8 research outputs found

    Planning, Monitoring and Learning with Safety and Temporal Constraints for Robotic Systems

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    In this thesis, we address the problem of planning, monitoring and learning in robotic systems, while considering the safety and time constraints. Motion and action planning for robotic systems is important for real, physical world applications. Robots are capable of performing repetitive tasks at speeds and accuracies that far exceed those of human operators and are widely used in manufacturing, medical fields and even transportation. Planning commonly refers to a process of converting high-level task specifications into low-level control commands that can be executed on the system of interest. Time behavior is a most important issue for the autonomous systems of interest, and it is critical for many robotic tasks. Most state of the art methods, however, are not capable of providing the framework needed for the autonomous systems to plan under finite time constraints. Safety and time constraints are two important aspects for the plan. We are interested in the safety of the plan, such as ``Can the robot reach the goal without collision?''. We are also interested in the time constraints for the plan, such as ``Can the robot finish this task after 3 minutes but no later than 5 minutes?''. These type of tasks are important to understand in robot search and rescue or cooperative robotic production line. In this thesis, we address these problems by two different approaches, the first one is a timed automata based approach, which focuses on a more high-level, abstracted result with less computational requirement. The other one involves converting the problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) with more low-level control details but requires higher computational power. Both methods are able to automatically generate a plan that are guaranteed to be correct. The robotic systems may behave differently in runtime and not able to execute the task perfectly as planned. Given that a robotic system is naturally cyber-physical, and malfunctions can have safety consequences, monitoring the system鈥檚 behavior at runtime can be key to safe operation. Therefore, it is important to consider both time and space tolerances during the planning phase, and also design runtime monitors for error detection and possible self-correction. We provide an optimization-based formulation which takes the tolerances into account, and we have designed runtime monitors to monitor the status of the systems, as well as an event-triggered model predictive controller for self-correction. Learning is another very important aspect for the robotics field. We hope to only provide the robot with high-level task specifications, and the robot learns to accomplish the task. Thus, in the next part of this thesis, we discussed how the robot could learn to accomplish task specified by metric interval temporal logic, and how the robot could replan and self-correct if the initial plan fails to execute correctly. As the field of robotics is expanding from the fixed environment of a production line to complex human environments, robots are required to perform increasingly human-like manipulation tasks. Thus, for the last aspect of the thesis, we considered a manipulation task with dexterous robotic hand - Shadow Hand. We collected the multimodal haptic-vision dataset, and proposed the framework of self-assurance slippage detection and correction. We provided the simulation and also real-world implementation with a UR10 and Shadowhand robotic system

    Formal methods for motion planning and control in dynamic and partially known environments

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    This thesis is motivated by time and safety critical applications involving the use of autonomous vehicles to accomplish complex tasks in dynamic and partially known environments. We use temporal logic to formally express such complex tasks. Temporal logic specifications generalize the classical notions of stability and reachability widely studied within the control and hybrid systems communities. Given a model describing the motion of a robotic system in an environment and a formal task specification, the aim is to automatically synthesize a control policy that guarantees the satisfaction of the specification. This thesis presents novel control synthesis algorithms to tackle the problem of motion planning from temporal logic specifications in uncertain environments. For each one of the planning and control synthesis problems addressed in this dissertation, the proposed algorithms are implemented, evaluated, and validated thought experiments and/or simulations. The first part of this thesis focuses on a mobile robot whose success is measured by the completion of temporal logic tasks within a given period of time. In addition to such time constraints, the planning algorithm must also deal with the uncertainty that arises from the changes in the robot's workspace during task execution. In particular, we consider a robot deployed in a partitioned environment subjected to structural changes such as doors that can open and close. The motion of the robot is modeled as a continuous time Markov decision process and the robot's mission is expressed as a Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL) formula. A complete framework to find a control strategy that satisfies a specification given as a CSL formula is introduced. The second part of this thesis addresses the synthesis of controllers that guarantee the satisfaction of a task specification expressed as a syntactically co-safe Linear Temporal Logic (scLTL) formula. In this case, uncertainty is characterized by the partial knowledge of the robot's environment. Two scenarios are considered. First, a distributed team of robots required to satisfy the specification over a set of service requests occurring at the vertices of a known graph representing the environment is examined. Second, a single agent motion planning problem from the specification over a set of properties known to be satised at the vertices of the known graph environment is studied. In both cases, we exploit the existence of o-the-shelf model checking and runtime verification tools, the efficiency of graph search algorithms, and the efficacy of exploration techniques to solve the motion planning problem constrained by the absence of complete information about the environment. The final part of this thesis extends uncertainty beyond the absence of a complete knowledge of the environment described above by considering a robot equipped with a noisy sensing system. In particular, the robot is tasked with satisfying a scLTL specification over a set of regions of interest known to be present in the environment. In such a case, although the robot is able to measure the properties characterizing such regions of interest, precisely determining the identity of these regions is not feasible. A mixed observability Markov decision process is used to represent the robot's actuation and sensing models. The control synthesis problem from scLTL formulas is then formulated as a maximum probability reachability problem on this model. The integration of dynamic programming, formal methods, and frontier-based exploration tools allow us to derive an algorithm to solve such a reachability problem

    Nachweislich sichere Bewegungsplanung f眉r autonome Fahrzeuge durch Echtzeitverifikation

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    This thesis introduces fail-safe motion planning as the first approach to guarantee legal safety of autonomous vehicles in arbitrary traffic situations. The proposed safety layer verifies whether intended trajectories comply with legal safety and provides fail-safe trajectories when intended trajectories result in safety-critical situations. The presented results indicate that the use of fail-safe motion planning can drastically reduce the number of traffic accidents.Die vorliegende Arbeit f眉hrt ein neuartiges Verifikationsverfahren ein, mit dessen Hilfe zum ersten Mal die verkehrsregelkonforme Sicherheit von autonomen Fahrzeugen gew盲hrleistet werden kann. Das Verifikationsverfahren 眉berpr眉ft, ob geplante Trajektorien sicher sind und generiert R眉ckfalltrajektorien falls diese zu einer unsicheren Situation f眉hren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Verwendung des Verfahrens zu einer deutlichen Reduktion von Verkehrsunf盲llen f眉hrt

    Multi-Robot Persistent Coverage in Complex Environments

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    Los recientes avances en rob贸tica m贸vil y un creciente desarrollo de robots m贸viles asequibles han impulsado numerosas investigaciones en sistemas multi-robot. La complejidad de estos sistemas reside en el dise帽o de estrategias de comunicaci贸n, coordinaci贸n y controlpara llevar a cabo tareas complejas que un 煤nico robot no puede realizar. Una tarea particularmente interesante es la cobertura persistente, que pretende mantener cubierto en el tiempo un entorno con un equipo de robots moviles. Este problema tiene muchas aplicaciones como aspiraci贸n o limpieza de lugares en los que la suciedad se acumula constantemente, corte de c茅sped o monitorizaci贸n ambiental. Adem谩s, la aparici贸n de veh铆culos a茅reos no tripulados ampl铆a estas aplicaciones con otras como la vigilancia o el rescate.Esta tesis se centra en el problema de cubrir persistentemente entornos progresivamente mas complejos. En primer lugar, proponemos una soluci贸n 贸ptima para un entorno convexo con un sistema centralizado, utilizando programaci贸n din谩mica en un horizonte temporalnito. Posteriormente nos centramos en soluciones distribuidas, que son m谩s robustas, escalables y eficientes. Para solventar la falta de informaci贸n global, presentamos un algoritmo de estimaci贸n distribuido con comunicaciones reducidas. 脡ste permite a los robots teneruna estimaci贸n precisa de la cobertura incluso cuando no intercambian informaci贸n con todos los miembros del equipo. Usando esta estimaci贸n, proponemos dos soluciones diferentes basadas en objetivos de cobertura, que son los puntos del entorno en los que m谩s se puedemejorar dicha cobertura. El primer m茅todo es un controlador del movimiento que combina un t茅rmino de gradiente con un t茅rmino que dirige a los robots hacia sus objetivos. Este m茅todo funciona bien en entornos convexos. Para entornos con algunos obst谩culos, el segundom茅todo planifica trayectorias abiertas hasta los objetivos, que son 贸ptimas en t茅rminos de cobertura. Finalmente, para entornos complejos no convexos, presentamos un algoritmo capaz de encontrar particiones equitativas para los robots. En dichas regiones, cada robotplanifica trayectorias de longitud finita a trav茅s de un grafo de caminos de tipo barrido.La parte final de la tesis se centra en entornos discretos, en los que 煤nicamente un conjunto finito de puntos debe que ser cubierto. Proponemos una estrategia que reduce la complejidad del problema separ谩ndolo en tres subproblemas: planificaci贸n de trayectoriascerradas, c谩lculo de tiempos y acciones de cobertura y generaci贸n de un plan de equipo sin colisiones. Estos subproblemas m谩s peque帽os se resuelven de manera 贸ptima. Esta soluci贸n se utiliza en 煤ltimo lugar para una novedosa aplicaci贸n como es el calentamiento por inducci贸n dom茅stico con inductores m贸viles. En concreto, la adaptamos a las particularidades de una cocina de inducci贸n y mostramos su buen funcionamiento en un prototipo real.Recent advances in mobile robotics and an increasing development of aordable autonomous mobile robots have motivated an extensive research in multi-robot systems. The complexity of these systems resides in the design of communication, coordination and control strategies to perform complex tasks that a single robot can not. A particularly interesting task is that of persistent coverage, that aims to maintain covered over time a given environment with a team of robotic agents. This problem is of interest in many applications such as vacuuming, cleaning a place where dust is continuously settling, lawn mowing or environmental monitoring. More recently, the apparition of useful unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has encouraged the application of the coverage problem to surveillance and monitoring. This thesis focuses on the problem of persistently covering a continuous environment in increasingly more dicult settings. At rst, we propose a receding-horizon optimal solution for a centralized system in a convex environment using dynamic programming. Then we look for distributed solutions, which are more robust, scalable and ecient. To deal with the lack of global information, we present a communication-eective distributed estimation algorithm that allows the robots to have an accurate estimate of the coverage of the environment even when they can not exchange information with all the members of the team. Using this estimation, we propose two dierent solutions based on coverage goals, which are the points of the environment in which the coverage can be improved the most. The rst method is a motion controller, that combines a gradient term with a term that drives the robots to the goals, and which performs well in convex environments. For environments with some obstacles, the second method plans open paths to the goals that are optimal in terms of coverage. Finally, for complex, non-convex environments we propose a distributed algorithm to nd equitable partitions for the robots, i.e., with an amount of work proportional to their capabilities. To cover this region, each robot plans optimal, nite-horizon paths through a graph of sweep-like paths. The nal part of the thesis is devoted to discrete environment, in which only a nite set of points has to be covered. We propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to separate the problem to reduce its complexity into three smaller subproblem, which can be optimally solved. We rst plan closed paths through the points, then calculate the optimal coverage times and actions to periodically satisfy the coverage required by the points, and nally join together the individual plans of the robots into a collision-free team plan that minimizes simultaneous motions. This solution is eventually used for a novel application that is domestic induction heating with mobile inductors. We adapt it to the particular setting of a domestic hob and demonstrate that it performs really well in a real prototype.<br /

    Sampling-based algorithms for motion planning with temporal logic specifications

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