2,507 research outputs found

    General methods and properties for evaluation of continuum limits of discrete time quantum walks in one and two dimensions

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    Models of quantum walks which admit continuous time and continuous spacetime limits have recently led to quantum simulation schemes for simulating fermions in relativistic and non relativistic regimes (Di Molfetta and Arrighi, 2020). This work continues the study of relationships between discrete time quantum walks (DTQW) and their ostensive continuum counterparts by developing a more general framework than was done in (Di Molfetta and Arrighi, 2020) to evaluate the continuous time limit of these discrete quantum systems. Under this framework, we prove two constructive theorems concerning which internal discrete transitions ("coins") admit nontrivial continuum limits in 1D+1. We additionally prove that the continuous space limit of the continuous time limit of the DTQW can only yield massless states which obey the Dirac equation. We also demonstrate that for general coins the continuous time limit of the DTQW can be identified with the canonical continuous time quantum walk (CTQW) when the coin is allowed to transition through the continuum limit process. Finally, we introduce the Plastic Quantum Walk, or a quantum walk which admits both continuous time and continuous spacetime limits and, as a novel result, we use our 1D+1 results to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions concerning which DTQWs admit plasticity in 2D+1, showing the resulting Hamiltonians. We consider coin operators as general 4 parameter unitary matrices, with parameters which are functions of the lattice step size . This dependence on encapsulates all functions of for which a Taylor series expansion in is well defined, making our results very general

    Continuous-time quantum walks on one-dimension regular networks

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    In this paper, we consider continuous-time quantum walks (CTQWs) on one-dimension ring lattice of N nodes in which every node is connected to its 2m nearest neighbors (m on either side). In the framework of the Bloch function ansatz, we calculate the spacetime transition probabilities between two nodes of the lattice. We find that the transport of CTQWs between two different nodes is faster than that of the classical continuous-time random walk (CTRWs). The transport speed, which is defined by the ratio of the shortest path length and propagating time, increases with the connectivity parameter m for both the CTQWs and CTRWs. For fixed parameter m, the transport of CTRWs gets slow with the increase of the shortest distance while the transport (speed) of CTQWs turns out to be a constant value. In the long time limit, depending on the network size N and connectivity parameter m, the limiting probability distributions of CTQWs show various paterns. When the network size N is an even number, the probability of being at the original node differs from that of being at the opposite node, which also depends on the precise value of parameter m.Comment: Typos corrected and Phys. ReV. E comments considered in this versio

    Four-dimensional understanding of quantum mechanics and Bell violation

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    While our natural intuition suggests us that we live in 3D space evolving in time, modern physics presents fundamentally different picture: 4D spacetime, Einstein's block universe, in which we travel in thermodynamically emphasized direction: arrow of time. Suggestions for such nonintuitive and nonlocal living in kind of "4D jello" come among others from: Lagrangian mechanics we use from QFT to GR saying that history between fixed past and future situation is the one optimizing action, special relativity saying that different velocity observers have different present 3D hypersurface and time direction, general relativity deforming shape of the entire spacetime up to switching time and space below the black hole event horizon, or the CPT theorem concluding fundamental symmetry between past and future. Accepting this nonintuitive living in 4D spacetime: with present moment being in equilibrium between past and future - minimizing tension as action of Lagrangian, leads to crucial surprising differences from intuitive "evolving 3D" picture, in which we for example conclude satisfaction of Bell inequalities - violated by the real physics. Specifically, particle in spacetime becomes own trajectory: 1D submanifold of 4D, making that statistical physics should consider ensembles like Boltzmann distribution among entire paths, what leads to quantum behavior as we know from Feynman's Euclidean path integrals or similar Maximal Entropy Random Walk (MERW). It results for example in Anderson localization, or the Born rule with squares - allowing for violation of Bell inequalities. Specifically, quantum amplitude turns out to describe probability at the end of half-spacetime from a given moment toward past or future, to randomly get some value of measurement we need to "draw it" from both time directions, getting the squares of Born rules.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Quantum walks and non-Abelian discrete gauge theory

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    A new family of discrete-time quantum walks (DTQWs) on the line with an exact discrete U(N)U(N) gauge invariance is introduced. It is shown that the continuous limit of these DTQWs, when it exists, coincides with the dynamics of a Dirac fermion coupled to usual U(N)U(N) gauge fields in 2D2D spacetime. A discrete generalization of the usual U(N)U(N) curvature is also constructed. An alternate interpretation of these results in terms of superimposed U(1)U(1) Maxwell fields and SU(N)SU(N) gauge fields is discussed in the Appendix. Numerical simulations are also presented, which explore the convergence of the DTQWs towards their continuous limit and which also compare the DTQWs with classical (i.e. non-quantum) motions in classical SU(2)SU(2) fields. The results presented in this article constitute a first step towards quantum simulations of generic Yang-Mills gauge theories through DTQWs.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Walks and discrete Gauge Theories

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    A particular example is produced to prove that quantum walks can be used to simulate full-fledged discrete gauge theories. A new family of 2D2D walks is introduced and its continuous limit is shown to coincide with the dynamics of a Dirac fermion coupled to arbitrary electromagnetic fields. The electromagnetic interpretation is extended beyond the continuous limit by proving that these DTQWs exhibit an exact discrete local U(1)U(1) gauge invariance and possess a discrete gauge-invariant conserved current. A discrete gauge-invariant electromagnetic field is also constructed and that field is coupled to the conserved current by a discrete generalization of Maxwell equations. The dynamics of the DTQWs under crossed electric and magnetic fields is finally explored outside the continuous limit by numerical simulations. Bloch oscillations and the so-called E×B{\bf E} \times {\bf B} drift are recovered in the weak-field limit. Localization is observed for some values of the gauge fields.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Electromagnetic lattice gauge invariance in two-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks

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    Gauge invariance is one of the more important concepts in physics. We discuss this concept in connection with the unitary evolution of discrete-time quantum walks in one and two spatial dimensions, when they include the interaction with synthetic, external electromagnetic fields. One introduces this interaction as additional phases that play the role of gauge fields. Here, we present a way to incorporate those phases, which differs from previous works. Our proposal allows the discrete derivatives, that appear under a gauge transformation, to treat time and space on the same footing, in a way which is similar to standard lattice gauge theories. By considering two steps of the evolution, we define a density current which is gauge invariant and conserved. In the continuum limit, the dynamics of the particle, under a suitable choice of the parameters, becomes the Dirac equation, and the conserved current satisfies the corresponding conservation equation

    ABC of multi-fractal spacetimes and fractional sea turtles

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    We clarify what it means to have a spacetime fractal geometry in quantum gravity and show that its properties differ from those of usual fractals. A weak and a strong definition of multi-scale and multi-fractal spacetimes are given together with a sketch of the landscape of multi-scale theories of gravitation. Then, in the context of the fractional theory with qq-derivatives, we explore the consequences of living in a multi-fractal spacetime. To illustrate the behavior of a non-relativistic body, we take the entertaining example of a sea turtle. We show that, when only the time direction is fractal, sea turtles swim at a faster speed than in an ordinary world, while they swim at a slower speed if only the spatial directions are fractal. The latter type of geometry is the one most commonly found in quantum gravity. For time-like fractals, relativistic objects can exceed the speed of light, but strongly so only if their size is smaller than the range of particle-physics interactions. We also find new results about log-oscillating measures, the measure presentation and their role in physical observations and in future extensions to nowhere-differentiable stochastic spacetimes.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. v2: typos corrected, minor improvements of the tex

    The Thermal Scalar and Random Walks in AdS3 and BTZ

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    We analyze near-Hagedorn thermodynamics of strings in the WZW AdS3AdS_3 model. We compute the thermal spectrum of all primaries and find the thermal scalar explicitly in the string spectrum using CFT twist techniques. Then we use the link to the Euclidean WZW BTZ black hole and write down the Euclidean BTZ spectrum. We give a Hamiltonian interpretation of the thermal partition function of angular orbifolds where we find a reappearance of discrete states that dominate the partition function. Using these results, we discuss the nature of the thermal scalar in the WZW BTZ model. As a slight generalization of the angular orbifolds, we discuss the AdS3AdS_3 string gas with a non-zero chemical potential corresponding to angular momentum around the spatial cigar. For this model as well, we determine the thermal spectrum and the Hagedorn temperature as a function of chemical potential. Finally the nature of α\alpha' corrections to the AdS3AdS_3 thermal scalar action is analyzed and we find the random walk behavior of highly excited strings in this particular AdS3AdS_3 background.Comment: 74 pages, v2: version accepted for publication in JHE