19 research outputs found

    R-Coffee: a web server for accurately aligning noncoding RNA sequences

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    The R-Coffee web server produces highly accurate multiple alignments of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) sequences, taking into account predicted secondary structures. R-Coffee uses a novel algorithm recently incorporated in the T-Coffee package. R-Coffee works along the same lines as T-Coffee: it uses pairwise or multiple sequence alignment (MSA) methods to compute a primary library of input alignments. The program then computes an MSA highly consistent with both the alignments contained in the library and the secondary structures associated with the sequences. The secondary structures are predicted using RNAplfold. The server provides two modes. The slow/accurate mode is restricted to small datasets (less than 5 sequences less than 150 nucleotides) and combines R-Coffee with Consan, a very accurate pairwise RNA alignment method. For larger datasets a fast method can be used (RM-Coffee mode), that uses R-Coffee to combine the output of the three packages which combines the outputs from programs found to perform best on RNA (MUSCLE, MAFFT and ProbConsRNA). Our BRAliBase benchmarks indicate that the R-Coffee/Consan combination is one of the best ncRNA alignment methods for short sequences, while the RM-Coffee gives comparable results on longer sequences. The R-Coffee web server is available at http://www.tcoffee.org

    R-Coffee: a web server for accurately aligning noncoding RNA sequences

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    The R-Coffee web server produces highly accurate multiple alignments of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) sequences, taking into account predicted secondary structures. R-Coffee uses a novel algorithm recently incorporated in the T-Coffee package. R-Coffee works along the same lines as T-Coffee: it uses pairwise or multiple sequence alignment (MSA) methods to compute a primary library of input alignments. The program then computes an MSA highly consistent with both the alignments contained in the library and the secondary structures associated with the sequences. The secondary structures are predicted using RNAplfold. The server provides two modes. The slow/accurate mode is restricted to small datasets (less than 5 sequences less than 150 nucleotides) and combines R-Coffee with Consan, a very accurate pairwise RNA alignment method. For larger datasets a fast method can be used (RM-Coffee mode), that uses R-Coffee to combine the output of the three packages which combines the outputs from programs found to perform best on RNA (MUSCLE, MAFFT and ProbConsRNA). Our BRAliBase benchmarks indicate that the R-Coffee/Consan combination is one of the best ncRNA alignment methods for short sequences, while the RM-Coffee gives comparable results on longer sequences. The R-Coffee web server is available at http://www.tcoffee.org

    smyRNA: A Novel Ab Initio ncRNA Gene Finder

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    Background: Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have important functional roles in the cell: for example, they regulate gene expression by means of establishing stable joint structures with target mRNAs via complementary sequence motifs. Sequence motifs are also important determinants of the structure of ncRNAs. Although ncRNAs are abundant, discovering novel ncRNAs on genome sequences has proven to be a hard task; in particular past attempts for ab initio ncRNA search mostly failed with the exception of tools that can identify micro RNAs. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present a very general ab initio ncRNA gene finder that exploits differential distributions of sequence motifs between ncRNAs and background genome sequences. Conclusions/Significance: Our method, once trained on a set of ncRNAs from a given species, can be applied to a genome sequences of other organisms to find not only ncRNAs homologous to those in the training set but also others that potentially belong to novel (and perhaps unknown) ncRNA families. Availability

    Sampled ensemble neutrality as a feature to classify potential structured RNAs

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    Sensitive and label-free biosensing of RNA with predicted secondary structures by a triplex affinity capture method

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    A novel biosensing approach for the label-free detection of nucleic acid sequences of short and large lengths has been implemented, with special emphasis on targeting RNA sequences with secondary structures. The approach is based on selecting 8-aminoadenine-modified parallel-stranded DNA tail-clamps as affinity bioreceptors. These receptors have the ability of creating a stable triplex-stranded helix at neutral pH upon hybridization with the nucleic acid target. A surface plasmon resonance biosensor has been used for the detection. With this strategy, we have detected short DNA sequences (32-mer) and purified RNA (103-mer) at the femtomol level in a few minutes in an easy and level-free way. This approach is particularly suitable for the detection of RNA molecules with predicted secondary structures, reaching a limit of detection of 50 fmol without any label or amplification steps. Our methodology has shown a marked enhancement for the detection (18% for short DNA and 54% for RNA), when compared with the conventional duplex approach, highlighting the large difficulty of the duplex approach to detect nucleic acid sequences, especially those exhibiting stable secondary structures. We believe that our strategy could be of great interest to the RNA field

    Comparative genomics reveals 104 candidate structured RNAs from bacteria, archaea, and their metagenomes

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    Novel motifs identified in a comparative genomic analysis of bacterial, archaeal and metagenomic data reveals over 100 candidate structured RNAs

    Non-Coding RNA Prediction and Verification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) play an important and varied role in cellular function. A significant amount of research has been devoted to computational prediction of these genes from genomic sequence, but the ability to do so has remained elusive due to a lack of apparent genomic features. In this work, thermodynamic stability of ncRNA structural elements, as summarized in a Z-score, is used to predict ncRNA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This analysis was coupled with comparative genomics to search for ncRNA genes on chromosome six of S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus. Sets of positive and negative control genes were evaluated to determine the efficacy of thermodynamic stability for discriminating ncRNA from background sequence. The effect of window sizes and step sizes on the sensitivity of ncRNA identification was also explored. Non-coding RNA gene candidates, common to both S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus, were verified using northern blot analysis, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), and publicly available cDNA library data. Four ncRNA transcripts are well supported by experimental data (RUF10, RUF11, RUF12, RUF13), while one additional putative ncRNA transcript is well supported but the data are not entirely conclusive. Six candidates appear to be structural elements in 5′ or 3′ untranslated regions of annotated protein-coding genes. This work shows that thermodynamic stability, coupled with comparative genomics, can be used to predict ncRNA with significant structural elements

    Antisense-Regulation der Genexpression von Streptococcus pyogenes in Virulenz und Therapie

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    Streptococcus pyogenes ist ein strikt humanpathogenes Bakterium, das weltweit eine hohe Belastung der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Gesundheitssysteme darstellt. In dieser Arbeit lag der Fokus auf der Untersuchung der Antisense-Regulation der Genexpression. Zum einen wurden kleine regulatorische RNAs identifiziert und ihre Bedeutung für die Genregulation in S. pyogenes an zwei Beispielen untersucht. Zum anderen wurde ein Antisense-basierter Therapieansatz mit Carrierpeptid-gekoppelten Peptid-Nukleinsäuren für S. pyogenes etabliert

    Genomic data mining for the computational prediction of small non-coding RNA genes

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    The objective of this research is to develop a novel computational prediction algorithm for non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes using features computable for any genomic sequence without the need for comparative analysis. Existing comparative-based methods require the knowledge of closely related organisms in order to search for sequence and structural similarities. This approach imposes constraints on the type of ncRNAs, the organism, and the regions where the ncRNAs can be found. We have developed a novel approach for ncRNA gene prediction without the limitations of current comparative-based methods. Our work has established a ncRNA database required for subsequent feature and genomic analysis. Furthermore, we have identified significant features from folding-, structural-, and ensemble-based statistics for use in ncRNA prediction. We have also examined higher-order gene structures, namely operons, to discover potential insights into how ncRNAs are transcribed. Being able to automatically identify ncRNAs on a genome-wide scale is immensely powerful for incorporating it into a pipeline for large-scale genome annotation. This work will contribute to a more comprehensive annotation of ncRNA genes in microbial genomes to meet the demands of functional and regulatory genomic studies.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. G. Tong Zhou; Committee Member: Dr. Arthur Koblasz; Committee Member: Dr. Eberhard Voit; Committee Member: Dr. Xiaoli Ma; Committee Member: Dr. Ying X