11 research outputs found

    Case Frames as Contextual Mappings to Case Law in BestPortal

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    This paper introduces case frames as a way to provide a more meaningful structure to vocabulary mappings used to bridge the gap between laymen and legal descriptions of court proceedings. Case frames both reduce the ambiguity of queries, and improve the ability of users to formulate good quality queries. We extend the BestMap ontology with a formalisation of case frame based mappings in OWL 2, present a new version of BestPortal, and show how case frames impact retrieval results compared to simple contextual mappings and a direct fulltext search

    Using artificial intelligence to support compliance with the general data protection regulation

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    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that will replace the existing Data Protection Directive on 25 May 2018. The most significant change is a huge increase in the maximum fine that can be levied for breaches of the regulation. Yet fewer than half of UK companies are fully aware of GDPR – and a number of those who were preparing for it stopped doing so when the Brexit vote was announced. A last-minute rush to become compliant is therefore expected, and numerous companies are starting to offer advice, checklists and consultancy on how to comply with GDPR. In such an environment, artificial intelligence technologies ought to be able to assist by providing best advice; asking all and only the relevant questions; monitoring activities; and carrying out assessments.  The paper considers four areas of GDPR compliance where rule based technologies and/or machine learning techniques may be relevant: *  Following compliance checklists and codes of conduct;  * Supporting risk assessments;  * Complying with the new regulations regarding technologies that perform automatic profiling;  * Complying with the new regulations concerning recognising and reporting breaches of security.   It concludes that AI technology can support each of these four areas. The requirements that GDPR (or organisations that need to comply with GDPR) state for explanation and justification of reasoning imply that rule-based approaches are likely to be more helpful than machine learning approaches. However, there may be good business reasons to take a different approach in some circumstances

    On the ontological status of plans and norms

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    Knowledge engineering in the legal domain: The construction of a FunGramKB Satellite Ontolog y

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    [ES] Una de las tareas más tediosas en la labor diaria de los profesionales del derecho es la búsqueda de información en el ámbito jurídico. Con el fin de implementar aplicaciones avanzadas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural en este dominio, hemos desarrollado un modelo de representación del conocimiento especializado orientado a la semántica profunda dentro del marco de FunGramKB, una base de conocimiento léxicoconceptual multilingüe de propósito general. Más concretamente, el resultado de esta investigación ha dado como fruto una ontología terminológica sobre derecho penal en el dominio del terrorismo y el crimen organizado transnacional para ser utilizada en sistemas inteligentes que permitan la comprensión automática del discurso legal. El objetivo de este artículo es la descripción de la metodología empleada en el desarrollo de dicha ontología, centrándonos en la descripción de la herramienta que asiste al lingüista en el proceso de adquisición y conceptualización de los términos.[EN] One of the most time-consuming tasks in the daily work of legal professions is the search for information in the field of law. To implement advanced computer-based applications of natural language processing in this regard, we have developed a model of specialized knowledge representation driven by the deep semantics of FunGramKB, a multilingual general-purpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base. In particular, our research results in a terminological ontology on criminal law in the domain of transnational terrorism and organized crime to be implemented in intelligent systems which aim to understand legal discourse automatically. The objective of this paper is to describe the methodology used in the development of that ontology, focusing on the computerised tool to assist linguists in the process of terminological acquisition and conceptualization.Este trabajo forma parte de diversos proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, códigos FFI2011-29798-C02-01, FFI2010-17610 y FFI2010-15983.Periñán Pascual, JC.; Arcas Túnez, F. (2014). La ingeniería del conocimiento en el dominio legal: La construcción de una Ontología Satélite en FunGramKB. Revista Signos. 47(84):113-139. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09342014000100006S113139478

    A transdisciplinary ontology of innovation governance

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    D10.1.1. Before analysis

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    WP Case study - Intelligent integrated decision support for legal professionalsThe objective of this document is to study the determining factors that exist in thelegal domain in Spain that can affect the achievement of a successful application in the Legal Case Study in the SEKT project. To do this,several surveys are presented, such as a user analysis, a domain analysis,a requirements analysis,a state of the art on legal applications anda state of the art on legal ontologie

    Legal Ontology for Nexus: Water, Energy and Food in EU Regulations

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    Objectives of the thesis are – (a) to identify the problems in water-energy-food nexus from ICT and Law point of view and to propose theoretically a legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus in order to reduce those problems technologically, (b) to construct and implement legal ontology for nexus extracted from EU water, energy and food Regulations in OWL 2 language, which is a part of the grater work of implementing legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus pro-posed through the compilation of objective (a). Considering these objectives, this thesis presents total five chapters. Chapter 1 is dedicated to fulfill the requirement of objective (a) and the rest chapters are devoted for objective (b). More particularly chapter four presents technical descriptions of the legal ontology for nexus, while chapter two and three articulate methodological aspect of it. Chapter five evaluates legal ontology for nexus. Additionally, besides the list of references, annex 1 delivers all asserted restrictions used in this ontology and annex 2 provides the links of all modules and documentations of legal ontology for nexus.Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme in “Law, Science and Technology