513 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Privacy

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    Preserving the utility of published datasets while simultaneously providing provable privacy guarantees is a well-known challenge. On the one hand, context-free privacy solutions, such as differential privacy, provide strong privacy guarantees, but often lead to a significant reduction in utility. On the other hand, context-aware privacy solutions, such as information theoretic privacy, achieve an improved privacy-utility tradeoff, but assume that the data holder has access to dataset statistics. We circumvent these limitations by introducing a novel context-aware privacy framework called generative adversarial privacy (GAP). GAP leverages recent advancements in generative adversarial networks (GANs) to allow the data holder to learn privatization schemes from the dataset itself. Under GAP, learning the privacy mechanism is formulated as a constrained minimax game between two players: a privatizer that sanitizes the dataset in a way that limits the risk of inference attacks on the individuals' private variables, and an adversary that tries to infer the private variables from the sanitized dataset. To evaluate GAP's performance, we investigate two simple (yet canonical) statistical dataset models: (a) the binary data model, and (b) the binary Gaussian mixture model. For both models, we derive game-theoretically optimal minimax privacy mechanisms, and show that the privacy mechanisms learned from data (in a generative adversarial fashion) match the theoretically optimal ones. This demonstrates that our framework can be easily applied in practice, even in the absence of dataset statistics.Comment: Improved version of a paper accepted by Entropy Journal, Special Issue on Information Theory in Machine Learning and Data Scienc

    Tree-Structured Nonlinear Adaptive Signal Processing

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    In communication systems, nonlinear adaptive filtering has become increasingly popular in a variety of applications such as channel equalization, echo cancellation and speech coding. However, existing nonlinear adaptive filters such as polynomial (truncated Volterra series) filters and multilayer perceptrons suffer from a number of problems. First, although high Order polynomials can approximate complex nonlinearities, they also train very slowly. Second, there is no systematic and efficient way to select their structure. As for multilayer perceptrons, they have a very complicated structure and train extremely slowly Motivated by the success of classification and regression trees on difficult nonlinear and nonparametfic problems, we propose the idea of a tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter. In the proposed method each node in a tree is associated with a linear filter restricted to a polygonal domain, and this is done in such a way that each pruned subtree is associated with a piecewise linear filter. A training sequence is used to adaptively update the filter coefficients and domains at each node, and to select the best pruned subtree and the corresponding piecewise linear filter. The tree structured approach offers several advantages. First, it makes use of standard linear adaptive filtering techniques at each node to find the corresponding Conditional linear filter. Second, it allows for efficient selection of the subtree and the corresponding piecewise linear filter of appropriate complexity. Overall, the approach is computationally efficient and conceptually simple. The tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter bears some similarity to classification and regression trees. But it is actually quite different from a classification and regression tree. Here the terminal nodes are not just assigned a region and a class label or a regression value, but rather represent: a linear filter with restricted domain, It is also different in that classification and regression trees are determined in a batch mode offline, whereas the tree-structured adaptive filter is determined recursively in real-time. We first develop the specific structure of a tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter and derive a stochastic gradient-based training algorithm. We then carry out a rigorous convergence analysis of the proposed training algorithm for the tree-structured filter. Here we show the mean-square convergence of the adaptively trained tree-structured piecewise linear filter to the optimal tree-structured piecewise linear filter. Same new techniques are developed for analyzing stochastic gradient algorithms with fixed gains and (nonstandard) dependent data. Finally, numerical experiments are performed to show the computational and performance advantages of the tree-structured piecewise linear filter over linear and polynomial filters for equalization of high frequency channels with severe intersymbol interference, echo cancellation in telephone networks and predictive coding of speech signals

    A space communications study Final report, 15 Sep. 1966 - 15 Sep. 1967

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    Investigation of signal to noise ratios and signal transmission efficiency for space communication system

    Comparison of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links

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    The performance of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links are evaluated and compared. It is shown that the performance of optical links is very sensitive to the pointing and tracking errors at the transmitter and receiver. In the presence of random pointing and tracking errors, optimal antenna gains exist that will minimize the required transmitter power. In addition to limiting the antenna gains, random pointing and tracking errors also impose a power penalty in the link budget. This power penalty is between 1.6 to 3 dB for a direct detection QPPM link, and 3 to 5 dB for a heterodyne QFSK system. For the heterodyne systems, the carrier phase noise presents another major factor of performance degradation that must be considered. In contrast, the loss due to synchronization error is small. The link budgets for direct and heterodyne detection systems are evaluated. It is shown that, for systems with large pointing and tracking errors, the link budget is dominated by the spatial tracking error, and the direct detection system shows a superior performance because it is less sensitive to the spatial tracking error. On the other hand, for systems with small pointing and tracking jitters, the antenna gains are in general limited by the launch cost, and suboptimal antenna gains are often used in practice. In which case, the heterodyne system has a slightly higher power margin because of higher receiver sensitivity

    Data transmission through channels pertubed by impulsive noise

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    Imperial Users onl

    Single channel signal separation using pseudo-stereo model and time-freqency masking

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    PhD ThesisIn many practical applications, one sensor is only available to record a mixture of a number of signals. Single-channel blind signal separation (SCBSS) is the research topic that addresses the problem of recovering the original signals from the observed mixture without (or as little as possible) any prior knowledge of the signals. Given a single mixture, a new pseudo-stereo mixing model is developed. A “pseudo-stereo” mixture is formulated by weighting and time-shifting the original single-channel mixture. This creates an artificial resemblance of a stereo signal given by one location which results in the same time-delay but different attenuation of the source signals. The pseudo-stereo mixing model relaxes the underdetermined ill-conditions associated with monaural source separation and begets the advantage of the relationship of the signals between the readily observed mixture and the pseudo-stereo mixture. This research proposes three novel algorithms based on the pseudo-stereo mixing model and the binary time-frequency (TF) mask. Firstly, the proposed SCBSS algorithm estimates signals’ weighted coefficients from a ratio of the pseudo-stereo mixing model and then constructs a binary maximum likelihood TF masking for separating the observed mixture. Secondly, a mixture in noisy background environment is considered. Thus, a mixture enhancement algorithm has been developed and the proposed SCBSS algorithm is reformulated using an adaptive coefficients estimator. The adaptive coefficients estimator computes the signal characteristics for each time frame. This property is desirable for both speech and audio signals as they are aptly characterized as non-stationary AR processes. Finally, a multiple-time delay (MTD) pseudo-stereo SINGLE CHANNEL SIGNAL SEPARATION ii mixture is developed. The MTD mixture enhances the flexibility as well as the separability over the originally proposed pseudo-stereo mixing model. The separation algorithm of the MTD mixture has also been derived. Additionally, comparison analysis between the MTD mixture and the pseudo-stereo mixture has also been identified. All algorithms have been demonstrated by synthesized and real-audio signals. The performance of source separation has been assessed by measuring the distortion between original source and the estimated one according to the signal-to-distortion (SDR) ratio. Results show that all proposed SCBSS algorithms yield a significantly better separation performance with an average SDR improvement that ranges from 2.4dB to 5dB per source and they are computationally faster over the benchmarked algorithms.Payap University

    On Detection and Ranking Methods for a Distributed Radio-Frequency Sensor Network: Theory and Algorithmic Implementation

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    A theoretical foundation for pre-detection fusion of sensors is needed if the United States Air Force is to ever field a system of distributed and layered sensors that can detect and perform parameter estimation of complex, extended targets in difficult interference environments, without human intervention, in near real-time. This research is relevant to the United States Air Force within its layered sensing and cognitive radar/sensor initiatives. The asymmetric threat of the twenty-first century introduces stressing sensing conditions that may exceed the ability of traditional monostatic sensing systems to perform their required intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. In particular, there is growing interest within the United States Air Force to move beyond single sensor sensing systems, and instead begin fielding and leveraging distributed sensing systems to overcome the inherent challenges imposed by the modern threat space. This thesis seeks to analyze the impact of integrating target echoes in the angular domain, to determine if better detection and ranking performance is achieved through the use of a distributed sensor network. Bespoke algorithms are introduced for detection and ranking ISR missions leveraging a distributed network of radio-frequency sensors: the first set of bespoke algorithms area based upon a depth-based nonparametric detection algorithm, which is to shown to enhance the recovery of targets under lower signal-to-noise ratios than an equivalent monostatic radar system; the second set of bespoke algorithms are based upon random matrix theoretic and concentration of measure mathematics, and demonstrated to outperform the depth-based nonparametric approach. This latter approach shall be shown to be effective across a broad range of signal-to-noise ratios, both positive and negative
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