9,170 research outputs found

    A new approach for static NOx measurement in PTI

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    NOx emissions in vehicles are currently only controlled through the homologation process. There is a lack of knowledge to assess and control real NOx emissions of vehicles reliably. Even if vehicles in EU-27 are subject to Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI), NOx are not among the pollutants currently being controlled. For PTIs, tests need to be simple, quick, inexpensive, representative, and accurate. Ideally, tests need to be carried out under static conditions, without the need for a power bench or complex equipment. In this paper, a new approach for measuring NOx in PTI is proposed. The method has been developed and validated at a PTI Spanish station to ensure feasibility and repeatability. This method is based on the relationship between the “% engine load” value and exhaust NOx concentration at idle engine speed. Starting from the state of minimum possible power demand in a vehicle (idling and without any consumption), a load state with an average 98% increase in engine power demand is generated by connecting elements of the vehicle’s equipment. The relationship between power demand (through the “% engine load” value) and NOx concentration is then analyzed. The quality and representativity of this relationship have been checked with a p-value lower than 0.01. The method has been compared with a different NOx measurement technique, based on the simulation on a test bench and the ASM 2050 cycle, showing better performance in terms of repeatability and representativeness. The “% engine load” dispersion with the new approach is 7%, which ensures the reliability and repeatability of the method. The results show that the proposed method could be a valuable tool in PTI to detect high NOx emitting vehicles and to obtain information from the diesel vehicles fleet. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Data-Driven Model Reduction for the Bayesian Solution of Inverse Problems

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    One of the major challenges in the Bayesian solution of inverse problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) is the computational cost of repeatedly evaluating numerical PDE models, as required by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for posterior sampling. This paper proposes a data-driven projection-based model reduction technique to reduce this computational cost. The proposed technique has two distinctive features. First, the model reduction strategy is tailored to inverse problems: the snapshots used to construct the reduced-order model are computed adaptively from the posterior distribution. Posterior exploration and model reduction are thus pursued simultaneously. Second, to avoid repeated evaluations of the full-scale numerical model as in a standard MCMC method, we couple the full-scale model and the reduced-order model together in the MCMC algorithm. This maintains accurate inference while reducing its overall computational cost. In numerical experiments considering steady-state flow in a porous medium, the data-driven reduced-order model achieves better accuracy than a reduced-order model constructed using the classical approach. It also improves posterior sampling efficiency by several orders of magnitude compared to a standard MCMC method

    Cooperative multi-sensor tracking of vulnerable road users in the presence of missing detections

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    This paper presents a vulnerable road user (VRU) tracking algorithm capable of handling noisy and missing detections from heterogeneous sensors. We propose a cooperative fusion algorithm for matching and reinforcing of radar and camera detections using their proximity and positional uncertainty. The belief in the existence and position of objects is then maximized by temporal integration of fused detections by a multi-object tracker. By switching between observation models, the tracker adapts to the detection noise characteristics making it robust to individual sensor failures. The main novelty of this paper is an improved imputation sampling function for updating the state when detections are missing. The proposed function uses a likelihood without association that is conditioned on the sensor information instead of the sensor model. The benefits of the proposed solution are two-fold: firstly, particle updates become computationally tractable and secondly, the problem of imputing samples from a state which is predicted without an associated detection is bypassed. Experimental evaluation shows a significant improvement in both detection and tracking performance over multiple control algorithms. In low light situations, the cooperative fusion outperforms intermediate fusion by as much as 30%, while increases in tracking performance are most significant in complex traffic scenes

    Cooperative Vehicle Tracking in Large Environments

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    Vehicle position tracking and prediction over large areas is of significant importance in many industrial applications, such as mining operations. In a small area, this can be easily achieved by providing vehicles with a constant communication link to a control centre and having the vehicles broadcast their position. The problem changes dramatically when vehicles operate within a large environment of potentially hundreds of square kilometres and in difficult terrain. This thesis presents algorithms for cooperative tracking of vehicles based on a vehicle motion model that incorporates the properties of the working area, and information collected by infrastructure collection points and other mobile agents. The probabilistic motion prediction approach provides long-term estimates of vehicle positions using motion profiles built for the particular environment and considering the vehicle stopping probability. A limited number of data collection points distributed around the field are used to update the position estimates, with negative information also used to improve the estimation. The thesis introduces the concept of observation harvesting, a process in which peer-to-peer communication between vehicles allows egocentric position updates and inter-vehicle measurements to be relayed among vehicles and finally conveyed to the collection points for an improved position estimate. It uses a store-and-synchronise concept to deal with intermittent communication and aims to disseminate data in an opportunistic manner. A nonparametric filtering algorithm for cooperative tracking is proposed to incorporate the information harvested, including the negative, relative, and time delayed observations. An important contribution of this thesis is to enable the optimisation of fleet scheduling when full coverage networks are not available or feasible. The proposed approaches were validated with comprehensive experimental results using data collected from a large-scale mining operation

    Study of stress detection and proposal of stress-related features using commercial-off-the-shelf wrist wearables

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    This paper discusses the possibility of detecting personal stress making use of popular wearable devices available in the market. Different instruments found in the literature to measure stress-related features are reviewed, distinguishing between subjective tests and mechanisms supported by the analysis of physiological signals from clinical devices. Taking them as a reference, a solution to estimate stress based on the use of commercial-off-the-shelf wrist wearables and machine learning techniques is described. A mobile app was developed to induce stress in a uniform and systematic way. The app implements well-known stress inducers, such as the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, the Stroop Color-Word Interference Test, and a hyperventilation activity. Wearables are used to collect physiological data used to train classifiers that provide estimations on personal stress levels. The solution has been validated in an experiment involving 19 subjects, offering an average accuracy and F-measures close to 0.99 in an individual model and an accuracy and F-measure close to 0.85 in a global 2-level classifier model. Stress can be a worrying problem in different scenarios, such as in educational settings. Thus, the last part of the paper describes the proposal of a set of stress related indicators aimed to support the management of stress over time in such settings.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TIN2016-80515-RUniversidade de Vig