6 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Digital controlled delay line (DCDL) is a digital circuit used to provide the desired delay for a circuit whose delay line is controlled by a digital control word. There are wide varieties of approaches available for constructing the DCDL. The previous approach deals about designing a DCDL with and without glitches. More over Glitches are the most considerable factor that limits the use of DCDL in many applications. The Glitches in a circuit can be analyzed by increasing delay control code in a circuit. By reducing the number of glitches a delay line also further reduced. . In this paper NAND based DCDL improved using Wallace tree multiplier, which used to give an accurate value, as well increase speed of operation. It aims at additional reduction of latency and area of the Wallace tree multiplier using the delay control units based on the DCDL unit. The simulation have been carried out using modelsim and xilinx tools

    Evolution of digitally controlled oscillator

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    Suvremeni razvoj uporabe digitalnih ili potpuno digitalnih ciklusa s faznim podešavanjem (PLLs) u različitim uređajima za komunikaciju vodi ka primjeni digitalno kontroliranog oscilatora (DCO). U ovom se preglednom članku daje razvoj DCO-a u modernim elektroničkim uređajima kao i njihovo funkcioniranje u lokalnim oscilatorima. Iako se implementacija DCO preferira u odnosu na analogne, i dalje se radi na poboljšanjima u potrošnji energije, brzini, veličini čipa, raspona frekvencije, ulaznog napona, prenosivosti i rezolucije. U radu se uglavnom opisuje razvoj od oscilatora kontroliranih voltažom (voltage controlled oscillators- VCO) do digitalno kontroliranih oscilatora za "deep-submicrometer CMOS" postupak. Fokus je na analizi i praćenju unapređenja DCO-a na razini funkcionalnosti.Current trend of using digital or all-digital phase-locked loops (PLLs) in various communication devices introduces the usage of digitally controlled oscillator (DCO). This review paper discusses the evolution of DCOs in modern electronic devices as well as their performances in local oscillators. Even though the DCO implementation is preferable to its analog counterpart, improvements are still going on to get high performances in terms of power consumption, speed, chip area, frequency range, supply voltage, portability and resolution. This paper mainly describes the evolution of DCO, how it turns from a conventional VCO to DCO for deep-submicrometer CMOS process. The focus is to analyse and track the advances in DCO base on its performance level

    Novel active function blocks and their applications in frequency filters and quadrature oscillators

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    Kmitočtové filtry a sinusoidní oscilátory jsou lineární elektronické obvody, které jsou používány v široké oblasti elektroniky a jsou základními stavebními bloky v analogovém zpracování signálu. V poslední dekádě pro tento účel bylo prezentováno velké množství stavebních funkčních bloků. V letech 2000 a 2006 na Ústavu telekomunikací, VUT v Brně byly definovány univerzální proudový konvejor (UCC) a univerzální napět'ový konvejor (UVC) a vyrobeny ve spolupráci s firmou AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. Ovšem, stále existuje požadavek na vývoj nových aktivních prvků, které nabízejí nové výhody. Hlavní přínos práce proto spočívá v definici dalších původních aktivních stavebních bloků jako jsou differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), a minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Pomocí navržených aktivních stavebních bloků byly prezentovány původní zapojení fázovacích článků prvního řádu, univerzální filtry druhého řádu, ekvivalenty obvodu typu KHN, inverzní filtry, aktivní simulátory uzemněného induktoru a kvadraturní sinusoidní oscilátory pracující v proudovém, napět'ovém a smíšeném módu. Chování navržených obvodů byla ověřena simulací v prostředí SPICE a ve vybraných případech experimentálním měřením.Frequency filters and sinusoidal oscillators are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics and also are the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, huge number of active building blocks (ABBs) were presented for this purpose. In 2000 and 2006, the universal current conveyor (UCC) and the universal voltage conveyor (UVC), respectively, were designed at the Department of Telecommunication, BUT, Brno, and produced in cooperation with AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. There is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new advantages. The main contribution of this thesis is, therefore, the definition of other novel ABBs such as the differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), the current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), the z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), the generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), the voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), and the minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Using the proposed ABBs, novel structures of first-order all-pass filters, second-order universal filters, KHN-equivalent circuits, inverse filters, active grounded inductance simulators, and quadrature sinusoidal oscillators working in the current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode are presented. The behavior of the proposed circuits has been verified by SPICE simulations and in selected cases also by experimental measurements.

    Precise Timing of Digital Signals: Circuits and Applications

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    With the rapid advances in process technologies, the performance of state-of-the-art integrated circuits is improving steadily. The drive for higher performance is accompanied with increased emphasis on meeting timing constraints not only at the design phase but during device operation as well. Fortunately, technology advancements allow for even more precise control of the timing of digital signals, an advantage which can be used to provide solutions that can address some of the emerging timing issues. In this thesis, circuit and architectural techniques for the precise timing of digital signals are explored. These techniques are demonstrated in applications addressing timing issues in modern digital systems. A methodology for slow-speed timing characterization of high-speed pipelined datapaths is proposed. The technique uses a clock-timing circuit to create shifted versions of a slow-speed clock. These clocks control the data flow in the pipeline in the test mode. Test results show that the design provides an average timing resolution of 52.9ps in 0.18ÎĽm CMOS technology. Results also demonstrate the ability of the technique to track the performance of high-speed pipelines at a reduced clock frequency and to test the clock-timing circuit itself. In order to achieve higher resolutions than that of an inverter/buffer stage, a differential (vernier) delay line is commonly used. To allow for the design of differential delay lines with programmable delays, a digitally-controlled delay-element is proposed. The delay element is monotonic and achieves a high degree of transfer characteristics' (digital code vs. delay) linearity. Using the proposed delay element, a sub-1ps resolution is demonstrated experimentally in 0.18ÎĽm CMOS. The proposed delay element with a fixed delay step of 2ps is used to design a high-precision all-digital phase aligner. High-precision phase alignment has many applications in modern digital systems such as high-speed memory controllers, clock-deskew buffers, and delay and phase-locked loops. The design is based on a differential delay line and a variation tolerant phase detector using redundancy. Experimental results show that the phase aligner's range is from -264ps to +247ps which corresponds to an average delay step of approximately 2.43ps. For various input phase difference values, test results show that the difference is reduced to less than 2ps at the output of the phase aligner. On-chip time measurement is another application that requires precise timing. It has applications in modern automatic test equipment and on-chip characterization of jitter and skew. In order to achieve small conversion time, a flash time-to-digital converter is proposed. Mismatch between the various delay comparators limits the time measurement precision. This is demonstrated through an experiment in which a 6-bit, 2.5ps resolution flash time-to-digital converter provides an effective resolution of only 4-bits. The converter achieves a maximum conversion rate of 1.25GSa/s

    Clock Generator Circuits for Low-Power Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    In this work concepts and circuits for local clock generation in low-power heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are researched and developed. The targeted systems feature a globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) clocking architecture and advanced power management functionality, as for example fine-grained ultra-fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). To enable this functionality compact clock generators with low chip area, low power consumption, wide output frequency range and the capability for ultra-fast frequency changes are required. They are to be instantiated individually per core. For this purpose compact all digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) frequency synthesizers are developed. The bang-bang ADPLL architecture is analyzed using a numerical system model and optimized for low jitter accumulation. A 65nm CMOS ADPLL is implemented, featuring a novel active current bias circuit which compensates the supply voltage and temperature sensitivity of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) for reduced digital tuning effort. Additionally, a 28nm ADPLL with a new ultra-fast lock-in scheme based on single-shot phase synchronization is proposed. The core clock is generated by an open-loop method using phase-switching between multi-phase DCO clocks at a fixed frequency. This allows instantaneous core frequency changes for ultra-fast DVFS without re-locking the closed loop ADPLL. The sensitivity of the open-loop clock generator with respect to phase mismatch is analyzed analytically and a compensation technique by cross-coupled inverter buffers is proposed. The clock generators show small area (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)), low power consumption (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)) and they provide core clock frequencies from 83MHz to 666MHz which can be changed instantaneously. The jitter performance is compliant to DDR2/DDR3 memory interface specifications. Additionally, high-speed clocks for novel serial on-chip data transceivers are generated. The ADPLL circuits have been verified successfully by 3 testchip implementations. They enable efficient realization of future low-power MPSoCs with advanced power management functionality in deep-submicron CMOS technologies.In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte und Schaltungen zur lokalen Takterzeugung in heterogenen Multiprozessorsystemen (MPSoCs) mit geringer Verlustleistung erforscht und entwickelt. Diese Systeme besitzen eine global-asynchrone lokal-synchrone Architektur sowie Funktionalität zum Power Management, wie z.B. das feingranulare, schnelle Skalieren von Spannung und Taktfrequenz (DVFS). Um diese Funktionalität zu realisieren werden kompakte Taktgeneratoren benötigt, welche eine kleine Chipfläche einnehmen, wenig Verlustleitung aufnehmen, einen weiten Bereich an Ausgangsfrequenzen erzeugen und diese sehr schnell ändern können. Sie sollen individuell pro Prozessorkern integriert werden. Dazu werden kompakte volldigitale Phasenregelkreise (ADPLLs) entwickelt, wobei eine bang-bang ADPLL Architektur numerisch modelliert und für kleine Jitterakkumulation optimiert wird. Es wird eine 65nm CMOS ADPLL implementiert, welche eine neuartige Kompensationsschlatung für den digital gesteuerten Oszillator (DCO) zur Verringerung der Sensitivität bezüglich Versorgungsspannung und Temperatur beinhaltet. Zusätzlich wird eine 28nm CMOS ADPLL mit einer neuen Technik zum schnellen Einschwingen unter Nutzung eines Phasensynchronisierers realisiert. Der Prozessortakt wird durch ein neuartiges Phasenmultiplex- und Frequenzteilerverfahren erzeugt, welches es ermöglicht die Taktfrequenz sofort zu ändern um schnelles DVFS zu realisieren. Die Sensitivität dieses Frequenzgenerators bezüglich Phasen-Mismatch wird theoretisch analysiert und durch Verwendung von kreuzgekoppelten Taktverstärkern kompensiert. Die hier entwickelten Taktgeneratoren haben eine kleine Chipfläche (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)) und Leistungsaufnahme (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)). Sie stellen Frequenzen von 83MHz bis 666MHz bereit, welche sofort geändert werden können. Die Schaltungen erfüllen die Jitterspezifikationen von DDR2/DDR3 Speicherinterfaces. Zusätzliche können schnelle Takte für neuartige serielle on-Chip Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Die ADPLL Schaltungen wurden erfolgreich in 3 Testchips erprobt. Sie ermöglichen die effiziente Realisierung von zukünftigen MPSoCs mit Power Management in modernsten CMOS Technologien