42 research outputs found

    Modeling Emotion Oriented Approach through Agent-Oriented Approach

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    eLearning is introduced to promote self-learning anytime and anyway. To date, various components have been added into an eLearning platform to produce an interactive and engaging eLearning platform. Among an interest, component is embedded emotion into the eLearning system. While emotion is paying much attention nowadays, there is lacking a systematic way to model emotion-based eLearning. Without the systematic approach, it is hard to debug, design and develop an emotion-based e-learning system. This paper introduces emotion goals through the agent-oriented approach. Besides, we demonstrate how to design an emotion-based quiz master as an embedded emotion element for the eLearning system through the proposed modeling approach. This thesis suggests a standardized way to model an emotion-oriented application through Agent-Oriented Modelling (AOM). The AOM is extended to guide the elicitation, analysis, design and implementation of an emotion-oriented application, a kind of interactive application. With the emotion model, it can serve as a guide to design, redesign, discuss the emotional elements among the software development team. This is important for better debugging and project management, especially for emotion, led applications

    Analysis of connectivism as a tool for posthuman university classrooms

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    In the posthuman era, teaching and learning through technologies are becoming increasingly important, most especially in the university system. Connectivism, a theory of learning that emphasises the importance of connections between people and information, is one of the most influential educational philosophies driving today’s educational dynamism. In a posthuman world, where technology is constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, connectivism is argued to provide a framework for understanding how students learn and how can technology be used to facilitate learning. This study argues that connectivism is one of the ways in which classroom stakeholders can be made to prepare for the posthuman era. The study is located within the transformative paradigm to enable the researcher to tailor the argument toward transforming the university classrooms towards developing a new way of thinking about society's present social boundaries by pursuing truth within a postmodern framework. In the same vein, conceptual analysis was adopted to make sense of the argument since it helps to interoperate and dismantle complex and ambiguous concepts toward meaning-making. The analysis begins by presenting connectivism and its potential assumptions. The assumptions were juxtaposed with the posthuman agenda by arguing the relationship between posthumanism and connectivism and lastly, how it prepares classroom stakeholders for building students’ capacity ahead of the emerging interaction between human (students) and non-human (technologies). The study concludes that connectivism viewpoint is one of the unavoidable philosophies of the future


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    Abstract: The aim of this study is to know the learners’ perception on their online reading comprehension learning at the English Education Department at the second semester of University of Islam Malang. A qualitative approach research design was used in this study. The participants are 30 students from second semester of English Education Department, class 2A and 2B. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 30 statements. Google Form was used to obtain the data and the result was used to analyze the data. As a result of the study, the researcher concluded that the benefits of online reading have had a substantial effect on the knowledge of learners' comprehension, and that students have strongly focused on the educational evaluation they read. The are advantages; the convenience when you understand the text because of the design/facilities, save print paper, transparent screen without bad printing quality, improve online translation, helpful to understand information, important to improve reading skills and the disadvantages; Incapability to leave a mark and make a notation, exhaustion of read many sentences on the light screen, and the distractions.Key Words : Learners’ Perception, Online Learning, Reading Comprehensio

    Developing critical and theoretical approaches to educational technology research and practice

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    Considerable prior literature reflecting on the evolution of the field of educational technology by numerous research experts has considered the extent of criticality within the field and found it somewhat wanting (Bulfin, Johnson & Bigum, 2015; Haßler, Major & Hennessy, 2016; Jameson, 2013; Latchem, 2014; Oliver, 2011, 2016; Selwyn, 2007, 2011, 2015). Challenges include considerations of whether research findings (OECD, 2015)indicating worrying findings about the negative influence of excessive computer usage are really being considered and taken up in research, policy and practice in the field. This 50th Anniversary Special Section called for submissions to consider the extent to which Selwyn and others are justified in asserting that much research in the field has engaged in 'previous decades of technological "boosterism," hyperbole, and outright evangelism' rather than genuine searching inquiry (Selwyn, 2015). The section considers the need for greater critical (Bulfin et al., 2015), challenging and questioning 'e-leadership' of the field by those who are practising within it (Jameson, 2015). Prior evaluation of theoretical perspectives such as Activity Theory and theories on e-learning, relate to this (Isssroff and Scanlon, 2002; Nichols, 2003). The paper considers the extent to which the evidence emerging from research findings in educational technology is really engaging in a critical way with important global issues (Selwyn, 2015) to effect a beneficial influence on education policy, theory and practice, including, particularly, outcomes for learners. To what extent are educational technology researchers really leading, critiquing and shaping the field

    Making a Case for Political Technical Communication (Pxtc)

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    In This Article, I Argue that the Accelerated Adoption of Political Technology during the COVID-19 Pandemic Evinces Exigency for a Rhetorically Grounded Framework to Teach, Research, and Practice Political Technical Communication (PxTC) as a Sub-Discipline. as a Starting Point, I Use a Rhetorical Genre Studies Approach to Identify Political Social Actions that Separate Political Communication Technologies into Four Distinct Genres: Election, Electioneering, Constituent Services, and Punditry

    Desafios na transição para o ensino a distância na monitoria acadêmica: um relato de experiência / Challenges in the transition to distance learning in academic monitoring: an experience report

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    A monitoria da disciplina de Biologia Celular e Molecular do ano de 2020, do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (ICBS), se modificou para atender a nova realidade que surgiu com a pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS COV 2). Para dar continuidade às atividades, a Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) implementou o Período Letivo Excepcional (PLE) com aulas totalmente remotas. Dessa forma, professores, alunos e monitores tiveram que se adaptar a essa nova realidade de ensino, procurando encontrar as melhores plataformas e programas adequados, que contribuíssem com o ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência de monitoria acadêmica durante o PLE devido a pandemia. Se caracterizando como um relato de experiência do tipo descritivo. A utilização de diferentes plataformas e programas online, tiveram pontos positivos e negativos, os resultados se mostraram mais positivos com as tecnologias assistivas mais clássicas. A experiência de monitoria nesse período excepcional se mostrou enriquecedora, a monitoria contribuiu com o ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina, bem como para entender quais foram as melhores ferramentas de ensino e aprendizagem utilizadas nessa “nova” modalidade de ensino

    E-Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Case Study with High School Mathematics Students

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    The covid-19 pandemic has significantly altered the organization and scheduling of high schools in Spain. Due to pandemic restrictions, most students from grades 9 to 11 come to class only on alternate days. In this situation, e-learning and distance learning have gained prominence as necessary methods of instruction. In this study 68 students from grades 9 and 10, attending on alternate days, participated in an online teaching experience for the first time in their lives. This took place during the first trimester of the 2020-2021 academic school year. On days when they did not attend class in person, students were expected to watch the mathematics classes which were broadcasted live via YouTube. Students could either watch the classes live and ask the teacher questions via an online chat, or alternatively, they could watch the pre-recorded classes at a later time. The two options were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results showed a continuous decrease in the number of students who preferred the first option, switching progressively from online live classes to pre-recorded classes as the weeks passed. The qualitative results explained this progressive decrease as students preferred to watch the teacher’s explanations several times. Although e-learning is absolutely necessary in the 21st century, and especially during the current pandemic, controlling students’ level of application to distance work and online learning is still a challenge

    A educação a distância (EaD) e os novos caminhos da educação após a pandemia ocasionada pela Covid-19 / Distance education (DE) and the new paths of education after a pandemic occasioned by Covid-19

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    O panorama em que vivemos atualmente é completamente diferente de tudo que já foi vivenciado pelas gerações atuais, tanto no que tange ao convívio e interação social, quanto as incertezas em relação ao futuro.  O campo educacional também está passando por mudanças que não foram planejadas, mas que foram impostas devido a pandemia ocasionada pela Covid-19. Tal cenário é cheio de incertezas, uma vez que não temos ainda políticas públicas voltadas para a formação massiva de professores para atuarem nessa nova perspectiva educacional vigente. O presente artigo traz uma visão do que poderia vir a ser o novo cenário educacional, após as mudanças ocasionadas pelo isolamento social, tendo como janela, a perspectiva do uso das tecnologias e da educação a distância. 

    Access as Pedagogy: A Case for Embracing Feminist Pedagogy in Open and Distance Learning

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    While the mainstream discourse around Open and Distance Learning (ODL) centers on standardization, scalability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, I return to a much more contextual and humane understanding of teaching and learning in ODL through feminist pedagogy. I begin my inquiry by discussing women students’ experiences through the notion of access as pedagogy, which challenages disembodied views of online learners and learning, and a view of access to resources as an opportunity for equity. My primary focus in this discussion is gender issues; however, I view feminist pedagogy as an ethical position as well as a pedagogical position that calls attentive ways of looking into structuring educational services, methods, policies, and legislations that create an inclusive learning space not just for women, but for all students who are disadvantaged in their education. Within this context, student participation can be framed as a means for transformation, contributing to one’s well-being, agency and sense of power. I highlight the need for an intersectional gender analysis in ODL, as well as openness and transparency in pedagogical processes in order to tackle human and non-human bias, misrecognition, misrepresentation and unequal participation. Education with an explicit goal for transformation leads to the use of technology for reflective, imaginative, and critical ends

    Looking closely at what they say and what it tells us: Experiences in a digital learning space

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    This study explores lecturer and student experiences of using the Learning Management System (LMS) within a Faculty at a South African University. The results of the study highlight the extent to which lecturers and students engage with the LMS. This article aims to determine the following: 1) the value that lecturers and students place on using the LMS as a platform to facilitate learning and teaching, 2) the typical resources, activities and assessments that lecturers and students place value on and why, and 3) to compare lecturer and student perspectives on the best utilization of the LMS. Quantitative data were collected from the LMS and qualitative data collected from lecturers and undergraduate students through questionnaires and focus groups. A Social Constructivist framework was adopted as a lens for analysis of collected data. The results show resources are valued the most by both lecturers and students but the majority of students only access, on average, just more than half of the postings. In terms of the constructs of the Social Constructivist framework, Learning and Connectedness showed positive responses, while improvement is necessary for Making Meaning and Agency