193 research outputs found

    Geomatics for Mobility Management. A comprehensive database model for Mobility Management

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    In urban and metropolitan context, Traffic Operations Centres (TOCs) use technologies as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to tackling urban mobility issue. Usually in TOCs, various isolated systems are maintained in parallel (stored in different databases), and data comes from different sources: a challenge in transport management is to transfer disparate data into a unified data management system that preserves access to legacy data, allowing multi-thematic analysis. This need of integration between systems is important for a wise policy decisions. This study aims to design a comprehensive and general spatial data model that could allow the integration and visualization of traffic components and measures. The activity is focused on the case study of 5T Agency in Turin, a TOC that manages traffic regulation, public transit fleets and information to users, in the metropolitan area of Turin and Piedmont Region. In particular, the agency has set up during years a wide system of ITS technologies that acquires continuously measures and traffic information, which are used to deploy information services to citizens and public administrations. However, the spatial nature of these data is not fully considered in the daily operational activity, with the result of difficulties in information integration. Indeed the agency lacks of a complete GIS that includes all the management information in an organized spatial and “horizontal” vision. The main research question concerns the integration of different kind of data in a unique GIS spatial data model. Spatial data interoperability is critical and particularly challenging because geographic data definition in legacy database can vary widely: different data format and standards, data inconsistencies, different spatial and temporal granularities, different methods and enforcing rules that relates measures, events and physical infrastructures. The idea is not to replace the existing implemented and efficient system, but to built-up on these systems a GIS that overpass the different software and DBMS platforms and that can demonstrate how a spatial and horizontal vision in tackling urban mobility issues may be useful for policy and strategies decisions. The modelling activity take reference from a transport standards review and results in database general schema, which can be reused by other TOCs in their activities, helping the integration and coordination between different TOCs. The final output of the research is an ArcGIS geodatabase, tailored on 5T data requirements, which enable the customised representation of private traffic elements and measures. Specific custom scripts have been developed to allow the extraction and the temporal aggregation of traffic measures and events. The solution proposed allows the reuse of data and measures for custom purposes, without the need to deeply know the entire ITS environment system. In addition, The proposed ArcGIS geodatabase solution is optimised for limited power-computing environment. A case study has been deepened in order to evaluate the suitability of the database: a confrontation between damages, detected by Emergency Mapping Services (EMS), and Traffic Message Channel traffic events, has been conducted, evaluating the utility of 5T historical information of traffic events of the Piedmont floods of November 2016 for EMS services

    Quality Assessment of the Canadian OpenStreetMap Road Networks

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    Volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been applied in many fields such as participatory planning, humanitarian relief and crisis management because of its cost-effectiveness. However, coverage and accuracy of VGI cannot be guaranteed. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a popular VGI platform that allows users to create or edit maps using GPS-enabled devices or aerial imageries. The issue of geospatial data quality in OSM has become a trending research topic because of the large size of the dataset and the multiple channels of data access. The objective of this study is to examine the overall reliability of the Canadian OSM data. A systematic review is first presented to provide details on the quality evaluation process of OSM. A case study of London, Ontario is followed as an experimental analysis of completeness, positional accuracy and attribute accuracy of the OSM street networks. Next, a national study of the Canadian OSM data assesses the overall semantic accuracy and lineage in addition to the quality measures mentioned above. Results of the quality evaluation are compared with associated OSM provenance metadata to examine potential correlations. The Canadian OSM road networks were found to have comparable accuracy with the tested commercial database (DMTI). Although statistical analysis suggests that there are no significant relations between OSM accuracy and its editing history, the study presents the complex processes behind OSM contributions possibly influenced by data import and remote mapping. The findings of this thesis can potentially guide cartographic product selection for interested parties and offer a better understanding of future quality improvement in OSM

    Taking the bus to the park? - a study of accessibility to green areas in Gothenburg through different modes of transport

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    Green areas in urban environments can have recreational, environmental and health benefits but for them to be utilized, high accessibility for inhabitants is necessary. In an expanding city like Gothenburg, maintaining geographic accessibility to green areas can be challenging. This study performs an accessibility analysis to assess whether Gothenburg has sufficient accessibility to green areas, and whether any spatial inequality occurs. It also aims to compare the accessibility by public transport to other modes of transport: walking, biking and driving car. Earlier research of accessibility analysis to green areas have rarely included network analysis of public transport. For green areas in Gothenburg, no network analysis of any transport mode has previously been performed. This study found that the accessibility is sufficient for most of the population of Gothenburg. Although the accessibility is not evenly distributed, no spatial inequality with regards to income was found. Compared to other transport modes public transport seems to be preferable primarily in relatively long-distance travels.How do we get to our parks? Most city dwellers of Gothenburg have high accessibility to parks and natural areas, according to a new study. The time it takes to travel to the closest one is well within the goals set by Gothenburg municipality, for most of the population. In the study you can see which areas of the city has the highest accessibility and which has the lowest. The scientific study has analyzed the accessibility to green areas and compared travelling by public transport to travelling by car, bike and by walking. In a policy document from 2014 the municipality of Gothenburg states that parks should be accessible within 15 minutes by walking, and according to this study, this is the case for 93 % of the population. The report also states that natural experiences should be accessible within 30 minutes travel time by public transport, which is the case for 98 %. The results shows that the central areas of Gothenburg has generally high accessibility, along with most districts of the city, but the district of Hisings Backa and some areas in the outskirts of the city do have too long travel time. The results also show, that the travel time to a park or natural area is generally shortest when using a bike, but when travelling long distances driving a car is preferable. Public transport is slower than both car driving and biking. Why is such a study needed? Parks and natural areas in cities are important for many reasons. First, they have several health benefits such as reducing obesity. Secondly, the recreational values are important. Thirdly, they have environmental benefits, e.g. giving less polluted air, providing high biodiversity, captures carbon and cools cities during heat waves. This study might serve as a foundation for future city planning. How can the accessibility to green areas be improved? And how can the city promote choices of transport that is beneficial for the personal health as well as the health of our environment? This study is a step on the way of answering these questions

    Are crowdsourced datasets suitable for specialized routing services? Case study of Openstreetmap for routing of people with limited mobility

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    Nowadays, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has increasingly gained attractiveness to both amateur users and professionals. Using data generated from the crowd has become a hot topic for several application domains including transportation. However, there are concerns regarding the quality of such datasets. As one of the most famous crowdsourced mapping platforms, we analyze the fitness for use of OpenStreetMap (OSM) database for routing and navigation of people with limited mobility. We assess the completeness of OSM data regarding sidewalk information. Relevant attributes for sidewalk information such as sidewalk width, incline, surface texture, etc. are considered, and through both extrinsic and intrinsic quality analysis methods, we present the results of fitness for use of OSM data for routing services of disabled persons. Based on empirical results, it is concluded that OSM data of relatively large spatial extents inside all studied cities could be an acceptable region of interest to test and evaluate wheelchair routing and navigation services, as long as other data quality parameters such as positional accuracy and logical consistency are checked and proved to be acceptable. We present an extended version of OSMatrix web service and explore how it is employed to perform spatial and temporal analysis of sidewalk data completeness in OSM. The tool is beneficial for piloting activities, whereas the pilot site planners can query OpenStreetMap and visualize the degree of sidewalk data availability in a certain region of interest. This would allow identifying the areas that data are mostly missing and plan for data collection events. Furthermore, empirical results of data completeness for several OSM data indicators and their potential relation to sidewalk data completeness are presented and discussed. Finally, the article ends with an outlook for future research study in this area

    A shape-based heuristic for the detection of urban block artifacts in street networks

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    Street networks are ubiquitous components of cities, guiding their development and enabling movement from place to place; street networks are also the critical components of many urban analytical methods. However, their graph representation is often designed primarily for transportation purposes. This representation is less suitable for other use cases where transportation networks need to be simplified as a mandatory pre-processing step, e.g., in the case of morphological analysis, visual navigation, or drone flight routing. While the urgent demand for automated pre-processing methods comes from various fields, it is still an unsolved challenge. In this article, we tackle this challenge by proposing a cheap computational heuristic for the identification of "face artifacts", i.e., geometries that are enclosed by transportation edges but do not represent urban blocks. The heuristic is based on combining the frequency distributions of shape compactness metrics and area measurements of street network face polygons. We test our method on 131 globally sampled large cities and show that it successfully identifies face artifacts in 89% of analyzed cities. Our heuristic of detecting artifacts caused by data being collected for another purpose is the first step towards an automated street network simplification workflow. Moreover, the proposed face artifact index uncovers differences in structural rules guiding the development of cities in different world regions.Comment: Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8300730 ; GitHub: https://github.com/martinfleis/urban-block-artifact

    A hidden Markov model for matching spatial networks

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    Datasets of the same geographic space at different scales and temporalities are increasingly abundant, paving the way for new scientific research. These datasets require data integration, which implies linking homologous entities in a process called data matching that remains a challenging task, despite a quite substantial literature, because of data imperfections and heterogeneities. In this paper, we present an approach for matching spatial networks based on a hidden Markov model (HMM) that takes full benefit of the underlying topology of networks. The approach is assessed using four heterogeneous datasets (streets, roads, railway, and hydrographic networks), showing that the HMM algorithm is robust in regards to data heterogeneities and imperfections (geometric discrepancies and differences in level of details) and adaptable to match any type of spatial networks. It also has the advantage of requiring no mandatory parameters, as proven by a sensitivity exploration, except a distance threshold that filters potential matching candidates in order to speed-up the process. Finally, a comparison with a commonly cited approach highlights good matching accuracy and completeness


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    Abstract. Digital transformation is at core of Europe's future and the importance of data is well highlighted by the recently published European strategy for data, which envisions the establishment of so-called European data spaces enabling seamless data flows across actors and sectors to ultimately boost the economy and generate innovation. Integrating datasets produced by multiple actors, including citizen-generated data, is a key objective of the strategy. This study focuses on OpenStreetMap (OSM), the most popular crowdsourced geographic information project, and is the first step towards an exploration of pros and cons of integrating its open-licensed data with authoritative geospatial datasets from European National Mapping Agencies. In contrast to previous work, which has only tested data integration at the local or regional level, an experiment was presented to integrate the national address dataset published by the National Land Survey (NLS) of Finland with the corresponding dataset from OSM. The process included the analysis of the two datasets, a mapping between their data models and a set of processing steps – performed using the open source QGIS software – to transform and finally combine their content. The resulting dataset confirms that, while addresses from the NLS are in general more complete across Finland, in some areas OSM addresses provide a higher detail and more up-to-date information to usefully complement the authoritative one. Whilst the analysis confirms that an integration between OSM and authoritative geospatial datasets is technically and semantically feasible, future work is needed to evaluate enablers and barriers that also exist at the legal and organisational level

    Enrichment of OpenStreetMap data completeness with sidewalk geometries using data mining techniques

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    Tailored routing and navigation services utilized by wheelchair users require certain information about sidewalk geometries and their attributes to execute efficiently. Except some minor regions/cities, such detailed information is not present in current versions of crowdsourced mapping databases including OpenStreetMap. CAP4Access European project aimed to use (and enrich) OpenStreetMap for making it fit to the purpose of wheelchair routing. In this respect, this study presents a modified methodology based on data mining techniques for constructing sidewalk geometries using multiple GPS traces collected by wheelchair users during an urban travel experiment. The derived sidewalk geometries can be used to enrich OpenStreetMap to support wheelchair routing. The proposed method was applied to a case study in Heidelberg, Germany. The constructed sidewalk geometries were compared to an official reference dataset ("ground truth dataset"). The case study shows that the constructed sidewalk network overlays with 96% of the official reference dataset. Furthermore, in terms of positional accuracy, a low Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value (0.93 m) is achieved. The article presents our discussion on the results as well as the conclusion and future research directions

    Developing tools and models for evaluating geospatial data integration of official and VGI data sources

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    PhD ThesisIn recent years, systems have been developed which enable users to produce, share and update information on the web effectively and freely as User Generated Content (UGC) data (including Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)). Data quality assessment is a major concern for supporting the accurate and efficient spatial data integration required if VGI is to be used alongside official, formal, usually governmental datasets. This thesis aims to develop tools and models for the purpose of assessing such integration possibilities. Initially, in order to undertake this task, geometrical similarity of formal and informal data was examined. Geometrical analyses were performed by developing specific programme interfaces to assess the positional, linear and polygon shape similarity among reference field survey data (FS); official datasets such as data from Ordnance Survey (OS), UK and General Directorate for Survey (GDS), Iraq agencies; and VGI information such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) datasets. A discussion of the design and implementation of these tools and interfaces is presented. A methodology has been developed to assess such positional and shape similarity by applying different metrics and standard indices such as the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) for positional quality; techniques such as buffering overlays for linear similarity; and application of moments invariant for polygon shape similarity evaluations. The results suggested that difficulties exist for any geometrical integration of OSM data with both bench mark FS and formal datasets, but that formal data is very close to reference datasets. An investigation was carried out into contributing factors such as data sources, feature types and number of data collectors that may affect the geometrical quality of OSM data and consequently affect the integration process of OSM datasets with FS, OS and GDS. Factorial designs were undertaken in this study in order to develop and implement an experiment to discover the effect of these factors individually and the interaction between each of them. The analysis found that data source is the most significant factor that affects the geometrical quality of OSM datasets, and that there are interactions among all these factors at different levels of interaction. This work also investigated the possibility of integrating feature classification of official datasets such as data from OS and GDS geospatial data agencies, and informal datasets such as OSM information. In this context, two different models were developed. The first set of analysis included the evaluation of semantic integration of corresponding feature classifications of compared datasets. The second model was concerned with assessing the ability of XML schema matching of feature classifications of tested datasets. This initially involved a tokenization process in order to split up into single words classifications that were composed of multiple words. Subsequently, encoding feature classifications as XML schema trees was undertaken. The semantic similarity, data type similarity and structural similarity were measured between the nodes of compared schema trees. Once these three similarities had been computed, a weighted combination technique has been adopted in order to obtain the overall similarity. The findings of both sets of analysis were not encouraging as far as the possibility of effectively integrating feature classifications of VGI datasets, such as OSM information, and formal datasets, such as OS and GDS datasets, is concerned.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Republic of Iraq
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