51 research outputs found

    Development of interactive and remote learning instruments for engineering education

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    Many educators have argued for and against the use of remote aids in support of student learning. Some proponents argue that only remote laboratories should be used whereas others argue for the requirement for hands on experience with associated tactical, visual and auditory learning experiences. In this paper we present the methodology for developing a middle ground Virtual Instruments that can be used as a complement learning aid to the hands on laboratory and also if necessary, with added features, can be used as a remote version of the laboratory

    Evaluation of e-star: An enhanced science textbook using augmented reality among lower secondary school student

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    As a developing country, Malaysia needs to produce adequate human resource in science and technology related fields.This is important especially towards making Malaysia a developed nation by 2020. Unfortunately, there is a downward trend in the number of students pursuing the science stream at the secondary education level.Lack of motivation has been identified as one of the cause of this phenomenon.This paper introduces an enhanced science textbook using Augmented Reality (e-STAR) application that facilitates students in science learning.The e-STAR is intended to motivate the students to be more interested in science. This paper also discusses on the evaluation of the e-STAR among a sample of form two secondary school students. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires for evaluating the following dimensions: motivation, ease of use, engaging, enjoyment and fun. The results indicate that the users agreed on all the dimensions. The findings proved that the e-STAR application can be one of the potential solutions to the above mentioned phenomenon

    Dermatúnel: a model of interactive learning environment in dermatology

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    O Ambiente Interativo de Aprendizagem (AIA) é um modelo educacional que integra recursos de computação gráfica 3D e contextualização, com objetivo de transmitir um conjunto de conhecimentos (ilhas de conhecimento), de forma precisa e ágil, para pessoas que não conhecem o assunto. Utiliza recursos de multimídia apoiados em ambientação contextualizada para motivar os participantes na retenção de conhecimento. Na primeira versão, foram abordados oito assuntos relevantes de dermatologia. O modelo foi implementado no 62º Congresso Brasileiro de Dermatologia e denominado Dermatúnel. Participaram das visitas 3295 pessoas, num período de quatro dias. Os resultados demonstraram alta satisfação dos participantes. Possui grande potencial como ferramenta educacional para formação médica e orientação do público geral para fins de prevenção de doenças.The Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) is an educational model that integrates features of 3D computer graphics and contextualization, in order to transmit a quantum of knowledge (islands of knowledge), in a precise and agile way, to people who do not know the subject. It is a model that uses multimedia resources supported by a contextualized environment to motivate the participants in the retention of knowledge. In this first release, eight relevant subjects in dermatology were addressed and implemented in the 62nd Brazilian Congress of Dermatology. The model was called Dermatúnel. In a period of four days, 3295 people visited it. The results showed that the participants were highly satisfied. The model has a great potential as an educational tool for medical training and guidance to the general public with the purpose of disease prevention

    New educational technologies in Audiology teaching

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    OBJETIVO: elaborar, aplicar e avaliar um modelo de Teleducação Interativa para o ensino da Audiologia, disciplina de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 13 alunos do 2º ano do curso de Fonoaudiologia de uma universidade pública do município de Bauru-SP. O programa de Teleducação Interativa foi elaborado, utilizando um tutor eletrônico, o Cybertutor. Os participantes receberam uma senha de acesso ao conteúdo teórico da disciplina. O prazo estabelecido foi de 30 dias, sendo que o aluno poderia acessar quantas vezes julgasse necessário. Para a avaliação do programa foi realizada a aplicação de dois questionários, sendo um referente ao conteúdo didático-teórico da disciplina de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual e outro referente ao objeto de aprendizagem utilizado (Cybertutor). O questionário didático-teórico avaliou a efetividade do programa na aprendizagem do aluno e foi aplicado em dois momentos distintos, ou seja, pré e pós-teste. O questionário referente ao Cybertutor abordou aspectos de aceitação, viabilidade e interatividade. Para a análise dos resultados foi utilizado o teste Wilcoxon (p < 0,05) e dados percentuais. RESULTADOS: a diferença estatisticamente significante encontrada na comparação pré e pós-teste com p=0,016, demonstra que o Cybertutor proporcionou o aprendizado do aluno de graduação na área da Audiologia, disciplina de Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual. Quanto à avaliação do Cybertutor, verificou-se que 100% dos alunos consideram-no explicativo, e de fácil entendimento. CONCLUSÃO: o programa de Teleducação Interativa mostrou-se efetivo como material educacional no processo ensino-aprendizagem da Audiologia.PURPOSE: to develop, implement and evaluate a model of Interactive Tele-education for teaching Audiology, discipline of hearing aids. METHODS: 13 students from 2nd year of speech-language pathology in a public university of the city of Bauru-SP. The program of Interactive Tele-education was prepared, using a 'Cybertutor' (a website-based educational environment). The students received a password to access the theoretical content of the discipline. The deadline was 30 days, the students could access as often as they deemed being necessary. For evaluating the application, we applied 2 questionnaires, one related to the didactic-theoretical content of the discipline of hearing aids and the other one related to the used learning object (Cybertutor). The questionnaire assessed the didactic-theoretical effectiveness of the program of the student in learning and was applied at two different times, pre-testing and post-testing. The questionnaire addressed issues related to Cybertutor acceptance, feasibility and interactivity. For analyzing the results we used the Wilcoxon test (p <0.05) and percentage data. RESULTS: statistically significant differences were found when comparing pre-testing and post-testing with p = 0.016, showing that the Cybertutor provided for the learning of students in the area of Audiology, the discipline of hearing aids. As for the evaluation of Cybertutor, it was found that 100% of students considered it explanatory, and easy to understand. CONCLUSION: Interactive Tele-education of the program was effective as an educational material in Audiology teaching/learning process.Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - Faculdade de Medicin

    Islamic Sex Education (ISE) conceptual model of cognitive theories–the findings

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    This study proposes a conceptual model of Islamic Sex Education (ISE) and an ISE courseware based on the model; named Al-Adab, in conveying rightful sex education information to the parents, particularly Muslims.By the end of the study two evaluations were conducted namely; learning evaluation and reaction evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of the prototype as well as the constructed model with 41 respondents, which are parents.Employing the pre and post test, learning evaluation that includes 15 similar questions about ISE was given before and after the respondents used the courseware prototype. Meanwhile, the reaction evaluation was given after the respondents used the courseware prototype in assessing the overall effectiveness of the prototype.After analyzing the data, we found that the correct answers of the learning evaluation were increased after the respondents used the prototype; and overall they agreed the effectiveness of the prototype in increasing their knowledge

    Validation of a questionnaire to measure success in financial computing literacy

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    An embedded model of teaching financial computing within a course on numerical analysis in finance has been proposed recently in (Deshpande, 2017). It consists of only 10 steps that are aimed at programming beginners. These steps expect students only to be self-motivated to learn.  Hence other attributes like pre-knowledge of programming and cleverness aren’t expected to influence the learning outcome. Through qualitative assessment via laboratory observation this was indeed found to hold true. In order to understand the outcome of these 10 steps on a much finer scale, we develop here a questionnaire that measures success in financial computing literacy (SFCL) via quantitative assessment.  Four scales were developed: self-efficacy or computing confidence, active learning strategy/pro-activeness, learning environment stimulation and an achievement goal in terms of student satisfaction. Findings of this pilot study confirm construct validity of the questionnaire. Importantly we conclude that self-motivation is not enough and that tenacity is a vital component to keep motivation going. Tenacity can be induced via providing credit for attempting steps

    Implementasi Model Tutorial Berbasis Komputer Fisiologi Hewan Untuk Membekali Kemampuan Rekonstruksi Konsep Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan model perkuliahan fisiologi hewan yang diharapkan mampu membekali kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep bagi mahasiswa calon guru biologi. Strategi perkuliahan ditempuh melalui implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer. Sebanyak 80 orang mahasiswa S1 calon guru biologi dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, 41 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial komputer, dan 39 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan konvensional. Kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep diukur dengan membandingkan skor sebelum pembelajaran (pretes) dengan setelah implementasi model (postes) di antara kedua kelompok belajar. Selain itu, untuk mengungkap pandangan mahasiswa mengenai pengalaman belajarnya, seperangkat angket disebarkan kepada mahasiswa yang mengikuti model perkuliahan. Efektivitas program perkuliahan dievaluasi dengan tes tertulis bentuk respon terbatas pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti program perkuliahan model tutorial komputer dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa dari kelompok konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep pada kedua kelompok belajar, namun mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial berbasis komputer menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok mahasiswa peserta perkuliahan konvensional. Mahasiswa menanggapi positif implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer dalam perkuliahan fisiologi hewan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model tutorial berbasis komputer pada penelitian ini dinyatakan lebih efektif dan mampu membekali mahasiwa calon guru biologi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep

    A conceptual model for the development of enhanced science textbook using augmented reality

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    This paper presents a conceptual model of enhanced science textbook using Augmented Reality (e-STAR). The conceptual model will be used as guidance in designing and developing the e-STAR prototype. Based on our preliminary investigation among form two students, it has been identified that students have the interest in learning science while in school. However, previous studies and statistics show that students lack the motivation to continually pursue their higher education and carrier related to science.Moreover, in Malaysia, there is a downward trend in student’s achievement in Science subject.Science plays a very important role in student’s future endeavors as well as for the development of a nation.Thus, this paper proposes a conceptual model of e-STAR as an effort to motivate students to be more interested in science through the use of Augmented Reality and interactive multimedia elements.The model incorporates several motivation theories and multimedia principles.This paper discusses on the theories and principles and how they will be applied in the design and development of the e-STAR prototype

    Al-Adab: Islamic Sex Education Courseware Using Cognitive Theory

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    The purpose of this study is to propose a prototype conceptual model for Islamic Sex Education (ISE) in multimedia technology learning, the design and the development of the ISE courseware to be based on cognitive theories.Problems encountered during preliminary investigations show that sex education is a ‘taboo’ and a sensitive issue at every level of the society. However, sex education is important for Muslim parents to educate their children as well as, to provide some guidelines in dealing with sexual deviances and free sex problems. The methodology used in this study, is a combination of the research design proposed by Vaishnavi and Kuechler in 2008 and the Instructional Systems Design. Besides that, the Multimedia Development Processes was alsoused in the initial stages of the research.By employing the prominent elements, a conceptual model of the ISE was developed. It involved three prominent design guidelines, namely; interaction design, information design and presentation design. These guidelines helped develop the ISE courseware. The ISE conceptual model and its courseware prototype are the major contributions of this study, as shown in the two types of evaluation conducted. The learning evaluation revealed that the ISE courseware prototype significantly increased the parents’ knowledge of the said education as measured before and after the use of the prototype, while the reaction evaluation proved that the ISE prototype has the ability to encourage ISE learning among the users. In conclusion,a well-designed and developed ISE courseware is able to improve the users’ knowledge and awareness of such an important subject matter. However, certain limitations do remain, such as the number of respondents involved in this study. Hopefully it can be increased in the future

    A brief review of augmented reality science learning

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    This paper reviews several literatures concerning the theories and model that could be applied for science motivation for upper secondary school learners (16-17 years old) in order to make the learning experience more amazing and useful. The embedment of AR in science could bring an awe-inspiring transformation on learners’ viewpoint towards the respective subject matters. Augmented Reality is able to present the real and virtual learning experience with the addition of multiple media without replacing the real environment. Due to the unique feature of AR, it attracts the mass attention of researchers to implement AR in science learning. This impressive technology offers learners with the ultimate visualization and provides an astonishing and transparent learning experience by bringing to light the unseen perspective of the learning content. This paper will attract the attention of researchers in the related field as well as academicians in the related discipline. This paper aims to propose several related theoretical guidance that could be applied in science motivation to transform the learning in an effective way