24 research outputs found

    How Affordances of Immersive Visualization Systems Affect Learning Outcomes through Aesthetic Experience

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    Virtual reality has received attention as an environment for learning, yet little is known about the effectiveness of bringing the immersive visualization systems into the university classrooms. Building upon prior literature on immersive technology and the theory of affordance, we develop a model investigating how the features afforded by an immersive visualization system escalate users’ engagement, which in turn increases their learning outcomes. We will test the model with undergraduate students who have experienced with an immersive visualization system in the classroom setting. We believe that our work will enrich the existing literature on virtual reality in education and provide insight into the design of immersive representations and the structure of immersive learning paradigm

    Pedagogical Framework of Students - Instructors Interactions in Virtual World

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    Blended learning is a platform used to learn in both online and traditional way of learning. It has been popular in tertiary education. It enhances the students learning outcome and provides flexibility for instructors and learners in term of time and distance. Although it has many advantages, blended learning lacks of understanding the students - instructor’s interactions and how these interactions would affect the students’ learning performance. This research aims to discuss the existing pedagogical aspects that would be suitable to form the basis of assessing the students–instructors interaction in Second Life. This research provides a beneficial insights and opportunity to many educators to improve education as well as enhancing the collaborations among student

    Metaverses and Business Transformation

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    Author's accepted manuscriptMetaverses refer to virtual worlds which enable the interaction between users and simulate people, places and things of the physical world. The wider use of metaverses can disrupt how we interact and bring a plethora of implications for businesses and society. While the term metaverse received increased attention recently due to the interest of tech giants, researchers have been exploring virtual world interactions for over a decade. In light of new exciting metaverse implementations, it is necessary to consolidate information via existing research on how the use of metaverses can transform businesses. As a first step, this paper outlines the methodology to be followed by future researchers aiming to shed light on metaverse and business transformation. It proposes a framework to assist authors in organizing existing literature on metaverses and guide them in identifying future research avenues.acceptedVersio

    Virtual Worlds in Education - A systematic Literature Review

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    Virtual worlds (VWs) are no novum in higher education but regain interest through COVID-19 restrictions, emerging technologies, and the metaverse hype. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature review to gain the current status quo of research in higher and further education to identify the educational activities, research areas, learning environments, technologies towards the metaverse, subjects taught, and the current state of design knowledge. The initially found 587 records were systematically filtered to 89 fully coded articles. Based on our results, we define research gaps and derive research streams. Our results reveal a lack of research on social integration, course design, non-technical target groups, theoretical grounding and general design knowledge within the given context. The metaverse trend has reached educational research in the way that from 2016 onwards, new technologies are investigated selectively for educational purposes

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    Chasing Metaverses: Reflecting on Existing Literature to Understand the Business Value of Metaverses

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    Metaverses refer to immersive virtual worlds in which people, places, and things of the physical world are represented by their digital representations. The wide adoption of metaverses is expected to widely disrupt the way we interact in the virtual world by elevating our online interactive experiences and bringing a plethora of implications for businesses. Following a structured literature review of related research published in the last decade, we shed light on our current understanding of metaverses and reflect on the potentially transformative value of metaverses for businesses in the near future. We draw on an established research framework to organize the insights of existing literature across different levels of analysis and activities’ purpose. Through this analysis, we reveal eight propositions on the changes brought by the use of metaverses and identify a number of open questions which could serve as future research avenues.publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    An Analysis of the Pedagogical Affordance of a Learning Environment in a Catholic School

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    A capstone submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the College of Education at Morehead State University by Carol E. Templeton on March 24, 2019


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa melalui pembelajaran CPS. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan kuasi eksperimen. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 63 siswa SMA Gumay Talang. Kelas eksperimen memperoleh pembelajaran CPS, kelas kontrol memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes representasi matematis siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan perbedaan rerata dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Dari analisis data diperoleh bahwa peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran CPS lebih tinggi secara signifikan daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional

    Assessment of the teaching performance of students in initial training after participating in simulations of teaching practices in a virtual world

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    El Mundo Virtual (MV) ha ganado prominencia teórica en el ámbito educativo dada sus múltiples ventajas; sin embargo, en la práctica, su integración a procesos de Formación Inicial Docente (FID) sigue siendo poco estudiada. Esta investigación de diseño pre-experimental tiene por objetivo analizar el efecto de simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas en un MV sobre la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos de estudiantes en FID. Participaron 140 estudiantes chilenos de programas de pedagogía en una intervención educativa que constó de seis sesiones de 90 minutos durante un período de dos meses durante la pandemia. Se administró un instrumento de autorreporte, como pre y post test, para la valoración de desempeños pedagógicos. Los hallazgos reportan un efecto positivo de las simulaciones de prácticas pedagógicas sobre el desempeño docente, como también, una mayor valoración por parte de estudiantes de cursos superiores en comparación a estudiantes de cursos inferiores. Se concluye que el MV refuerza competencias pedagógicas, disciplinares y tecnológicas de los futuros profesores, y proporciona un espacio de simulación de prácticas efectivas en un contexto seguro ante las condiciones actuales por COVID-19.The Virtual World (VW) has gained theoretical prominence in the educational field due to its multiple advantages; however, in practice, its integration into Initial Teacher Training (ITT) processes is still scarcely studied. This pre-experimental design research aims to analyze the effect of simulations of pedagogical practices in a VW on the assessment of pedagogical performance of students in ITT. 140 Chilean students from pedagogy programs participated in an educational intervention consisting of six 90-minute sessions over a period of two months during the pandemic. A self-report instrument was administered as a pre- and post-test for the assessment of pedagogical performance. Findings show a positive effect of the simulations of pedagogical practices on teaching performance, as well as a higher rate by students at higher grades compared to students at lower grades. It is concluded that the VW allows reinforcing pedagogical, disciplinary and technological competencies of future teachers, and provide a space for simulation of effective practices in a safe context under the current conditions by COVID-19

    Immersive learning environments for teaching the cyber generations

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    A pesar de que la tecnología es una herramienta fundamental en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tanto adelantos tecnológicos como sus aplicaciones demandan mayor difusión y socialización, particularmente entre los docentes de los países en desarrollo. El presente artículo sistematiza un estado del arte sobre entornos de aprendizaje virtual y presenta información sobre algunas de las tecnologías más usadas. Se asume como hipótesis central que existe una brecha significativa en los usos de los avances tecnológicos en la educación en los países en desarrollo. Para ello, se recurre al trabajo heurístico y hermenéutico, explorando en las investigaciones en países del primer mundo, las posibilidades de la virtualidad para la formación primaria y secundaria en Colombia y México. Un mapa conceptual se presenta como herramienta de compilación y asociación. Se identifica que simSchool tiene mayor potencial para usarse como una plataforma para la educación especialmente a distancia y para distintos grupos y que los países de la región deben hacer esfuerzos para enmarcar sus sistemas educativos en la dinámica inmersiva.Despite the fact that technology is a core tool for teaching and learning, technological advances and its applications even demand greater dissemination and socialization, especially within the teachers’ community in developing countries. This article systematizes a virtual learning state-of-the-art and describes the more important technological advances underlying virtual environments. Our assumption was that developing countries have a signifying gap in using technological advances for educational purposes. Using heuristic and hermeneutic strategies, we explore research in developed countries trying to identify real possibilities of virtual environment for K-12 education (primary and secondary school) for both countries: Colombia and Mexico. In addition, we designed a map to compile concepts and associate them. Results suggest that simSchool has a great potential for being used as an educational platform, particularly for remote courses and different groups. Latin American countries must make greater efforts in order to frame their education systems into the immersive dynamic