459 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Utility of Measuring Cerebral Atrophy in the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia and Association With Clinical Deterioration

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    Can widely available measures of atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging increase diagnostic certainty of underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and estimate clinical deterioration in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD)? This diagnostic/prognostic study investigated the clinical utility of 5 validated visual atrophy scales (VAS) and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index. When combined, VAS showed excellent diagnostic performance for differentiating between bvFTD with high and low confidence of FTLD and for the estimation of longitudinal clinical deterioration, whereas the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index was increased in bvFTD with underlying 4-repeat tauopathies. These findings suggest that, in bvFTD, VAS can be used to increase diagnostic certainty of underlying FTLD and estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration. This diagnostic/prognostic study assesses the utility of 6 visual atrophy scales and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index in patients with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia to distinguish those with high vs low confidence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. The presence of atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging can support the diagnosis of the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), but reproducible measurements are lacking. To assess the diagnostic and prognostic utility of 6 visual atrophy scales (VAS) and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index (MRPI). In this diagnostic/prognostic study, data from 235 patients with bvFTD and 225 age- and magnetic resonance imaging-matched control individuals from 3 centers were collected from December 1, 1998, to September 30, 2019. One hundred twenty-one participants with bvFTD had high confidence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) (bvFTD-HC), and 19 had low confidence of FTLD (bvFTD-LC). Blinded clinicians applied 6 previously validated VAS, and the MRPI was calculated with a fully automated approach. Cortical thickness and subcortical volumes were also measured for comparison. Data were analyzed from February 1 to June 30, 2020. The main outcomes of this study were bvFTD-HC or a neuropathological diagnosis of 4-repeat (4R) tauopathy and the clinical deterioration rate (assessed by longitudinal measurements of Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes). Measures of cerebral atrophy included VAS scores, the bvFTD atrophy score (sum of VAS scores in orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate, anterior temporal, medial temporal lobe, and frontal insula regions), the MRPI, and other computerized quantifications of cortical and subcortical volumes. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) were calculated for the differentiation of participants with bvFTD-HC and bvFTD-LC and controls. Linear mixed models were used to evaluate the ability of atrophy measures to estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration. Of the 460 included participants, 296 (64.3%) were men, and the mean (SD) age was 62.6 (11.4) years. The accuracy of the bvFTD atrophy score for the differentiation of bvFTD-HC from controls (AUROC, 0.930; 95% CI, 0.903-0.957) and bvFTD-HC from bvFTD-LC (AUROC, 0.880; 95% CI, 0.787-0.972) was comparable to computerized measures (AUROC, 0.973 [95% CI, 0.954-0.993] and 0.898 [95% CI, 0.834-0.962], respectively). The MRPI was increased in patients with bvFTD and underlying 4R tauopathies compared with other FTLD subtypes (14.1 [2.0] vs 11.2 [2.6] points; P < .001). Higher bvFTD atrophy scores were associated with faster clinical deterioration in bvFTD (1.86-point change in Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes score per bvFTD atrophy score increase per year; 95% CI, 0.99-2.73; P < .001). Based on these study findings, in bvFTD, VAS increased the diagnostic certainty of underlying FTLD, and the MRPI showed potential for the detection of participants with underlying 4R tauopathies. These widely available measures of atrophy can also be useful to estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration

    Blood and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease: from clinical to preclinical cohorts

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    Dementia is a major contributor to global morbidity, mortality and costs associated with health and social care. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common pathology culminating in dementia, but it has a preclinical phase of one to two decades, with early brain deposition of amyloid and tau, followed by synaptic and neuronal degeneration. Early detection during the preclinical phase of AD might enable disease-modifying therapies to be applied during a window of opportunity in which they would be more likely to work. Currently the main biomarkers of AD pathology are neuroimaging markers, which can be costly, or cerebrospinal fluid markers, which require invasive sampling. Blood biomarkers would be relatively less invasive and could be a more cost-effective means for risk stratification, early detection, monitoring progression and measuring response to treatment. The work described here used sensitive assay technology including the Simoa digital immunoassay platform, in large and well-characterised cohorts, to examine candidate blood biomarkers linked to the core AD pathologies of amyloid, tau and neurodegeneration, as specified by the National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer’s Association 2018 research framework. Firstly, experiments on samples from a cognitive clinic cohort established the stability of the blood biomarkers Aβ40, Aβ42, total tau and neurofilament light chain (NFL – a marker of neurodegeneration) to multiple freeze-thaw cycles, and the optimal blood fraction to use for quantifying each of these biomarkers in onward studies. Secondly, an unique large preclinical cohort with life course data (Insight 46, the neuroscience sub-study of 502 individuals from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development; the 1946 British birth cohort) was used to examine the cross-sectional relationships between these blood biomarkers, neuroimaging biomarkers (18F-florbetapir amyloid PET, whole brain and hippocampal volumes, white matter hyperintensity volume and cortical thickness in an AD signature region) and cognitive performance (PACC: preclinical Alzheimer’s composite and its constituents). Through a collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, a novel liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method for quantification of plasma amyloid-β species was compared with the commercial Simoa assays in Insight 46. This was the first direct method comparison study of plasma amyloid-β species for the detection of preclinical cerebral amyloid deposition. It showed that the LC-MS method, when combined with age, sex and APOE #-4 carrier status, was able to distinguish PET amyloid status with an optimal (Youden’s cut point) sensitivity of 85.7% and specificity of 72.7%. The Simoa biomarkers of plasma total tau and serum NFL were confirmed to be potentially useful prognostic markers, as lower AD signature cortical thickness was associated with higher plasma total tau and serum NFL, lower whole brain volume was associated with higher plasma total tau, and higher ventricular volume was associated with higher serum NFL. Lower PACC scores were associated with higher serum NFL and lower scores for a paired associative memory test in particular were associated with higher plasma total tau and serum NFL. Thirdly, through a collaboration with Harvard University and the University of California San Diego, a new N-terminal tau biomarker was developed in CSF and plasma that showed good accuracy in distinguishing individuals with symptomatic CSF-defined AD pathology from healthy controls. Taken together, this work has demonstrated the impact of pre-analytical factors on measurements of AD blood biomarkers, validated these biomarkers as indicators of the core pathologies of AD and helped to develop a new tau blood biomarker in AD

    Intracranial Volume Estimation and Graph Theoretical Analysis of Brain Functional Connectivity Networks

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    Understanding pathways of neurological disorders requires extensive research on both functional and structural characteristics of the brain. This dissertation introduced two interrelated research endeavors, describing (1) a novel integrated approach for constructing functional connectivity networks (FCNs) of brain using non-invasive scalp EEG recordings; and (2) a decision aid for estimating intracranial volume (ICV). The approach in (1) was developed to study the alterations of networks in patients with pediatric epilepsy. Results demonstrated the existence of statistically significant (

    Cerebral blood flow measurements with arterial spin labelling in a tri-ethnic population cohort: associations of cardiovascular risk factors and MR imaging markers of brain ageing

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    Differences in cerebral blood flow (CBF) have been identified between older individuals in good cognitive health and those experiencing cognitive decline and dementia. Previous studies have shown that the aetiology of dementia includes a substantial vascular component and there is evidence that CBF decline in old age may be linked to cardiovascular disease. Although the incidence, prevalence and impact of vascular risk varies by ethnicity and gender, many previous studies have focused on participants of white European origin or have pooled ethnically diverse samples, while differences between sexes have been under-investigated. This thesis used arterial spin labelling (ASL) to measure cortical CBF in an elderly tri-ethnic population cohort and examined its relationship with vascular risk and the brain ageing markers of cortical volume and white matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Chapter 4 showed that use of the currently recommended mean haematocrit (Hct) value in equations that calculate CBF from ASL underestimated CBF in women and non-European ethnicities. The alternative method of substituting individually measured Hct into the equation was implemented in the following chapters. Results from Chapter 5 indicated that increased vascular risk factors were associated with lower CBF, but these relationships varied by ethnicity and sex. Ethnicity and sex also modified the strength of associations of increased vascular risk with decreased cortical tissue volume and increased volume of WMHs examined in Chapter 6. However, there was no evidence of any association of CBF with the MRI markers of brain ageing

    The Global ECT-MRI Research Collaboration (GEMRIC): Establishing a multi-site investigation of the neural mechanisms underlying response to electroconvulsive therapy.

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    Major depression, currently the world's primary cause of disability, leads to profound personal suffering and increased risk of suicide. Unfortunately, the success of antidepressant treatment varies amongst individuals and can take weeks to months in those who respond. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), generally prescribed for the most severely depressed and when standard treatments fail, produces a more rapid response and remains the most effective intervention for severe depression. Exploring the neurobiological effects of ECT is thus an ideal approach to better understand the mechanisms of successful therapeutic response. Though several recent neuroimaging studies show structural and functional changes associated with ECT, not all brain changes associate with clinical outcome. Larger studies that can address individual differences in clinical and treatment parameters may better target biological factors relating to or predictive of ECT-related therapeutic response. We have thus formed the Global ECT-MRI Research Collaboration (GEMRIC) that aims to combine longitudinal neuroimaging as well as clinical, behavioral and other physiological data across multiple independent sites. Here, we summarize the ECT sample characteristics from currently participating sites, and the common data-repository and standardized image analysis pipeline developed for this initiative. This includes data harmonization across sites and MRI platforms, and a method for obtaining unbiased estimates of structural change based on longitudinal measurements with serial MRI scans. The optimized analysis pipeline, together with the large and heterogeneous combined GEMRIC dataset, will provide new opportunities to elucidate the mechanisms of ECT response and the factors mediating and predictive of clinical outcomes, which may ultimately lead to more effective personalized treatment approaches

    Assessment and risk stratification of ageing-related target organ damage and adverse health outcomes in the general population

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    The objectives of this doctoral thesis are to address the contribution of blood pressure to the presence of subclinical target-organ damage and the development of adverse health complications that associate with a poor life course of aging. This thesis focuses on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to provide the most accurate information about the blood pressure level and variability over a 24-hour period. Moreover, by investigating the role of novel markers, including imaging markers and biomarkers, this thesis also provides possible pathophysiological and biological mechanisms that might explain the association between vascular risk factors and adverse health complications. We envisage that the results of our study will contribute to the refinement of risk stratification of major micro- (ophthalmological, neurological) and macro‑vascular (neurological, cardiovascular) complications associated with poor aging

    Somatosensory dysfunction is masked by variable cognitive deficits across patients on the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is generally thought to spare primary sensory function; however, such interpretations have drawn from a literature that has rarely taken into account the variable cognitive declines seen in patients with AD. As these cognitive domains are now known to modulate cortical somato-sensory processing, it remains possible that abnormalities in somatosensory function in patients with AD have been suppressed by neuropsychological variability in previous research. Methods: In this study, we combine magnetoencephalographic (MEG) brain imaging during a paired-pulse somatosensory gating task with an extensive battery of neuropsychological tests to investigate the influence of cognitive variability on estimated differences in somatosensory function between biomarker-confirmed patients on the AD spectrum and cognitively-normal older adults. Findings: We show that patients on the AD spectrum exhibit largely non-significant differences in somato-sensory function when cognitive variability is not considered (p-value range: .020-.842). However, once attention and processing speed abilities are considered, robust differences in gamma-frequency somatosensory response amplitude (p \u3c .001) and gating (p = .004) emerge, accompanied by significant statistical suppression effects. Interpretation: These findings suggest that patients with AD exhibit insults to functional somatosensory processing in primary sensory cortices, but these effects are masked by variability in cognitive decline across individuals

    Cerebral Autoregulation-Based Blood Pressure Management In The Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit: Towards Individualizing Care In Ischemic Stroke And Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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    The purpose of this thesis is to review the concept of cerebral autoregulation, to establish the feasibility of continuous bedside monitoring of autoregulation, and to examine the impact of impaired autoregulation on functional and clinical outcomes following subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. Autoregulation plays a key role in the regulation of brain blood flow and has been shown to fail in acute brain injury. Disturbed autoregulation may lead to secondary brain injury as well as worse outcomes. Furthermore, there exist several methodologies, both invasive and non-invasive, for the continuous assessment of autoregulation in individual patients. Resultant autoregulatory parameters of brain blood flow can be harnessed to derive optimal cerebral perfusion pressures, which may be targeted to achieve better outcomes. Multiple studies in adults and several in children have highlighted the feasibility of individualizing mean arterial pressure in this fashion. The thesis herein argues for the high degree of translatability of this personalized approach within the neuroscience intensive care unit, while underscoring the clinical import of autoregulation monitoring in critical care patients. In particular, this document recapitulates findings from two separate, prospectively enrolled patient groups with subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic stroke, elucidating how deviation from dynamic and personalized blood pressure targets associates with worse outcome in each cohort. While definitive clinical benefits remain elusive (pending randomized controlled trials), autoregulation-guided blood pressure parameters wield great potential for constructing an ideal physiologic environment for the injured brain. The first portion of this thesis discusses basic autoregulatory physiology as well as various tools to interrogate the brain’s pressure reactivity at the bedside. It then reviews the development of the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure as a biological hemodynamic construct. The second chapter pertains to the clinical applications of bedside neuromonitoring in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this section, the personalized approach to blood pressure monitoring is discussed in greater detail. Finally, in the third chapter, a similar autoregulation-oriented blood pressure algorithm is applied to a larger cohort of patients with ischemic stroke. This section contends that our novel, individualized strategy to hemodynamic management in stroke patients represents a better alternative to the currently endorsed practice of maintaining systolic blood pressures below fixed and static thresholds