characterized by its processing requirement (work) pjp_j, its release date rjr_j and its deadline djd_j. We are also given a budget of energy EE and we study the scheduling problem of maximizing the throughput (i.e. the number of jobs which are completed on time). We propose a dynamic programming algorithm that solves the preemptive case of the problem, i.e. when the execution of the jobs may be interrupted and resumed later, in pseudo-polynomial time. Our algorithm can be adapted for solving the weighted version of the problem where every job is associated with a weight wjw_j and the objective is the maximization of the sum of the weights of the jobs that are completed on time. Moreover, we provide a strongly polynomial time algorithm to solve the non-preemptive unweighed case when the jobs have the same processing requirements. For the weighted case, our algorithm can be adapted for solving the non-preemptive version of the problem in pseudo-polynomial time.Comment: submitted to SODA 201

    Robust and MaxMin Optimization under Matroid and Knapsack Uncertainty Sets

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    Consider the following problem: given a set system (U,I) and an edge-weighted graph G = (U, E) on the same universe U, find the set A in I such that the Steiner tree cost with terminals A is as large as possible: "which set in I is the most difficult to connect up?" This is an example of a max-min problem: find the set A in I such that the value of some minimization (covering) problem is as large as possible. In this paper, we show that for certain covering problems which admit good deterministic online algorithms, we can give good algorithms for max-min optimization when the set system I is given by a p-system or q-knapsacks or both. This result is similar to results for constrained maximization of submodular functions. Although many natural covering problems are not even approximately submodular, we show that one can use properties of the online algorithm as a surrogate for submodularity. Moreover, we give stronger connections between max-min optimization and two-stage robust optimization, and hence give improved algorithms for robust versions of various covering problems, for cases where the uncertainty sets are given by p-systems and q-knapsacks.Comment: 17 pages. Preliminary version combining this paper and http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.1045 appeared in ICALP 201