20 research outputs found

    Simulation of charge-trapping in nano-scale MOSFETs in the presence of random-dopants-induced variability

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    The growing variability of electrical characteristics is a major issue associated with continuous downscaling of contemporary bulk MOSFETs. In addition, the operating conditions brought about by these same scaling trends have pushed MOSFET degradation mechanisms such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) to the forefront as a critical reliability threat. This thesis investigates the impact of this ageing phenomena, in conjunction with device variability, on key MOSFET electrical parameters. A three-dimensional drift-diffusion approximation is adopted as the simulation approach in this work, with random dopant fluctuations—the dominant source of statistical variability—included in the simulations. The testbed device is a realistic 35 nm physical gate length n-channel conventional bulk MOSFET. 1000 microscopically different implementations of the transistor are simulated and subjected to charge-trapping at the oxide interface. The statistical simulations reveal relatively rare but very large threshold voltage shifts, with magnitudes over 3 times than that predicted by the conventional theoretical approach. The physical origin of this effect is investigated in terms of the electrostatic influences of the random dopants and trapped charges on the channel electron concentration. Simulations with progressively increased trapped charge densities—emulating the characteristic condition of BTI degradation—result in further variability of the threshold voltage distribution. Weak correlations of the order of 10-2 are found between the pre-degradation threshold voltage and post-degradation threshold voltage shift distributions. The importance of accounting for random dopant fluctuations in the simulations is emphasised in order to obtain qualitative agreement between simulation results and published experimental measurements. Finally, the information gained from these device-level physical simulations is integrated into statistical compact models, making the information available to circuit designers

    Investigation of the RTN Distribution of nanoscale MOS devices from subthreshold to on-state

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    This letter presents a numerical investigation of the statistical distribution of the random telegraph noise (RTN) amplitude in nanoscale MOS devices, focusing on the change of its main features when moving from the subthreshold to the on-state conduction regime. Results show that while the distribution can be well approximated by an exponential behavior in subthreshold, large deviations from this behavior appear when moving toward the on-state regime, despite a low probability exponential tail at high RTN amplitudes being preserved. The average value of the distribution is shown to keep an inverse proportionality to channel area, while the slope of the high-amplitude exponential tail changes its dependence on device width, length, and doping when moving from subthreshold to on-state

    Characterisation and modelling of Random Telegraph Noise in nanometre devices

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    The power consumption of digital circuits is proportional to the square of operation voltage and the demand for low power circuits reduces the operation voltage towards the threshold of MOSFETs. A weak voltage signal makes circuits vulnerable to noise and the optimization of circuit design requires an accurate noise model. RTN is the dominant noise for modern CMOS technologies. This research focuses on the instability induced by Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) in nano-devices for low power applications, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). RTN is a stochastic noise that can be observed in the drain/gate current of a device when traps capture and emit electrons or holes. The impact of RTN instabilities in devices has been widely investigated. Although progress has been made, the understanding of RTN instabilities remains incomplete and many issues are unresolved. This work focuses on developing a statistical model for characterising, modelling and analysing of the impact of RTN on MOSFET performance, as well as to study the prediction for long-term RTN impact on real circuits. As transistor sizes are downscaled, a single trapped charge has a larger impact and RTN becomes increasingly important. To optimize circuit design, one needs to assess the impact of RTN on circuits, which can only be accomplished if there is an accurate statistical model of RTN. The dynamic Monte Carlo modelling requires the statistical distribution functions of both the amplitude and the capture/emission time (CET) of traps. Early works were focused on the amplitude distribution and the experimental data of CETs has been too limited to establish their statistical distribution reliably. In particular, the time window used has often been small, e.g. 10 sec or less, so that there is little data on slow traps. It is not known whether the CET distribution extracted from such a limited time window can be used to predict the RTN beyond the test time window. The first contribution of this work is three-fold: to provide long-term RTN data and use it to test the CET distributions proposed by early works; to propose a methodology for characterising the CET distribution for a fabrication process efficiently; and, for the first time, to verify the long-term prediction capability of a CET distribution beyond the time window used for its extraction. On the statistical distributions of RTN amplitude, three different distributions were proposed by early works: Lognormal, Exponential, and Gumbel distributions. They give substantially different RTN predictions and agreement has not been reached on which distribution should be used, calling the modelling accuracy into question. The second contribution of this work is to assess the accuracy of these three distributions and to explore other distributions for better accuracy. A novel criterion has been proposed for selecting distributions, which requires a monotonic reduction of modelling errors with increasing number of traps. The three existing distributions do not meet this criterion and thirteen other distributions are explored. It is found that the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution has the lowest error and meets the new criterion. Moreover, to reduce modelling errors, early works used bimodal Lognormal and Exponential distributions, which have more fitting parameters. Their errors, however, are still higher than those of the monomodal GEV distribution. GEV has a long distribution tail and predicts substantially worse RTN impact. The project highlights the uncertainty in predicting the RTN distribution tail by different statistical models. The last contribution of the project is studying the impact of different gate biases on RTN distributions. At two different gate voltage conditions: one close to threshold voltage |Vth| and the other under operating conditions, it is found that the RTN amplitude follows different distributions. At operating voltage condition, Lognormal distribution has the lowest error for RTN amplitude distribution in comparison with other distributions. The amplitude distribution at close to |Vth| has a longer tail compared with the distribution tail at operating voltage. However, RTN capture/emission time distribution is not impacted by gate bias and follows Log-uniform distribution

    Ab initio scattering from random discrete charges and its impact on the intrinsic parameter fluctuations in nano-CMOS devices

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    This thesis is concerned with the Monte Carlo simulation of device parameter variation associated with the discrete nature and random variation of ionized impurity atoms within ultra-small conventional n-MOS devices. In particular, the Monte Carlo method is applied to accurately resolve electron interactions with individual ionized impurity atoms and in so doing capture the variation in impurity scattering associated with randomly configured dopant distributions. To date, variation in transport due to position dependent variation in Coulomb scattering has not received any attention although is expected to increase the inherent device parameter variation.A detailed methodology for the accurate treatment of Coulomb scattering within the Ensemble Monte Carlo framework is presented and verified. Improvement over existing methodologies is presented with a short-range force model that significantly reduces errors in conservation of energy during short-range attractive interactions compared with models proposed in similar work. Details of the simulated reproduction of bulk mobility are thoroughly presented to validate the method, while to date such detail is not to be found anywhere in the literature.A charge assignment method is developed to be applied to traditional 'continuously' doped regions in order to allow a consistent description of doping charge when combined with 'atomistic' doping assigned via the Cloud-In-Cell scheme. The charge assignment method also represents the only consistent description of electron charge assigned via CIC and the continuous doping charge.Trapping of a single electron in a series of scaled n-channel MOSFETs was studied with the ab initio Coulomb scattering method and is consistently seen to increase the Random Telegraph Signal, associated with the trapping and de-trapping of such charges, when compared with Drift-Diffusion simulations. It is seen that the electrostatic influence of the trapped charge is most prominent at low applied gate voltages where it accounts for nearly 70 - 80% of the total current reduction when including transport variation in devices with channel lengths of 30- \nm. At high gate voltages, transport variation is the dominant factor with the electrostatic impact accounting for only 40 - 60% of the total variation in the same devices.Extending this treatment to an ensemble of atomistic devices, it is seen that the inclusion of transport variations significantly increases the distribution in device parameters and that the transport variation is significantly dependent upon the specific dopant distribution. Within an ensemble of 50 'atomistic' devices, it was seen from Drift-Diffusion simulation that the average current showed a 3.0% increase over the continuously doped device, while Monte Carlo simulations resulted in a decrease in average current of 1.5%. The standard deviation of the current distribution from Drift-Diffusion simulations was 2.4% while, significantly, Monte Carlo simulations returned a value of 6.7%. This has implications for the published data obtained from Drift-Diffusion simulations which will underestimate the variation

    An assessment of the statistical distribution of Random Telegraph Noise Time Constants

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    As transistor sizes are downscaled, a single trapped charge has a larger impact on smaller devices and the Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) becomes increasingly important. To optimize circuit design, one needs assessing the impact of RTN on the circuit and this can only be accomplished if there is an accurate statistical model of RTN. The dynamic Monte Carlo modelling requires the statistical distribution functions of both the amplitude and the capture/emission time (CET) of traps. Early works were focused on the amplitude distribution and the experimental data of CETs were typically too limited to establish their statistical distribution reliably. In particular, the time window used has been often small, e.g. 10 sec or less, so that there are few data on slow traps. It is not known whether the CET distribution extracted from such a limited time window can be used to predict the RTN beyond the test time window. The objectives of this work are three fold: to provide the long term RTN data and use them to test the CET distributions proposed by early works; to propose a methodology for characterizing the CET distribution for a fabrication process efficiently; and, for the first time, to verify the long term prediction capability of a CET distribution beyond the time window used for its extraction

    A statistical study of time dependent reliability degradation of nanoscale MOSFET devices

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    Charge trapping at the channel interface is a fundamental issue that adversely affects the reliability of metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) devices. This effect represents a new source of statistical variability as these devices enter the nano-scale era. Recently, charge trapping has been identified as the dominant phenomenon leading to both random telegraph noise (RTN) and bias temperature instabilities (BTI). Thus, understanding the interplay between reliability and statistical variability in scaled transistors is essential to the implementation of a ‘reliability-aware’ complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit design. In order to investigate statistical reliability issues, a methodology based on a simulation flow has been developed in this thesis that allows a comprehensive and multi-scale study of charge-trapping phenomena and their impact on transistor and circuit performance. The proposed methodology is accomplished by using the Gold Standard Simulations (GSS) technology computer-aided design (TCAD)-based design tool chain co-optimization (DTCO) tool chain. The 70 nm bulk IMEC MOSFET and the 22 nm Intel fin-shape field effect transistor (FinFET) have been selected as targeted devices. The simulation flow starts by calibrating the device TCAD simulation decks against experimental measurements. This initial phase allows the identification of the physical structure and the doping distributions in the vertical and lateral directions based on the modulation in the inversion layer’s depth as well as the modulation of short channel effects. The calibration is further refined by taking into account statistical variability to match the statistical distributions of the transistors’ figures of merit obtained by measurements. The TCAD simulation investigation of RTN and BTI phenomena is then carried out in the presence of several sources of statistical variability. The study extends further to circuit simulation level by extracting compact models from the statistical TCAD simulation results. These compact models are collected in libraries, which are then utilised to investigate the impact of the BTI phenomenon, and its interaction with statistical variability, in a six transistor-static random access memory (6T-SRAM) cell. At the circuit level figures of merit, such as the static noise margin (SNM), and their statistical distributions are evaluated. The focus of this thesis is to highlight the importance of accounting for the interaction between statistical variability and statistical reliability in the simulation of advanced CMOS devices and circuits, in order to maintain predictivity and obtain a quantitative agreement with a measured data. The main findings of this thesis can be summarised by the following points: Based on the analysis of the results, the dispersions of VT and ΔVT indicate that a change in device technology must be considered, from the planar MOSFET platform to a new device architecture such as FinFET or SOI. This result is due to the interplay between a single trap charge and statistical variability, which has a significant impact on device operation and intrinsic parameters as transistor dimensions shrink further. The ageing process of transistors can be captured by using the trapped charge density at the interface and observing the VT shift. Moreover, using statistical analysis one can highlight the extreme transistors and their probable effect on the circuit or system operation. The influence of the passgate (PG) transistor in a 6T-SRAM cell gives a different trend of the mean static noise margin

    On the accuracy in modelling the statistical distribution of Random Telegraph Noise Amplitude

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    The power consumption of digital circuits is proportional to the square of operation voltage and the demand for low power circuits reduces the operation voltage towards the threshold of MOSFETs. A weak voltage signal makes circuits vulnerable to noise and the optimization of circuit design requires modelling noise. Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) is the dominant noise for modern CMOS technologies and Monte Carlo modelling has been used to assess its impact on circuits. This requires statistical distributions of RTN amplitude and three different distributions were proposed by early works: Lognormal, Exponential, and Gumbel distributions. They give substantially different RTN predictions and agreement has not been reached on which distribution should be used, calling the modelling accuracy into questions. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy of these three distributions and to explore other distributions for better accuracy. A novel criterion has been proposed for selecting distributions, which requires a monotonic reduction of modelling errors with increasing number of traps. The three existing distributions do not meet this criterion and thirteen other distributions are explored. It is found that the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution has the lowest error and meet the new criterion. Moreover, to reduce modelling errors, early works used bimodal Lognormal and Exponential distributions, which have more fitting parameters. Their errors, however, are still higher than those of the monomodal GEV distribution. GEV has a long distribution tail and predicts substantially worse RTN impact. The work highlights the uncertainty in predicting the RTN distribution tail by different statistical models

    Low-frequency noise in downscaled silicon transistors: Trends, theory and practice

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    By the continuing downscaling of sub-micron transistors in the range of few to one deca-nanometers, we focus on the increasing relative level of the low-frequency noise in these devices. Large amount of published data and models are reviewed and summarized, in order to capture the state-of-the-art, and to observe that the 1/area scaling of low-frequency noise holds even for carbon nanotube devices, but the noise becomes too large in order to have fully deterministic devices with area less than 10nm×10nm. The low-frequency noise models are discussed from the point of view that the noise can be both intrinsic and coupled to the charge transport in the devices, which provided a coherent picture, and more interestingly, showed that the models converge each to other, despite the many issues that one can find for the physical origin of each model. Several derivations are made to explain crossovers in noise spectra, variable random telegraph amplitudes, duality between energy and distance of charge traps, behaviors and trends for figures of merit by device downscaling, practical constraints for micropower amplifiers and dependence of phase noise on the harmonics in the oscillation signal, uncertainty and techniques of averaging by noise characterization. We have also shown how the unavoidable statistical variations by fabrication is embedded in the devices as a spatial “frozen noise”, which also follows 1/area scaling law and limits the production yield, from one side, and from other side, the “frozen noise” contributes generically to temporal 1/f noise by randomly probing the embedded variations during device operation, owing to the purely statistical accumulation of variance that follows from cause-consequence principle, and irrespectively of the actual physical process. The accumulation of variance is known as statistics of “innovation variance”, which explains the nearly log-normal distributions in the values for low-frequency noise parameters gathered from different devices, bias and other conditions, thus, the origin of geometric averaging in low-frequency noise characterizations. At present, the many models generally coincide each with other, and what makes the difference, are the values, which, however, scatter prominently in nanodevices. Perhaps, one should make some changes in the approach to the low-frequency noise in electronic devices, to emphasize the “statistics behind the numbers”, because the general physical assumptions in each model always fail at some point by the device downscaling, but irrespectively of that, the statistics works, since the low-frequency noise scales consistently with the 1/area law

    3D drift diffusion and 3D Monte Carlo simulation of on-current variability due to random dopants

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    In this work Random Discrete Dopant induced on-current variations have been studied using the Glasgow 3D atomistic drift/diffusion simulator and Monte Carlo simulations. A methodology for incorporating quantum corrections into self-consistent atomistic Monte Carlo simulations via the density gradient effective potential is presented. Quantum corrections based on the density gradient formalism are used to simultaneously capture quantum confinement effects. The quantum corrections not only capture charge confinement effects, but accurately represent the electron impurity interaction used in previous \textit{ab initio} atomistic MC simulations, showing agreement with bulk mobility simulation. The effect of quantum corrected transport variation in statistical atomistic MC simulation is then investigated using a series of realistic scaled devices nMOSFETs transistors with channel lengths 35 nm, 25 nm, 18nm, 13 nm and 9 nm. Such simulations result in an increased drain current variability when compared with drift diffusion simulation. The comprehensive statistical analysis of drain current variations is presented separately for each scaled transistor. The investigation has shown increased current variation compared with quantum corrected drift diffusion simulation and with previous classical MC results. Furthermore, it has been studied consistently the impact of transport variability due to scattering from random discrete dopants on the on-current variability in realistic nano CMOS transistors. For the first time, a hierarchic simulation strategy to accurately transfer the increased on-current variability obtained from the ‘ab initio’ MC simulations to DD simulations is subsequently presented. The MC corrected DD simulations are used to produce target ID−VGI_D-V_G characteristics from which statistical compact models are extracted for use in preliminary design kits at the early stage of new technology development. The impact of transport variability on the accuracy of delay simulation are investigated in detail. Accurate compact models extraction methodology transferring results from accurate physical variability simulation into statistical compact models suitable for statistical circuit simulation is presented. In order to examine te size of this effect on circuits Monte Carlo SPICE simulations of inverter were carried out for 100 samples

    Simulation of intrinsic parameter fluctuations in nano-CMOS devices

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    As devices are scaled to gate lengths of sub 100 nm the effects of intrinsic parameter fluctuations will become increasingly important.This work presents a systematic simulation study of intrinsic parameter fluctuations, consisting of random dopant fluctations, line edge roughness and oxide thickness fluctuations, in a real 35 nm MOSFET developed by Toshiba. The simulations are calibrated against experimental data for the real device and it is found that discrete random dopants have the greatest impact on both the threshold voltage and leakage current fluctuations with a σVT of 33.2mV and a percentage increase in the average leakage current of 50%. Line edge roughness has the second greatest impact with a σVT of 19mV and percentage increase in the average leakage current of 45.5%. The smallest impact is caused by oxide thickness variations resulting in a σVT of 1.8mV and a 13% increase in the average leakage current. The combined effects of pairs of fluctuations is also studied, showing that these sources of intrinsic parameter fluctuations are statistically independent and a calculated σVT of 39mV is given for all of the sources combined. This value is on par with that reported in literature for the 90 nm technology node