4 research outputs found

    Waiting Time Distributions in the Preemptive Accumulating Priority Queue

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11009-015-9476-1We consider a queueing system in which a single server attends to N priority classes of customers. Upon arrival to the system, a customer begins to accumulate priority linearly at a rate which is distinct to the class to which it belongs. Customers with greater accumulated priority levels are given preferential treatment in the sense that at every service selection instant, the customer with the greatest accumulated priority level is selected next for servicing. Furthermore, the system is preemptive so that the servicing of a customer is interrupted for customers with greater accumulated priority levels. The main objective of the paper is to characterize the waiting time distributions of each class. Numerical examples are also provided which exemplify the true benefit of incorporating an accumulating prioritization structure, namely the ability to control waiting times.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grants program || RGPIN/238675-201

    A Generalization of M/G/1 Priority Models via Accumulating Priority

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    Priority queueing systems are oftentimes set up so that arriving customers are placed into one of NN distinct priority classes. Moreover, to determine the order of service, each customer (upon arriving to the system) is assigned a priority level that is unique to the class to which it belongs. In static priority queues, the priority level of a class-kk (k=1,2,…,Nk=1,2,\ldots,N) customer is assumed to be constant with respect to time. This simple prioritization structure is easy to implement in practice, and as such, various types of static priority queues have been analyzed and subsequently applied to real-life queueing systems. However, the assumption of constant priority levels for the customers may not always be appropriate. Furthermore, static priority queues can often display poor system performance as their design does not provide systems managers the means to balance the classical trade-off inherent in all priority queues, that is: reducing wait times of higher priority customers consequently increases the wait times for those of lower priority. An alternative to static priority queues are accumulating priority queues, where the priority level of a class-kk customer is assumed to accumulate linearly at rate bk>0b_k>0 throughout the class-kk customer's time in the system. The main benefit of accumulating priority queues is the ability, through the specification of the accumulating priority rates {bk}k=1N\{b_k\}_{k=1}^N, to control the waiting times of each class. In the past, due to the complex nature of the accumulating prioritization structure, the control of waiting times in accumulating priority queues was limited --- being administered only through their first moments. Nowadays, with the advent of a very useful tool called the maximal priority process, it is possible to characterize the waiting time distributions of several types of accumulating priority queues. In this thesis, we incorporate the concept of accumulating priority to several previously analyzed static priority queues, and use the maximal priority process to establish the corresponding steady-state waiting time distributions. In addition, since static priority queues may be captured from accumulating priority queues, useful comparisons between the considered accumulating priority queues and their static priority counterparts are made throughout this thesis. Thus, in the end, this thesis results in a set of extensive analyses on these highly flexible accumulating priority queueing models that provide a better understanding of their overall behaviour, as well as exemplify their many advantages over their static priority equivalents

    Discrete-time queueing models with priorities

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    This PhD-dissertation contains analyses of several discrete-time two-class priority queueing systems. We analyze non-preemptive, preemptive resume as well as preemptive repeat priority queues. The analyses are heavily based on probability generating functions that allow us to calculate moments and tail probabilities of the system contents and packet delays of both classes. The results are applicable in heterogeneous telecommunication networks, when delay-sensitive traffic gets transmission priority over best-effort traffic. Our results predict the influence of priority scheduling on the QoS (Quality-of-Service) of the different types of traffic