886 research outputs found

    An FPGA architecture design of a high performance adaptive notch filter

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    The occurrence of narrowband interference near frequencies carrying information is a common problem in modern control and signal processing applications. A very narrow notch filter is required in order to remove the unwanted signal while not compromising the integrity of the carrier signal. In many practical situations, the interference may wander within a frequency band, in which case a wider notch filter would be needed to guarantee its removal, which may also allow for the degradation of information being carried in nearby frequencies. If the interference frequency could be autonomously tracked, a narrow bandwidth notch filter could be successfully implemented for the particular frequency. Adaptive signal processing is a powerful technique that can be used in the tracking and elimination of such a signal. An application where an adaptive notch filter becomes necessary is in biomedical instrumentation, such as the electrocardiogram recorder. The recordings can become useless when in the presence of electromagnetic fields generated by power lines. Research was conducted to fully characterize the interference. Research on notch filter structures and adaptive filter algorithms has been carried out. The lattice form filter structure was chosen for its inherent stability and performance benefits. A new adaptive filter algorithm was developed targeting a hardware implementation. The algorithm used techniques from several other algorithms that were found to be beneficial. This work developed the hardware implementation of a lattice form adaptive notch filter to be used for the removal of power line interference from electrocardiogram signals. The various design tradeo s encountered were documented. The final design was targeted toward multiple field programmable gate arrays using multiple optimization efforts. Those results were then compared. The adaptive notch filter was able to successfully track and remove the interfering signal. The lattice form structure utilized by the proposed filter was verified to exhibit an inherently stable realization. The filter was subjected to various environments that modeled the different power line disturbances that could be present. The final filter design resulted in a 3 dB bandwidth of 15.8908 Hz, and a null depth of 54 dB. For the baseline test case, the algorithm achieved convergence after 270 iterations. The final hardware implementation was successfully verified against the MATLAB simulation results. A speedup of 3.8 was seen between the Xilinx Virtex-5 and Spartan-II device technologies. The final design used a small fraction of the available resources for each of the two devices that were characterized. This would allow the component to be more readily available to be added to existing projects, or further optimized by utilizing additional logic

    Recent Advances in Variable Digital Filters

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    Variable digital filters are widely used in a number of applications of signal processing because of their capability of self-tuning frequency characteristics such as the cutoff frequency and the bandwidth. This chapter introduces recent advances on variable digital filters, focusing on the problems of design and realization, and application to adaptive filtering. In the topic on design and realization, we address two major approaches: one is the frequency transformation and the other is the multi-dimensional polynomial approximation of filter coefficients. In the topic on adaptive filtering, we introduce the details of adaptive band-pass/band-stop filtering that include the well-known adaptive notch filtering

    Rotorcraft flight-propulsion control integration: An eclectic design concept

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    The NASA Ames and Lewis Research Centers, in conjunction with the Army Research and Technology Laboratories, have initiated and partially completed a joint research program focused on improving the performance, maneuverability, and operating characteristics of rotorcraft by integrating the flight and propulsion controls. The background of the program, its supporting programs, its goals and objectives, and an approach to accomplish them are discussed. Results of the modern control governor design of the General Electric T700 engine and the Rotorcraft Integrated Flight-Propulsion Control Study, which were key elements of the program, are also presented

    Computer simulation of a pilot in V/STOL aircraft control loops

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    The objective was to develop a computerized adaptive pilot model for the computer model of the research aircraft, the Harrier II AV-8B V/STOL with special emphasis on propulsion control. In fact, two versions of the adaptive pilot are given. The first, simply called the Adaptive Control Model (ACM) of a pilot includes a parameter estimation algorithm for the parameters of the aircraft and an adaption scheme based on the root locus of the poles of the pilot controlled aircraft. The second, called the Optimal Control Model of the pilot (OCM), includes an adaption algorithm and an optimal control algorithm. These computer simulations were developed as a part of the ongoing research program in pilot model simulation supported by NASA Lewis from April 1, 1985 to August 30, 1986 under NASA Grant NAG 3-606 and from September 1, 1986 through November 30, 1988 under NASA Grant NAG 3-729. Once installed, these pilot models permitted the computer simulation of the pilot model to close all of the control loops normally closed by a pilot actually manipulating the control variables. The current version of this has permitted a baseline comparison of various qualitative and quantitative performance indices for propulsion control, the control loops and the work load on the pilot. Actual data for an aircraft flown by a human pilot furnished by NASA was compared to the outputs furnished by the computerized pilot and found to be favorable

    Simulation at Dryden Flight Research Facility from 1957 to 1982

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    The Dryden Flight Research Facility has been a leader in developing simulation as an integral part of flight test research. The history of that effort is reviewed, starting in 1957 and continuing to the present time. The contributions of the major program activities conducted at Dryden during this 25-year period to the development of a simulation philosophy and capability is explained

    An analytical investigation of acquisition techniques and system integration studies for a radar aircraft guidance research facility, phase 2

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    A review of user requirements and updated instrumentation plans are presented for the aircraft tracking and guidance facility at NASA Wallops Station. User demand has increased as a result of new flight research programs; however, basic requirements remain the same as originally reported. Instrumentation plans remain essentially the same but with plans for up- and down-link telemetry more firm. With slippages in the laser acquisition schedule, added importance is placed on the FPS-16 radar as the primary tracking device until the laser is available. Limited simulation studies of a particular Kalman-type filter are also presented. These studies simulated the use of the filter in a helicopter guidance loop in a real-time mode. Disadvantages and limitations of this mode of operation are pointed out. Laser eyesafety calculations show that laser tracking of aircraft is readily feasible from the eyesafety viewpoint

    Rotorcraft flight-propulsion control integration

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    The NASA Ames and Lewis Research Centers, in conjunction with the Army Research and Technology Laboratories have initiated and completed, in part, a joint research program focused on improving the performance, maneuverability, and operating characteristics of rotorcraft by integrating the flight and propulsion controls. The background of the program, its supporting programs, its goals and objectives, and an approach to accomplish them are discussed. Results of the modern control governor design of the T700 and the Rotorcraft Integrated Flight-Propulsion Control Study, which were key elements of the program, are also presented

    Cognitive load estimation in VR flight simulator

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    This paper discusses the design and development of a low-cost virtual reality (VR) based flight simulator with cognitive load estimation feature using ocular and EEG signals.  Focus is on exploring methods to evaluate pilot’s interactions with aircraft by means of quantifying pilot’s perceived cognitive load under different task scenarios. Realistic target tracking and context of the battlefield is designed in VR. Head mounted eye gaze tracker and EEG headset are used for acquiring pupil diameter, gaze fixation, gaze direction and EEG theta, alpha, and beta band power data in real time. We developed an AI agent model in VR and created scenarios of interactions with the piloted aircraft. To estimate the pilot’s cognitive load, we used low-frequency pupil diameter variations, fixation rate, gaze distribution pattern, EEG signal-based task load index and EEG task engagement index. We compared the physiological measures of workload with the standard user’s inceptor control-based workload metrics. Results of the piloted simulation study indicate that the metrics discussed in the paper have strong association with pilot’s perceived task difficulty
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