24 research outputs found

    A push–relabel approximation algorithm for approximating the minimum-degree MST problem and its generalization to matroids

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    AbstractIn the minimum-degree minimum spanning tree (MDMST) problem, we are given a graph G, and the goal is to find a minimum spanning tree (MST) T, such that the maximum degree of T is as small as possible. This problem is NP-hard and generalizes the Hamiltonian path problem. We give an algorithm that outputs an MST of degree at most 2Δopt (G)+o(Δopt (G)), where Δopt (G) denotes the degree of the optimal tree. This result improves on a previous result of Fischer [T. Fischer, Optimizing the degree of minimum weight spanning trees. Technical Report 14853, Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1993] that finds an MST of degree at most bΔopt (G)+logbn, for any b>1.The MDMST problem is a special case of the following problem: given a k-ary hypergraph G=(V,E) and weighted matroid M with E as its ground set, find a minimum-cost basis (MCB) T of M such that the degree of T in G is as small as possible. Our algorithm immediately generalizes to this problem, finding an MCB of degree at most k2Δopt (G,M)+O(kkΔopt (G,M)).We use the push–relabel framework developed by Goldberg [A. V. Goldberg, A new max-flow algorithm, Technical Report MIT/LCS/TM-291, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985 (Technical Report)] for the maximum-flow problem. To our knowledge, this is the first use of the push–relabel technique in an approximation algorithm for an NP-hard problem.The MDMST problem is closely connected to the bounded-degree minimum spanning tree (BDMST) problem. Given a graph G and degree bound B on its nodes, the BDMST problem is to find a minimum cost spanning tree among the spanning trees with maximum degree B. Previous algorithms for this problem by Könemann and Ravi [J. Könemann, R. Ravi, A matter of degree: Improved approximation algorithms for degree-bounded minimum spanning trees, SIAM Journal on Computing 31(6) (2002) 1783–1793; J. Könemann, R. Ravi, Primal-dual meets local search: Approximating MST’s with nonuniform degree bounds, in: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2003, pp. 389–395] and by Chaudhuri et al. [K. Chaudhuri, S. Rao, S. Riesenfeld, K. Talwar, What would Edmonds do? Augmenting paths and witnesses for bounded degree MSTs, in: Proceedings of APPROX/RANDOM, 2005, pp. 26–39] incur a near-logarithmic additive error in the degree. We give the first BDMST algorithm that approximates both the degree and the cost to within a constant factor of the optimum. These results generalize to the case of nonuniform degree bounds

    Matroidal Degree-Bounded Minimum Spanning Trees

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    We consider the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem under the restriction that for every vertex v, the edges of the tree that are adjacent to v satisfy a given family of constraints. A famous example thereof is the classical degree-constrained MST problem, where for every vertex v, a simple upper bound on the degree is imposed. Iterative rounding/relaxation algorithms became the tool of choice for degree-bounded network design problems. A cornerstone for this development was the work of Singh and Lau, who showed for the degree-bounded MST problem how to find a spanning tree violating each degree bound by at most one unit and with cost at most the cost of an optimal solution that respects the degree bounds. However, current iterative rounding approaches face several limits when dealing with more general degree constraints. In particular, when several constraints are imposed on the edges adjacent to a vertex v, as for example when a partition of the edges adjacent to v is given and only a fixed number of elements can be chosen out of each set of the partition, current approaches might violate each of the constraints by a constant, instead of violating all constraints together by at most a constant number of edges. Furthermore, it is also not clear how previous iterative rounding approaches can be used for degree constraints where some edges are in a super-constant number of constraints. We extend iterative rounding/relaxation approaches both on a conceptual level as well as aspects involving their analysis to address these limitations. This leads to an efficient algorithm for the degree-constrained MST problem where for every vertex v, the edges adjacent to v have to be independent in a given matroid. The algorithm returns a spanning tree T of cost at most OPT, such that for every vertex v, it suffices to remove at most 8 edges from T to satisfy the matroidal degree constraint at v

    On Generalizations of Network Design Problems with Degree Bounds

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    Iterative rounding and relaxation have arguably become the method of choice in dealing with unconstrained and constrained network design problems. In this paper we extend the scope of the iterative relaxation method in two directions: (1) by handling more complex degree constraints in the minimum spanning tree problem (namely, laminar crossing spanning tree), and (2) by incorporating `degree bounds' in other combinatorial optimization problems such as matroid intersection and lattice polyhedra. We give new or improved approximation algorithms, hardness results, and integrality gaps for these problems.Comment: v2, 24 pages, 4 figure

    Approximating Minimum Bounded Degree Spanning Trees to within One of Optimal

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    In the Minimum Bounded Degree Spanning Tree problem, we are given an undirected graph G=(V,E) with a degree upper bound Bv on each vertex v∈V, and the task is to find a spanning tree of minimum cost that satisfies all the degree bounds. Let OPT be the cost of an optimal solution to this problem. In this paper, we present a polynomial time algorithm which returns a spanning tree T of cost at most OPT and dT(v)≤Bv+1 for all v, where dT(v) denotes the degree of v in T. This generalizes a result of Fürer and Raghavachari [1994] to weighted graphs, and settles a conjecture of Goemans [2006] affirmatively. The algorithm generalizes when each vertex v has a degree lower bound Av and a degree upper bound Bv, and returns a spanning tree with cost at most OPT and Av−1≤dT(v) ≤ Bv+1 for all v ∈ V. This is essentially the best possible. The main technique used is an extension of the iterative rounding method introduced by Jain [2001] for the design of approximation algorithms

    Degree-bounded generalized polymatroids and approximating the metric many-visits TSP

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    In the Bounded Degree Matroid Basis Problem, we are given a matroid and a hypergraph on the same ground set, together with costs for the elements of that set as well as lower and upper bounds f(ε)f(\varepsilon) and g(ε)g(\varepsilon) for each hyperedge ε\varepsilon. The objective is to find a minimum-cost basis BB such that f(ε)≤∣B∩ε∣≤g(ε)f(\varepsilon) \leq |B \cap \varepsilon| \leq g(\varepsilon) for each hyperedge ε\varepsilon. Kir\'aly et al. (Combinatorica, 2012) provided an algorithm that finds a basis of cost at most the optimum value which violates the lower and upper bounds by at most 2Δ−12 \Delta-1, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the hypergraph. When only lower or only upper bounds are present for each hyperedge, this additive error is decreased to Δ−1\Delta-1. We consider an extension of the matroid basis problem to generalized polymatroids, or g-polymatroids, and additionally allow element multiplicities. The Bounded Degree g-polymatroid Element Problem with Multiplicities takes as input a g-polymatroid Q(p,b)Q(p,b) instead of a matroid, and besides the lower and upper bounds, each hyperedge ε\varepsilon has element multiplicities mεm_\varepsilon. Building on the approach of Kir\'aly et al., we provide an algorithm for finding a solution of cost at most the optimum value, having the same additive approximation guarantee. As an application, we develop a 1.51.5-approximation for the metric Many-Visits TSP, where the goal is to find a minimum-cost tour that visits each city vv a positive r(v)r(v) number of times. Our approach combines our algorithm for the Bounded Degree g-polymatroid Element Problem with Multiplicities with the principle of Christofides' algorithm from 1976 for the (single-visit) metric TSP, whose approximation guarantee it matches.Comment: 17 page

    A 3/2-Approximation for the Metric Many-visits Path TSP

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    In the Many-visits Path TSP, we are given a set of nn cities along with their pairwise distances (or cost) c(uv)c(uv), and moreover each city vv comes with an associated positive integer request r(v)r(v). The goal is to find a minimum-cost path, starting at city ss and ending at city tt, that visits each city vv exactly r(v)r(v) times. We present a 32\frac32-approximation algorithm for the metric Many-visits Path TSP, that runs in time polynomial in nn and poly-logarithmic in the requests r(v)r(v). Our algorithm can be seen as a far-reaching generalization of the 32\frac32-approximation algorithm for Path TSP by Zenklusen (SODA 2019), which answered a long-standing open problem by providing an efficient algorithm which matches the approximation guarantee of Christofides' algorithm from 1976 for metric TSP. One of the key components of our approach is a polynomial-time algorithm to compute a connected, degree bounded multigraph of minimum cost. We tackle this problem by generalizing a fundamental result of Kir\'aly, Lau and Singh (Combinatorica, 2012) on the Minimum Bounded Degree Matroid Basis problem, and devise such an algorithm for general polymatroids, even allowing element multiplicities. Our result directly yields a 32\frac32-approximation to the metric Many-visits TSP, as well as a 32\frac32-approximation for the problem of scheduling classes of jobs with sequence-dependent setup times on a single machine so as to minimize the makespan.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.0989

    A New Dynamic Programming Approach for Spanning Trees with Chain Constraints and Beyond

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    Short spanning trees subject to additional constraints are important building blocks in various approximation algorithms. Especially in the context of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), new techniques for finding spanning trees with well-defined properties have been crucial in recent progress. We consider the problem of finding a spanning tree subject to constraints on the edges in cuts forming a laminar family of small width. Our main contribution is a new dynamic programming approach where the value of a table entry does not only depend on the values of previous table entries, as it is usually the case, but also on a specific representative solution saved together with each table entry. This allows for handling a broad range of constraint types. In combination with other techniques -- including negatively correlated rounding and a polyhedral approach that, in the problems we consider, allows for avoiding potential losses in the objective through the randomized rounding -- we obtain several new results. We first present a quasi-polynomial time algorithm for the Minimum Chain-Constrained Spanning Tree Problem with an essentially optimal guarantee. More precisely, each chain constraint is violated by a factor of at most 1+ε1+\varepsilon, and the cost is no larger than that of an optimal solution not violating any chain constraint. The best previous procedure is a bicriteria approximation violating each chain constraint by up to a constant factor and losing another factor in the objective. Moreover, our approach can naturally handle lower bounds on the chain constraints, and it can be extended to constraints on cuts forming a laminar family of constant width. Furthermore, we show how our approach can also handle parity constraints (or, more precisely, a proxy thereof) as used in the context of (Path) TSP and one of its generalizations, and discuss implications in this context.Comment: A short version of this work appeared in the proceedings of the 30th annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2019

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum