374 research outputs found

    Temporal Map Formation in the Barn Owl’s Brain

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    Barn owls provide an experimentally well-specified example of a temporal map, a neuronal representation of the outside world in the brain by means of time. Their laminar nucleus exhibits a place code of interaural time differences, a cue which is used to determine the azimuthal location of a sound stimulus, e.g., prey. We analyze a model of synaptic plasticity that explains the formation of such a representation in the young bird and show how in a large parameter regime a combination of local and nonlocal synaptic plasticity yields the temporal map as found experimentally. Our analysis includes the effect of nonlinearities as well as the influence of neuronal noise

    Functional roles of synaptic inhibition in auditory temporal processing

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    Bioinspired auditory sound localisation for improving the signal to noise ratio of socially interactive robots

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    In this paper we describe a bioinspired hybrid architecture for acoustic sound source localisation and tracking to increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR) between speaker and background sources for a socially interactive robot's speech recogniser system. The model presented incorporates the use of Interaural Time Differ- ence for azimuth estimation and Recurrent Neural Net- works for trajectory prediction. The results are then pre- sented showing the difference in the SNR of a localised and non-localised speaker source, in addition to presenting the recognition rates between a localised and non-localised speaker source. From the results presented in this paper it can be seen that by orientating towards the sound source of interest the recognition rates of that source can be in- creased

    Multiplicative Auditory Spatial Receptive Fields Created by a Hierarchy of Population Codes

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    A multiplicative combination of tuning to interaural time difference (ITD) and interaural level difference (ILD) contributes to the generation of spatially selective auditory neurons in the owl's midbrain. Previous analyses of multiplicative responses in the owl have not taken into consideration the frequency-dependence of ITD and ILD cues that occur under natural listening conditions. Here, we present a model for the responses of ITD- and ILD-sensitive neurons in the barn owl's inferior colliculus which satisfies constraints raised by experimental data on frequency convergence, multiplicative interaction of ITD and ILD, and response properties of afferent neurons. We propose that multiplication between ITD- and ILD-dependent signals occurs only within frequency channels and that frequency integration occurs using a linear-threshold mechanism. The model reproduces the experimentally observed nonlinear responses to ITD and ILD in the inferior colliculus, with greater accuracy than previous models. We show that linear-threshold frequency integration allows the system to represent multiple sound sources with natural sound localization cues, whereas multiplicative frequency integration does not. Nonlinear responses in the owl's inferior colliculus can thus be generated using a combination of cellular and network mechanisms, showing that multiple elements of previous theories can be combined in a single system

    Soma-Axon Coupling Configurations That Enhance Neuronal Coincidence Detection

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    Coincidence detector neurons transmit timing information by responding preferentially to concurrent synaptic inputs. Principal cells of the medial superior olive (MSO) in the mammalian auditory brainstem are superb coincidence detectors. They encode sound source location with high temporal precision, distinguishing submillisecond timing differences among inputs. We investigate computationally how dynamic coupling between the input region (soma and dendrite) and the spike-generating output region (axon and axon initial segment) can enhance coincidence detection in MSO neurons. To do this, we formulate a two-compartment neuron model and characterize extensively coincidence detection sensitivity throughout a parameter space of coupling configurations. We focus on the interaction between coupling configuration and two currents that provide dynamic, voltage-gated, negative feedback in subthreshold voltage range: sodium current with rapid inactivation and low-threshold potassium current, IKLT. These currents reduce synaptic summation and can prevent spike generation unless inputs arrive with near simultaneity. We show that strong soma-to-axon coupling promotes the negative feedback effects of sodium inactivation and is, therefore, advantageous for coincidence detection. Furthermore, the feedforward combination of strong soma-to-axon coupling and weak axon-to-soma coupling enables spikes to be generated efficiently (few sodium channels needed) and with rapid recovery that enhances high-frequency coincidence detection. These observations detail the functional benefit of the strongly feedforward configuration that has been observed in physiological studies of MSO neurons. We find that IKLT further enhances coincidence detection sensitivity, but with effects that depend on coupling configuration. For instance, in models with weak soma-to-axon and weak axon-to-soma coupling, IKLT in the axon enhances coincidence detection more effectively than IKLT in the soma. By using a minimal model of soma-to-axon coupling, we connect structure, dynamics, and computation. Although we consider the particular case of MSO coincidence detectors, our method for creating and exploring a parameter space of two-compartment models can be applied to other neurons

    Developmental alterations and electrophysiological properties

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    The medial superior olive (MSO) is an auditory brainstem nucleus within the superior olivary complex. Its functional role for sound source localization has been thoroughly investigated (for review see Grothe et al., 2010). However, few quantita tive data about the morphology of these neuronal coincidence detectors are available and computational models incorporating detailed reconstructions do not exist. This leaves open questions about metric characteristics of the morphology of MSO neurons as well as about electrophysiological properties that can be discovered using detailed multicompartmental models: what are the passive parameters of the membrane? What is the axial resistivity? How do dendrites integrate synaptic events? Is the medial dendrite symmetric to the lateral dendrite with respect to integration of synaptic events? This thesis has two main aspects: on the one hand, I examined the shape of a MSO neuron by developing and applying various morphological quantifications. On the other hand, I looked at the impact of morphology on basic electrophysiological properties and on characteristics of coincidence detection. As animal model I used Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) during the late phase of development between postnatal day 9 (P9) and 37 (P37). This period of time is of special interest, as it spans from just before hearing onset at P12 – P13 (Finck et al., 1972; Ryan et al., 1982; Smith and Kraus, 1987) to adulthood. I used single cell electroporation, microscopic reconstruction, and compartmentalization to extract anatomical parameters of MSO neurons, to quantitatively describe their morphology and development, and to establish multi-compartmental models. I found that maturation of the morphology is completed around P27, when the MSO neurons are morphologically compact and cylinder-like. Dendritic arbors become less complex between P9 and P21 as the number of branch points, the total cell length, and the amount of cell membrane decrease. Dendritic radius increases until P27 and is likely to be the main source of the increase in cell volume. In addition, I showed that in more than 85% of all MSO neurons, the axonal origin is located at the soma. I estimated the axial resistivity (80 Ω·cm) and the development of the resting conductance (total conductance during the state of resting potential) which reaches 3 mS/cm2 in adult gerbils. Applying these parameters, multi-compartmental models showed that medial versus lateral dendritic trees do not equally integrate comparable synaptic inputs. On average, latencies to peak and rise times of lateral stimulation are longer (12 μs and 5 μs, respectively) compared to medial stimulation. This is reflected in the fact that volume, surface area, and total cell length of the lateral dendritic trees are significantly more larger in comparison to the medial ones. Simplified models of MSO neurons showed that dendrites improve coincidence detection (Agmon-Snir et al., 1998; Grau-Serrat et al., 2003; Dasika et al., 2007). Here, I confirmed these findings also for multi-compartmental models with biological realistic morphologies. However, the improvement of coincidence detection by dendrites decreases during early postnatal development

    Effects of Parameters of Spectrally Remote Frequencies on Binaural Processing

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    How spiking neurons give rise to a temporal-feature map

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    A temporal-feature map is a topographic neuronal representation of temporal attributes of phenomena or objects that occur in the outside world. We explain the evolution of such maps by means of a spike-based Hebbian learning rule in conjunction with a presynaptically unspecific contribution in that, if a synapse changes, then all other synapses connected to the same axon change by a small fraction as well. The learning equation is solved for the case of an array of Poisson neurons. We discuss the evolution of a temporal-feature map and the synchronization of the single cells’ synaptic structures, in dependence upon the strength of presynaptic unspecific learning. We also give an upper bound for the magnitude of the presynaptic interaction by estimating its impact on the noise level of synaptic growth. Finally, we compare the results with those obtained from a learning equation for nonlinear neurons and show that synaptic structure formation may profit from the nonlinearity

    Binaural Interaction in the Nucleus Laminaris of the Barn Owl : A Quantitative Model

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    A quantitative, neuronal model is proposed for the computation of interaural time difference (ITD) in the auditory system of the barn owl. The model uses a general, probabilistic approach, and is composed of two stages, the characteristics of which are based on anatomical and physiological evidence. Excitatory inputs from both ears, phase-locked to the waveform of tonal stimuli, together with phase-independent inhibitory inputs are summated linearly. The result is transformed into a probability of spike generation by a sigmoid nonlinearity, constituting a stochastic, ’soft’ threshold with saturation. The model incorporates inhibition as a control parameter on the nonlinearity, and includes the usual crosscorrelation-type models as a special case. It has a minimum number of parameters, the values of which can be estimated from physiological data in a straightforward manner. This simple, general model accounts for the binaural response properties of physiologically recorded neurons. In particular, it explains the experimentally observed ITD-tuning and the increase of phase-locking from input to output neurons. The model predicts that a decrease in inhibition causes a non-monotonic change in sensitivity to ITD

    The role of short term synamptic plasticity in temporal coding of neuronal networks

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    Short term synaptic plasticity is a phenomenon which is commonly found in the central nervous system. It could contribute to functions of signal processing namely, temporal integration and coincidence detection by modulating the input synaptic strength. This dissertation has two parts. First we study the effects of short term synaptic plasticity in enhancing coincidence detecting ability of neurons in the avian auditory brainstem. Coincidence detection means a target neuron has a higher firing rate when it receives simultaneous inputs from different neurons as opposed to inputs with large phase delays. This property is used by birds in sound localization. When there is no plasticity from the inputs, the firing rate of the neuron, depends more on input frequencies and less on phase delays between inputs. This leads to ambiguity in localizing the sound source. We derive a mathematical model of a reduced avian brainstem network and show that inputs with synaptic plasticity, to the coincidence detector neuron, play a vital role in enhancing coincidence detecting ability of the bird. We present comparisons to experiments. In the second part of the thesis, we prove the existence and stability of a ncluster solution in a m-cell network, in the presence of synaptic depression. The model used to represent a single neuron is based on the Hodgkin-Huxley model for the spiking neurons and we use techniques from geometric singular perturbation theory to show that any n-cluster solution must satisfy a set of consistency conditions that can be geometrically derived. The results of both problems are validated using numerical simulations
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